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Civil Engineering Cost Estimating

Civil Engineering Cost Estimating

Lecture 3
Detail Cost Estimating - Prices

Asoka Perera
Professor of Civil Engineering
1 © Asoka Perera
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3 Detail Cost Estimating - Prices

➢3.1 Introduction
❖Estimating and tendering process within contractor's
organization takes place between two well-defined
points, the decision to tender and the submission of the
❖Between these two points there is a complex process
that involves and depends on several different
categories of person within the contractor’s
organization as well as essential external contribution
by the consultants staff, material suppliers, plant hire
companies and specialist sub contractors.

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➢3.1 Introduction
❖The process includes collecting and calculating
cost information, designing and planning
around construction method, selecting
resources and production for output rate,
❖Combining cost and resource usage to
determine cost estimate, calculating site
overheads, making tender decision and
preparing tender documents for submission.

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➢3.1 Introduction
❖The involved nature of the process and the
reliance on different persons, outside
organizations for data and information demand
that the process is carefully managed.
❖The unit rate that should be prepared by the
estimator for pricing Bill of quantities can be
seen as having made up of three elements.
• Direct cost
• Site overheads
4 • Mark-up (Risk, Profits and Overheads) © Asoka Perera
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➢3.1 Introduction
❖Direct cost
• Direct cost are
predominantly the labour,
plant, materials and
subcontractor cost involved
in executing the work.
• The direct cost has to
include allowance for
material handling and
wastage, plant non-working
time etc.
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➢3.1 Introduction
❖Site overheads
• These are costs, which
can be directly
attributable to a
contract and costs
associated with
administration such as
to site staff, transport
cost, site office cost
and insurances and
6 © Asoka Perera
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➢3.1 Introduction
• The direct cost and site overheads together represent
the cost to the contractor in undertaking the contract.
It is the responsibility of the contractor’s estimating
staff to establish these costs.
• The direct and site overheads are called the cost
estimate for the construction work. The tender total
presented in the tender is the contractor-selling price.
The selling price is arrived by adding the mark-up to
the cost estimation.
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➢3.1 Introduction
• Unit rate in BOQ = Cost estimate + Mark-up
Material cost
Direct T
Labour cost Cost Estimate E
Plant cost (Contribution N
S/C cost cost) D
Site overheads E

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➢3.1 Introduction
• The mark-up usually contains three elements; an
allowance for company overheads, an allowance for
risks & an allowance for profits.
• The evaluation of the mark-up and the determination
of how the cost and mark-up will be allocated to the
bill items is the part of the process described as

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➢3.2 The Importance of the Estimating
❖A contractor’s tender is based on an estimate of
the cost to the contractor, of constructing the
work. The measure of the successful tender is
one whose value is low enough to win the
contract and high enough to allow the
contractor to finish the job and still show some

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➢3.2 The Importance of the Estimating
❖In any tender 70% or even more of the tender
sum is represented by the reminder-estimated
cost. The reminder being the contractor’s mark-
up to cover risks, profit and company
❖The proportion of the tender sum made up of
estimation cost make it obvious that major
factor in determining the tender’s success is the
cost estimate.
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➢3.3 Estimating the Direct Cost
❖The estimator’s task is to determine the cost to
the contractor of executing the contract defined
in the contract document.
❖This cost estimate will be modified by senior
management, in consultation with the estimator
to determine the tender or selling price. The
estimator establishes the direct cost rates for
each item in the bill of quantities.

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➢3.3 Estimating the Direct Cost
❖The direct cost rate is a rate for the labour, the
plant, materials and sub contractors but
exclusive of site overheads, head office
overheads and profit.
❖Determining direct cost rate involves selecting
the appropriate resources of labour, materials,
plant for the item of work, selecting the output
or usage rates for each resource and combining
this with the cost information collected.
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➢3.3 Estimating the Direct Cost
❖To achieve this, the estimator should perform
the following tasks.
1. Derivation of work norms (output or usage rates)
2. Quantitative analysis of material requirements
3. Collecting cost information on materials.
4. Wage analysis
5. Plant rate analysis
6. Production analysis
7. Calculation of transport cost
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➢3.4 Work norms
❖Work norms are set of standards specifying the
no of works to be allocated for a job of work.
The estimator can always refer to publish
standards to extract this information.
❖BSR – Building Schedule of Rates
❖HSR – Highway Schedule of Rates

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➢3.4 Work norms – Example 1
Excavation from BSR

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➢3.4 Work norms – Example 2 Concrete
from BSR

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➢3.4 Work norms – Example 3 Brickwork
from BSR

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➢3.4 Work norms – How do you
❖To establish work norms, as above it is
necessary to study how exactly work is carried
out. This study is known as work-study.

