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Rice is the staple food of Filipinos. For them, meals will not be completed without

rice, as it is not normal to see a typical Filipino who eats fried chicken partnered with a

slice of loafed bread, or a piece of pan de sal. For them, every viand is forever

accompanied by rice, and nothing but rice (Diaz, 2012).

Before, rice has also been the staple food in Filipino cuisines, but plain and fried

were the only varieties they knew. It was only a few years ago that they started playing

around with rice recipes such as java, garlic, chili, and Chinese. But, what seem to be a

hit among Filipinos are rice toppings, wherein meat and vegetable dishes are served on

top of a box of rice. It is the same old Filipino food, but packed in a light, convenient

way. These packages are seen and are being sold in malls, sidewalks, and school


Moreover, one thing that comes to a typical Filipino mind when it comes to

breakfast is “SILOG”. From its origins, the syllable “SI” of the Filipino term “Sinangag”

for fried rice, and the syllable “LOG” of the Filipino term “Itlog” for egg, SILOG and a

variety of favorite Filipino viands to choose from has slowly become the National

Breakfast of the Philippines (De Jose, 2009).

It is in the above context that the proponents have come up with the idea of

introducing a product to be labeled as Boxsilog.

Boxsilog is a rice take-out meal; a variety of fried rice and rice toppings in a very

affordable price and packed into ready-to-go boxes. It has egg and different meat

toppings such as tocino, beef tapa, and longganisa which varies from menu selections.

The proponents chose this kind of business because it is projected to be highly

marketable in the locality. Based on observation, it can be seen that many establishments

sell different short order rice meals in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. The proponents

consider that a large number of community people will patronize the product because of

its convenient production; it is very handy and timesaving. With the foregoing attributes,

the product is anticipated to become more popular as the time goes on. With the expected

popular demand of the product, the proponents decided to venture on this kind of



Business Name


Business Owners

(list all the owner of the business with their respective address in table form)

Business Background

(disccuss the background of the business)

Vision and Mission Statement

(formulate the vision and mission statement of the business and discuss it briefly)

Business Objectives

(enumerate at least 5 objectives of the proposed business)

Market Description

The target market of the proposed business is the municipality of San Jose,

specifically the population of the urban barangays. The proponents choose the

Municipality of San Jose to establish the business due to the fact that it is the center of

trade and industry in the province. The continuous establishment of different business

industry as well as government agencies and private offices is a good economic engine

for the cityhood of the municipality.

According to the latest 2015 census of Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA) of San

Jose, the municipality has a total population of 143, 430 with a growth rate of 1.71%

annually. Among the 38 barangays in the municipality, 24 barangays are situated in the

rural areas while the remaining 14 barangays are in the urban areas which include

Barangay Poblacion 1-8, Bagong Sikat, Bubog, Caminawit, Labangan, Pag-asa and San

Roque with a total population of 69,036 individuals. The potential target market of the

proposed business will be the individuals under the age bracket of 15 to 65 years old

which comprises 58% of the total population in the urban areas of the municipality. In

summary, the proposed business has a potential target market of 40,041 as of the year


As per market trend, there was a growing demand of silog meals in the market

due to the continuous increase of the population and working force in the municipality.

Moreover, most people do not have the time to prepare breakfast and it is more

convenient for them to just buy ready-to-go meals in fast food chains. In regards with

this, the supply of silog meals in the market is not enough to satisfy the demand of the

product. The proposed business will surely surpass the competition in the market because

of the uniqueness of the product offered by the business which is more economical and

convenient compared with the other silog meals in the market.

Demand Analysis

The proponents of the proposed business conducted a market research among the

target market of the proposed business. The following tables illustrates the result of the

market survey.

The table below shows the demand of demand of the products for the past year.

Table 1. Historical demand of silog meals in urban barangays of San Jose, Occidental
Mindoro, 2014-2016.
Year N n (78%) q Quantity
2014 39,368 30,707 12 368,483
2015 40,041 31,232 12 374,784
2016 40,726 31,766 12 381,193

Table 2 shows projected demand of silog meals in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro

from year 2018-2022. The demand in quantity is projected to continuously increase by

5% annually.

