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G con gchenelfen ware dardelad asd aga G8 56ae The Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka EXTRAORDINARY Pace ‘qe 1150/22 ~ 2000 emn0,208 22 D6 Derm - 20001122 ce Seer No, 18922 ~ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMRER 22,200 _ (Published by Authority) PART I: SECTION (J) — GENERAL Government Notifications LD.B4si e NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ACT, No.47 OF 1980 Order under Section 234 1 powers vested in mie by Section 22A of the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980 as amended by Acts ‘of 1988 and $3 of 2000, 1 Mahinda Wijesekera Minister of Forestry and Environment, do by this Order, determine ities set out in the Schedule hereto as activities for which Environmental Protection License is required. Masuxoa WUESEKERA, Minister Forestry and Environment Chiombo, 2009, SCHEDULE, ‘Tue Acrivmies ror witleu AN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LICENCE IS REQUIRED PARTA J. Caustic soda manufacturing industries, 2. Soaps, detergents or any other cleansing preparations manufacturing industries where 25 or more workers are ‘employed. ‘Acid (Inorganic or organic) manufacturing or repacking industries. |. Chemical fertilizer manufacturing, formulatingubrocessing or repacking Industries. . Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, pesticidts manufacturing, formulating, or repacking industries. 6. Oil (mineral oil or petroleum) refineries. al 7. Bulk petroleum Liquid storage facilities having a total capacity of 150 or more metric tons. 8. Dye and dye intermediate manufacturing or formulating industries 9. 0, . Paints (emulsion or enamel), inks, pigments, varnish, polish manufacturing or formulating industries, 10. Petrochemical (basic or intermediates) manufacturing or formulating industries. 11. Explosives manufacturing or formulating industries 2A Leeda: () aga - G Gam germtige GEOL Sadied 46 Dene 59 og - 20001 1.22 ase: Soe () ~ GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA ~22.11.200 2D 13. 4, 1S. 16. " 18 1B. 2. a. 8 = 35, BSRGRSASSSESB ess Reep Match sticks manufacturing industries Industrial gas menufecturing, processing or refilling industries excluding auto gas filling stations. Asphalt processing plants Industries involved in the manufacture of polymers or polymer based products (i.e. polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane, polypropylene, polyester, nylon, polystyrene, resins, fiberglass or other man made fibers ete.) Industries involved in the use of fiberglass as a raw material where 10 or more workers are employed. Synthetic rubber, natural rubber manufacturing or processing or rubber based industries excluding industries, which manufacture 100Kg or less per day of ribbed smoke rubber sheets. All ypes of tyres, tubes manufacturing or tyre retreading industries. ‘Activated carbon, carbon black manufacturing or coconut shell buming industries having the total input capacity of 10,000 or more coconut shells per batch within a single production cycle. Battery manufacturing or reconditioning industries. ‘Any industry involved in the use of asbestos fibres as a raw material. Industries involved in manufactusing, extracting or formulating pharmaceuticals or cosmetic produets including intermediates. \. Industries involved in manufacturing or extracting or formulating Ayurvedic, Indigenous medicinal products where 25 or more workers are employed. . Printing presses with lead smelting, 5. Batik industries where 10 or more workers are employed. “Textile processing (ie. bleaching, dyeing, printing) industries or garment washing industries. | Commerciat laundries with dry cleaning operations using organic solvents where 10 or more workers are employed ‘Tanneries Leather finishing industcies having effluent generating wet operations Jute processing industries Industries involved in bleaching or dyeing of natural fiber Power looms having 25 or more machines or power looms with sizing activities ‘Sugar factories or sugar refineries Fermentation industries (Distlleries, Brewesies) or alcoholic beverages bottling plants ‘Vegetable, fruit, meat, seafood, milk-processing industries where 25 or more workers are employed Abattoirs Plants (other than coconut) or animal oils/fats extracting industries Coconut oil extratraction industries where 25 or more workers are employed Bakery products, biscuits, confectionery manufacturing industries where 25 or more workers are employed Instant tea or coffee processing industries Non-alcoholic beverages manufacturing industries where 25 or more workers are employed Bottling plants having bottle washing operations using caustic soda 3. Desiccated coconut mills . Pice mills having wet process and having « production