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What are Spanish suffixes?

• A suffix is pretty much just a few letters added to the end of a word.
• Suffixes can alter the meaning of a word. It’s useful to know the common
ones, because then you can work out the meaning of words you’ve never
seen before. For example, if you already know the word ‘chico’ and you
know the meaning of ‘-ito’ then you can easily work out ‘chiquito.’ (Note the
spelling change from c to qu. This keeps the hard ‘k’ sound!)
• Usage of suffixes varies over Spanish-speaking countries and their regions.

In this article, we're going to look at the type of suffix that changes the shade
of meaning: diminutive, augmentative, and pejorative. Then we’re going to list
a load of suffixes that group together certain types of words. Ready? Let's go!

How to form the Spanish suffixes

Pequeño -> pequeñito
Mejor -> mejorcito
El nieto -> el nietecito
La flor -> la florecita/la florecilla
La manzana -> la manzanilla
El cerebro -> el cerebrín
La palabra -> la palabrota
El favor -> el favorzote
There are loads of rules relating to this. Instead of trying to learn them all at
once, try first to recognise the patterns you see as you go along.

A diminutive suffix is used to make a noun seem cuter, smaller, or less
significant. There are several diminutive suffixes in Spanish, so let’s look at
some of them one by one

-ito often denotes smallness.

Quiero un poco de leche. I want a bit of milk.

Quiero un poquito de leche. I want a little bit of milk.

Me gusta tu perro. I like your dog.

Me gusta tu perrito. I like your little doggo.

This suffix can be used to add a warm tone to a noun. It makes everything a
little less harsh.

Está gorda. She’s looking fat.

Está gordita. She’s put on a little weight.

It can denote affection.


Voy a la casa de mi abuela. I’m going to my grandmother’s house.

Voy a la casa de mi abuelita. I’m going to my granny’s house.

A cool way to use this suffix is when you’re not really saying anything about
the noun at all! You’re actually just using the cutesy language to convey a
warm, friendly attitude to whoever you’re speaking to.

¿Alguna cosa más? Anything else?

¿Alguna cosita más? Would you like anything else?

Colloquially, it can be used to add specificity to an adverb. This would sound

odd to a Spaniard, and is much more common in Latin America.

Está ahí/ahicito. It’s there/right there.

Detrás/detrasito. Behind/right behind.

This is a versión of -ito that’s used in some Latin American countries, such as
Colombia and Venezuela, as well as some parts of northern Spain.
You’ll hear this one a lot in Southern Spain. The most obvious use is to refer
to something smaller.

Mira la flor. Look at the flower.

Mira la florecilla. Look at the little flower.

It can be used to decrease the importance of something.

Hubo un problema. There was a problem.

Hubo un problemilla. There was a small problem (easily solved, no biggie).

Sometimes we want to say something but we’re worried it might come across
rude, so we use -illo.

¡Mentiroso! Liar!

¡Mentirosillo! Fibber!

It’s also used to portray affection.

No llores, chiquilla. Don’t cry, honey.

Some nouns have -illo/-illa on the end to refer to a specific sub-type of that

el cigarro/el cigarillo cigar/cigarette

el bolso/el bolsillo bag/pocket


el cigarro/el cigarillo cigar/cigarette

la ventana/la ventanilla window/ticket window

This suffix is used to create a word for a smaller version of something.

el arroyo/el arroyuelo stream/trickle

el paño/el pañuelo cloth/handkerchief

When you end a noun with this suffix, you can be referring to a specialized
version of it.

el camión/la camioneta truck/light truck

This one can be used in the same way as -eto.

el caballo/el caballete horse/easel (has similarities to a sawhorse)

Alternatively, it can add a bit of humor to what you’re saying.

el amigo/al amiguete friend/pal

This is used most in Asturias, Spain usually as an expression of affection.

¿Cómo está el chiquitín? How’s the little baby?

There aren’t that many augmentative suffixes in Spanish, and they all do
pretty much the same thing, which is to show intensity or largeness. Quite
often, there’s also a pejorative (insulting) undertone implying awkwardness,
unpleasantness, or the idea of ~too much~.


