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Journal of Dental Research


A Non-destructive Method of Evaluating the Elastic Properties of Anterior

Restorative Materials
R. Whiting and P.H. Jacobsen
J DENT RES 1980 59: 1978
DOI: 10.1177/00220345800590110901

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A Non-destructive Method of Evaluating the Elastic
Properties of Anterior Restorative Materials
Department of Biomedical Engineering, King's College Hospital Medical School, Dulwich Hospital,
London, SE22 8PT
An ultrasonic pulse transit-time method was used One such method, described by the pres-
to deternine the Young's modulus, shear modulus, ent authors,6 is the determination of the
and Poisson's ratio of seven anterior-restorative response of a material to low frequency
materials. Small rectangular specimens were im- torsional oscillations using a torsion pendu-
mersed in a water bath and ultrasonic pulses prop- lum.
agated through them. Two types of ultrasonic wave This present paper describes another non-
could be generated inside the specimen by altering destructive technique, the ultrasonic pulse
the angle of incidence. Measurement of the pulse
transit-time for these two waves enabled their transit-time method, which tests the re-
velocities and, hence, the material's elastic con- sponse of a material to high frequency
stants to be calculated. The variation of these oscillation.7 Ultrasound is used to stress the
properties with time of conditioning and tempera- material, and the modulus of elasticity is
ture was also determined. derived from measurements of the velocity
of the ultrasound inside the specimen.
J Dent Res 59(1 1):1978-1984, November 1980 This method has been used to evaluate
many different types of polymer.8'9 It has
Introduction. also been used for fiber-reinforced poly-
mers.10 However, little work has been re-
The laboratory assessment of the mechanical ported on its use for particulate composites.
properties of composite restorative materials In the present study, six dental composites
presents considerable difficulty. This is and one unfilled dental resin were tested
due mainly to the high stiffness of the ma- using pulsed ultrasound. The Young's and
terials, the visco-elastic nature of the resin shear moduli and Poisson's ratio were
base, and the need to use clinically realistic determined. The variation of these proper-
specimen sizes. ties with time of conditioning and tempera-
It has been common practice to test the ture was also recorded.
dental composites using destructive (or
"static") test methods. 1-3 While valuable for Materials and methods.
determining ultimate strengths, these meth-
ods are not well suited to measuring elastic Two major types of wave can exist in an
properties. Small changes in length are diffi- isotropic solid. These are longitudinal and
cult to record; a clear indication of the time- transverse waves. If a specimen is positioned
dependent nature of the elasticity is not with its surface perpendicular to the direc-
given, and the size and shape of the speci- tion of the incident waves, longitudinal
mens can influence the results.4 waves are generated inside the material.
It is now common in materials science to If, however, the specimen is rotated so that
use non-destructive (or dynamic) methods the angle of incidence of the waves is greater
to assess polymeric materials.5 These meth- than a certain so-called "critical" angle, then
ods impose a very small cyclic stress on the transverse waves are generated in the mater-
material at a well-defined rate. ial. To determine the elastic moduli of the
material, it is necessary to measure the
velocities of the two types of wave.
Received for publication October 26, 1979 In the ultrasonic pulse transit-time
Accepted for publication February 25, 1980 method, the two velocities are calculated
Reprint requests: Department of Conservative from measurements of the time taken for
Dentistry, Welsh National School of Medicine, pulses to travel through the specimen.
Heath Park, Cardiff, Wales
Based on a paper presented at the IADR, However, several problems are introduced by
British Division meeting, April, 1979 the small specimen size. First, the theory
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associated with this method assumes plane The complete ultrasonic system is shown
wave conditions. For plane waves to exist diagrammatically in Fig. 3. The pulse genera-
inside the specimen, it is necessary that the tor provided electrical pulses which were
wavelength of the ultrasound should be used to excite the transmitting probe. This
small compared with the dimensions of the probe converted the electrical signals into
specimen. Second, the ultrasonic beam must ultrasonic pulses. These were then propa-
be very narrow, and third, the time taken for gated through a specimen and detected by
a pulse to traverse a specimen approximately a receiving probe. The probes and specimen
1 mm in thickness is of the order of 10-7 were immersed in a water bath at a tempera-
seconds. Therefore, a very accurate timing ture of 230 ± 0.20C.
system is required. The receiving probe reconverted the ultra-
A frequency of 5MHz was chosen for this sonic pulses to electrical pulses, and these
study. Lower frequencies would not satisfy were amplified and displayed on an oscillo-
the plane wave conditions, and it was con- scope. The oscilloscope' had a built-in 100
sidered that higher frequencies would MHz counter and LED display. This pro-
lead to unacceptably high absorption of the vided a direct digital readout of the time
ultrasound. taken for pulses to travel around the circuit
Small ultrasonic probes were constructed (the total transit-time). This measurement
using square plates (2 mm x 2 mm) of lead could be made to an accuracy of + 2 nano-
zirconate titanate piezoelectric ceramic. * seconds.
The probe design is shown in Fig. 1. The
front surface of the ceramic was coated with 1cm
a thin film of epoxy resin. It was considered
that the effect of this film on the perform-
ance of the ceramic would be extremely
small. The resin layer was extended over the
end of the acrylic tube to provide a water- 3dB steps of
tight seal. The rear surface of the ceramic Near field Far field transmitted power
was in contact with a backing material which
consisted of tungsten-filled epoxy resin.
This material is a good absorber of ultra- Fig. 2 -Ultrasonic beam profile
soundll and also rapidly damps the vibra-
tion of the ceramic. The shape of the ultra-
sonic beam produced by these probes was
analyzed, and a typical profile is shown in
Fig. 2.
Acrylic case