capacity of 5000 kilograms or more per day Poultry farms having 2500 or more birds Hatcheries 7. Piggery, cattle, goat farms having 50 or more animals Animal feed manufacturing industries having a capacity of 25 or more meiric tons per day Cigarettes or other tobaceo products manufacturing industries where 50 or more workers are employed Zoological gardens | Electrical power generating utilities having « cumulative capacity of 300 KW or more excluding hydro or Solar ‘or wind power generation Surface treatment of metal or plastic industries including electroplating, galvanizing industries Iron and steel mills Foundries with cupola, arc furnaces or induction furnaces Non-ferrous metal processing industries such as lead, zinc, copper, aluminium smelting, secondary Lead process: ing or recovery of metals including silver recovery from photographic chemical solutions Teande : (1) eco = @ cx ocnoisiin OBR dondeted q Lame asd og - 20001122 3A Paar: Sec) ~ GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCR ATIC SOCTALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA ~ 22.11.2000 6. Cementindusties (clinker grinding, manufacturing or repacking) ‘5. Conerete batching plants having a capacity of 50 or more cubic meters per day ‘58, Glass or glass product manufacturing industries ‘59, Lime kilns having & production capacity of 20 or more mettic tons per day ©, Ceramic industries where more than 25 or more workers are employed 61. Processing of non-metaltic minerals (1.2, limestone, skell, dolomite, apatite, rock phosphate, sand sto spar, quart, illmentie, rutile, zircon, mica, graphite, kaolin etc. Granite crushing or processing industries having a total production capacity of 25 or more cubic meters par day. Paper end Pulp Industries excluding hand mace papers . Any chemical manufacturing industry not elsewhere specified in this list. ‘Any common wastewater (industrial or sewage) treatment plants. Incinerators having an input capacity of 5 or more metric tos per day end evernatoriums. All hazardous waste dispasal sites. ‘Water trestment plenis having 10,000 or more cubic meters per day. >. Industries involved in chemical treatmsnt anc preservation of wood (excluding Boron treatment). Saw mills having a milling capacity of 50 or more eutie meters pee day, Hotels, Guest Honses, Rest Houses with 20 or more rooms. Hostels having 2 boarding capacity of 200 or more boardets. Any industry where 200 or more workers per shift are employed. t. Mechanized mining activities with rnviti bore hole blasting with delay detonators. Single bore hole blasting activities with production cepacity having 600 or more cubic meters per month, Granite bouiders, making or processing industries 1. Metal fabricating industries, mechinery. machine tools, equipments manufacturing or zssembling industries where 25 or more workers are employed . Automobile assembly industries. Vehicle service st‘fous or container yerds having vehicle service activities. Any industry not ingested above which discharges 3 or more cubic meters of wastewater per day of using toxic chemics! in is process B PRSSSRARARD PARTE, 1 Soaps, detergents or any other cleansing preparations roanufactuting indusiies where less than 25 workers are employed. 2. Bulk petroleum liguid storage facilites heving a total expacity less thea 180 metric tons. 3. Ribbed smoke rubber sheets manufacturing industries having a production capacity of more than 50 Jilograms per day and less than 100 kilograms per dy 4. Coconut shell burning industries having a total input capacity of more than 1,000 coconut shells and less than 10,000 coconut shells per batch within a single production cycle. 5. industries involved in manufacturing, extracting of forsulating Ayurvedic, Indigenovs medicinal products where more than 10 weckers and les than 25 workers are en:ploye’. 6, Printing presses excluding ead smelting. 7, Balk industies where less than 10 workers are employed. 8 8. Industries involved in the use of fibre glass as a raw material where less than 10 workers are employed. Commercial laundries with dry cleaning operations using organic solvents where less than 10 warkers are employe 10, Leather finishing industries other than having effluent generating wet operations. 11, Coconut fibre mills excluding bleaching or dyeing processes of natural fibre are carried out 12. Power looms having less than 25 weaving machines, 13. Hand looms having more than 10 looms 14, Sugar cane industries excluding suger factories or sugar refineries. 15. Vegetable, fruit, mest, seafood, milk-processing industries where more than 5 workers and less than 25, workers are employes 4a Toendes: (I) exe ~ @ cm goiemaigea CBDR ended ¢6 Dame oad O92 ~ 20001122 Pari den tt) C OAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRILANKA ~22.112000 12-2631 7a. Coconut ol extraction industries where more than 10 workers and less than 25 workers are employed. 