Mi hermano ganó una fortuna. My brother won a fortune.

Mi hermano ganó un fortunón*. My brother won an absolute fortune.

*N.B. it becomes masculine rather than being ‘fortunona.’

As we mentioned, some augmentatives can have insulting undertones.

Tengo un catarro. I have a cold.

Tengo un catarrazo. I have one heck of a cold! (Too much cold!)

Confusingly, it can actually be used to show admiration.


Fue un éxito. It was a success.

¡Fue un exitazo! It was a great success! (Admirable/impressive level of success!)

Sometimes you can add –azo to an object to denote a physical clash with that

El puño/el puñetazo Fist/punch

La cabeza/el cabezazo Head/header (soccer)

Shows largeness, with pejorative undertones.

Hazme un favor. Do me a favor.

Mi ex me pidió otro favorzote. My ex asked me another massive favor.

Shows largeness, with pejorative undertones.

Mira su cabeza. Look at his head.

Mira su cabezudo. Look at his big head.


When we say that something is pejorative, we mean that it’s insulting or
derogatory. It’s certainly not nice!

Remember that diminutives and augmentatives can also be used in a nasty

way. Use your common sense and you’ll be on the right track!

For example, if someone is referred to as una mujercilla rather than una

mujer, it’s usually being used in a patronizing way. She’s not being called
small, she’s being called unimportant.
Pejoratives include: -aco/aca,-acho/acha, -ajo/aja,-astro/astra,-uco/uca,-
ucho/ucha, -ejo/eja.

el libro/el libraco book/hefty old book

población/poblacho population/rabble, plebs

escupir/el escupitajo to spit/a load of spit

el médico/el medicastro doctor/useless doctor

la casa/la casuca house/shack

la casa/la casucha house/shack

ese tipo/ese tipejo that dude/that moron


Suffixes that show us the category of word

Apart from diminutive, augmentative and pejorative suffixes, there are loads
more that group together certain categories of word, which helps a lot when
you’re trying to understand unfamiliar vocab in your reading! Sometimes
adding them changes one part of speech to another.

This one turns a verb into a noun.

sentir -> sentimiento to feel -> feeling

We can add -mente to an adjective to form an adverb.

suave-> suavemente soft/smooth -> softly/smoothly

reciente-> recientemente recent-> recently

-oso/osa, -al
These usually give us adjectives from nouns.

escándalo -> escandaloso scandal -> scandalous

cultura -> cultural culture -> cultural

This suffix gives us a noun or adjective from a verb.

cantar -> cantante to sing -> singer

emocionar -> emocionante to excite -> exciting

This suffix can be used to show the place where something is kept.

sal -> salero salt -> salt shaker

It’s also often used to refer to professions. There are several others that do
the same thing: -dor(a)/-ista/-ario/a. Let’s look at some examples.

pan -> panadero/a bread -> baker

cazar -> cazador(a) to hunt -> (female) hunter

diente -> dentista* tooth -> dentist

empresa -> empresario/a businessperson

*Job titles with -ista are interesting because they always end in a! It would be
incorrect to call it a dentisto or a pianisto, even if it’s a man. Stick
to dentista and pianista.

Many of the words ending in -ería are names of types of shop/service. They
can usually be traced back quite easily to a verb or noun.

pescar/pescado -> pescadería to fish/edible fish -> fishmongers

pan -> panadería bread -> bakery

pelo -> peluquería hair -> hair salon

A lot of Spanish suffixes are cognates, meaning that the Spanish and English
look very similar, which will help you recognize them! Check out the
similarities in some of these:

poroso porous

funcional functional

violinista violinist

actuario actuary

panadería bakery

Great job!
There are so many suffixes (more than we’ve been able to mention here), that
it’d be foolish to try and learn them all at once. Why not try reading a
paragraph from an article in a Spanish-language newspaper or novel, and
circling all the suffixes you recognize? Happy reading!

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