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3, JUNE 2019

NSAC: A Novel Clustering Protocol in Cognitive Radio
Sensor Networks for Internet of Things
Meng Zheng , Member, IEEE, Si Chen, Wei Liang , Senior Member, IEEE, and Min Song

Abstract—Clustering is an effective method to manage communica- the maximum edge biclique (MEB) based on its neighbors and chan-
tions in cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSNs). This letter proposes a nel qualities. The weight of one CS is calculated based on remaining
network stability-aware clustering (NSAC) protocol for CRSNs. Spectrum
energies, the number of CSs and the channel qualities of available
dynamics and energy consumption are for the first time simultaneously
integrated into the protocol design of NSAC. Extensive simulations show common control channels in its MEB. The CS with the largest weight
that the proposed NSAC protocol obviously outperforms existing methods in the neighborhood will be selected as the head of one cluster, and
in the aspects of network stability and energy consumption. the rest of CSs in its MEB join the cluster as members. The clustering
Index Terms—Clustering protocol, cognitive radio, Internet of process repeats until all CSs are clustered.
Things, wireless sensor networks.
This letter considers one CRSN that consists of one sink and N
static CSs. M licensed channels are opportunistically available for
I. I NTRODUCTION the CRSN. The CRSN can access the licensed channels only when
ITH respect to the significant growth in request for wireless primary users (PUs) are inactive. The PU activity on the ith (1 ≤
W services and the scarcity of the spectrum resources, cogni-
tive radio technology which allows cognitive sensors (CSs) to access
i ≤ M) licensed channel can be modeled as an independent and
identically distributed random process with busy and idle states. The
vacant licensed channels in an opportunistic way, has been proposed. probabilities of the facts that the ith licensed channel are idle and busy
Cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSNs) have been widely recog- are given by pi and qi . Obviously, pi + qi = 1. Let Ni and Ci denote
nized as a promising solution to reliable and time-efficient wireless the sets of neighbors and available channels of CS i, respectively.
sensor networks for Internet of Things [1]–[6]. (Ni , Ci ) at different CSs may be different.
Clustering is an effective way to manage communications in Considering the probability of idle state pi and the average idle
CRSNs [6]. A clustered CRSN organizes the network by impos- duration Mi , we introduce a channel quality metric Qi for the ith
ing local coordinators so that spectrum-aware communications can licensed channel (public information) as follows:
be efficiently formed in a structured way. However, due to the fre-  
Qi = 1 + logε pi Mi (1)
quent topology variation of CRSNs by spectrum dynamics, existing
methods [6]–[8] suffer high clustering frequency, which incurs large where ε > 1 denotes a parameter which indicates the preference on
communication overhead. pi (select big ε) or Mi (select small ε).
This letter for the first time proposes a network stability-aware clus-
tering (NSAC) protocol for CRSNs. In the NSAC protocol, each CS
broadcasts its remaining energy and available channels, and searches
A. Protocol Description
Manuscript received July 22, 2018; revised October 31, 2018; accepted As frequent clustering incurs large communication overhead,
February 5, 2019. Date of publication February 8, 2019; date of current version NSAC aims to build a stable cluster-based architecture by consid-
June 19, 2019. This work was supported in part by the National Key Research
and Development Program of China under Grant 2017YFE0101300, in part by
ering spectrum dynamics and energy consumption. The details of
the NSFC under Grant 61673371, Grant 71661147005, and Grant 71602124, NSAC are summarized in Algorithm 1.
in part by the Liaoning Provincial NSFC under Grant 20170540662, and in Initialization: CS i detects its residual energy Ei and the set of
part by the Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of available channels Ci . All (Ei , Ci ) are broadcast.
Sciences under Grant 2015157. (Corresponding author: Wei Liang.)
Weight Calculation: CS i updates Ni and constructs a bipartite
M. Zheng and W. Liang are with the State Key Laboratory of Robotics,
Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang graph Gi = (Ni , Ci , Li ), where Li represents a set of edges connecting
110016, China, and also with the Key Laboratory of Networked Control CSs in Ni and channels in Ci . The weight of edge l = (n, c) ∈ Li
Systems, Shenyang Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (n ∈ Ni , c ∈ Ci ) is defined as the channel quality of channel c, i.e.,
Shenyang 110016, China (e-mail:; w(l) = Qc . Let Si denote the set of complete subgraphs of Gi . The
S. Chen is with the State Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China, with weight of one graph is defined as the weight sum of all edges. Let
the Key Laboratory of Networked Control Systems, Shenyang Institute of s∗i = (Ni∗ , Ci∗ , Li∗ ) denote the complete subgraph in Si with the largest
Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China, and weight (also termed as MEB [9]). s∗i plays a key role in calculating
also with the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, the weight of CS i (Wi ). Specifically, Wi is given by
China (e-mail:
M. Song is with the College of Information, Shenyang Institute of  E
Engineering, Shenyang 110136, China (e-mail: Wi = μ w(l) + (1 − μ) i (2)
∗ E i + j∈N ∗ Ej
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2898166 l∈Li i

2327-4662 c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.


Fig. 2. Simulated topology; “·” and “” denote CSs and PUs, respectively;
radii of CSs and PUs are 30 m and 70 m, respectively.
(b) (c)

Fig. 1. Example CRSN. (a) 12 CSs {a, b, c, d, e, f , g, h, i, j, k, l} and 5

channels {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. (b) Bipartite graph of CS d, Gd . (c) MEB of CS d, s∗d .

Algorithm 1 NSAC
1: Initialization: (Ei , Ci ), the set of free CSs F = {1, 2, ..., N}, the set of
clusters CL = φ. %φ denotes the empty set.
2: repeat
3: Update Ni and calculate Wi according to (2) . (a) (b)
4: Target î such that Wî = max Wi ;
5: Move CS î and Nî from F to CL, i.e., F = F \ {î} \ N ∗ and CL = Fig. 3. Performance comparison; NM-network lifetime. (a) CI. (b) Remaining
  ∗  î energy.
CL {î} N ;

6: until F = φ;
7: Output: CL. than those of CogLEACH and BCC. The advantages of NSAC over
existing methods are attributed to the simultaneous consideration of
spectrum dynamics and energy consumption during the clustering
where μ is a balance factor between network stability and remaining procedure.
Fig. 1 employs an example CRSN to illustrate the fundamental V. C ONCLUSION
concepts used in the weight calculation of CSs.
A novel NSAC protocol for CRSNs has been proposed. Different
Clustering Process: CS i broadcasts Wi and one CS with the largest
from traditional clustering protocols, this letter has considered
weight, say î, is selected as cluster head (CH). The CH î and its
both energy consumption and spectrum dynamics while designing
neighbors in N ∗ form one cluster and are marked “clustered.” The
remaining CSs update their (Ni , Wi ) and repeat the above clustering
process until all CSs have been marked clustered.
From Algorithm 1, we conclude that NSAC is a fully distributed R EFERENCES
protocol since a coordinating center is not required during the
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