Table 2. Projected demand of silog meals in urban barangay of San Jose,Occidental

Mindoro, 2018-2020.
Year Demand in quantity
2018 420,265
2019 441,278
2020 463,342

Supply Analysis

The proposed business has existing suppliers in San Jose, occidental Mindoro.

Data are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Historical supply of silog meals in urban barangays of San Jose, Occidental
Mindoro, 2016.
Indirect Competitors Quantity Sold
Acacia Food Court 72,000
Macky's Eatery 54,000
Maan's Eatery 18,000
Candida's Eatery 27,000
Arcega Eatery 10,800
Emmanuel's Eatery 7,200
Others 36,000
TOTAL 225,000

Based on the historical supply, it is projected that the quatity supliers will increase

by 5% in the succeeding years. Table 4 shows the projected supply of silog meals in

urban barangays in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro for 2018-2022.

Table 4. Projected supply of silog meals in urban barangays of San Jose, Occidental
Mindoro, 2018-2020.
Year Supply in quantity
2018 248,063
2019 260,466
2020 273,489

Demand and Supply Analysis

The data on demand and supply were taken from the quantity in Table 2 and 4.

Demand and supply gap is the difference between the demand and supply. The

percentage of unsatisfied demand is computed by dividing the D – S gap by the demand.

The percentage of market share was obtained by dividing production capacity by the


Table 5. Demand and supply analysis of silog meals in urban barangays in San Jose,
Occidental Mindoro, 2018-2022.
Year Demand Supply D/S Gap Unsatisfied Demand Market Share
2018 441,278 260,466 180,812 41% 13%
2019 463,342 273,489 189,853 41% 13%
2020 486,509 287,163 199,346 41% 13%

Marketing Strategies

The proposed business will use different marketing strategies which were based

on 4 P’s of marketing management.

Product Strategies

The proposed business will offer a new variety of silog meals which is different

from other silog meals available in the market. Boxsilog is a new variety of silog meals

that will be surely patronized by the customers, because it is very common and

considered to be one of the most favorite food by many. The product will be packed in a

box with the logo of the business. The materials and ingredients to be used will be fresh,

purchased early in the morning.

Price Strategies

The common prices of silog meals in the market are ranging from Php 30.00 to

Php 50.00. The proposed business will offer the product at Php 30.00 per pack. The

product will be priced lower than the established competitors so that it will be more

affordable to the customers and will more-likely to be patronized by the targeted


Place Strategies

To properly distribute the product to the target market, the proposed business will

provide a small food cart at the Municipal Plaza of San Jose, Occidental Mindoro which

will be the production site of the business and where the customers can avail or purchase

the product directly and conveniently.

Promotional Strategies

Promotion will also be a good marketing strategy in order for the business to

surpass the competition in the market. The proposed business will promote the business

through posting of tarpaulins in different public places of the municipality. The product

will also be promoted by joining product bazaars or trade fairs specifically the agbiliwa

trade fair sponsored by the local government of the municipality. Lastly, the business will

also be promoted through different social media sites to encourage more customers not

only in the municipality but also in the nearby places.


Operational Plan

Product Description

The proposed business will produce different silog meals that will surely be patronized

by the customers. The business offers three kinds of silog meals namely tapsilog, tocilog and

longsilog. Tapsilog is a combination of fried tapa, fried rice and fried egg. Tocilog are made from

tocino, fried rice, and fried egg. Longsilog is a combination of longganisa, fried rice and fried


Tapsilog Longsilog Tocilog

Fig. 1. Sample product of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

Production Process

In order to produce 50 packs of each variety of silog meals or a total of 150 packs of silog

meals, the following are the needed ingredients and procedure:

Table 6. List of raw materials of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
Quantity Description
9 kilos Rice
2 kilos Tapa
2 kilos Tocino
2 kilos Longganisa
90 pieces Egg
3 bottles Cooking Oil
3 packs Seasonings
90 pieces Packaging Box

In selecting the right quality of ingredients of the product, the following are suggested to

maintain the quality of the products.