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis
❖Quantitative Analysis is carried out to
determine the quantitative distribution of the
basic materials (cement sand aggregates etc.) in
a unit of measurement.
❖This is based on theoretical calculation and
useful to check library data such as BSR
❖It is useful to derive prices of new items such as
Rat-trap bone or soil cement block walls
❖Let us look at some examples and compare with
20 BSR too © Asoka Perera
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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
• Required materials: Cement
• Fine aggregates -sand
• Coarse aggregates – metal
• Water

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
• Concrete is proportion either by volume or by weight.
For many years past it has been the normal practice
to proportion the materials on a volume basis. This
practice is still largely followed, but it is now
recognized that proportion by weight and carefully
controlling the water cement ratio produce high
quality concrete which is much more consistence
because better control of fraction quantity is possible.

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
• For this reason mixing by weight has become popular
where large volume of high class concrete are
required such as construction of airport runway,
under water construction in harbor

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
• In specifying concrete ratio of mix by volume the
proportionate refer to dry mixture. Allowance must
therefore be made for bulking in the aggregate due to
moisture. Bulking may be ignored in the case of
coarse aggregates (metal) as their moisture content is
very small. However fine aggregates (sand) bulk
appropriately due to the absorption of water and must
be counted for.

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
• Cement is available in loose form or form of bag.
• Specific gravity = 3.15
• Bulk density - in bag form = 1442 kg/rn3
• in loose form = 1232 kg/rn3
• Solid density = 3.15*1000=3150 kg/rn3
• Weight of a bag of cement =50 kg

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
❖Sand Usually river sand is used
• Specific gravity =2.65
• Bulk density =1600 kg/rn3
• Solid density =2650 kg/rn3

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
❖3. Metal
• Specific gravity =2.8
• Bulk density =1440 kg/rn3
• Solid density =2800 kg/rn3

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
❖4. Water
• Water is required for the chemical reaction of
hydration of cement. Water cement ratio required to
chemical reaction is about 0.23. The amount of water
in excess to this is to make the mix more workable.
The Department of Building’s specified water: cement
ratio is 0.52 (by weight) to be used.

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
❖Example 1
• We calculate the materials requirement for 1m3. The
method of calculation is;
• Step 1: Calculate the yield of concrete per bag of
• Step 2:Calculate the bag of cement, sand and metal
for 1m3 of concrete.

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
❖The Main Assumption
• The solid volumes will not change due to chemical

Concrete 1:2:4


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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete – 1 Bag of cement
Volume of loose state (VL)
Materials Volume of (Vs) m3
Cement 50/1442= 0.03467 50/3150 = 0.0159
Sand 2X0.03467 = 0.0693 0.093X1600/2650 =0.04187
Metal 4X0.03467 = 0.13868 1.3868X1440/2800 = 0.07132
Water 50*0.52 = 0.026 0.0260

TOTAL 0.1551

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete – 1m3 of concrete
Volume of loose state (VL)
Materials Volume of (Vs) m3
Cement 1/0.1551 = 6.45 6.45X50/3150 = 0.159
Sand 6.45X0.0693 = 0.4467 0.4467X1600/2650 =0.2678
Metal 6.45X0.13868=0.894486 0.894486X1440/2800 = 0.460
Water 6.45X0.026=0.1677 0.1677

TOTAL 1.0545

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete
❖Example 1
• We need to adjust for wastage. This will vary on
material and type concrete application. For example
columns wastage will be more than beams –
difference in volume
• For Materials for cement it may be 5%, Sand may be
around 10% and metal could be 8%

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete – 1m3 of concrete
Volume of loose state (VL)
Materials Volume of (VL) m3 with wastage
Cement 1/0.1551 = 6.45 6.45X1.05 = 6.77
Sand 6.45X0.0693 = 0.4467 0.4487X1.1 =0.50
Metal 6.45X0.13868=0.894486 0.894486X1.08 = 1.0
Water 6.45X0.026=0.1677 0.1677