17, Bakery products biscuits, confectionery manufacturing industries where more than S workers and less than 25 workers are employed. 18 Nonalcoholic beverages manufecturing industries where more than 10 workers and less than 25 workers are employed. 19, Boting plants other than plants having botle washing operations using caustic soda 20. Rice mills having wet process aud having a production capacity of les than 5000 kilograms per day. mills having dry operation process (other than having wet process) 22. Grinding mills. 23, paulty' farms having more than 50 birds and fess than 2500 birds. 24. Piggeries having more than S animals and less than 50 animals 25, Cate, goat farms having more than 10 animals and less than 50 animals 26. Animal feed manufacturing industries, having a capacity of less than 25 metic tons per day 21, Electrical power generating industries having a total capacity of more than 100 KW and Jess than 300 KW excluding hyéro or solar or wind power generation, Concrete betching plants having a capacity of less then $0 cubic meters per day. . Concrete pre-cast industries. Mechanized cement block manufacturing industries. Lime kilns having a production capacity of less than 20 metric tons. Ceramic industries where less than 25 workers are employed. Tiles and bricks kiln. Granite crushing or processing industries having a total production capacity of less than 25 cubic meters per day excluding manual crushing operations using hand tools. : 435, Incinerators having an input capacity of less than 5 metric tons per day 36. Industries involved in Boron treatment of wood. 37. Saw mills having a milling capacity of less than 50 cubic meters per dsy. 38. Carpentry workshops which use electricity power more than 3 HP. 39, Residential hotels, guest houses, rest houses with less than 20 rooms. 40. Non-Resindental hotels, restaurans, eating houses with cooking facilites where more than 5 workers are employed. 41, Hostels having a boarding capacity of more shan 25 and less than 200 boarders 42. Garment industries where more than 10 workers and less than 200 workers per shift are employed, 43. Single bore hole blasting ectivities having a production capacity of fess than 600 cubic meters per month or other single bore hole blasting acivities using explosives. : 44, Metal fabricating indusiries, machinery, machine tools, equipment manufacturing or assembling industries Gelding late workshops and welding shops) where less than 25 workers are employed. 45, Garages where vehicle repairing activites or maintenance activities are carried out including the facilities of carrying out, repairing, maintetance and installation of aut air conditions.) LD.B 4/81 ‘THENATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ACT,No.47 OF 1980 REGULATIONS made by the Minister of Forestry and Environment under Section 32 of the National Environmental Act, No.47of 1980s amended by Acts, Nos. 56 of 1988 and 53 of 2000. Colombo. Maitinoa WUESEKERA, Minister of Forestry and Environment, 2st November, 2000, 1) esigea ~ G Cam SeeEIGe DOOR Uerdelad ¢& Bowe oD cms - 20001122 SA Paar Sc (1) ~ GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA ~22.112000 Regulations National Environmental (Protection and Quality) Regulation No. | of 1990 published in Gazette Extraodinary No. 595/16 of February 2, 1990 as amended by Gazette Extraordinary No. 924/13 of May, 23, 1996 is hereby further amended follows -— (1) by the substitution for Regulation 2 thereof of the followit "2, No person shall carry on any activity which discharges, deposits or emits waste or noise into the environment pollution or noise pollution except— using (@) under the authority of a license issued by the Central Environmental Authority (hereinafter referred to as the ““Authority) ; and (®) in accordance with the standards and criteria specified in Schedule I hereto and in any regulation made under this A (2) by the substitution for paragraph (b) of regulation 7 thereof of the following :— *(B) valid for such period as shall be specified in the license provide, it shall be not for more than a period of three years subject to any suspension or cancellation of the license under Section 23 D of the Act.” (3) by the substitution for paragraph (a) of paragraph (1) of Regulation 9 thereof of the following -— “(@) at least three months before the date of expiry of the license or one month before effecting any changes, alterations or ‘extensions to the premises at which the acts authorized by the license are carried out as the case may be,” (4) by the substitution for paragraph (1) of regulation 11 thercof of the following :- “(1)_ An applicant fora license