1. In a frying pan, sauté garlic until brown.

2. Add a cup of rice and seasoned with salt and pepper.

3. In other frying pan, fried the egg. The fried may vary based on the preference of the

customer such as scrambled or sunny side up egg.

4. In other frying pan, fried the tapa/tocino/longganisa.

5. Assemble the fried rice, fried egg, and fried tapa/tocino/longganisa in a box.

6. The Boxsilog is ready to serve.

Equipment, Furniture and Fixtures

The following list of equipment, furniture and fixtures that are needed for the proposed

business operation are presented on table 7, 8, and 9.

On production equipment, the proposed business requires 1 unit of double burner stove

and gas thank for the initial operation amounting to P6,500.00.

Table 7. Production equipment of Rice in a Box Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental
Quantity Description Unit cost (PhP) Total (PhP)
1 unit Double Burner Stove 2,500.00 2,500.00
1 unit Gas tank 1,500.00 1,500.00
1 unit Rice Cooker 2,500.00 2,500.00
Total 6,500.00 6,500.00

For the service vehicle of the proposed business, the proponents will purchase a

mobile food cart that will serve as the production area and selling store of the business.

Table 8. Service vehicles of Rice in a Box Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
Quantity Particulars Unit Costs Total Cost
1 unit Mobile Food Cart 50,000.00 50,000.00
Total Php 50,000.00

For the production tools, the proposed business needs two pieces of icebox for

storage of ingredients. The following tools like frying pan, spatula, measuring cup and

spoon, knife and chopping board are essential in manufacturing the boxsilog.

Table 8. Production tools of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
Quantity Particulars Unit Costs Total Cost
2 Pcs. Ice box Php500.00 Php1,000.00
2 pcs. Frying Pan 750.00 1,500.00
2 pcs. Spatula 100.00 200.00
2 pcs. Measuring cup 50.00 100.00
5 Pcs. Measuring Spoon 20.00 100.00
3 pcs. Ladle 75.00 225.00
3 pcs. Knife 95.00 285.00

3 pcs. Basin 110.00 330.00
2 pcs. Chopping Board 120.00 240.00
Total Php 3,980.00
Sanitation and food production ethics are to be highly observed. So the following

equipment are to be purchased as well.

Table 9. Production supplies of Boxsilog in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

Quantity Particulars Unit Cost Total Cost
3 pcs. Apron Php 20.00 Php 60.00
3 pcs. Gloves 30.00 90.00
3 pcs. Hairnet 20.00 60.00
3 pcs. Facemask 20.00 60.00
Total Php 270.00

Building and Facilities

The proposed business will provide a mobile food cart instead of renting a small space.

The mobile cart will be the production area and store of the business. The mobile cart will stay at

San Jose Municipal Plaza.

Fig. 2. The Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.


The proposed business will be established at San Jose Municipal Plaza along Quezon St.,

San Jose, Occidental Mindoro. The location of the business was strategically located because it

was surrounded of different government agencies, private offices, and business establishments.

The location of the proposed business was also surrounded by different public and private schools

namely Occidental Mindoro State College, San Jose Pilot Elementary School, and Divine Word

College of San Jose.

Figure 3. Vicinity map of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

Capacity and Scheduling

The proposed business intends to produce 50 packs of each silog meals in a box namely

tosilog, tapsilog and longsilog meals every day or the proposed business has the capacity of 150

packs of silog meals daily.

The proposed business will operate seven days a week from 6:00 in the morning up to

7:00 pm in the evening. The table below shows the production capacity of the proposed business.

