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GENG 215: Engineering Ethics

Homework 2 – Form FA19

Home Inspection – Dr. Omar J. Al-Khatib, Coordinator

(Individual Homework – Due Date: One Week)

Name: ................................................................... ID: ...................................................................

Engineer A is a civil and structural engineer who is hired to do structural inspection on
Owner B house. The original Home Inspector B was not satisfied that the building was
structurally safe due to some visible cracks of basement wall. He recommended that Owner
B, who had made an offer to purchase the house depending on a satisfactory inspection,
hire Engineer A to inspect the foundation of the house. Upon visual inspection, Engineer A
determines that the house was in average structural condition for its age and construction
type, was not in imminent danger of collapse, but that some improvements could have been
made in connection with earlier renovations to the property. However, Engineer A observes
that the moisture levels in the basement were excessive, there is evidence of mold and
fungus, and recent repairs exhibiting drainage and moisture insulation problems need to be
addressed. Owner B and Home Inspector B were present at the time of Engineer A’s site
visit. Engineer A presents several options for remedying the moisture issue, which in
Engineer A’s opinion would have a positive impact on the structure. However, the
discussion shifts away from the structural conditions and toward health issues related to the
home (e.g., respiratory issues, black mold, asthma). Now, Owner B is left in uncertain
situation thinking that should he buy the house with risks (due to different opinions) or
look for another one?


Answer the following question considering what are Engineer A’s obligations under the

Answer the following question:

1. 1- What is the ethical dilemma in this case? (7 POINTS)

Engineer A was hired to inspect the house that owner B has doubts that it would be
unsafe. The Engineer stated that the house condition is average which will prevent
and collapse or accident, but he states that the house carries mold and fungus in the
house. These molds will affect the health of the Owner B so the ethical dilemma is
that the Owner Either accept the risks and buy the house or look for another one that
might be more expensive and safer.
2. 2- What are the ethical issues involved in this case? – Write two issues (16 POINTS)

Engineer A has rated the house average, but the condition is much worse than
being rated as an average.

Engineer A should state all possible dangers and not ignore the existence of any

Use individual Ethical Issues.

3. 3- (Ethical Framework): (20 POINTS)

What Engineer A should do in this case based on NSPE code of ethics? – Use two
Canons, and two related Rules of Practice from Section II of the NSPE code of ethics.

Based on the first canon of the NSPE code: Hold paramount the safety, health , and
welfare of the public

Based on the rules of practice 1.a: if engineers judgment is overruled under

circumstances that endanger life or property. They shall notify their employer or
client and such other authority as may be appropriate.

Based on the second cannon NSPE code: perform services only in area of their

2.a rules states that engineers shall undertake assignments only when qualified by
the education or experience in the specific technical fields involved

4. 4- (Moral Framework): (20 POINTS)

What Engineer A should do in this case based on Moral theories and beliefs (apply
Virtue Ethics, Use Duty and Rights Ethics)?

Virtue ethics: as stated in virtue ethics the engineer must act in moral and ethical way by
paying attention to the problem in the structure of the house and inform the owner with all
the problems he witnessed

Duty Ethics: it’s the engineer duty to protect the public if any problems have appeared. Also
its he’s duty to inform the owner with all problems honestly and provide solutions also.

Right Ethics: It’s the Owners right to be informed with all the problem that the house carries
and the engineer should states them all so he could make the decision he’s responsible for.
5. 5- (Preventive Ethics): (7 POINTS)
What could be an UNETHICAL or IMMROAL behavior in this case (Choose one)?

The Immoral behavior that the engineer avoided all the structural and health issues and
should have informed the owner about these problems so decision would be much clear,
and he won’t take any responsibility of not inform the Owner about the problems.


1 Dr. Omar J. Al-Khatib/ HW2 SP 2019

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