who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Authority to grant a license or any holder ofa license ‘who is aggrieved by the suspension or cancellation of a license or the refusal to renew a license may, within thirty days after the date of notification of such decision to hirn, appeal in writing against such refusal, suspension, cancellation or refusal to renew, to the Secretary of the Ministry in charge of the subject of Environment.", (5) by the substitution for Regulation 14 thereof of the following :— “14, Every person who contravenes the provisions of any regulation, commits an offence punishable under Sub Section (3) of Section 23A of the Act.", (6) by the substitution for item 1 of the General Terms and Conditions of Form B of Schedule Il thereof, of the following. item:— “I. The license shall be valid for such period es may be specified inthe license) provided it shall be not for more than 1 period of three years from the date of issue. An application for renewal of the license shall be made atleast three months prior to Ue date expiry ofthe license.”, (7) by the substitution for Schedule II thereof ofthe following Schedule — “SCHEDULE I LICENSING FEE AND RENEWAL FEE. PART A 1. (a)a fee of Rs. 15,000 shall be levied in respect of each application for the issue ; and 2 (b)afee of Rs. 15,000 shal be levied in respect of each application for the renewal 6A emda Paxr I: Ste () ~ GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY Or THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIAL: D) 4k - 8 cx ochensiin Ob doddied 46 Buwe asd Og - 20001122 TUBLIC OF SRI LANKA ~ 22.11.2000 of the Environmental Protection License for the following activities :- 3 4. s. 6 1 8 9, 10. nL. 12 13, 14, 1s. 16, 11 18, 19, 24, 25. 26. 21, 28. 29. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35, 36. 37. ge ). Battery manufacturing or reconditioning industries Caustic soda manufacturing industries ‘Sonps, detergents or any other cleansing preparations n: .:" -ving industries where 25 or more workers are employed |. Acid (Inorganic or organic) manufécruring or repack.» ‘28 ‘Chemical fertilizer manufacturing, formulating, processis = cepacking Industries 5. Insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides manufacturing, formulating or repacking industries. 3. Oil (mineral oil or petroleum) refin Bulk petroleum liquid storage facilities having a total capacity of 150 or mote metric tons. Dye and dye intermediate manufacturing or formulating industries ). Paints (emulsion or enamel), inks, pigments, vamish, polisti manufacturing or formulating industries ). Petrochemical (basic or intermediates) manufacturing or formulating industries |. Explosives manufacturing or formulating industries “Match sticks manufacturing industries Industrial gas manufacturing, processing or refilling industries excluding suto gas filing stations “Asphalt processing plants Industries invioved in the manufacture of polymers or polymer based products (i.e. polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyurethane, polypropylene, polyester, nylon, polystytene, resins, fiberglass or other man made fibersetc.) Industries involved in the use of fiberglass asa raw material where 10 or more workers are employed Syatheti rubber, natural rubber manufacturing or processiong or rubber based industries excluding industries which manufacture 100 kilograms or less per day of ribbed smoke rubber sheets, All types or tyres, tubes manufacturing or tye rereading industries ‘Activated carbon, carbon black manufecturing or coconut shell burning industries exceeding the total input capacity of 10,000 or more coconut shells per batch within a single production cycle. ‘Any industy invloved in the use of asbestos five ase raw material Industries involved ia manufacturing, extracting of formulating pharmaceuticals or cosmetic products includ- ing intermediates Industries involved in manufacturing or extracting or formulating Ayurvedic, Indigenous medicinal products where 25 of more workers are employed. Printing presses with lead smelting Batik industies where 10 or more workers are employed Textile processing (ie. bleaching, dyeing, printing) industries or garment washing industries Commercial laundries with dry cleaning operations using organic solvents where 10 or more workers are employed Tanneries Leather finishing industries having effluent generating wet operations Jate processing industries Industries invloved in bleaching or dycing of natural fiber Power looms having 25 or more machines or power looms with sing activities Sugar factories or sugar refineries Fermentation industries (Disilleies, Breweries) or alcoholic beverages boiling plants Vegetable, fruit, meat, seafood, milk-processing industries where 25 or more workers are employed Abautoirs Pants (other