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Bot Insight
User Guide

Product Version 2.1

Document Version 1.0
Date of Publication 04-25-2018
Update(s) to Document Edition -NA-

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. Page1 https:\\

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

2. Instrument automation task for analytics 5

3. Run Task and Analyze the Data 6

4. Default attributes of machine name and run date 10

5. Modifying task dashboard content 12

5.1. Default dashboard generation based on Data Volume 12

5.2. Editing Data Profile 12

5.3. Rank Pop-up 13

5.4. User ability to configure auto-generated dashboards 13

5.5. Side-by-Side dashboard comparison of dashboards 14 Example dashboard comparisons 14

5.6. Data Profile: Min & Max value to only be shown the for "numeric" variable type 14

5.7. Customizing the new chart widget 15

5.8. Creating a cross-tab style tabular report 19

6. Verifying data population in user-created (customized) dashboards 22

6.1. Introduction 22

7. Publishing a user created (customized) dashboard 24

8. Uploading an analytics task for production deployment 25

9. Running the analytics task from Control Room 26

10. Review the data in published dashboards 27

11. Bookmarking dashboards for quick access 29

12. Deleting user created dashboards 31

13. Handling new variables in existing custom dashboards 32

14. Ad hoc data analysis and drill-downs 36

14.1. Introduction 36

14.2. Removing (excluding) a data point in a chart widget 36

14.3. Filtering the entire dashboard with a data point 37

14.4. Filtering specific dashboard widgets with a data point 39

14.5. Looking at timeline trends for a data point in a chart widget 40

14.6. Looking across other attributes for a data point in a chart widget 41

14.7. Drilling down into the raw data for a data point in a chart widget 43

15. Operational Analytics 45

16. Appendix 47

16.1. Variables scope for Task Data Logging 47

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16.2. Date variables formatting, runtime timestamp 48

16.3. User Roles for Analytics Access 48

16.4. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Production Data Access 51

16.5. Analytics for Tasks with Hierarchies (Parent-Child) 53

16.6. APIs to access "analytics" data logged by a task 56

16.7. APIs to access "operations" data logged by the Control Room 60

17. Quick Troubleshooting 62

17.1. I don't get the "Enable Analytics" checkbox on task. 62

17.2. I ran a task from Task Editor but don't get the dashboard on ANALYZE click. 62

17.3. I ran a task from Control Room but data is not getting refreshed in Bot Insight. 62

17.4. I am not seeing the "Save" option on some dashboards. 62

17.5. I am getting a "Dashboard cannot be generated" message. 62

17.6. I am not seeing a dashboard (inside "Analyze") that was recently published. 62

17.7. I am getting a "Sorting" message in a dashboard widget and the graph does not render. 62

17.8. My dashboard widgets expand to large sizes upon export of the dashboard. 63

17.9. I searched a dashboard inside the "Analyze" left menu and see no data. 63

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1. Introduction
This overview provides the simple workflow steps to use Automation Anywhere Analytics software to track the data that is being pro-
cessed by Bots.

l Bots are constructed in the Core Automation Anywhere Enterprise Client product: Control Room.

Using the Automation Anywhere Bot Insight product, automation experts and consumers can:

l Interactively analyze the task data represented in the dashboards.

l Refine and enhance the widgetswithin them before they are published for wider consumption and deployed to production.

The following diagram represents how to retrieve Analytics from an automation task.

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2. Instrument automation task for analytics
To get Analytics going on an automation task, you need to "instrument the task" by enabling analytics and marking the variables that
are of interest for data analysis.

1. Log into the AA Task Editor, select a task, and right-click it, and select "Edit" in the context menu.

2. Enable analytics for the chosen task.

3. Mark the variables of interest for analytics by choosing them from the variables available within the task, then "Save" the task with
the changes.

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3. Run Task and Analyze the Data
Now you can Run the Task (that was instrumented for analytics) and then click on ANALYZE to start analyzing the data that has been
processed by the task.

On the Task Editor, click ANALYZE tab. This will open a new browser window that will display the Analytics data for that task.

