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GMCL Field Realignment Project

System Design Document

Current Version: 0.4

Owner: Abhijit Naik

Date Last Updated: 04/22/2010

Last Updated By: Siddhesh Manjrekar, Nagavalli Vinnakota

Author: Siddhesh Manjrekar, Nagavalli Vinnakota

Date Created: 04/1/2010

Approved By:

Approval Date:
Revision History

Version Date Revision Author Brief Description of Changes

Number Updated
0.1 04/1/2010 Siddhesh Manjrekar Initial Creation
0.2 04/6/2010 Nagavalli Vinnakota Added Data flow diagram
0.3 04/7/2010 Abhijit Naik Modify the System Design Components
0.4 04/22/2010 Nagavalli Vinnakota Modified as per peer review comment

© 2006 General Motors Corporation No part of this information may be used

without the written consent of General Motors
Table of Contents

1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 5
2 DOCUMENT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 5
2.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 AUDIENCE ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 RELATED DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................. 5
2.4 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................................... 6
2.5 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS................................................................................................ 7
3 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................. 7
3.1 SYSTEM CHANGES ........................................................................................................... 7
4 SOFTWARE DESIGN ............................................................................................................. 9
4.1 SOFTWARE REQUISITES .................................................................................................... 9
4.2 SOFTWARE DESIGN COMPONENTS .................................................................................... 9
5 HARDWARE DESIGN .......................................................................................................... 12
5.1 HARDWARE INTEGRATION ............................................................................................... 12
5.2 DATABASE DESIGN ........................................................................................................ 12
5.3 DATA FLOW DIAGRAMS .................................................................................................. 13
5.4 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM .................................................................................. 14
5.5 REGISTRY / SYSTEM PARAMETERS.................................................................................. 14
6 SIZE AND PERFORMANCE ................................................................................................ 14
6.1 HIGH AVAILABILITY AND SCALABILITY ............................................................................. 14
6.2 CACHING, POOLING AND REPLICATION ............................................................................ 14
6.3 TRANSACTION TYPES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT .............................................................. 14
6.4 RESPONSE TIME ............................................................................................................. 14
6.5 BANDWIDTH CONSUMPTION ............................................................................................ 15
7 OPERATIONS DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 15
7.1 SYSTEM OPERATIONS CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................... 15
7.2 APPLICATION DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN (ADRP) ......................................................... 15
7.3 HOURS OF OPERATIONS ................................................................................................. 15
7.4 FAILURE RECOVERY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 15
7.5 ASSUMPTIONS, CONSTRAINTS & DEPENDENCIES ............................................................. 16

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without the written consent of General Motors
1 Introduction
GMCL field zone offices will be consolidated into three Regional Offices: Western (located in
Calgary), Central (located in Oshawa) and Eastern (located in Montreal). Each Region will be
lead by a Regional Manager, supported by Zone Managers ‘Fixed Operations’ and Zone
Managers ‘Sales’, within the three regions. The existing Oshawa Regional Structure will remain

2 Document Overview
This document is the technical specifications document developed by Capgemini for GMCL Field
Realignment Project. This document is developed from the Business Requirements Document
and is intended to satisfy the customer requirements, objectives and expectations.

2.1 Scope
In Scope (included as part of this project) Out of Scope (not included in this project)
Includes all affected GSSM applications that Will not include all affected GSC 3
use the GMDID Selling Division 14 Sales applications because they are using the
Structure [Sales-DFOM_14/001], in support of GMDID Selling Division 14 Warranty-Service
the various GMCL departments and Field Structure [WTY-Service_14/002], which will
staff. be changed productively ahead of the Sales-
DFOM Structure 14/001.

2.2 Audience
The intended audience for this document is technically inclined business personnel, Architects,
Project Managers, testing personnel and Developers. These resources should have a thorough
knowledge of the business domain for which this project is being implemented and an
understanding of the delivery paradigm.

