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Republic of the Philippines UEZON CITY COUNCIL Quezon City 20" City Council POZ0CC-285 58" Regular Session ORDINANCE HO, SP- 269 5 , $2018 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. SP-2139, $-2012, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS “AN ORDINANCE MANDATING BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS OPERATING WITHIN THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF QUEZON CITY TO INSTALL CLOSED CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM (CCTV) AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF" PROVIDING FOR THIS PURPOSE, THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS AS PER DILG MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO, 2014-119. Introduced by Councilors ANTHONY PETER D. CRISOLOGO and RANULPO Z, LUDOVICA. Co-introduced by Councilors Ramon P. Medalla, Lena Marie P. Juico, Elizabeth A. Delarmente, Victor V. Ferrer, Jr, Oliviere T. Belmonte, Alexis R. Herrera, Precious Hipolito Castelo, Voltaire Godofredo 1. Liban Hi, Estrella C." Valmecina, Roderick M. Pauiate, Allan Benedict 8. Reyes, Gian Carlo G Sotto, Kate Abigaei G. Coseteng, Franz 8. Pumaren, Eufemio C. Lagumbay, Raquel S. Malangen. Irene R. Belmonte, vy Xenia L. Lagman, Marra C. Suntay, Hero Clarence M. Bautisia, Jose A Visaya, Kari Edgar C. Castelo, Julienne Alyson Rae V. Medalla, Godofredo T Liban I, Andres vose G. Yilana, Jr, Allan Butch T. Francisco, Marivic Co-Piiar, Metensio Bobby" 7. Castelo, Jr, Rogelio “Roger P. Juan, Diorella Maria G, Sotto, Bric Z. Medina and Ricardo B. Corpuz. eee WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. SP-2139, S-2012 was enacted fe encourage the adoption and use of CCTV systems in business establishments within the territorial jurisdiction of Quezon City, and ix order io intensify the City’s effort to solve criminaitiy, and to preserve visual footage as evidence; WHEREAS, the Department of the Interior and Locul Government (DILG), issued memorandum circular no, 2014119 Promding the minimum technical specifications to be required of CcTVs to be installed in certain business establishments ip Gccordance with Section 16 of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991; x is 58" Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2695 | S-2018 Paye -2- PO20CC-285 WHEREAS, it is an accepted and proven fact that installation and operation of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras, as a growing advanced surveillance and security technology worldwide, provide business establishments, schools, government offices and homes, among others, the benefits oft G) Deterring disorder and violent crimes of potential offenders; ») Combating theft, burglary and other property crimes; «| Providing a safer environment thereby giving “peace of mind” and ‘reduced fear of crime” feelings to business owners, employees, workers, students, and the public NOW, THEREFORE, BE i? ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF QUEZON CITY IN REGULAR SESSION ASSEMBLED: SECTION 1, TITLE OF ORDINANCE ~ This Ordinance shali be known as: An Ordinance Mandating Business Establishments Operating Within The Territorial Jurisdiction of Quezon City to instail ged Gireutt Television (CCTV) System and Prescribing Penalties for Violations Thereof SECTION 2, SCOPE AND APPLICATION — The following business establishments are required io install CCTVs: 24, Banks, financial institutions, pawnshops, money lenders, money remittance services, money changers, and the like, 2b. Business establishments that are part of a rational chain Gr have several branches in other paris of the country, such as restaurants/ fast food chains, 24-houp convenience stores, drug stores, and the like: 2c Shopping malis, shopping centers, supermarkets, movie houses, | theaters, hospitals, and medical facilities, porte/ aiports/ public transport terminals, places of entertainment, schools, and the like which draw a considerable number of customers/ patrons; 2.4. Car dealerships, gasoline/ fuel refitiing /service stations; and 2.e, Other covered establishments such as high-risk and/or particularly crime-vulnerable establishments which onerate, transact, and/or deal with any of the following, whichever will apply: 4. J S&* Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 2695 82018 Page -3- POZ0CC-285 2.84. Handle extensive monetary transactions as qa regular course of business, amounting to the exchange of goods and/or services for a daily average amount of more than Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhpS0,000.000); or Zeit, Transact on an average daily basis with more than two hundred (200) clients. SECTION 3. PRESERVATION OF VIDEO RECORDINGS - The owner(s) of the business establishments shall preserve the camera recorded media jor at least a period of one (1) year from its recording, ft shall be untawful to use or view any saved or archived video recording and unauthorized disclosure or identification of the identity of atty person seen on video other than. the complainant or victims) without the order of a court of competent jurisdiction. The owners of said business establishment shall make awailable the camera recordings to the authorities engaged in the crime investigation upon written request stating the purpose thereof SECTION 4. MINIMUM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTALLATION GUIDE - The CCTV or Video Surveillance Sysiem must be capable of delineating on playback the activity and physical Features of individuals and areas within the premises, and must pe able to record such images on digital, optical cr magnetic media. 