1. Inside the Analytics window, click on the Data Profile tab to inspect the data profile against each variable that was marked for Ana-
lytics within the task. Click on Rank to inspect the statistical distribution of the data rows against the values for that variable.

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2. Then click on the Dashboard tab to review the KPIs, Donut charts, Timeline charts and the date filter slider. The date filter slider at
the bottom can be used to interactively analyze the data over a chosen timeframe for the entire dashboard.

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3. You can expand each widget within the dashboard by clicking on the corner of the widget.

4. Interactively analyze the data by clicking on Group or Size to choose any other metric to plot [SIZE] or analyze the same metric by
another attribute [GROUP]

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5. In addition, you can also click on the slice of a chart (that displays a distribution over time or a data attribute) to drilldown and ana-
lyze further using the RADIAL widget options.

Keep in mind that the above cycle can be repeated iteratively by going back to the Task Editor, changing the list of variables, clicking
on ANALYZE and inspecting/analyzing the dashboard generated.

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4. Default attributes of machine name and run date
Each task that can be analyzed within the Analytics product always contains two default attributes:

1. Machine Name: The machine that ran the automation task.

2. Run Date: The date when the automation task was run.

These default attributes are in addition to all the other variables that have been tagged for the task for analytics.

l The "Run Date" is also used as the "default date filter" for the system-generated dashboard for each task.
l This can be changed to any other available date attribute when custom copies are made from this dashboard.

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l The "Machine Name" can be used to analyze and group data processed by the automations (just like any other attribute that is
tagged for analytics).

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5. Modifying task dashboard content
The Analytics product provides an ability for Analytics Experts to modify the system generated dashboards in order to make the inform-
ation more readily consumable for many Analytics consumers.

5.1. Default dashboard generation based on Data Volume

You can create a default dashboard based on the volume of records if no numeric variable is selected for analytics. It is not necessary
to select at least one (1) numeric variable to generate the default automatic dashboard for a task .

5.2. Editing Data Profile

You can customize the data profile without making any change to the Bot. Once the variables have been tagged in the Bot and the
default dashboard has been generated, you can edit the data profile and regenerate the default dashboard based on the new data pro-

1. Include/Exclude variable(s) from the dashboard - You can select which variables to include/exclude within the dashboard. Fields
that are not important can be excluded directly from the data profile. E.g. Account ID could be excluded.
2. Change variable datatype - You can convert numeric variables to string; string to country, state and zip code. For e.g. Zip Code, if
numeric, doesn’t add value as it is treated as a metric; with this change, users can change it to Zip Code and use it as an attribute
3. Regenerate Default Dashboard - You can also create the default dashboard once you have customized the data profile. The new
dashboards will be generated with the changes made to the data profile.

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5.3. Rank Pop-up

You can see the Top/Bottom 5/10 values for the String variable. This enhances your ability to sanitize if the data has been tagged cor-
rectly in the Bot.

5.4. User ability to configure auto-generated dashboards

As an Analytics Expert you now have the ability to configure how the initial SMART dashboard gets generated.

l This solves the problem of making the SMART dashboards less usable right out of the box, requiring additional customizations all
the time.
l This will help the auto-dashboard generation exclude some random and high cardinality columns like "Employee ID", "Customer
ID" etc., and make the auto-dashboard output more meaningful.
l It will also help address issues where a "date column" is being algorithmically processed as a "string column", etc., using user over-
rides. See the following screen-shot.

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5.5. Side-by-Side dashboard comparison of dashboards

You can compare dashboards in related to two separate processes (or even the same process with different filters) side-by-side to
obtain more insights in Configure and Analyze sections. Example dashboard comparisons

Take a financial shared services center who process accounts payable invoices. They will have multiple processes/tasks that deal with
the received invoices including:

1. Receiving the invoice and scanning it then getting the invoice into their payments/ERP system.
2. Reviewing received invoices against received purchases orders, etc.
3. Receive support emails from vendors looking for status of invoice and payments.
4. Issue payment against invoices.