2.3 Related Documentation

Documents that relate to this System Design Document include (but not limited to):

 Test Strategy

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without the written consent of General Motors
2.4 Definitions and Acronyms
Enclosed are acronyms that are common to this space:

Term Description
ASM Area Sales Manager
BAC Business Associate Code
BARS Billing and Accounts Receivable System
CDR Customer Delivery Reporting
CSI Customer Satisfaction Information
CSV Commercial Specialty Vehicle
DDM Distribution Data Mart
DFOM District Fixed Operations Manager
DRAS Delivery Reporting & Stock
DSE Decision Support Environment [EDW Canada]
DSM District Service Manger
EIS Executive Information System
FAS Fleet Account System [GM Canada]
GM General Motors
GMDID General Motors Dealer Information Database
GMVIS GM Vehicle Inquiry System
GMWA GM Warranty Analysis
IS&S Information Systems and Services (GM)
MAIT Market Analysis Incentive Tracking [ GM Canada]
MDOM Medium Duty Order Management System
MDOS Medium Duty Order Status System
MIC Motors Insurance Corporation
RCC Regional Call Canter
SDP GM System Delivery Process, version 10.00.06. GM IS&S process for
development and deployment of software systems.
VID Vehicle Information Database
VOMS Vehicle Order Management System
VSNA Vehicle Sales North America
VSP VSSM Security Portal Infrastructure
VSSM Vehicle Sales, Service and Marketing
WINS Warranty Information Network System
WOC Web Online Consensus

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without the written consent of General Motors
2.5 Document Conventions
The conventions leveraged in this document will align with those conventions which were
reviewed and approved in the Requirements document.

3 System Overview
VSNA Mainframe application retrieves Sales data from DRAS and Dealer data from GMDID and
transfers this data to VSNA. GMCL Dealer org structure has four geography levels they are as
follows Level 10 is region e.g.: BC, Prairie, and Atlantic, Level 20 is section, Level 30 is
market/zone, Level 40 is territory (or area if U.S.). Data at dealer level can be summed up to get
the region level. But some data (few type not all) which is received at the Region/National level
cannot be broken down to the dealer level. Data for the Area/Market/Section are not stored rather
they are calculated or segregated runtime or on the fly. Dealers are assigned to an org. structure.

3.1 System Changes

The new GMCL Field Realignment org structure will be aligned by removing Regional structures
[BC, Prairie, and Atlantic] and realigning the dealers into 4 new Regional structures labeled as:
Oshawa, Western, Central and Eastern. The Saturn/SAAB structure will remain in GMDID as a
terminated 2 region. The number of Sections and Zones will decrease, to become same as the
Regional level. The number of Territories will decrease within each Zone. Changes in the current
numbering sequence (values) for Regions, Sections, Zones and Territories will occur within

List of Changes:

 The GMCL Sales/DFOM Structure will change in GMDID

 The VSNA Database will be refreshed
 The VSNA Historical data will be re-aggregated within the new structured

3.1.1 Database schemas affected

mppspp1 is the schema used for PL/SQL procedure used for the GMCL Field realignment
apart from that schema no other schemas are going to effect .

3.1.2 Existing GMDID Org. Structure

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without the written consent of General Motors
3.1.3 New GMDID Org. Structure

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without the written consent of General Motors
4 Software Design
In order to achieve the GMCL Realignment, following important tables will be used for data


4.1 Software requisites

 Oracle 9i – Version
 Mainframe: JCL tool

4.2 Software Design Components

4.2.1 JCL to extract master data from GMDID system

Component ID SDC01

Responsibilities VSNA CS holds dealers geographical master information (one time load)
which is being referred while validating the dealers coming thru VSNA
MF daily cycle. This geographical data (one time load) at VSNA CS side
is done thru VSNA MF where VSNA MF jobs (on demand jobs) extracts
the Geographical data from GMDID database and loads into VSNA
Client server master tables RGN, MARKET, SECTION and AREA

Collaborators Model Refresh must be done before data extraction

Description Pseudo code:

1. Mppspwp1 JCL job will be created to extract dealer structure
data from GMDID MO for VSNA Client Server
2. 4 step processes are executed to extract to get Master Area,
Section, Region and Market details and finally loaded.
3. Once the data is extracted FTP the master data files to VSNA
Client Server

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without the written consent of General Motors
Prerequisite Model office refresh has to be done with new data.

