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Read the sentence, rewrite the sentence using an adjective from the list as the
synonym of the adjective in the first sentence.

Filthy/Fragrant/Fast /Delicious /Cheerful/Pretty

1. The house is dirty.

Answer: The house is filthy.
2. The girl is beautiful.
3. The plane is quick.
4. She was happy.
5. The noodle is tasty.
6. The flowers are aromatic.

B. Chose the correct “Preposition” to complete the sentences and scratch the
wrong ones.

Example: The students are studiying (at/in front of/on) school now.
1. The project will be finished (from/under/inside) two weeks.
2. It is one (in/of/from) my favorite songs.
3. The umbrella can be used (in/by/as) a sunshade.
4. I am totally (beside/opposite/against) the proposals to cut costs.
5. It is easy to get a job (through/in/for) searching the internet.

C. Chose the correct “The Degree of Comparison” to complete the sentences

and scratch the wrong ones.
1. Rani is as (more beautiful/most beautiful/beautiful) as her sister.
2. Your spisy ramen noodle is (hot/hotter/hottest) that mine.
3. He has the (big/biggest/bigger) house among all his friends.
4. UGM is a good University. It is one of (the best/the most expensive/the
largest) University in Indonesia.
5. Everest is (the largest/the highest/the shortest) mountain.

D. Complete the following sentence. Uses the words in parentheses.

1. (This, These).............beautiful houses are my uncle’s, and ............(that,those)
small house is mine.
2. (This,These).............. novels belong to my little sister.
3. (This,These).............. car imported from Japan, and ..............(that,those) one is
imported from Korea.
4. (That,Those)............. long tables are in the class, and ..............(this,these)
small table is in the kitchen.
5. (That,Those)............. English dictionary belongs to my uncle.

E. Chose the correct “Determiners” to complete the sentences and scratch the
wrong ones.
1. Budi doesn’t have (many/much) money.
2. Faza would like (a few/a little) salt on his soup.
3. A (few/little) students left early.
4. There is (too much/too many) bad news on newspaper today.
5. This is (too much/too many) information to read.

F. Chose the correct “Personal Pronouns” to complete the sentences and scratch
the wrong ones.
1. The interviews asked (me/mine/I) why I am interested in the position.
2. This pink laptop case is (she/hers/her).
3. (He/His/Him) just left ten minutes ago.
4. The manager gave (him/his/he) no choice.
5. I’m interested to buy your bike. Could you please show (its/it) to me?

G. Translete into English

1. Soal-soal ini semakin lama semakin sulit bagiku.
Answer: ...............................................................................................
2. Kamus ini tidak setebal milikmu.
Answer: ...............................................................................................
3. Faza tidak secantik tantenya.
Answer: ...............................................................................................
4. Siapakah murid tercerdas di kelasku?
Answer: ...............................................................................................
5. Faza butuh lebih banyak uang dari pada Karin.
Answer: ...............................................................................................

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