than coconut) or animal oils/fats extracting industries. Coconut cil extraction industries where 25 oF more workers are employed Bakery products, biscuits, confectionery manufacturing industries where 25 or more workers are employed Instant tea or coffee processing industries Lemde : (1) exe - @ om gchimraigen Ose endeled ¢6 Bas oD O92 - 20001122 7A Paar I: Sec (2) ~ GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA ~22.1.2000 41, Non-alcoholic beverages manufacturing industries where 25 or more workers are employed 42. Botting plants having bottle washing operations using caustic soda 43, Desiceated coconut mills 44, Rice mills having wet process and having a production capacity of S000 kilograms or more per day 4S, Poultry farms having 2500 or more | 46, Hatcheries 41, Piggery, catle, goat farms having 50 or more animals 4S: Animal feed manufacturing indstes having a capaci of25 or mare mete tons pec dy 49. Cigarettes or other tobacco products manufacturing, industries where 50 or more workers are employed 50. Zoological gardens 51. Electrical power generating utilities having a cumulative capacity of 300 Kilowatt (KW) or more excluding | hydro or soler or wind power generation ‘52, Surface treatment or metal or plastic industries including electroplating, galvanizing industries 53. Iron and steel mills 54, Foundries with cupola, are furnaces or induction furnaces ‘55, Non-ferrous metal processing industries such as Lead, Zinc, Copper, Aluminium smelting, secondary Lead processing or recovery of metals including silver recovery from photographic chemical solutions ‘96. Cement industries (clinker grinding, manufacturing orrepacking) ‘5%. Concrete batching plants exceeding a capacity of 50 or more cubic meters per day 48. Glass or glass product manufacturing industries 59. Lime kilns having a production capacity of 20 or more metric tons per day @. Ceramic industries where more than 25 or more workers are employed G1, Processing of non-metalic miners (ie. limestone, sell, dolomite, apatite, rock phosphate, sandstone, feldspar, quart, illmenite, rutile, zircon, mica, graphite, kaotinetc:) Granite crushing or processing industries having a otal production capacity of 25 or more cubic meters per day . Paper and Pulp Industries excluding hand made papers ‘Any chemical manufacturing industry not elsewhere specified inthis list : ‘Ani common wastewater (industrial or sewage) treatment plants Incinerators having an input capacity of Sor more metric tons per day and crematoriums All hazardous waste disposal sites ; ‘Water treatment plants with treatment capacity of 10,000 or more cubic meters per day Industries involved in chemical treatment and preservation of wood (Excluding Boron treatment) ‘Saw mills having a milling capacity of 50 or more cubic meters per day |. Hotels, Guest Houses, Rest Houses with 20 oF more rooms Hostels having a boarding capacity of 200 or more boarders ' Any industry where 200 or more workers per shift are employed |. Mechanized mining activities with multi bore hole blasting with delay detonators. 5. Single bore hole blasting activities with production capacity exceeding 600 or more cubic meters per month. Granite boulders making or processing industries . Metal fabricating industries, machinery, machine tools, equipments manufacturing or assembling industries ‘where 25 or more workers are employed. 7B, Automobile assembly industries. 79. Vehicle service stations or containeryards having vehicle service activities. 80, Any industry not indicated above which discharges 3 or more cubic meters of wastewater per day or using toxic ‘chemical in its process, SSSRARASER Ageean PART B 2 (@) afees or Rupees 3,000 shall be levied in respect of each application for the issue ; and (®) fee or Rupees 3,000 shall be levied in respect of each application for the renewal of the Environmental Protection License forthe following activities -— 8A Lecsnde : (1) ecigea - G gaa gstarnigio « Paar 1: Sec(1) ~GAZETT# EXTRAORDINARY OF TH . Batik indust |. Leather finishing industries other than having effluent ge |. Coconut fibze mills excluding bleach DIR ciardtied 4 Bane aad eyes - 20001122 NOCH SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRILANKA 22.1 2069 Soaps, detergents or ay other lansing preparations manufacturing industries where less than 25 workers > employed. Bulk petroleum liquid storage facilities having # total cepacity less en 150 metric tons Ribbed smoke rubber shects manufacturing industies having a production capacity of more than 50 kilograms per day and less then 100 kilograms per day. Coconut shell bring iudustres having «tots! inpat eapzcity of move than 1,000 coconut shells and less thas 10,000 coconut shells per batch within a single production cycle, Industries invioved in