In the example above, there would be multiple Automation Anywhere process tasks all looking at invoices and the associated attrib-

l If the customer wanted to get an understanding of how many invoices were received where the vendor sent emails about status to
their support desk, the customer would need to compare metrics across two tasks which would then need two dashboards to com-
pare invoice count totals.

Another example would be the case where a client is using parent child tasks.

l Completing analytics from one level to another would require the ability to compare dashboards to see how metrics are changing
between steps.

When you click on "Compare", a tab past the Data Profile section is launched. See the following screenshot.

l Here, you can search for another dashboard to compare the first one with.
l The comparison is enabled side-by-side with the two dashboard frames shown adjacent to each other.
l Within these dashboards, all regular ad hoc analysis features are available (other than the "+" Add Widget ).

5.6. Data Profile: Min & Max value to only be shown the for "numeric" variable type
l The minimum and maximum values are only shown for the "Numeric" variable type, andnotfor the String and Timestamp variable
l String and Timestamp variable types are left as blank.

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5.7. Customizing the new chart widget
1. The chart widget label can be changed by using the "Info" tool on the left-hand menu bar inside the chart widget.

2. The data plotted on the chart can be filtered using the "Filters" tool.

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3. The data displayed can be sorted and limited (restricted) using the "Sort & Limit" tool.

4. The time line attribute against which the information is displayed can be changed using the different time attributes available in the
"Time Bar" tool.

Note: If the "None" (Time Bar is Off) option is selected, the yellow time bar will NOT appear at the bottom when the widget is clicked
or highlighted in the dashboard.

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5. The color palette and choices for the chart display can be changed by using the "Color Settings" options in the "Color" section.

6. You can choose from the various Color Palettes available.

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7. After completing all the changes, click "Save" to save the modifications.
The information displayed on the chart can be exported to different formats using the "Export" option.

8. If the chart type is not appealing enough and needs to be changed, use the "Chart Style" option.
Pick a new chart type of your choice along with the other format options that go with it (including Fonts).
You can repeat the customization steps and use "Save" to save the modifications.

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5.8. Creating a cross-tab style tabular report

The cross-tab Excel-type reports are very powerful methods to interactively analyze data and discover what the data contains.

1. The Analytics product has some very easy ways how this can be done as shown in the following the visual examples.

2. New "Row Attributes" can be added to show up as "rows" in the tabular data.

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3. New "Metrics" can be added to show up as "columns" in the tabular report (aggregations).

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4. The aggregation operators available on chosen metrics are Sum, Avg, Min and Max (Sum is displayed in this screenshot).

5. Column "Attributes" can also be added to the "Columns" section to convert the report into the classic cross-tab style report.
The column widths can be visually modified like the sizing of Excel columns.
Once the entire report has been configured, use the "Save" option to save the changes to this cross-tab style report.

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6. Verifying data population in user-created (customized) dashboards
6.1. Introduction

Once custom dashboards have been created with new widgets and/or changes to widgets from the system generated dashboards,
verify that the data gets properly populated by re-running the task

1. Run the task again from the "Task editor" and click "ANALYZE".

2. Click "ANALYZE" to return to the default system generated dashboard (Ultron Invoice Processing) and look at the customized dash-
board (Ultron Invoices). To do this, use the "Search bar" to search for the Dashboard name.

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3. Inspect the data under "Data Profile" (screenshot 1) and the dashboard content in the User created dashboard (screenshot 2).

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7. Publishing a user created (customized) dashboard
Once custom dashboards have been created and verified for their content and presentation formats, it's time to publish them.

1. Use the "Publish" feature to name the dashboard.

Two things happen when a dashboard is published:

1. The dashboard becomes available to display production data generated by the source task.
l This occurs when that task is published to production and run from the Automation Anywhere Control Room on a reg-
ular schedule.
2. Analytics Consumers (whose primary role is to analyze and interpret data) have access to the published dashboards via the
"Analyze" section of the Analytics product.

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8. Uploading an analytics task for production deployment
This process makes the task (with analytics enabled) ready to be scheduled and run on a regular schedule from the Control Room.

1. Go to the Task Editor.

2. Choose the specific task.
3. Right-click this task and select "Upload" in the menu to upload it to the Automation Anywhere Control Room.