Table 10. Production capacity of Boxsilog in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
Product Daily Monthly Annually
Tapsilog 50 packs 1,500 packs 18,000 packs
Tosilog 50 packs 1,500 packs 18,000 packs
Longsilog 50 packs 1,500 packs 18,000 packs
Total 150 packs 4,500 packs 54,000 packs

Production Cost

Production cost is the amount of money used in producing the product. Included in the

production cost are the costs of direct materials, direct labor and overhead cost. The total

production cost is presented in Table 11.

Table 11. Production cost of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.
Particulars Daily Monthly Annual
Direct Materials
Rice 360.00 10,800.00 129,600.00
Tapa 400.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Tocino 400.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Longanisa 400.00 12,000.00 144,000.00
Egg 900.00 27,000.00 324,000.00
Cooking Oil 90.00 2,700.00 32,400.00
Seasonings 60.00 1,800.00 21,600.00
Box 300.00 9,000.00 108,000.00
87,300.00 939,600.00
Direct Labor
Production Workers 8,000.00 96,000.00
13th Month Pay 8,000.00
8,000.00 104,000.00
Factory Overhead
Depreciation 3,800.00
Production Tools 282.92 3,395.00
Production Supplies 22.50 270.00
LPG Gas 1,500.00 18,000.00
1,805.42 25,465.00
Total Production Cost Php 97,105.42 Php 1,177,065.00


The proposed business will use the local electric cooperative, the Occidental Mindoro

Electric Cooperative (OMECO). The water supply will come from San Jose Water District

(SJWD). The communication and fuel will come from SMART Tel Co. and Petron.

Table 12. Utilities to be used by Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

Utilities Source Monthly (Php) Annually (Php)

Electricity OMECO 1,000.00 12,000.00
Water SJWD 500.00 6,000.00
Communication SMART Tel Com. 300.00 3,600.00
Fuel Petron 1,000.00 12,000.00
Total 2, 800.00 33,600.00

Waste Management

Waste will be properly disposed in compliance to the government’s Waste Management

Program. Wastes generated from production will be segregated as biodegradable and non-

biodegradable. Garbage bins will be provided to collect biodegradables and wastes which can no

longer be recycled and reuse will be disposed by the Waste Management unit of the local

government unit. Non-biodegradables such as cans, plastic bottles and containers, and glass

bottles will be sold to junk shops which will augment income of the proposed business. For the

welfare of the personnel and customers of the business, daily cleaning and sanitation of the

proposed business premises will be done.


Form of Ownership
The form of business organization to be applied by the proposed business will be

partnership. Medina 2013 defined partnership as “two or more persons bind themselves

together to contribute money, property or industry to a common fund with the intention

of dividing the profit among themselves.” The partners will be represented by

___________________-, __________________, _________________,

_______________, ______________, ________________________, ______________,

__________________________.. All the partners agreed to contribute the needed capital

equally and the profit of the proposed business will also be divided equally among the


The name of the proposed business will be “BOXSILOG FOOD CART”, which

describe the product offered by the proposed business. The business name will be

registered to the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and it will pay the income tax

to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

Fig. 4. Business logo of Boxsilog in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

Personnel Requirements

The proposed business will need three workers, composed of two production

worker and a manager/cashier. The position of the manager/cashier will be exclusive only

for the partners and must meet the qualification standard set by the partnership.



Fig. 5. Organizational chart of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

Qualification Standard

The proposed business will need qualified personnel to perform all the duties and

responsibilities in order for the business to operate efficiently and effectively. The

following will be the qualifications required in hiring the needed personnel.


• Must one of the partners

• At least 20 years old

• Must be a graduate of any business related course

• With good leadership skills

Production Workers

• Male/Female

• Atleast 20 years of age

• Must have experience in this kind of work

• Physically fit

• Honest and hardworking

Job Description

The following are the duties and responsibilities of the personnel of the proposed



• Prepare plans, policies and guidelines of the business

• Monitors the inventory and sales

• Control the operations of the business

• Supervise and motivates the personnel

• Responsible for the bookkeeping and accounting of financial aspects of the


Production Workers

• Prepare the products and maintains the equipment

• Records the number of products weekly

• Maintains the cleanliness of the working area

• Maintains the quality of the product.

