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E. Rodriguez Jr.

High School

Mayon Ave., N.S. Amoranto, Quezon City

Practical Research II

A Correlation Between Level of Burnout and Level of

Efficacy of the Senior High School Teachers in E. Rodriguez
Jr. High School


John Cedrick E. De Leon

Ira Sophia Ughayon

Aeron O. Hibon

Roselle Capoquian

Noel Blanca

Mr. Raymond Balubar

Practical Research II Teacher



This research chapter will show you the procedures and the methods of conducting a
survey for this study.


The needed data for this study were gathered through the application of one standard and
one modified questionnaires: The Maslach Burnout Inventory - Educators Survey (MBI-ES;
Maslach & Jackson 1981) and Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale, the items, originally 27, reduced to
10, were constructed following Bandura‘s social cognitive theory (Bandura, 1997; Schwarzer,
1992, 1993). . In addition, demographic form asked about the participants' demographic
information including age, gender and years of teaching experience.


To simplify and quantify the attitude and behavior of the respondents, the researchers will
be using a scale type questions, since, this type of data collection tool is designed to legitimize
the behavior and trust of the respondents.


The researchers will select 20 employed Senior High School teachers including the non-
teaching personnel on E. Rodriguez Jr. High School as our participants (10 female ; 10 male).

We will be using Convinience Sampling, since our participants are the only available
SHS teachers on our research area.

The researchers will be using scale survey form, it is an effective method to gather
information to determine the burnout level and self-efficacy level of the respondents. The
researchers choose this method to come up with a conclusion precisely rewarding of a topic.


For the data gathering, the researchers will give survey questionnaires to their 20 Senior
High School teachers. The questionnaires will help the researchers to know how burnout and
self-efficacy affects their job and their personal life. After the survey is conducted, the
researchers will gather the datas to formulate the outcome. The data collection will begin on the
1st week of February until the 3rd week of the month.

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