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NPM : 191204023

RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten was established on December 20, 1927, jointly
by plantations (onderneming) owned by the Dutch East Indies government (now Indonesia)
consisting of tobacco, sugar cane and hemp plantations.
The hospital was named "Dr. SCHEURER HOSPITAL "and managed by the" Zending
"foundation which is engaged in the welfare of the people. The hospital was led by Dr. Bakker.
In 1942 Japan entered / controlled the Dutch Indian Government so "Dr. SHEURER HOSPITAL
"is also controlled by Japan. In 1945 Japan lost the war and Indonesia declared its independence.
Thus "Dr. SHEURER HOSPITAL "is also under the authority of the Indonesian government and
since then the name has been changed to TEGALYOSO KLATEN GENERAL HOSPITAL. This
name is taken from the name of the village where Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro is located in Tegalyoso
village. During the Japanese administration the Hospital was led by Dr. Maeda and Dr. Curuta
Then after Japan left (1945) the Hospital was led by Dr. Soenoesmo.
In 1952 Dr Soenoesmo, who at that time was the head of the hospital, died because of illness and
underwent appendicitis. As a substitute for the leadership of RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro was
appointed by Dr. Horner was accompanied by Dr. Junior Bakker.
In 1954 Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro led by Dr. Soepaat Soemosoedirdjo and since 1945 RSUP Dr.
Soeradji Tirtonegoro has been fully managed by the Indonesian Ministry of Health.
In 1947 Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro is also used as a place of study and practice by the Medical
College (PTK), so from now also Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro except for carrying out the health and
education services of the Midwives and Mantri Nurses that already existed are also used as a place
for doctor education.
PTK in Dr. RSUP Soeradji Tirtonegoro was moved to Yogyakarta in 1950, which then grew and
developed into the Faculty of Medicine at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta.
Therefore, until now Dr. RSUP Soeradji Tirtonegoro Klaten established close collaboration with
the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Yogyakarta. The collaboration with the UGM Faculty of Medicine
was formally confirmed in writing in 1975 based on the decision of the Indonesian Minister of
Health which among others stipulates that RSUP Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro, together with Dr.
Sardjito Yogyakarta is a place of practice for medical students at the Yogyakarta Faculty of
Dr. Hospital Soeradji Tirtonegoro (Galiyoso) is a state-owned hospital with an address on Jl. KRT.
Dr. Soeradji Tirtonegoro No.1,Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia
there are many medical services that are there. is the first referral hospital in Klaten. Galiyoso
Hospital there are many specialist doctors such as UROLOGICAL SPECIALISTS, GENERAL
PRACTITIONERS and much more.
if you want to see a specialist doctor, you should ask for a referral from a private doctor or family
doctor. but when you or your family have an emergency, there are things you need to know. Here
are some steps we can take if we want to bring our families to the hospital and how to take care of
licensing at the hospital.

 Emergency
If you are in an emergency situation such as after an accident, you will be immediately
taken to the hospital. Then the Emergency Department (IGD) is the right place for
emergency patients. In the emergency room the patient will be treated according to
emergency procedures. Bring other family members in charge of monitoring the patient's
condition and other families to take care of patient administration.
If the patient's condition worsens, the patient will be referred to the Intensive Care Unit
(ICU). ICU is a place to treat patients with very emergency conditions. The medical team
consisting of various medical disciplines will deal with patients who need emergency
treatment. If the patient's condition improves, then other family members who take care of
the administration must find an in-patient room according to the patient's wishes. Hospitals
generally provide a variety of choices ranging from class III rooms to VVIP.
In addition to taking care of hospital administration, ask for help from other families to
take care of the complete identity of the patient himself. If you have Health Insurance
(ASKES), it is better to use it, Identity (KTP / SIM), and a statement of disability from the
village (if not able). All licensing processes are better carried out by many parties with their
respective assignments. So that patients are not suspended in the hospital.
 Outpatient
Outpatient is the nature of hospital services that provide treatment to patients and are only one day
when the patient visits the hospital. In general, outpatient services are divided into several types
of JAMKESMAS (Public Health Insurance), JAMKESKIN (Poor Public Health Insurance), and
Health Insurance which covers JAMKESMAS and JAMKESKIN is a service provided to patients
and receive a discounted price from the government. Sources of funds used are sourced from the
APBD and the Government APBN. The administrative process for medical treatment using
ASKES is a little more complicated. Patients must have a referral letter from the local health center
where the patient lives, identity card (KTP / SIM), certificate of disability, Hospital treatment card
and ASKES card.
Whereas General registration is an outpatient treatment registration that does not use health
insurance and is slightly more expensive than using Askes. If we have to ask Askes we have to
bring a variety of a lot of equipment, then the General service of the patient is enough to bring
identification and hospital cards.
First the patient comes in the registration room to take the queue number. After being called the
patient will be asked to seek treatment to the specialist doctor that we want. Previously it must
have a little knowledge of the disease and the doctor who will treat us. But usually when the first
treatment at PUSKESMAS, the examining doctor will provide a referral to a particular specialist
for the disease suffered by the patient. After we show where the doctor is headed. Then the
administration officer will take the patient's Medical Record folder if the patient has had medical
treatment before and for the first time the patient will be given a new folder and fill in some data.
Medical Record Map aims to record the patient's disease footprint so that the medical team that
inspects and handles is able to analyze the source of the current disease that is related to a previous
disease history.
After filling in the data, bring the Medical Record (RM) folder to the doctor's clinic in the
destination. Arriving there hand over the RM Map to the administrative officer who records the
patient's history and waits for a call from the officer. When called and met with a doctor, the patient
will be anamnesis (interview) to look for complaints suffered by the patient. After being examined,
the patient's diagnosis will be determined and given therapeutic measures or given
pharmacological measures, by administering drugs. The doctor will give a prescription to the
patient and the prescription can be given to pharmacies that are in the hospital itself or pharmacies
that are outside the hospital. If the patient's diagnosis is still temporary and is not yet known then
the doctor will provide a referral to another unit for review. For example when a patient has a HNP
(hernia nucleus purposus) Lumbar patient is referred to Physiotherapy.
Well. that's the full profile of the state-owned hospital DR.SOERADJI TIRTONEGORO
KLATEN and facilities and medical personnel and how to get treatment and register in an
emergency. That's all from me Assalamuallaikum wr.wb.

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