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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 1
❖1m3 of 1: 2:4 (20mm) concrete – 1m3 of concrete
Materials Volume m3 from BSR Volume of (VL) m3 with wastage
Cement 6.36 6.45X1.05 = 6.77
Sand 0.50 0.4487X1.1 =0.50
Metal 1.00 0.894486X1.08 = 1.0
Water 0.42 (with curing) 0.1677
Poker Vibrator 0.94 Hour ?
Mason 0.35 Days ?
Unskilled Labour 2.47 Days

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Rubble Masonry 1:5 cement sand mortar
• In rubble masonry structures it can be
considered that 1m3 of rubble stone
willproducelm3 of rubble masonry. In
concrete construction all three materials
are mixed together where as rubble
masonry similar to brick work.

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Quantitative Analysis for Rubble Masonry 1:5
cement sand mortar
• Random Rubble Masonry
• Mortar: cement, sand, water, 1:5 mix
• Since 1m3 of rubble stone is produced
the 1m3 of rubble masonry it is assumed
that the mortar fills the voids.
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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Quantitative Analysis for Rubble Masonry 1:5
cement sand mortar
❖The Main Assumption
• The solid volumes will not change due to chemical
Mortar 1:5
Sand (0.4m3)

Water (0.6m3)

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Quantitative Analysis for Rubble Masonry 1:5
cement sand mortar - Materials
Vs - (volume of solid)
Vv - (volume of void)
Void Ratio(V.R) = Volume of voids = Vv
Volume of solid Vs
Porosity = Volume of voids = Vv
Total volume V
V.R= Porosity
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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Quantitative Analysis for Rubble Masonry 1:5
cement sand mortar
❖Data: - porosity =0.4
• Specific gravity = 3.15
• Water: cement = 0.6
• Mortar, = 1:5 (cement: sand)

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Quantitative Analysis for Rubble Masonry 1:5
cement sand mortar
❖Data: Porosity = 0.4
• 1m3 of rubblework needs 1m3 of rubble stone ie. 1m3
of rubblework produces 0.4m3 of voids ie amount of
mortar =0.4m3 for 1m3 Now we can calculate for
requirements of 0.4m3 of mortar
• Mortar: cement, sand, water, 1:5 mix
• Since 1m3 of rubble stone is produced the 1m3 of
rubble masonry it is assumed that the mortar fills the
41 voids. © Asoka Perera
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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Rubble Masonry 1:5 cement sand mortar
Volume of loose state (VL)
Materials Volume of (Vs) m3
Cement 50/1442= 0.03467 50/3150 = 0.0159
Sand 5X0.03467 = 0.17335 0.17335X1600/2650 =0.10466
Water 50*0.60 = 0.03 0.030

TOTAL 1bag of cement mortar 0.15056m3

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Rubble Masonry 1:5 cement sand mortar
Volume of loose state (VL)
Materials Volume of (Vs) m3
Cement 0.4/0.15056 = 2.66 2.66X50/3150 = 0.0422
Sand 2.66X0.17335 = 0.4611 0.44611X1600/2650 =0.2784
Water 2.66X0.030=0.0798 0.0798

Rubble 1m3 0.60

TOTAL 1.0004

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Rubble Masonry 1:5 cement sand mortar
❖Example 1
• We need to adjust for wastage. This will vary on
material and type concrete application. For example
columns wastage will be more than beams –
difference in volume
• For Materials for cement it may be 5%, Sand may be
around 10%

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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Rubble Masonry 1:5 cement sand mortar
Volume of loose state (VL)
Materials Volume of (VL) m3 with wastage
Cement 2.66 2.66X1.05 = 2.793
Sand 0.4611 0.4611X1.1 =0.5072
Ruble 1.00 1.00
Water 0.0798 0.0798


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➢3.5 Quantitative Analysis – Example 2
❖Rubble Masonry 1:5 cement sand mortar
Materials Volume m3 from BSR Volume of (VL) m3 with wastage
Cement 1.77 2.793
Sand 0.30 0.507
Rubble 1.30 1.00
Water 0.35 (with curing) 0.0798
Mason 1.41 Days ?
Unskilled Labour 2.12 Days

