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Meta Dwi Ismaya







Laundry is a section under the part of the Housekeeping Department which is headed by
the Executive Housekeeper. Laundry is a structure that shows the parts that exist within the
organization in the medium or medium scale and arrangement of people of each position in each
section that has a collective agreement formally (in formal organizations) to carry out activities in
order to achieve organizational goals. So, in this case the laundry section plays an important role
in the activities of housekeeping and a unity that has the same goal in serving the hotel guests.

A. Laundry is "The washing process using water media, in the sense that the textiles will be
water-wet. Laundry section under the auspices of the Housekeeping Department which is
headed by the Executive Housekeeper.

When viewed from the housekeeping, laundry section is associated with a business or part
of the hotel whose job is responsible for the cleanliness of the guest clothing. To function
properly, the hotel must be managed and cultivated a professional and efficient in order to
meet the needs of consumers.

Understanding Laundry according to experts:

 According to Richard Sihite, S.Sos in his Laundry and Dry Cleaning (2000:4) "To
take care of all the material - textile materials that belong to the hotel, should always
conduct operations in accordance with the work plan, either daily or monthly basis
which has been determined by the leadership .”
B. Job description

A hotel laundry attendant works as part of the service or hospitality team in a hotel. Laundry
is an essential part of a hotel service, ensuring that cleanliness of all linens and garments is
maintained by the hotel. This is important to a guest s well being, comfort and overall satisfaction.
The quality of the hotel laundry can be a factor in whether a customer returns to the hotel again.

a. Laundry Manager
Laundry Manager has responsibility to
 plan work program and set budget to the laundry section
 coordinate the implementation of tasks in the laundry
 oversees the work directly subordinate
 responsible for expenditures for operating expenses
 about the achievement of revenue targets laundry

b. Assistant Laundry Manager

Assistant Laundry Manager has responsibility to
 implement the work program that has been set;
 coordinate supervisor and subordinates
 lead and create work schedules supervisor
 control the outcome of the work of subordinates
 replace the role of manager when absent

c. Chief House Laundry

The Chief House Laundry has responsibility to
 Prepare laundering, extortion, drying and pressing hotel linen, uniform
employee, using the machine in accordance with the procedures and standards

d. Guest Laundry Supervisor

The Guest Laundry Supervisor has responsibility to
 Receive and counting guest laundry, laundry to be washed in accordance with
a laundry list that is included in case of discrepancies immediately report to the
Chief Guest Laundry to be handled more

e. House Laundry Supervisor

The House Laundry Supervisor has responsibility to
 Receive linen and uniform staff and calculate the amount of each order in
accordance with that recorded in the list of laundry (laundry list)

f. Valet Supervisor
The Valet Supervisor is responsible to
 examine and classify each guest's order regarding the laundry in accordance
with the location, service, time and type of laundry for smooth functions guest

g. Checker Guest Laundry

The Checker Guest Laundry is responsible to
 Examine and classify the laundry is taken from the room, according to the
laundry list to be processed according to the procedures and regulations.

h. Checker House Laundry

The Checker House Laundry is responsible to
 Examine and classify the hotel laundry in accordance with the type, level of
impurities as well as the materials and return the laundry that has been
processed to housekeeping.
i. Marker
The Marker is responsible to
 Marking or code on hotel guest laundry are washed into the laundry, so the
checker can easily collect and categorize guest laundry and to avoid the
occurrence of errors in returns guest laundry

j. Valet boy
The Valet Boy is responsible to return from the guest rooms laundry to be washed in the
laundry and drove into the living room according to the established procedur.

k. Washer
The Washer is responsible to guest laundry washing, employee clothing, flax or outside the
hotel and laundry in the machine according to the standards and in accordance with established

l. Extractor
The Extractor is responsible to squeeze clothes, linens that have been completed using a
wringer washing with special and hand drying after completion gets squeezed

m. Dry Cleaning Operator

The Dry Cleaning Operator is responsible to process clothes should be in dry cleaning in
accordance with the procedures and budgets that have been set as choosen laundry to be washed
by color, type and level of filth

n. Presser
Presser is responsible to press guest and employee laundry and clothes according to the
standards and in accordance with established procedures.

o. Mangler
Mangler is responsible to fold hotel’s and outside linen according to the established

Operational Requirements in Laundry

1) Ventilation / air circulation is good (has a blower, air conditioning, fan)

2) The rooms were big enough / not cramped
3) The floor is not slippery
4) The ceilings are high enough
5) The drains clean and dirty good
6) A good electric capacity
7) Far from food producing areas

As for water, a good Laundry should use water that has the following requirements:
1) Have ph 7
2) Clear, colorless
3) Odorless
4) Does not contain iron and sulfur


1.Commercial Laundry

An enterprise-per-laundry-services that serve laundering clothing materials and intended only for

2. Non Commercial Laundry

An enterprise-per-laundry-services that serve the laundering of textile materials both clothing

and other textile materials such as linen, etc, and is only intended for their own needs.

3.Semi Commercial Laundry

An enterprise-per-laundry-an airport services laundering textile materials, whether the clothes

from the environment itself (uniform), as well as other textile materials such as linen, etc, and
also wash the clothes people from the outside environment but from the other side trying to make
a profit or to cover the cost of washing themselves.


