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DP LANGUAGE & LITERATURE: Individual Oral Preparation     GLOBAL ISSUES in Literary Works & Non-Literary Texts/ Bodies of Work 


Focus your analysis of how ​perspectives ​on a​ global issue a
​ re​ presented & manifest​ in your extracts. 
IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)
DP LANGUAGE & LITERATURE: Individual Oral Preparation     GLOBAL ISSUES in Literary Works & Non-Literary Texts/ Bodies of Work 


From Literary Work  Text-specific contention   ​ rom Non-LiteraryText taken from a Body of Works  
MAIN POINTS OF ANALYSIS  Key questions to develop your argument/points about the portrayal of the global issue in both extracts  MAIN POINTS OF ANALYSIS 
Gulliver’s Travels Book 2  Charlie Brooker: Screen Burn 
Place extract from literary work here (should not exceed 40 lines for approximately 4 minutes  Place extract from non literary text/ body of work here (should not exceed 40 
of talking. 
- Which global issue connects both extracts? I​ dentify point of contact  lines/1-2 images/ 4-5 screenshots of video: approximately 4 mins of talking) 
“As for himself, he protested, that although few things - How does the global issue manifest in both extracts? A ​ nalyse with  “Many people find bald, unvarnished truths so
delighted him so much as new discoveries in art or in disturbing, they prefer to ram their heads in the
-W​ hat other points of contact & difference can you find?​ I​ dentify & Explain 
nature, yet he wouldn’t rather lose half his kingdom, sand and start dreaming at the first sign of
- Why do the text, work and global issue matter? E​ xplain  
than be privy to such a secret; which he commanded scientific reality. The more contrary evidence
- How is the global issue portrayed in different forms/text types? A ​ nalyse  
me, as I valued any life, never to mention any more.” mounts up, the harder they'll ignore it.”
- How do the creators illustrate the impact of the global issue?​ E​ xplain 
- Why have the creators chosen their respective forms/text types to 
“He was amazed, how so impotent and grovelling an “What was it that spooked them so? Probably
convey their ideas? How do they use these for effect?​Justify with evidence 
insect as I” (these were his expressions) “could natural selection's lack of reassuring narrative. It
- How do the creators generate meaning about the global issue using 
entertain such inhuman ideas, and in so lays the ruthless, godless world pretty bloody
their literary forms/genres & non-literary text types? A
​ nalyse 
familiar a manner, as to appear wholly unmoved at all bare.”
- What are the creators’ purposes in highlighting the issue? C ​ omment 
the scenes of blood and
- Who are the creators’ intended audiences (vs.actual audiences)? 
desolation which I had painted as the common effects of Identify 
those destructive machines;” - Do the creators achieve their respective purposes? E​ valuate 
- How do the creators achieve their intended effects?​ D​ escribe  
- How effectively do both creators portray the issue, overall? E​ valuate  
  - What are the direct & subliminal messages of both extracts? E​ xamine 
  - H​ow have authorial choices been used to present the issue? ​Analyse 
  - How do the extracts juxtapose/combine to shed new light on the 
  issue? S​ ynthesise & Analyse  
  - What is the relevance of both extracts for modern day/future readers? 
  - How do the extracts combine to challenge/extend views on the issue?  
  Offer your personal opinion 

Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of one of the works and one of the bodies of work that you have studied. 

IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)

- Field Inquiry: ​Science, technology and the natural world - progress 
- Global Issue: ​The importance of finding a balance between progress and respect for the natural world and humanity 
ARGUMENT (​ refer to both extracts in a balanced manner/​COMPARATIVE or EXTRACT-BY-EXTRACT​): 
The balance between the progress of science and respect for the natural world and humanity 
- Science can be misconstrued and nullify our natural psychology 
- Sometimes our natural capabilities of imagination in science (Sci-fi) can change our beliefs about the natural world 
Main points of analysis to justify your argument: 
1) Scientific progress loses our respect for nature/ what makes us human? 
2) Scientific progress can make us lose our creative nature 
3) The progress of science-fiction, can make us lose sight of our natural world 