4a. Minimum Technical Specifications ~ the CCTV system to be installed shall meet’ the following minimum specifications. casas 1 UD Gtinimuin of 2 maga pacl Camera Resolution; | I Must be able to capture video footages at OS Lux| | 7 Hlumination; > Should have autos (either fixed or vari-focal) ~ Should have infrared LEDs enough to reach a distance ofat| least 20 meiers for clear recording at 0.1 Lux (for areas | | where there is no continued sufficient lighting). | | - Must have at least 70 degrees Lens Angie; | | ~ Te Outdoor Camera must be vandalproof or IP 66 L___ Weatherproof Casing. 4 58" Regular Session ora wo, sp-_ 2695 8-2018 Page -4- PO20CC-285 VIDEO RECORDER: | - Minimum of four (4) camera input; | + Minimurn of 720P video resolution; ~ 25-30 frames per second (FPS) recording per camera; - Should have Hard Disk Drive/s enough to store video recording for ali cameras for at least I menith; | = Must have Time Stamping Feature; =_ Must have an interface fer storage back-up. OTHER COMPONENTS: | ~ Alleast four (4) cameras covering the areas of iransaction and risk; Provided that, at least one camera must be facing the Street from the entrance (when applicable), with the actual i number of cameras io depend on the size of the establishment and nature of business. | ~ Should have centralized power supply for the video recorder and cameras; ~ Should have appropriate Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) to provide standard and reasonable back-up power to the Video Recorder and its cameras. ~ Standard Compression: H.264, MIPEG ~ ONVIF (Open Network Video Interface Forum) ~ Network Accessibility > Smart Phone and/or Tablet support for on-site viewing = _POE (Power Over Ethernet) enabled | 4b. Installation Guide — the following installation Guide is recommended to be followed: INSTALLATION GUIDE: ~ Cameras must be installed at a secured location with | maximum area of coverage; ~ The video recorder must be mounted on a | secured/ concealed location to Protect the video footages from theft anui/ or deliberate destruction; ~ Whenever possible, a back-up file stored in the DVD disk i fonrsite or remotely) shall be recorded for archiving purposes; ~ Whenever possible, a dummy CCTV camera shall be installed in a conspicuous area in order to deter possible ! criminal acts and to protect the camera and the sides ____feotages. 58 Regular Session Ord. to. sp-_ 269 , $2018 Page -5- PO20CC-285 SECTION 5. MINIMUM COVERAGE - Ail establishments mentioned under Section 2 hereof shall be required to strategically install, maintain, and eperate CCTV's or video surveillance system as to afford a full coverage of the following: $.a. From the interior of the establishments:, All entrances/exits; Sat. The center of business activity in the establishment (including the teliers, cashiers, cash registrars, sales counters, or areas leading to the vault/ safety box} according to the nature of business/ operations of the establishment, 5.b. From the exterior of the establishment fwhen the establishment is not located inside a mail or building which has its own exterior cameras): All entrances/exits; SPH Brom the entrances/ exits, a clear view of the area to and from the street(s) abutting the establishment, including frontage thereof, taking into particuiar consideration the clarity of shots in. relation to the angles thereof: Oba Parking Tots and drive-through lanes fwhen applicable) SECTION 6. MONITORING AND ACCESS TO RECORDINGS 6a. Access to Recordings ~ if a crime has been committed, or ike operator, employee, or owner of the establishment os pacsin To believe that a crime has been committed, the dperator, employee, or owner of the establishment shall immediately contact the nearest police station, and shell provide aceess to the pertinent recordings to. the Police @.b. Monitoring of CCTVs ~ the CCTVs or Video Surveitiance Systems of every establishment shall be monitores at all Bmes in order to immediately report crime incidents te the Best Philippine National ” Potice Station anel/or Barangay if deemed necessary. 