1. Main laundry:

Laundry that cooperate with some hotels but the operation been done at one hotel.

2. In House Laundry/OPL:

Laundry which is located in one hotel that the service receive clothes and linen only from
the hotel.

3. Outside Laundry:

The hotel cooperate with laundry from out side


• In line workflow should not intersect.

• Hot and cold water supply is assured

• Air circulation works regularly

• There are fire-fighting equipment and safety

• The floor is waterproof and non-slip

• Pipe and the machine must be easily accessible for repairs

• High-ceiling (ceiling) of at least 3.5 meters (11 feet)


Type of dirt

The type of the material to be washed / Linen

The type of the material used to wash / Chemical

The procedure or technique in the washing process:

Equipment / Washing Machine used

Air abstergent




• Remove dirt and stains attached to the material.

• Keeping the material / fabric is free from germs.

• Keep materials / fabrics to remain impeccable.

• Prevent the original properties of the material or fabric persist, for example: woven, light, color,

• Prevent the material / fabric is not easily damaged, either by chemicals, machinery movement,
temperature washing, etc.


Laundry service time

One day service: laundry is completed within one day.

Same day service (completed on the same day) Dirty laundry is taken in the morning and
finished at afternoon.

Express service: laundry is finished more than three hours.

Very express service: laundry is finished less than 3 hours.

Overnight service: Dirty laundry entrance evening and finished the next morning

& Spotting Extracting Packing

Marking Washing Drying Storing

Sorting Rinsing Ironing Folding

• Receiving: Receive dirty linen. (Outside and inside linen)

• Checking: Checking linen if there is damage or not

• Marking: Marking on linen to avoid confused or lost.

• Shorting: Separation linen. (Type of linen, level of dirt, color of linen)

• Spotting: Removing stains on linen.

• Washing: Wash linen with machine.

• Rinsing: Rinsing linen.

• Extracting: Reduction of water content of 100% to 5%.

• Drying: Reduction of water content of 5% to 0%.

• Ironing: Ironing linen.

• Folding: folding linen.

• Storing: Storage clean linen before it is taken by the owner.

• Packing: Flapping linen is clean

A. Laundry Washing Chemicals
In laundry, it is sometimes necessary to use specific cleanser to help in cleaning
garments, such garments are exposed to certain stains. Cleanser (chemical) is
comprised of liquid soap, detergent, bleach and softener. Here is a description for each
of the drugs cleaners (chemicals) are required, such :
1. Detergents – These are used to wash the linen, allowing water to penetrate the
soil and hold it in suspension before rinsing
2. Fabric brighteners – can help brighten fabric colors
3. Bleaches – usually chlorine based; used special treatments or whites; note water
4. Mildew cides – can help prevent mold growth
5. Sours/Neutralizer – used with detergents to modify pH if needed/Neutralize
the supplies
6. Starch – is a simple liquid that is used to provide a crisper appearance to various
articles of clothing

B. Laundry Washing Machines

1. Marking Gun
Marking gun is used to mark the linens or guest laundry. The purpose is for avoiding
linen lost or exchange.
2. Spotting machine
Spotting machine is used for removing the spot on unreachable areas, such as collar,
elbow, arm, etc.
3. Extracting machine
Extracting machine is used to reduce the water after washing process from 100% to
be 5%.
4. Iron machine
3 kinds of Iron Machine :

Hand Iron
• Shirt / T-Shirt
• Jeans, etc.
• Press Iron
• Shirt / T-Shirt
• Jeans, etc
• Roll Iron (Flatwork)
• Big Sheet
(Curtain, Bed Sheet,etc.)
Laundry is a necessary part of hotel which has responsibility to take care of the linens.
Based on its responsibility, laundry section has a huge influence in the operational support
services to the hotel guests. If we see the form of laundry services, the existence of other
sections which are in the housekeeping department and in other departments in the
organizational structure of the hotel is something that is very important, because it supports
the operational part of the laundry. Given these sections then work in the laundry can be
divided in accordance with section respectively, so that all work can be done with precision
and execution of the task itself becomes more effective, so the performance of laundry can
be seen and is very influential on the level of satisfaction of hotel guests.

Work equipments, machines, and materials used to smooth Laundry performance.

Those should be enhanced and improved so as not to interfere with the smooth operation
of the laundry section in the Housekeeping Department. For working equipment, machines
- working machinery, and materials - the chemical is a means of support to provide linens
that timely and hotel guests can judge that the service at the hotel was very good and

(Picture 1.1 Marking Gun ) (Picture 1.2 Spotting Mechine )

(Picture 1.3 Washing Machine ) (Picture 1.4 Extracting Mechine )

(Picture 1.4 Dry Tumbler ) (Picture 1.5 Iron Machine )

Bagyono. 2006. Manajemen Housekeeping Hotel. Bandung : Alfabeta

Rumesko, SE.2001. Housekeeping Hotel. Yogyakarta: Andi

Orbani Lutfi, Bagyono. 2003. Dasar – dasar Housekeeping dam Laundry Hotel. Yogyakarta :

Adi Cita Karya Nusa

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