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9. Running the analytics task from Control Room
Once deployed by using the preceding "Uploading an analytics task for production deployment" topic, the analytics task can now be
run from the Automation Anywhere Control Room.

1. When run in such a fashion, the data generated becomes available for display on the dashboards (associated to that task - system
generated, or user defined) that have been published as shown in the preceding "Publishing a user created (customized) dash-
board" topic.

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10. Review the data in published dashboards
l Review the data in the published dashboard by searching for the same within the "Analyze" section.

l Review the data which now reflects data processed in production by the analytics task.

l You can also export the entire dashboard to PDF or PNG formats for offline consumption and review of its contents.

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l Exported to PDF/PNG format:

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11. Bookmarking dashboards for quick access
Dashboards can be easily bookmarked by users for quick access and retrieval, and are kept private for their individual use.

1. Bookmark a dashboard by clicking on the "Bookmark" option available in the UI above the dashboard.

2. The Bookmark indicator changes to "Bookmarked" once it is bookmarked.

To look at the list of dashboards that have been bookmarked by the user, click the "Star" icon above the Search bar.

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3. A user can bookmark up to 10 dashboards for quick access.
Depending on their roles (Analytics Expert or Analytics Consumer) and from where they bookmark the dashboards
(Configure or Analyze sections on the UI), the bookmarks are sectioned and accordingly displayed.

4. When users reach the limit of 10 bookmarks in a section (Configure or Analyze) and would like to Bookmark new dashboards,
they need to remove some from the existing list by un-bookmarking them.
Click the Bookmarked link at the top of a current Bookmarked dashboard to remove them from the Bookmarks list.

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12. Deleting user created dashboards
Dashboards that are user-created can be deleted at any time using the "Delete" option.

1. When a dashboard is deleted, the underlying data (related to the associated task) is kept intact and is not impacted.

2. Dashboards can be deleted both in the "Configure" and "Analyze" sections of Analytics UI.
l The impact of a "Delete" operation in the "Analyze" section is much larger.
l This will delete a user-created dashboard that was previously "Published".
l Important note: To delete dashboards, a user needs to be assigned the "Analytics Expert" role.

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13. Handling new variables in existing custom dashboards
In a regular RPA (Robotic Process Automation) implementation in production, task or process, definitions can change over time and
new data variables added for processing inside the task.

Regarding these situations, newly added variables need to be made available for analysis and usage within existing custom dash-
boards that have been previously created against that task.

1. Let us look at the following example task.

2. The following custom dashboard was created based on the data processed by the preceding task (shown above).

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3. The data profile information corresponding to the tagged variables for this dashboard is shown in the following screenshot.

4. The task is modified and several new variables are tagged for analytics.

5. The user who consumes information in the custom dashboard associated to the preceding task needs to be informed of the avail-
ability of these new variables.

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6. The "Data Profile" section shows a "red dot" to draw attention to the change.

7. When the user clicks and opens the "Data Profile" tab, the new variables are highlighted with a "New" indicator.

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8. The new variables now become available for adding/editing the content of the custom dashboard.

9. The custom dashboard with the changes needs to be re-published for the changes to be seen by business users in the "Analyze"
l The "data" for these new variables will be populated from the "date" when the task was updated with these newly tagged

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14. Ad hoc data analysis and drill-downs
14.1. Introduction

The Analytics product supports a wide range of ad hoc data analysis and drill-down capabilities from each of the individual reports that
form part of a dashboard using the "RADIAL" widget.

l Users can understand and gather deeper insights regarding the data and what it represents using these capabilities.

14.2. Removing (excluding) a data point in a chart widget

1. Click a data point (Prozac) to get the "RADIAL" widget, then click "REMOVE".

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2. The "Prozac" data point disappears from the Report widget being analyzed.

3. Click the small "back arrow" (undo) in the bottom left-hand corner of the Report widget to undo the preceding operation and return
the removed data point.