manufacturing, extracting or formulating Ayervedie Indigenous medicinal products ‘where more than 10 workers and less ten 25 workers are employed. Printing presses excluding lead smelting. jes where less than 10 workers «2 employe Industries invioved in the use of fibze glass as raw materia) where less than 10 work Commercial laundries with dry cleaning cy-rations using organic solvents where less than 10 worl employed scating wet operations. ‘or dyeing processes of natural fibre are carsied out Power looms having less than 25 weaving wachines Hand looms having more than £0 looms industries excluding sugar factories 0 fruit, meat, seafood, milk-processiig industries where mace than 5 workers end less then 25 workers are employed Coconut oil extraction industries» Bakery products, biscuits, confectionecy m workers are employed Non-alcoholic beverages manufacturing indus nployed. ns 10-workers and less than 25 workers are employed. \tectacing industies where mote dian 5 workers and less then 2 nioce then 10 workers and less than 25 workers exe Bottling plants other then plants having couls warhing opscarions using caustic soda, Rice mils having we process andLaving x educon eapacityof es than 5000 kilograms pe day Rice mills having dry operation process (other than having wet process) Grinding ils Paultry farms having moze than SO bieds snd 2500 bids Piggeries having more than 5 animats an. fess than 50 animals Cattle, gost farnas having more than 10 auimals and less than $0 annals Animal feed manufacturing inustiics, having & capacity of less than 25 metic tons per day 1. Electrical power generating indusuies having a total capacity of moze than 100 KW and less than 300 excluding hydro or solar or wind power generation Concrete batching plants having a cspacity of less than $0 cubie meters per day Concrete pre-cast industries Mechanized cement block msnufsctering industries Lime kilns having a production capacty of less than 20 meirie wus Ceramic industries whece less than 25 workers ate employed . Tiles and bricks kilns Granite crushing or processing industries having a total production capacity of less than 25 cubie meters per ay excluding manual crushing pperstions using hand tools Incinerators having an input capacity of less than 5 metiie tons per day Industries involved in Boron treatment of wood . Saw mills having a milling capacity of less than 50 cubic meters per day Carpentry workshops which use electricity power more than 3 HP ). Residential hotels, Guest houses, Rest houses with less than 20 rooms Termda : (I) eca - G em gthencifja odo Soctiacd q6 Dame od gD - 20001122 9A ust: Sec () ~ GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST RETUBLIC OF SRILANKA ~ 22.11.2000 ‘Non-residential hotels, restaurants, eating houses with cooling facilities where more than 5 workers are employed AL. Hostels having a boarding capacity of more than 25 and! fess thaw 200 boarders 42, Garnient industries where move than 10 workers and less than 200 workers per shift ere employed 48. Single bore hole blasting activities having a production cepacity of less than 600 eubie meters per month of other single bare hole blasting activities using explosives 44, Metal fabricating industries, machinery, m , equigtaent suanufacturing or assemblig industries (including lathe workshops snd welding shops) where less than 25 workers are employed 5, Garages where vehicle repaiting not'vities or maintenance act vitics are cemtied ost (including the facilities of conying out repairing, maintensnce and ints 8) LD.B4@L ro 1989 ‘on 32. read with section 23CC of the National 1938 and $3 of 2000, Minos WueseKERs, Minister of Forestry and Environment, Cotornbo, 2st Novernber, 2000. Regulations National Environmental Procedure forerproval of raises Rese 71222 of June 24,1993 is hereby emessed a fellow >. 10F1993 published in Gagette Extraordinary (Q) Tnsegulation 7 theerof ~ (@) by the substitution for paragraph (i) theseof of the follow (Gijupan receipt of an Initial Exviconmentsl Exsminsta thereof tothe Authority, () by the repeal of paragraphs (ii) and (lv) of shat regulation sofet Approving Agcacy stall submit a copy (2) bby the repeal of paragraphs (i) and (i) of regulation 8 thereof; (2) by the substitution for regulation 9 Vieieof ofthe following ‘Upon receipt ofthe Initial Exvironmental Examination Report, tne Project Approving Agency shail wliln a peril of 21 days ~ grant spproval for the implementation of the proposed project subject to specified condition Gi) request the project proponent to subzait an Enviranmencal Impact Aesessinent Report: or Gil) refuse approval for the implementation of the proposed project with reasons for doing so. PRINTED AV THE DEPARTWENT OF GOVERNMENT FRISTING, SRILANKA,

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