Notes mppspwp1 is a onetime JCL job to extract data GMDID and DRAS

Issues If data is not refreshed into GMDID system then realignment process
cannot be start.

4.2.2 Procedure to realign the Dealer Daily Data from historical data

Component ID SDC02

Responsibilities Procedure exists to re-align the historical data based on new structure
provided by GMDID.

Collaborators Master data information and dealer information from GMDID

Description Pseudo code:

AGG_DRAS_ORG_DAILY((hierarchy code ,country code , start date,
end date)

This Procedure is used to Aggregate the data based on hierarchy code

and country code from data_dlr_daily to data_daily_org.

Following steps are followed

1. Delete data from the data_daily_org table if it exists.

2. Get the new data type code country code from the
3. Insert into data_daily that are not associated with a dealer. Then
join the aggregate data type table to get only the data types that
are need to be aggregated to other types.
4. Get all other non-region records that are in data_daily. These
records come in with region file.
5. Sum and insert the units into the data_daily_org table.
Prerequisite New structure for dealer must be provided by GMDID as well as master
data information for region, section, zone and territory.

Notes This design already exists.

Daily Data present in the database is for last 13 months

Issues Changes in dealer structure after processing historical information

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without the written consent of General Motors
4.2.3 Procedure to realign the Dealer Monthly Data from historical data

Component ID SDC03

Responsibilities Procedure will be created to re-align the historical data based on new
structure provided by GMDID.

Collaborators Master data information and dealer information from GMDID

Description Pseudo code:

AGG_ORG_MTHLY_FR(hierarchy code ,country code , start date, end


This Procedure is used to Aggregate the data based on hierarchy code

and country code from Data_Dlr_Mthly and Data_Mthly to

Following steps are followed

1. Delete data from the Data_Mthly_Orrg table if it exists for the

given reporting country code, hierarchy code, start date and end
2. Get the new data from monthly tables for aggregate_data_type
and GM Marketing divisions for corresponding reporting country
code, hierarchy code, start date and end date.
3. Insert into Data_Mthly_Orrg table using Data_Monthly and
Data_Dlr_Monthly tables.
Prerequisite New structure for dealer must be provided by GMDID as well as master
data information for region, section, zone and territory.

Notes 1. Monthly Data present in the database is for last 2 years

2. mppspp1 is the only schema used for the GMCL Field
realignment apart from that schema no other schemas are going
to effect .
Changes in dealer structure after processing historical information

Note: Below are the manual processes involved:

 Master data for Region, Section, Zone and Territory must be loaded manually and data
for this table must be provided by GMDID system

 GMDID data load is existing daily process and for that GMDID Dealer file (with new
structure changes) must be provided by GMDID system.

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without the written consent of General Motors
5 Hardware Design
No Hardware Design changes will be made as part of this initiative. The existing Hardware
Design will be the same after the project execution.

5.1 Hardware Integration

Physical Design

Physical design will not be changed.

Production, UAT and Development Locations

 Mainframe Production server
o Location : Plano, Texas, US
o IP address :
o Server name : PLIPC1B

 Database Production servers

o Location : Auburn Hills, MI, US
o IP Address :
o Servers name : USAHGMGSSMDB005.IWEB.GM.COM
 Database Preproduction Servers
o Location : Plano, TX, US
o IP Address :
o Servers name : USPLGMGSSMDB005.IWEB.GM.COM
 Mainframe Development server
o Location : Plano, TX, US
o IP Address :
o Server name : PLIPC1B

 Database Development Server

o Location : Toronto Canada
o IP Address :
o Server : vsna

5.1.1 Recovery Design

Not Applicable.