14.3. Filtering the entire dashboard with a data point

1. Click a data point (Prozac) to display the "RADIAL" widget, then click "FILTER ALL".

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2. This data filter now rolls through all the different widgets that are part of the dashboard.

3. To undo the preceding action, use the "UNFILTER ALL" operation on the "RADIAL" widget from the same data point.

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14.4. Filtering specific dashboard widgets with a data point
1. Click a data point (Prozac) to display the "RADIAL" widget, then click "FILTER".

2. You can choose which specific widgets from the dashboard to filter with this data point value.

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3. You can see the impact of this operation on the chosen widgets.

14.5. Looking at timeline trends for a data point in a chart widget

1. Click a data point (Prozac) to open the "RADIAL" wizard, then click "TREND".

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2. The timeline trend for the metrics associated to that data point can be analyzed using any of the time attributes available.

14.6. Looking across other attributes for a data point in a chart widget
1. Click a data point (Prozac) to open the "RADIAL" wizard, then click "ZOOM".

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2. The attribute from where the data point is analyzed may be chosen now.

3. The distribution of the metric values across the chosen zoom into an attribute (for the chosen data point as a filter) can be inter-
actively visualized.

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14.7. Drilling down into the raw data for a data point in a chart widget
1. Click a data point (Prozac) to open the "RADIAL" widget, then click "DETAILS".

2. The summary information of the raw data for data rows with the chosen data point can now be seen.

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3. Click "Details" (shown at the bottom of the preceding screenshot) to get to the individual rows (records) of data that make up the

4. The individual rows of data can be inspected before you click "Export Raw Data".

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15. Operational Analytics
As an Analytics Expert you can confirm, whether Analytics has been integrated and registered with the Control Room before you start
using it.

You can access the Operational Analytics board from the Control Room Operations Room.

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To access the dashboard, click on Operations Room.
l You will be able to see the Operations Dashboards loading up with the AUDIT TRAIL Dashboard.

l This means that the Bot Insight App was able to successfully register with the Control Room.
l This dashboard shows information about the New Bots Uploaded, New Users Added, and Total Bot Runs and more.
l You can opt to view the Events Distribution based on the Activity Type and Activity Audit Trail by Host Machine Type for a
specific time-line.

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16. Appendix
16.1. Variables scope for Task Data Logging

Variables that are being processed in loops are logged at the end of each loop cycle. Other task variables, marked for Analytics, are
logged at the end of the task.

l As a result, we need to re-initialize the variables at the end of the loop/task.

l This will avoid the case of the extra row of data being added when analytics is enabled. See the following screenshot.

l The same principle applies for Parent-Child tasks as well.

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16.2. Date variables formatting, runtime timestamp

If you want to log a date variable, the date value needs to be in the ISO 8601 format which is:

l "YYYY-MM-DD" or

The system date variable (with the needed formatting like above) can be assigned to any date variable, if that is what is desired. See
the following screenshot.

If instead the date is being obtained from any other application, file, or database, the date needs to first be converted to ISO format
(using a small VBScript or JavaScript function) before being assigned to the date variable for analytics logging.

There is a default runtime timestamp which is tagged on to each row of data which is logged for Analytics. This timestamp field is used
for the default Run Date attribute which is shown as the date filter at the bottom of each auto generated dashboard (for any task).

16.3. User Roles for Analytics Access

There are two user roles created out of the box related to Analytics.

1.AAE_Bot Insight Expert

2.AAE_Bot Insight Consumer

Analytics Expert

A user assigned the "AAE_Bot Insight Expert" role will be able to get access to all features related to Analytics as mentioned below.

"Configure" section
l View Data Profile of task data (on which a dashboard reports off).
l Analyzing system generated dashboards.
l "Save As" of system generated dashboards.
l Modify custom user created (customized) dashboards and "Save" them.
l "Publish" user created (customized) dashboards.
l "Bookmark" dashboards.
l "Delete" user-created (customized) dashboards.

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"Analytics" section
l Analyzing data refreshed in production deployed dashboards.
l "Bookmark" dashboards.
l "Delete" user created (customized) dashboards.

All user management for AAE products is handled through the Centralized User Management module in the AAE Control Room
product. See the following screenshot.