1) y
​ et
he wouldn’t rather lose half his kingdom, than be 1) H
​ ow does the global issue manifest in both extracts?  Charlie Brooker - Screen Burn 
privy to such a secret; which he commanded me, as I - Both extracts deal with science  1) “​ Manypeople find bald, unvarnished truths so
valued any life, never to mention any more.  - Both dispute over the natural world against the progress of  disturbing, they prefer to ram their heads in the
  science.  sand and start dreaming at the first sign of
2) h
​ e
protested, that although few things delighted him - Swift, shows how progress in science can make us lose our  scientific reality. The more contrary evidence
so much as new discoveries in art or in nature  natural morality (evolutionary wise) (Physical Nature)  mounts up, the harder they'll ignore it.”
- Brooker, shows how our natural imagination/ culture that built 
3) H
​ ewas amazed, how so impotent and grovelling an 2)​“What was it that spooked them so? Probably
upon beliefs and creativity can influence the way we view the 
insect as I” (these were his expressions) “could progress of science. (Mental Nature)  natural selection's lack of reassuring narrative. It
entertain such inhuman ideas, and in so - Brooker, also shows the progress of history in which we built  lays the ruthless, godless world pretty bloody
familiar a manner, as to appear wholly unmoved at all upon beliefs and religion can make us lose sight of progress in  bare.” 
the scenes of blood and  
science too. 
desolation which I had painted as the common effects of 3) 1
​ )
Scientists want to fill our world with
those destructive machines; 2)​Why do the text, work and global issue matter? ​Explain   chemicals and killer robots; 2) They don't
- It matters because the issue resembles our society today, appreciate the raw beauty of nature, maaan;
where we are likely to neglect the natural impacts or natural
psychology in ourselves through progressing through the
science that we ought to want.
3) W
​ ho are the creators’ intended audiences (vs.actual audiences)?  
- Swift’s intended audience was for the contrivers of destruction, 
for example, military and countries that focus on their 
ambitious goals instead of their own people. 
- Brooker’s intended audience is for people who doesn’t 
understand the dedication and neglects the facts that the 
scientist are working hard on; they rather believe in what they 
sought to believe instead. 
IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)
4) How do the creators illustrate the impact of the global issue?​ E​ xplain 
- Swift illustrates the issue through his use of narrative 
perspective, how the audience is in the eyes of Gulliver? How 
he is we as the audience is kind of the antagonist of the story 
because Gulliver’s plot is suppose to teach us a lesson that we 
shouldn’t be like him. Whereas the King is the protagonist 
offering guidance and the virtue in which swift was us to 
idolise instead. 
- Brooker illustrates the issue through the use of culture bound 
references and informal diction to give us a colloquial 
perspective in which the readers may relate to to. By using this 
method, he can address the younger audiences like teens and 
young adults and informal slang that is used is similar to how 
we blame or argue each other with - this creates a blame for us 
audience that we are subjected to the issue that Brooker is 
trying to address. To show us that we never look outside the 
box and be able to be more open-minded of how science 
works, instead of their natural beliefs system. 
5) Do the creators achieve their respective purposes? E​ valuate 
- Swift at the time wouldn’t have achieve his respective purpose 
because in the 18th century, the people are more 
closed-minded, therefore wouldn’t have cared about a small 
writer in Ireland satirizing the society. However, in the modern 
era, people would be much more open social issues that are 
addressed in Swift’s writing, science and progress of 
destructive weapons are controversial in this day and age. 
Swift explaining the that we should be more aware of the 
destructive power that it can lay waste in to our natural world. 
- Brooker would have achieve his respective purpose as this 
satirical article would be viewed by quite a few people in the 
world. The issue can be related transnationally and  

IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)

DP LANGUAGE & LITERATURE: Individual Oral Preparation     GLOBAL ISSUES in Literary Works & Non-Literary Texts/ Bodies of Work 

PLANNING YOUR IO (10 minutes) Note: ​Your IO should be a well-supported argument about the ways in which both extracts represent & explore the global issue to show significant moments of focus on the GI. 
​ xamine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the​ content & form o
​ f one of the works and one of the bodies of work that you have studied.  
The balance between the progress of science and respect for the natural world and humanity 
- Science can be misconstrued and nullify our natural psychology 
- Sometimes our natural capabilities of imagination in science (Sci-fi) can change our beliefs about the natural world 
BODY OF ANALYSIS ​(Offer a balanced analysis: 5 points of analysis on each extract/5-10 key words for each point to develop your argument- place in IB IO form)​: 
1) In Swift’s book 2, the king respect nature and his morality to be more important than his ambitious goal of domination using destructive power 
2) In Swift book 2, he shows that the question between morality and destruction rather easy, almost innate, but gulliver struggles to understand 
3) Swift is able to do this by showing the audience what we humans could have been like if we are more like the king. 
4) However, the king did congratulate his creativeness of the story, despite gulliver intentions were true - if the king neglect it → creativity ≠ science 
5) Gulliver’s gunpowder story = fiction, sci-fi can make us lose our natural morality and lose sight of reality. 
6) In Charlie Brooker’s: Screenburn, he shows scientific progress and evidence can the harder the disbelievers of science will neglect the natural world proven through 
7) We sought creativity and reassuring narrative to block us from the natural world → science is lowering our creativity, therefore people block it to keep their creative 
8) Science can become misconceptions, by the intrusion of sci-fi and we see that as the truth, however, real science isn’t sci-fi. 
9) Charlie Brooker shows that we must find a balance and truly investigate what is really the natural world or made up, but not neglect science completely and shut 
ourselves from it, but seek the truth. 
10) However, it is important to treasure our beliefs and culture despite its false representation of the natural world because it still is the history of our creative nature. 
However, to an extent, it should be taken with a grain of salt. 
Swift showed us the wrath of science and its possible destructive powers of science if we are not careful, but also Brooker showed us that our progressive beliefs and culture can also be an obstacle in better respect for 
the natural world through science too. However, we sought to find an extent in which we side for progress in science or keeping the nature of our world untouched to find an equilibrium in which we can achieve both 
without causing a calamity in both. 

IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)

NOTES: Y ​ our extracts need to meet the IB criteria. Your IO can be comparative but doesn’t have to be - however, it m ​ ust be balanced​. You will bring unannotated copies of your extracts to the individual oral along with this outline. 
If you choose to work on a translated non-literary text, the translation used must be professionally published translations- students translations are not allowed. The main entry point into the extracts must be ​how the global issue 
manifests itself in the two extracts​- what is the p
​ oint of connection​? Demonstrate your knowledge & understanding of the extracts’ ​content, form​ & of how ​meaning about the global issue is constructed​. Avoid focusing on 
contexts (historical, biographical, socio-cultural) not directly linked to the global issue. ​Sustain focus​ on the prompt throughout and use c​ lear/accurate language​. Do not speak past 10 minutes. 5 minutes discussion will follow. 
DP LANGUAGE & LITERATURE: Individual Oral Preparation     GLOBAL ISSUES in Literary Works & Non-Literary Texts/ Bodies of Work 
Examine the ways in which the global issue of your choice is presented through the content and form of one of the works and one of the bodies of work you have studied.   
IO FEEDBACK FORM​ Speaker: __________________________ Feedback from: __________________Date: __________________​EXTRACT 1: Literary _______________EXTRACT 2: Non Literary _______________________ 
GLOBAL ISSUE: ________________________________ ARGUMENT: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 


Know, Understand, Interpret: ​Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of one non-literary body of work and one work in their course of studies and interpret them in relation to a global issue. 
Analyse & Evaluate: ​Evaluate 1 non-literary body of work & 1 literary work in terms of a global issue present in both & analyse & evaluate how their unique perspectives are constructed by means of the authors’ choices. 
Communicate​: Deliver a well-organized, coherent, convincing and balanced oral which focuses on a global issue of their own choice using clear, accurate and effective language. 

Criterion A: Knowledge, Understanding, & Interpretation  Criterion B: Analysis & Evaluation  Criterion C: Focus & Organization  Criterion D: Language 
How well does the candidate demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the extracts,  How well does the candidate use their knowledge and  How well does the candidate deliver a  How clear, accurate and effective is the 
and of the works/texts from which they were taken?  understanding of each of the extracts and their associated  structured, well-balanced & focused oral?   language? 
To what extent does the candidate make use of knowledge & understanding of the  works/texts to analyze and evaluate the ways in which authorial 
extracts and the works/texts to draw conclusions in relation to the global issue?  choices present the global issue?  How well does the candidate connect ideas 
How well are ideas supported by references to the extracts, and to the works/texts?  in a cohesive manner? 

knowledge & understanding of extracts/ works/ texts is excellent.  Analysis & Evaluation is relevant & insightful.   A clear & sustained focus is maintained.  Language is clear, accurate & varied. 

Treatment of extracts/works is  Occasional errors do not hinder communication.  


Interpretation of implications of the global issue is persuasive.  Thorough & nuanced understanding of how authorial  Logical & convincing development of ideas. 
Vocabulary & syntax are varied for effect.  
choices are used to present the global issue. 

Ideas connect in a cogent manner.  Elements of style (​register, tone and 

rhetorical devices) ​are appropriate & 
enhance the oral. 

References are well-chosen & effectively support ideas.  OTHER ELEMENTS OF ORACY: 

Ladder of Feedback 

IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)

- Follow-up questions: 
- Contextualize both writers a little bit more, to explain the concept of Gulliver’s travels and Charlie Brooker (Black mirror).  
- How does the extracts fit within the body of work?  
- To explore is it typical of their approach and his views on the global issue. 
- Which screen burn article from charlie brooker its from. State when the article is published? Where is it published? What category does this article stand in? (Political/ Scientific/ Cultural?), What are the 
intentions of the article/ what is the underlying message of it? 
DP LANGUAGE & LITERATURE: Individual Oral Preparation    
GLOBAL ISSUES in Literary Works & Non-Literary Texts/ Bodies of Work
IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)

IB Materials from updated IB DP Language & Literature Guide (October 2019)

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