5.2 Database Design

No data model changes will be made as part of this initiative. The existing data model will be the
same after the project execution.

5.2.1 Persistence Mechanism (Data Access)

Not Applicable.

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without the written consent of General Motors
5.2.2 Encapsulation
The VSNA application is an existing, legacy application that is in production today. All existing
system logging activities will be used going forward.

5.2.3 Connectors and Enterprise Application Integration Adapters

No connectors and EAI Adapters will be introduced or modified as part of this project.

5.3 Data Flow Diagrams

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5.4 System Architecture Diagram

COBOL Program Extract

data from DRAS & GMDID
and create files & upload on
FTP server CRON jobs read files

Mainframe FTP Server Unix

Load files to VSNA

8.0 Oracle

5.5 Registry / System Parameters

Not Applicable.

6 Size and Performance

6.1 High Availability and Scalability
Please refer SRS.

6.2 Caching, Pooling and Replication

No changes expected as part of this initiative.

6.3 Transaction Types and Their Management

No changes expected as part of this initiative.

6.4 Response Time

Not Applicable.

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without the written consent of General Motors
6.5 Bandwidth Consumption
Not Applicable.

7 Operations Design
7.1 System Operations Classification
7.1.1 Naming/Directory
No new naming/directory will be introduced as part of this project

7.1.2 Security
Not Applicable.

7.1.3 External Channels

No external channels were introduced / modified as part of this project.

7.1.4 System Monitoring

All existing system monitoring, activities and processes will be used going forward.

7.1.5 System Logging

All existing system logging activities will be used going forward.

7.2 Application Disaster Recovery Plan (ADRP)

Application disaster recovery plan has not changed and appropriate changes are mentioned in
the Change History if any.

7.3 Hours of Operations

Not Applicable.

7.4 Failure Recovery requirements

There is no impact on currently existing Failure Recovery Plan with these changes

7.4.1 Availability Plan/ Single Points of Failure

No new Single Point of Failure introduced with this project.

7.4.2 Instrumentation of Systems Management

Not Applicable.

7.4.3 Integration with Application Assurance Center Operations

No Changes to existing Application Assurance Center Operations.

7.4.4 Health Check Monitoring Plan

Not Applicable.

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7.4.5 Operations Support Escalation Procedures
Existing support levels still apply.

7.4.6 Operations support requirement training and technology

No new technology introduced.

7.4.7 Integration with Data center Standards / Versions

IT BOM not changed.

7.4.8 Backup / Restore Design

In case of any problems Oracle data will be restored.

7.4.9 Required Application Failover Processes

Same as existing

7.4.10 Disaster Recovery Design

This project doesn’t impact overall Systems Architecture. The ADRP is not expected to change.

7.4.11 Memory and File Cleanup Processes and Utilities

Not Applicable.

7.4.12 Performance Design and Management

Not Applicable.

7.4.13 Required Capacity Planning Processes

No changes to the capacity planning required.

7.4.14 Data Center Capacity Requirements Form for Shared Resources

Not Applicable.

7.4.15 Infrastructure Required for Ongoing Technical support

No new infrastructure required.

7.4.16 Security Analysis

Existing Authentication and Authorization mechanism applies.

7.5 Assumptions, Constraints & Dependencies

The grids below outlines the assumptions, constraints & dependencies – as noted in the System
Requirements Specification.

7.5.1 Requirement Assumptions

ID Related Assumption Description
Req ID
The Saturn/SAAB structure will remain in GMDID as a terminated region.
Final Realignment took effect in December 2009.
Changes to the Warranty-Service structure 14/002_v3 were implemented
on Feb 19th, 2010 will not be included in scope.

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7.5.2 Requirement Constraints
ID Related Constraint Description
Req ID
Master data for region, section, zone and territory must be available
New structure of the dealer must be available

7.5.3 Requirement Dependencies

ID Related Dependency Description
Req ID
Model data refresh must be done as per schedule date

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without the written consent of General Motors

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