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The AAE product has the ability to assign the same user to multiple roles and this should be used to handle situations where an
Automation Developer (provided access to create Bots within the AA Task Editor using the "Bot creator" role) also performs the role
of an Analytics Expert as regards Analytics. See the following screenshot.

Analytics Consumer

A user assigned the "AAE_Bot Insight Consumer" role will be able to get access to all features related to Analytics as mentioned
below. See the following screenshot.

"Analyze" section
l Analyzing data refreshed in production deployed dashboards.
l "Bookmark" dashboards.

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16.4. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Production Data Access

The access to the various dashboards (with the underlying task data) can be restricted based on the roles to which the users are asso-
ciated with in the core AAE platform. This ONLY applies to dashboards displayed within the "Analyze" left-menu section of Bot Insight
(which displays data logged in production mode).

Necessary pre-requisite for RBAC on dashboards to work

The automation tasks created within Automation Anywhere client (for which analytics has been enabled) need to be uploaded to
the Control Room.

In the core AAE Enterprise platform, roles can be created that correspond to specific folder level permissions by which access to
individual tasks (automations) is restricted. See the following screenshot.

The Bot creator role shown above provides access to all the tasks under the "My Tasks" folder (and all its sub-folders) in the AA
Task Editor (as shown in the following screenshot).

Another role called "Beta Tasks" can be created which ONLY provides access to all the tasks under the "Beta Sample Tasks" folder
(and all its sub-folders). See the following screenshot.

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Now let us say we have two users who have been created and assigned those roles (in addition to the "AAE_Bot Insight Expert"
role) – "devuser1" and "devuser2". See the following screenshot.

The dashboards that can be searched for by devuser2 will be restricted to those whose underlying tasks are featured under the
"Beta Sample Tasks" folder (and all its sub-folders). See the following screenshot.

While the dashboards which can be searched for by devuser1 will be restricted to those whose underlying tasks are featured under
the ‘My Tasks’ folder (and all its sub-folders). See the following screenshot.

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16.5. Analytics for Tasks with Hierarchies (Parent-Child)

The product handles automation tasks (with hierarchies) with nesting up to 3 levels: Parent → Child → Grandchild.

The core principle is based on the parent tracking its variables (those tagged within it) AND the variables tagged within all its children.
The examples below illustrate this.

1. The Parent Task invokes the child task (as part of the automation). See the following screenshot.

2. The Child task has its own set of variables instrumented for analytics. See the following screenshot.

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Both parent task and child task have their own distinct identity for analytics and can be searched through the Search box. The parent
task profile information shows profile data of its own variables and those of its first level children. If the parent task calls multiple child
tasks, the data profile will include a section for each child task. See the following screenshots.

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The Parent task dashboard will report data for all variables (which is a UNION of its own variables and all the variables within its vari-
ous children) while the Child task dashboard will reflect the variables marked for analytics within the child task. See the following

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16.6. APIs to access "analytics" data logged by a task

You can use our REST APIs to get access to the data logged by a task during ‘Production’ runs that were successfully completed. The
grain of getting data via the APIs is at a daily level. See the following screenshot.

Three APIs are supported to help get more information regarding task data and the data that is logged.

Metadata of variables logged for a task

Use https://Analytics_URL/analytics/rest/api/gettaskmetadata/[Task Name] to get the metadata of task variables.

The sample JSON output for this API is below.


"displayName":"Customer Id",











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"displayName":"Customer Region",

















Profile information of variables logged for a task

Use https://Analytics_URL/ analytics/rest/api/gettaskvariableprofile/[Task Name] to get the profile inform-

ation for each data variable logged in the task. The Sample JSON output for this API is below.

l from – specify the date from which you need to access the data profile of the task
l to – specify the end date till you need to access the data profile of the task

With date parameters:

l The above URL will fetch the data profile of the task between the "from" and "to" dates. That is, between 2016-12-30 and
l Note: The dates need to be in a 60-day range. If the date difference is more than 60 days, the output would result in Status
Code 400 – bad request.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. P a g e 57 https:\\

Without date parameters:
l The above URL will fetch the data profile of the task for the last successful run.