4 7S 4 S58 Regular Session Ord. No. Si 2 695 $-2018 Page -6- PO2OCC-285 SECTION 7, PROHIBITION ~ The viewing of recorded or captured video footage or images shall be made with due respect to the privacy of individuals, f shall be unlawful for any person to allow the unauthorized wowing, recording, dissemination, use, or even broadcasting of captured video footage or images, and the unauthorized public Mewing of unidentified persons, clients, or victims. Those violating this prohibition shali be prosecuted’ in accordance with RA No. 10273, SECTION 8 ACCOUNTABLE OFFICES ~ The Deparment of Public Order and Safety (DPOS) shall be responsible for the venfication and determination of the relevant establishments? comphance with the directives of this Ordinance. The DPOS shall specify when compuisory inspection of the installed CCTV’s shall be conducted before the necessary clearance or certification therefor may be issued, which clearance or certification shall be a mandatory requirement for the issuance or renewal by the Business Permits ant Licensing Office (BPLO) of a business permit or license. The DPOS may thereafter conduct inspections during reasonable business hours, to determine continued compliance with this Ordinance post- issuance or renewal of such establishments’ business permit or lcense by the BPLO. For all these purposes, the DPOS shall seek the advice and assistance of the local Chief of Police or his duly authorized representative. SECTION 9. IMPLEMENTING OFFICES ~ The Department of Public Order and Safety (POS) is mandated to make te implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and the Business Permite and Licensing Office (BPLO, as well as the Information cms Pechnelogy Department Office (ITDO} is hereby tasked to assiet in the implementation of the IRR. SECTION 10. EXCEPTIONS - All establishments which have existing and compliant CTV's and/or security video surveillance Sustems based on the requirements under Ordinance SP-2139, $2012 shall be exempted from this Ordinance, but will be given a 58 Regular Session Ord. No. SP. 2695 | $2018 Page -7- PO20CC-285 SECTION 11, PENALTIES - No business permit or permit to operate shall be issued to or renewed for the business establishments mentioned in Section. 2 hereof unless the CCIVs as herein specified are installed and fully operational. Further, a fine amounting to Five Thousand Pesos {PhpS, 000.00} shall be imposed on any establishment in operation found to be in violation of this Ordinance. For purposes of this Ordinance, after thirty (30) days from the initial findings of non-compliance, continued or subsequent failure 10 comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall constitute ground for the suspension, revocation, or cancellation of the establishments’ business perinit SECTION 12, APPEAL PROCESS ~ Any establishment found to be in violation of this Ordinance by the DPOS may appeal the findings therecf t the Office of the City Mayor within five (5) working days from being notified of tts violation by the DPOS, furnishing copy of the cppeal to the DPOS prior to the filing thereof with the Office of the City Mayor. Within five (5) working days from receipt of the copy of the appecl the DPOS shail submit its answer to the Office of the City Mayor, furnishing the business establishment a copy of the Same on even date. Should the DPOS fail to file its answer to the appeai within the given period, it shali be deemed to have opposed ire appeal on oll ite material points. The Office of the City Mayor Shall decide on the matter within five (5) working days from receipt of the answer of the DPOS or from the day the periad of. ‘filing therefor has lapsed, giving due notice to the parties involved. The decision of the City Mayor shall be Finai, and no Motion for Reconsideration Shall be entertained thereafter, subject to such remedial measures as may be then available under the faw or Rules of Court. SECTION 13. PERIOD OF COMPLIANCE — All establishmenis are hereby given a period of two (2) months after the publication of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) in a newspaper of general circulation, to comply with the requirements herein provided. SECTION 14, SEPARABILITY CLAUSE - Jf for any reason or reasons, any part or provision of this Ordinance shall be held unconstitutional or inalid, other parts or provision thereof, which are not affected thereby, shall continue to be in full force and effect, , we 58% Regular Session Ord. No. SP- 269 5 $-2018 Page -8- PO2OCC-285 SECTION 15. REPRALING CLAUSE ~ Ali Ordinances, Rules and Regulations, or parts thereof, in conflict with, or inconsistent with any of the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or amended accordingly. SECTION 16. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE ~ This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after its publication in a newspaper of general cireutarion. ENACTED: March 12, 2018. MA. JOSE! G. BELMONTE City Vice Mayor Presiding Officer ATTESTED: XT M. BAUTISTA City Mayor CERTI This is to certify that this Ordinance was APPROVED by the City Council on Second Reading on March 12, 2018 and was PASSED on Third/ Final Reading on March 19, 2018.

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