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Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE 7

Commercial Cooking

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. identify the different kitchen hazards;

b. control hazards and risks in the workplace; and
c. know the ways on how to avoid hazards.

II. Subject Matter

Title: Identify Hazards and Risks

Reference: K to 12 Learning Module Grade-7 Commercial Cooking/
Materials Needed: Laptop and Projector (PowerPoint Presentation)

Visual Aids (Pictures)

Teaching Strategies: Cooperative Learning and Inductive Method

Values: The students will value the importance of personal

responsibility and consistently workplace hazards.
III. Lesson Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
 Opening Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
B. Review/ Recall
 Let us have a recall about
the previous topic.

 Who can enumerate the - Ma’am, the five primary kitchen

five primary kitchen layout layout shapes are:
shapes? a. U-shaped
b. L-shaped
c. G-shaped
d. Corridor/ Gallery ; and
e. The Island Option
 Okay, Very Good! I’m glad
that you still remember our
previous topic.

C. Motivation
 Okay class, before we move
on to our next topic, I want
you to think of a possible
risk on what might happen
on this picture.
(The teacher will show the
first picture.)
 Okay class, what’s the - Electric shock and ma’am
possible risk to happen if
you’re going to see this?
(Loaded Outlet)
 What’s the possible risk to - Someone will trip, fall and hurt
happen based from this ma’am.
(Wet Floor)
 Very good! Class what have - It is unsafe kitchen Ma’am.
you noticed or observe to
this picture?

 Perfect! These pictures have

something to do with our
lesson for today which is all
about, “Identify Hazards
and Risks, especially in the - Yes Ma’am

D. Lesson Proper

 Class, let us define first the

word Hazard and Risks.

 What do you think is the - Hazard is a situation that could be

definition of Hazard? dangerous, like slipping and

 Very good! How about the - Risks are the possibility that
Risks? something bad will happen.

 Great! Now, who has an - Ma’am Physical Hazard

idea about the common Chemical Hazard, Electrical
hazards that we encounter Hazard, Biological and
in the kitchen? Ergonomics Hazard Ma’am.

 Brilliant! Okay class we

will be having an activity
about our lesson for today.
(The class will be divided
into 5 groups. Each group
has 8 members. The group
leader will discuss the
meaning of hazards and the
possible risk or harm they
will get. .)
Presenter no. 1 please (Leader #1)
proceed in front. Ma’am it’s a Physical Hazard
(Then the leader will discuss
his/her observation in the given
“Fall is losing your balance and
hitting the ground.”
 Very Good! A fall is an
example of a Physical
Hazard. Other examples of
Physical hazards are Slips,

- (Leader#2)
Chemical Hazard Ma’am, which
can be poisonous.

 Precisely! Chemical Hazard

can be poisonous. They can
harm people’s health.

- (Leader#3)
Ma’am Electrical Hazard
We have observed in this picture
that when one outlet and many
cords we’re attached, arranged or
fixed on its place there’s always a,
 Definitely! Avoid octopus risk when neglected.
outlets (one outlet with
many cords).

- (Leader#4)
Biological Hazard Ma’am.
Refer to biological substances that
pose a threat to the health of
living organisms, primarily that of
humans. They live on skin, in
food and dirt.
 Very good! Next is
Biological Hazard which
can pose a threat to the
health of living organisms
primarily that of a human.

- (Leader #5)
Ergonomics Hazard Ma’am is
how equipment and furniture can
be arranged in order that people
can do work or other activities
more efficiently and comfortably.

 Job well done!

IV. Application
Group Activity
Directions: Let’s play charades, guess the
word. (They will have to act the word.)

 Slip
 Strain
 Electric Shock
 Burn
 Fall

V. Generalization
 What are the different - Physical hazard, Chemical hazard,
hazards commonly Electrical hazard, Biological
encountered in the kitchen? hazard and Ergonomics hazard
 Did you understand the - Yes Ma’am!

VI. Evaluation
Instructions: Choose the answer from the
words enclosed in the box below and write
it on a separate sheet of paper.
Hint: Answers may be used more than
once. Each situation may have more than
one answer.

A. Physical B. Ergonomics
C. Biological
D. Electrical E. Chemical

_________1. Water spilled on the floor A, B 1. Water spilled on the floor near
near sinks, steam tables, and dishwashers sinks, steam tables, and dishwashers or in
or in the freezer. the freezer.
_________2. Bending over from the waist B 2. Bending over from the waist to
to lift cases/boxes, trash bags, or large lift cases/boxes, trash bags, or large
mixer bowls. mixer bowls.
_________3. Using cleaning products E 3. Using cleaning products from
from another department or bringing them another department or bringing them
from home. from home.
_________4. Cords on the floor in the A,D 4. Cords on the floor in the
cashier or serving areas are not covered or cashier or serving areas are not covered
are too short to reach the floor. or are too short to reach the floor.
_________5. Removing pans from ovens A 5. Removing pans from ovens or
or steamers. steamers.

_________6. Using dull knives for food A 6. Using dull knives for food
preparation. preparation.
_________7. Cleaning slicer or food A 7. Cleaning slicer or food
processor blades. processor blades.
_________8. Twisting without moving A,B 8. Twisting without moving feet
feet to retrieve an item behind you. to retrieve an item behind you.
_________9. Reaching above chest height B 9. Reaching above chest height to
to retrieve boxes/cases or equipment. retrieve boxes/cases or equipment.
_________10. Overloading a cart and B 10. Overloading a cart and
pushing it to set up or supply food to a pushing it to set up or supply food to a
serving area. serving area.

VII. Assignment

 Commonly Encountered
Maintenance Problems in
Commercial Kitchens.

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