"taskId": "c2377610-1710-43d7-92e4-bebdfadb506d",
"taskName": "Order to Cash", "totalRecords": 100000,
"profileVariables": [
"variableName": "cost_saving",
"displayName": "Cost Saving",
"attributeType": "NUMERIC",
"isAttributeTypeChanged": "N",
"totalRecords": 100000,
"sumOfValue": 1000000,
"minimumValue": "10",
"maximumValue": "10",
"averageOfValues": 10,
"totalDistincts": 1
"variableName": "country",
"displayName": "Country",
"attributeType": "STRING",
"isAttributeTypeChanged": "N",
"totalRecords": 100000,
"minimumValue": "",
"maximumValue": "",
"totalDistincts": 6

Data of variables logged for a task (one day at a time)

l Use https://Analytics_URL/analytics/rest/api/gettasklogdata/[Task Name]/[0]/[Run Date] and use the

‘totalRecords’ value to get the total number of rows of data available for that Run Date.
l The total Pages of data (say P) can be arrived at by dividing the ‘totalRecords’ value from the above by 1000 (number of
rows returned for each call of this API) as a round number
l Call https://Analytics_URL/analytics/rest/api/gettasklogdata/[Task Name]/[0 to P-1]/[Run Date] in
a loop P times with page value going from 0 to P-1 to get all the data for that Run Date.
l The sample JSON output for this API is below.

"totalRecords": 200000,
"taskLogDataList": [
"machineName": "WIN-PJE52KPUBTM",
"runStatus": "CompletedSuccessfully",
"userId": 1,
"dateLogged": 1482404843524,
"variables": "{
\"customer_category\":\"High Net Worth\",

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. P a g e 58 https:\\

\"transaction_time\":\"5\" }"
"machineName": "WIN-PJE52KPUBTM",
"runStatus": "CompletedSuccessfully",
"userId": 1,
"dateLogged": 1482404843538,
"variables": "{

\"customer_category\":\"High Net Worth\",

\ "transaction_time\":\"9\"
"machineName": "WIN-PJE52KPUBTM",
"runStatus": "CompletedSuccessfully",
"userId": 1,
"dateLogged": 1482404843524,
"variables": "{

\"customer_category\":\"High Net Worth\",

"machineName": "WIN-PJE52KPUBTM",
"runStatus": "CompletedSuccessfully",
"userId": 1,
"dateLogged": 1482404843538,
"variables": "{

\"customer_category\":\"High Net Worth\",

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. P a g e 59 https:\\



Two key pre-requisites for using these APIs:

1. Only users with AAE Control Room "Admin" privileges can use these APIs.
2. These APIs are https by default and will not work for unsecured http deployments.

16.7. APIs to access "operations" data logged by the Control Room

You can use our RESTful APIs to get access to the data logged by the Control Room when it runs automation tasks and handles reg-
ular user activity (Audit trail). The grain of getting data via the APIs is at a daily level.

Two APIs are supported to help get more information regarding task runs data and the user activity Audit trail that is logged.

Information regarding all tasks that have been run

Use https://Analytics_URL/analytics/rest/api/getbotrundata/0/[Run Date] to get the information of all task runs.

The sample JSON output for this API is shown below.

"totalRecords": 2,
"botRunDataList": [
"id": 11,
"userName": "mike",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"clientType": "None",
"hostName": "WIN-PJE52KPUBTM",
"iPAddress": "",
"applicationPath": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\Automation Anywhere Files",
"fileName": "Order to Cash.atmx",
"startTime": "2016-12-28 20:22:18.0",
"endTime": "2016-12-28 20:24:34.8429951",
"status": "Completed",
"errorMessage": "",
"timeTaken": "136",
"successIndicator": "0"
"id": 12,
"userName": "mike",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"email": "",
"clientType": "None",
"hostName": "WIN-PJE52KPUBTM",
"iPAddress": "",
"applicationPath": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\Automation Anywhere Files",
"fileName": "Account Reconciliation.atmx",

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. P a g e 60 https:\\

"startTime": "2016-12-28 20:24:35.0",
"endTime": "2016-12-28 20:29:48.5543087",
"status": "Completed",
"errorMessage": "",
"timeTaken": "313",
"successIndicator": "0"

Information regarding audit trail

Use https://Analytics_URL/analytics/rest/api/getaudittraildata/0/[Run Date]to get the information of all user
activity logged. The sample JSON output for this API is below.