Compensation Package

Salaries for all employees will be paid on monthly basis plus 13th month pay that

will be given at the end of the year.

Table 13. Compensation package of Boxsilog Food Cart in San Jose, Occidental
Position Monthly Salary 13th Month Pay Annual Salary
(Php) (Php) (Php)
Manager/Cashier 8,000.00 8,000.00 104,000.00
Production Worker 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 65,000.00
Production Worker 2 5,000.00 5,000.00 65.000.00
Total 18,000.00 18,000.00 234,000.00

Projected Time Table

A Gantt chart of activities was presented to show the different activities that will

be undertaken by the proposed business prior to its formal commencement of operation.

The operation will start on the 3rd week of July 2018. (see next page)

Table 14. Gantt chart of pre-operating activities of Boxsilog in San Jose, Occidental

May June July

Pre-operating Activities
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

1. Formation of business

2. Pooling of capital

3. Registration of permits & licenses

4. Purchasing of materials

5. Hiring of personnel

6. Start of operation



Project Cost

The needed capital to start the business was determined by calculating the

estimated project cost. The estimated project cost is Php 290,658.33 consisting of pre-

operating expenses of Php 10, 000.00, capital outlay of Php 56, 500.00 and working

capital of Php 224,158.33. The working capital was computed for the first two months of


Shawarmaaax Mobile Foodcart

Projected Cost

Pre- Operating Expense

Preparation of Feasibility Study 3,000.00
registration and licensing 5,000.00 8,000.00
Capital Outlay
Production Equipment 7,300.00
Service Vehicle 50,000.00 57,300.00

Working Capital
Production cost 111,886.67
Salaries and Benefits 1,333.33
Utilities Expense 1,600.00
Rent Expense 6,000.00
Depreciation Expense 12,920.00
Repair and Maintenance 2,000.00
Miscellaneous Expense 2,000.00
Promotion and Advertising 3,000.00 140,740.00

Sources of Financing

Based on the calculation, the needed capital to start the operation is two hundred

six thousand forty pesos and 33 centavos (Php 206, 040.00). Since the proposed business

will be formed as a partnership which is composed of 6 members, the partners are

required to equally invest forty eight thousand four hundred forty three peos and six

centavos (Php 35, 585.56). Capital investment will come from their personal savings and

assistance from immediate family.

Projected Financial Statement

The projected financial statements include the Projected Income Statement,

Projected Statement of Cash Flow and Projected Statement of Financial Position. The

projected Financial Statements of xxxxx for the first five years of operations are

presented on Appendix “D” to “F”.

An Income Statement is a formal statement showing the performance of the entity

for a given period of time. The performance of the entity is primarily measured in terms

of the level of income earned by the entity through the effective and efficient utilization

of resources (Valix, Peralta and Valix, 2016). Thus, to show the results of operation of

the proposed business in five years of operations Projected Income Statement was


The income statements are projected for the first five years of operations. For the

detailed computation of projected income statements please refer to Appendix “D”,

entitled Projected Income Statement.

Table 15. Summary of Projected Income Statement for the first five years of operations.
Year 1 Average for Five Years
Sales 1,603,800.00 1,772,401.48
Less: Cost of Sales 1,165,180.50 1,297,157.58
Gross Profit 438,619.50 475,243.90
Less: Operating Expense 177,300.00 183,509.95
Net Income Before Tax 261,319.50 291,733.95
Income Tax (30%) 78,395.85 87,520.19
Net Income After Tax 182,923.65 204,213.77

The figure below illustrates the graphical presentation of the net income of the

proposed business for the first five years of operations. The figure shows that the income

of the proposed business is increasing continuously, which means that the business is

operating efficiently.