The difference is mainly due to the main assumption

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
❖Once the quantitative distribution of materials
or resources is known (or from BSR) the
material cost for that item of work can be
calculated using the unit cost of materials or
❖Cost can be calculated for materials, labour and
equipment (or plant)

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
❖Material Cost- Ex: Material cost of 1 m3 of 1:2:4
(20) concrete.
• 1 bag of cement = Rs. 850.00
• 1 m3 of metal (20mm) = Rs. 3,200.00
• 1 m3of sand = Rs. 4,200.00
• 1 m3 of water = Rs 50.00

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
❖Material Cost- Ex: Material cost of 1 m3 of 1:2:4
(20) concrete.
Material BSR Unit Rate Amount
Cement 7.1 850.0
Sand 0.5 3,200.0
Metal 1.0 4.200.0
Water 0.185 50.0
Total Cost
49 11,844.3
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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Any construction activity involves labour. Therefore
cost of labour should be included in the direct cost unit
rate. Requirement of labour for different work item can
be obtain from work norms. Unit cost of labour (cost/day
or cost/hour) should be calculated for each category of
labour by carefully analyzing the remunerations,
working days, sick leaves, holydays, etc. This analysis
is called the wage analysis.

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖The labour can be broadly categorized into two
• 1. Skilled labour; mason carpenter, steel fixer etc.
• 2. Unskilled labour; labours
❖Some time there is another category referred to
as semiskilled labour. (Cleaners, greasers)

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Basic wage: - This is the amount of money a
worker earns without any allowances and can
be calculated as Rs/day
❖Gross wage: - This is the total amount of money
a worker earns including allowances, provident
funds, pensions and other welfare facilities can
be calculated as Rs/day.

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Effective wage: - This is the wage that should
be used for calculation of unit rate. This is the
total amount of money a worker obtains a day of
productive time inclusive of benefits. That is
money, the worker earns distributed over the
effective working day. In fact it is the cost of the
labour considering productive time. It can be
calculated as cost/day or cost per hour.
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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖In computing the effective wage the estimator
should take into account public holydays,
casual and sick days, attendance at the site,
loss, of production due to bad weather and

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Calculation of Effective wage in relation to
gross wage (For year 2001)
• No of days =365
• No of Saturdays and Sundays =104
• No of working days =365-104 =261
• No of public holydays =23
• Casual /Sick leaves etc =42
• No of days loss due to bad weather and strikes =20
55 • Effective working days = 176 © Asoka Perera
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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Calculation of Effective wage in relation to
gross wage (For year 2015)
• Total money earned =gross wage *working days
• =G.W. * 176
• Effective wage G.W. * 176
• Effective working days =G.W. *261/176
• Effective wage = 1.48 G. W.

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Ex: 1m3 of 1:2:4 (20mm) concrete in manual
basis. From work norms labour requirement
• for 2.83m3 of work, per day
• 1 mason days
• 12 labours days
❖From wage analysis unit cost of labour
• Mason Rs 1200 /day
• Labour Rs 1000/day
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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Ex: 1m3 of 1:2:4 (20mm) concrete in manual
basis. From work norms labour requirement
• for 1m3 of work
• 0.33 mason days
• 4 labours days
❖From wage analysis unit cost of labour
• Mason Rs 1200 /day
• Labour Rs 1000/day
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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Labour Cost
❖Effective wage
• Mason – 1200X1.48 = 1776
• Labour – 1000X1.48 = 1480
❖From wage analysis unit cost of labour
• Mason 0.33 Days X 1776 = Rs 586.08
• Labour 4days X 1480 = Rs 5920.00
• Labour Cost = Rs. 6506.08

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢Plant Cost
❖Plants requirement, from BSR
• Concrete mixer – 0.94hour
• Poker Vibrator – 0.94 hour
❖Plant Cost
• Concrete mixer – 800X0.94 = 752
• Poker Vibrator – 300X0.94 = 282
• Total plant cost = 1034

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➢3.6 The Price – BOQ unit rate
➢The unit rate of 1:2:3 concrete
❖Material Cost = 11,844.30
❖Labour cost = 6,506.08
❖Plant cost = 1,034.00
❖Total cost = 12,878.30
❖Mark-up 25% = 3,219.58
❖Total Unit Rate = 16,097.88

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