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VMUF @62: An Autonomous University Soaring with Excellence and Gratitude

VMUF: A University of Excellence and Gratitude

Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation, just a mere place for academic pursuit? Well, most probably you’ll say it’s only
an educational institution with a sullen history, but there’s something more interesting about it and it is not as simple as
it seems to be. VMUF is special because it is a community of faith as well as knowledge. It operates in an environment
that fosters the development of the whole person. Offering elementary, secondary, and tertiary education. This could be
generally understood as “VMUF’s advantage” — all the elements supporting your child’s education that are not available
in public schools.

VMUF is a barren land proven producing quality professional working across the globe. Where its graduates are self-
disciplined, self-motivated, responsible, and creative citizens of the world. A place of not just for academic pursuit but
an institution of stick-to-itiveness and hard work. Their effort of offering learning from elementary, secondary to almost
twenty different college programs and a school for special kids –and for this reason they really deserve a warm, “Hey,
you got this!

One of the famous quotations about excellence is that of Aristotle – “Excellence is an art won by training and
habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have
acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” It is hard to define the concept
of excellence. We have trouble at how it can be achieved. As for a parent, choosing the right school for their child is
important. And VMUF is a perfect place for their investment. Because talking about excellence, VMUF is equipped with 5
different frameworks for academic excellence.

Firstly, the values and beliefs that are practiced in the school. VMUF is a visionary institution because it enriches the
minds, souls, and heart of students and preps them to grow in their faith and responsibility to live fairly. All instruction,
specialization, and curriculum are transfused with religious and moral values promoted by the church. Students explore
their faith through classes, participation in spiritual activities and programs that serves God like attending the mass. Its
vision, mission, and objective cultivate the religious, spiritual, and moral knowledge to prep students to succeed in this
world and the next by serving God in others.

Secondly, wellbeing of students. VMUF is committed to the development of students in their whole being. Challenging
academic subjects are balanced with activities and instruction that are parts of the total educational experience. The
arts, sports, music, and community service projects reflect the diversity of student interests. All students are encouraged
to join and participate in social and cultural activities. Through these opportunities they develop skills including spirited
friendship, cooperation, healthy competition, and strong leadership.

Thirdly, curriculum and academic. VMUF is dedicated in globalizing the subject of learning by scrutinizing course content
from a global perspective provides up-to-date and significant opportunities to deepen understanding and hone critical
reasoning skills of every students.

Fourthly, illuminating the history of knowledge like in Science and Mathematics is particularly amenable to
demonstrating the global historical roots of knowledge and its progression over time through global interactions.
Scientific knowledge and modes of inquiry that travelled along trade routes in the Islamic world thousand years ago are
part of the heritage of ideas and discoveries leading to today’s universal methods of scientific inquiry and standards of

Lastly, teaching excellence. Qualified and excellent teachers are the backbone of a great school.

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