Net Income After Tax

Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Cash flow provides users of financial statements with a basis to assess the ability

of the entity to generate cash and cash equivalent and the needs of the entity to utilize

those cash flows (Cabrera and Ocampo, 2014). It shows the cash generated and utilized in

the operating, financing and investing activities of the business. Essentially, the cash flow

statement is concerned with the cash inflow and outflow of the business. Therefore, to

determine the cash to be generated and utilized of the proposed business for the five years

of operations, a projected statement of cash flow was prepared.

For the detailed computation of projected cash flow, see appendix “E” entitled

Projected Cash Flow Statement.

Table 16. Summary of Projected Cash Flow for five years of operations.
Year 1 Average for Five Years
Net Cash Flow From Operating 197,053.11 212,493.16
Net Cash Flow From Investing (56,500.00) (11,300.00)
Net Cash Flow From Financing 240,658.33 8,131.67
Cash Balance 381,211.45 703,288.00

Figure 7 illustrates the cash balance of the proposed business for the first five

years of operations. The figure shows that the capital resources that can be utilized by the

business is accumulating year by year which is a good indicator for the future success of

the business.







Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Fig. 7.

A statement of financial position provides the users information about the

liquidity, solvency, financial structure and capacity for adaption of an entity. It is one of

the main financial statements that report the assets, liabilities and equity of an entity. To

determine the financial health of the proposed business, a projected statement of financial

position was prepared and presented on Appendix “F”.

The balance sheet statements are projected for the first five years of operations.

For the detailed computation of projected balance sheet see appendix “F” entitled

Projected Balance Sheet Statement.

Table 26. Summary of Projected Balance Sheet for five years of operations
Year 1 Average for Five Years
Current Assets 392,980.95 716,288.16
Non-Current Assets 50,200.00 37,600.00
Total Assets 443,180.95 753,888.16
Liabilities 19,598.96 21,880.05
Capital 423,581.98 732,008.11
Total Liabilities and Capital 443,180.95 753,888.16

Figure 8 shows the summary of the statement of financial position of the proposed

business for the first five years of operations.

Year 1 Year2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Total Assets Liabilities Capital

Financial Analysis

The figure below shows the computed current ratio for Year 1 up to Year 5. The

figure below shows that the proposed business has a good financial standing and has the

capacity to meet the current obligations from their current assets.

Current Ratio = Current Asset

Current Liabilities

Year 1 = 392,980.95 = 20.05


Year 2 = 544,273.92 = 26.21


Year 3 = 705,616.75 = 32.29


Year 4 = 877,652.71 = 38.17


Year 5 = 1,060,916.48 = 43.86


Test of Profitability

The computation below shows that the proposed business has good indication in

terms of profitability. Net profit margin shows an increasing percentage from first year to

fifth year of the business operations.

Profit Margin Ratio = Net Income


Year 1 = 182,923.65 = 11.41%


Year 2 = 193,824.98 = 11.51%


Year 3 = 203,957.23 = 11.53%


Year 4 = 214,596.09 = 11.56%


Year 5 = 225,766.89 = 11.58%


Return on Investment

The rate of retun on investment shows 62.93%. it means that the investment of the

proponents can get a higher percentage of 62.93% compared to the cost of their


Return on Investment = Net Income

Capital Investment

= 182923.65

= 0.629342527
= 62.93%

Payback Period

The cost of investment can be recognized within investment methods as shown in

the computation of payback period. The computation below shows that the proponents

can recover their initial investments after 1 year, 5 months and 19 days.

Payback Period
Initial Investment 290,658.33
Less: Net Cash Flow fro Operations (Year 1) 197,053.11
Balance 93,605.22
Net Cash Flow from Operations (Year 2) 200,707.65

Payback Period = 1.47 or 1 year, 5 months and 19 days




The proponents prepared an analysis of the Strength, Weakness, Threats and

Opportunity of the proposed business.





Contingency Plan

Contingency plan is ___________________

The table below shows the contingency plan of the proposed business.

Problems Encountered Solution Personnel Involved


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