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“Breakthrough happen when limiting thoughts and behaviors are challenged”

Fabienne Fredrickson

Mindset- perception of things now, how we think, frame of mind or paradigm

Attitude/behavior- how we act based on way we think, manifestation of our mindset
What you put your mind into, your body will follow- law of attraction
Right mindset- growth, learning, motivation and understanding which will drive you to goal

Type of mindset
1. Ownership mindset – being accountable for your own success and failure, things happen
because of you, open door to have win-win mindset

attitude/behavior : no acknowledge reality, embrace it, find solutions, make it happen, can
do attitude
2. Win-win mindset – always seeking for solutions which are beneficial for both parties
win for client, win for advisers

attitude/behavior : open to feedback, ask for people’s opinion, creative, courage to share
your thoughts while also being considerate of others

3. Growth mindset- thinks that there is more of everything in life for everyone, I can do more,
challenges help me grow.

Attitude/ behavior: seeks continuing education/development, creative and adventurous,

face challenges head on

Self-awareness is key!

By knowing what you lack, you can choose to act.

Mindset changes are timeless.

Mindset changes are created when you force yourself to create repetitive action until it becomes your

Circle of concern – things you have very little control

economic, weather, inflation, policies and guidelines, environment

Circle of control – things you can manage

mindset, thoughts, goals, actions, what you know, who you spend time with, your

Goal setting
purpose behind purpose
Dr. Andrew Goh

Tom Hopkins – painful experience to light the way

courage to set goals

the very act of setting goals provides a very strong advantage for the goal to be achieved.
painful to awaken – missed a chance

Spend more time plan holidays, than rest of their lives

consistent goal setting tides change
fresh start to new exciting life

if you don’t know what you want, does it matter what you get?
what is your preferred future

life fish to swim against current, going upstream

purposeful and aligned

laserbeam focus, bring everything into harmony
if you don’t like what you’re getting, what are you going to do about it anyway?

SPECIFIC what want to achieve

MEASURABLE indicator that goal has already been achieved
AMBITIOUS how challenging is goal for you
REALISTIC how attainable?
TIME-BOUND when do you want this goal to be achieved
EXCITING how do you feel about the goal
REWARDING what are the compelling reasons why you want to pursue this goal?


Knowing your numbers is a fundamental precept of business – bill gates

working smart – allocating time effectively to focus on activities that help to achieve the desired results

Discipline – minimum of 225 hrs per month, means of managing time and evaluating results

How to succeed?

Do the right activities

Do them right
Do enough

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