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Any water "freed up" from El Centro farmers, who no right to sell their
usufructuary-only water right and who in the relatively short time they
have owned land on the river have wasted scads of water for decades
for non-beneficial uses such as growing 8 crops of alfalfa per year.
When these hog-like farmers agreed to change the use of the water
from agriculture, they violated the first rule of western water rights
which is that a change of use leads to a jeopardy of water rights. The
'freed up” waters must now be permitted to flow to Mexico and none
of it can legally be removed from the river to be diverted to San Diego
or to any other place for any amount of money. This is because the
1944 USA/Mexico Colorado River treaty gives Mexico the first right to
any water so “freed up” and because Mexico also has an inchoate
right under USA law as an historical prior appropriator of the entire
flow of the Colorado, just as the USA Indians have the same right
under the US Supreme Court Winter's Doctrine. Because of Mexico's
historic use from time immemorial of the full, undammed and
undiverted flow of all the water that flows in the Colorado River,
Mexico has the right of a USA water law prior appropriator's to
continue to receive the entire flow. Mexico's beneficial use of the full
flow of the river had been, of course, that of maintaining and
sustaining the formerly Eden-like conditions of the Colorado River
Delta. Because of this historic beneficial use of the water, Mexico has
a continued right to keep receiving the full flow of the river and it has
the concomitant right to the full restoration of the river delta which
has now been ruined by USA greed and lawlessness.



The Mexican government had been ready to move to take action on its
water rights rights prior to the election of the current Mexican
government. In the treaty, the USA agreed to let 1.5 Million Acre Feet
flow past the USA to Mexico each year, and the USA further promised
that if the USA failed or refused to let at least that amount of river
water flow on to the delta, that the USA would reduce its own river
diversions by the same amount. The procedure would have been for
Mexico to first demand its rights under the 1944 treaty, and then
when the USA ignored them as usual the Mexican legislature would
follow with their own rejection of the treaty in favor of asserting their
right as original appropriators to the full flow of the river. Mexico
would have also considered the issue of whether or not the USA yearly
treaty violations and the resulting ruination of the river delta was an
act of war, and if so, every USA resident of Mexican descent would be
expected to take sides with Mexico, and, among other things, to
endeavor by military force to bypass and destroy all of the USA's
illegal and warlike dams and diversions now crippling the river.

The USA, though, under the evil influence of its evil puppet master
Isfake (aka “Israel”the synogogue of Satan, the known evil controller
of the USA) has been able to trick and distract the Mexicans from
worrying about their water rights by employing the following wicked,
and intentionally evil strategy:


The USA and its evil exemplar, controller and partner the evil
synagogue of satan Isfake ('Israel') plotted first to enable and to
encourage Mexican citizens to become dependent over the years on
drug prohibition profits. The God-given cannabis plant, which had
been appreciated and enjoyed in Mexico for centuries suddenly
became strictly prohibited in the USA. Cannabis possession and
cultivation in the USA was made an automatic state prison offense in
the '60's but at the same time by the same evil design, cannabis was
not prohibited at all in Mexico. In another example of a related devil
strategy, methamphetamine ingredients were permitted to be sold
freely in Mexico but at the same time methamphetamine ingredients
such as ephedra for the common cold and red phosphorous for
making matches was severely prohibited in the USA. These evil
manipulations had the intended result that Mexican government
officials and Mexican citizens alike became dependent upon the vast
profits which were sure to arise under the artificial prohibition laws.
The schemes to prohibit and criminalize such products in the USA but
not in Mexico resulted in government employees and drug producers
and ordinary Mexicans all working together like one big happy family
to prosper from the artificial markets so created. As soon as the hook
was set, the USA/Isfake scheming devils pulled the rug out from
Mexico by suddenly forcing Mexico to join the USA in its fake "war on
Mexico obediently changed its former drug policy of tolerance and
liberty and the widespread sharing of drug profits with all citizens and
the government started putting their former partners the ordinary
citizens of Mexico under the oppression of martial law just as has been
the case in USA since the '60's. To the ordinary Mexican citizen, the
"war on drugs" change of policy was a brazen act of treachery by their
former partners in the government. The Mexican ordinary citizens,
having enjoyed lives much more free from governmental treachery
and interference than the USA's sheep-like citizens, declared war right
back on the government with the result that the government itself has
become non-functional, unable to provide peace and security to its
citizens let alone to be able to enforce its legitimate water rights.

The USA/Isfake grand strategy of causing chaos and infighting in

Mexico has rendered Mexico helpless to prevent further oppression
and all manner of rip offs and thefts of the people and resources of
Mexico, and not just of their water rights.
believers can be consoled by bible history. For one example, at the
same time as the disobedient Children of Israel conspired to kill Jesus,
who is loved and appreciated by the common man in Mexico, Allah
was at the same time preparing plans to bring down Vernichten on the
Children of Israel so as to place them among the losers as they had
been warned would happen in case of lack of Godly submission. Allah
is the best of the secret planners. Allah is the All- Seer and the All-
Hearer. Allah knows exactly what each of these unbelievers does and
thinks and he has assigned individual angels as record keepers for
each one of us. These greedy ones are sure to be the ultimate losers
as they work their injustices. God has a special result – ruination – as
the outcome for those who greedily work ruination on the earth, just
as he has a beautiful plan for believers who do good deeds for one
another and who decline to do actions he has prohibited and who
maintain strong faith that he will fulfill his promises to the believers.
We know that submission to Allah will provide us with the opportunity
to be present for the full restoration of the Colorado River Delta and
for the development of the entire earth into Eden-like conditions
where there will be no more tears, sickness or death for the faithful
and obedient believers.

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