"totalRecords": 21,
"auditTrailDataList": [
"id": 3331,
"eventDescription": "Logged in successfully",
"activityType": "Login",
"domain": "Default",
"hostName": "",
"userName": "admin",
"activityAt": "2016-12-02 01:07:42.8956124",
"status": "Success",
"verbosityLevel": "Information",
"source": "Control Room",
"rowVersion": 636162376628966131
"id": 3332,
"eventDescription": "Logged in successfully",
"activityType": "Login",
"domain": "Default",
"hostName": "",
"userName": "admin",
"activityAt": "2016-12-02 01:07:47.9844655",
"status": "Success",
"verbosityLevel": "Information",
"source": "Control Room",
"rowVersion": 636162376679854756

Two key pre-requisites for using these APIs:

1. Only users with AAE Control Room "Admin" privileges can use these APIs.
2. These APIs are https by default and will not work for unsecured http deployments.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. P a g e 61 https:\\

17. Quick Troubleshooting
17.1. I don't get the "Enable Analytics" checkbox on task.
l The "Enable Analytics" checkbox appears ONLY when the Bot Insight (for Business Analytics) license is purchased and registered
via the Control Room App Registration mechanism.
l If you don't see this checkbox in the Task Properties > Analytics section, contact your Automation Admin to ensure the Bot Insight
license (for Business Analytics) has been purchased and registered for use.

17.2. I ran a task from Task Editor but don't get the dashboard on ANALYZE click.
l Make sure the "Enable Analytics" checkbox in the Task properties section for that task is checked and run the task again.

17.3. I ran a task from Control Room but data is not getting refreshed in Bot Insight.
l The Bot Insight product refreshes data in dashboards that have been deployed to "Production" once every hour (default con-
figuration that can be changed post installation).
l You should wait for the next hour and check if the data is refreshed.
l As many of the automation tasks (that have been deployed to production via Control Room) get scheduled and run automatically
as per the schedule, the data refresh will also happen automatically and regularly in a production deployment.

17.4. I am not seeing the "Save" option on some dashboards.

l The Analytics product generates default dashboards automatically for each task that has been instrumented for analytics with some
l These default dashboards cannot be edited and hence they have no "Save" option.
l They can however be copied using "Save As" option to create a user-created dashboard; this can then be customized and Saved
using the "Save" option.

17.5. I am getting a "Dashboard cannot be generated" message.

l This happens when you DO NOT have at least one numeric type variable marked for analytics logging within your automation task
l In the absence of a numeric variable, no analytics is possible as KPIs and numbers are the type of information plotted on dash-
boards and analyzed over a timeline, across attribute [geo, product category, customer group] slices, etc.

17.6. I am not seeing a dashboard (inside "Analyze") that was recently published.
l You may not have required permissions on the underlying automation task (restricted using Role Based Access Control).
l The underlying automation task may not have been uploaded to the Control Room.

17.7. I am getting a "Sorting" message in a dashboard widget and the graph does not render.
l This may happen at times. To get past this, refresh your current browser tab and this should go away.

Copyright © 2018 Automation Anywhere, Inc. P a g e 62 https:\\

17.8. My dashboard widgets expand to large sizes upon export of the dashboard.
l This is a known issue when exporting the dashboard into a PDF or a PNG image.
l Refresh the current browser tab (after the export operation) and this should go away.
l See the following screenshots.

17.9. I searched a dashboard inside the "Analyze" left menu and see no data.
l Check for the current default date filter setting at the bottom of the dashboard. iI may be set to just show the most recent task run.
l Change it to "Current Quarter" or "Current Year" and you will see data inside the dashboard.

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