Oscilloscope / Timer

Fig. 3 -The complete system.

The specimen was then removed, and,
with the pulses passing through water only,
Fig. 1 -Ultrasonic probe design. a second total transit-time was measured.
The difference in these transit-times was
due to the difference between the time
taken for pulses to traverse the specimen and

*Unilator Type PC5, Unilator Technical Cera- +Hewlett Packard Model No. 1743A, Hewlett
mics, Wrexham, Clwyd, Wales Packard Co., CO

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1980 WHITING & JACOBSEN J Den t R es Novem ber 1 980

the time taken to traverse an equivalent 1. Beam specimens 1 mm in thickness, 3 mm

distance in water. Therefore, by measuring in width, and 20 mm in length were pre-
the thickness of the specimen and using pared. Specimen dimensions were measured
standard values12 for the velocity of ultra- with a micrometer gauge to an accuracy of
sound in water at the experimental tempera- ± 0.5%. Six specimens of each material
ture, it was possible to calculate the velocity were conditioned at 600C for 24 h to
of ultrasound in the test-material. This pro- ensure a complete cure. For each of mater-
cedure was repeated for the two types of ials, Co and I, four further specimens were
wave. prepared and conditioned in this way and
The effects of inhomogeneities on the were then placed in water at 370C. These
propagation of ultrasound through a mater- were tested after one, three, seven, and 28
ial are averaged providing that the inhomo- d of conditioning to evaluate the effects of
geneities are small compared to the wave- water absorption.
length of the ultrasound and that they are Four further specimens of materials Co
evenly distributed.9 For 5 MHz ultrasonic and I were prepared and conditioned at
waves propagating through composite speci- 600C for 24 h. The Young's modulus was
mens which had been prepared by thorough then determined as a function of tempera-
mixing, it was reasonable to assume that the ture from 200C to 750C. These materials
above conditions were satisfied. Therefore, were selected because their formulations
it was possible to consider all the materials were considered to be representative of the
to be homogeneous and isotropic. To cal- two different types of composite, the
culate the Young's and shear moduli and conventional type and the microfine type.
Poisson's ratio, the standard formula12 Some comparative data were available also.
for such materials were used:

Young's modulus Y = pv2 -k2

For all the materials tested, a strong
Shear modulus G = pvT2 clear signal was present at the receiving
Poisson's ratio k2- 2 probe. An effective absorption, measured by
2 (k2 -1) comparing the amplitudes of transmitted
and received pulses, was typically 3
K = VL dBmm-1.
VT The Young's modulus determined for
VL = longitudinal velocity three standard materials, aluminum, brass,
VT = transverse velocity and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), is
p = specimen density.
shown in Table 2. The variation of modulus
with thickness for PMMA was not significant
The materials studied are shown in Table (Student's t test p > 0.05).
Material Code Type Batch Number Manufacturer
Adaptic A Bis GMA Composite 6F018 Johnson & Johnson, NJ
Concise C Bis GMA Composite 7251J13/7251L8 3M Company, MN
Cosmic Co Bis GMA-Urethane SAllSB/ Amalgamated Dental Co.,
Acrylate Composite SA8SB London
Isopast I Bis GMA Composite 290377 Vivadent, Leichtenstein
with Low Filler
Orthofil 0 Unfilled PMMA 004JI/OO1El Dental Fillings, Ltd., London
Prestige P Aromatic Dimeth- HPRO109/ Lee Pharmaceuticals, CA
acrylate Composite HPRO110
T. D. 71 T PMMA Composite 29EJ/00201 Dental Fillings, Ltd., London

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The moduli and Poisson's ratio deter- Discussion.

mined ultrasonically for the dental materials
are shown in Table 3. Table 4 shows the An absorption of 3 dBmm- 1 for the
effect of conditioning in water at 37cC. The composites compares well with that reported
temperature of testing for these two tests by Greener et al., 17 although these authors
was 230C. gave no information on the method of
Fig. 4 shows the variation of the modulus measurement. This absorption is surprisingly
of material Co with temperature. Similar low. The presence of many phase boundaries
curves were obtained for material I. within a composite material and the large

Specimen Young's modulus
Thickness (mm) Ultrasound Ultrasound Static Tests
Material (this study) (this study) (literature values) (literature values)
Aluminum 3.05 68.7 + 1.2 71.012 69 - 7114
1.25 68.3 + 0.9 68 - 7115
Brass 3.05 101.1 + 1.9 10012 103.514
0.72 100.2+ 1.9 97 - 11015
PMMA 3.01 6.3 ± 1.9 5.312 2.4- 3.514
1.51 6.2 + 0.1 5.78 2.4 - 3.816
0.44 6.1 + 0.2 6.213

Material E(GNm-2) + S.D. G(GNm-2) + S.D. v
A 24.50 + 0.41 9.96 + 0.12 0.23
C 24.55 + 0.42 9.82 ± 0.40 0.25
Co 23.90 + 0.30 9.41 + 0.21 0.27
I 7.41 ± 0.05 2.81 + 0.02 0.32
0 5.60 + 0.26 2.12 + 0.09 0.32
P 27.10 + 0.40 10.80 + 0.30 0.26
T 12.02 + 0.09 4.66 ± 0.03 0.29

Material Time VL(msec-l) VT(msec-1) E(GNm-2) G(GNm-2) v
One d 3642 2008 23.81 9.27 0.28
Three d 3601 1984 23.26 9.05 0.28
Co One wk 3582 1976 23.03 8.98 0.28
Four wk 3573 1970 22.91 8.93 0.28
One d 2854 1435 7.10 2.67 0.33
Three d 2810 1433 7.04 2.66 0.32
I One wk 2770 1411 6.83 2.58 0.32
Fourwk 2701 1398 6.67 2.53 0.32

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1982 J Dent Res November

28 obtained a static value of 9.6 GNm-2 and

y an ultrasonic value of 17 GNm-2. Greener
24 et al., 17 in their ultrasonic evaluation of
20 the composites, measured only one ultra-
Modulus sonic velocity, and therefore no modulus
GN m
values were obtained. The longitudinal
12 velocity in materials Co and T was 3265
and 3080 msec- 1, respectively, compared
with 3601 and 3320 msec-1 for this study.
4 It would appear, therefore, that the
values obtained are a realistic evaluation of
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 the low strain-, high strain-rate, elastic prop-
erties of these materials.
The ranking of the moduli reflects the
Fig. 4- Variation of Young's and shear moduli composition of the materials. Those based
of material Co with temperature. on aromatic dimethacrylate resins and with
a high filler content (A, C, Co, and P) have
difference in acoustic impedence between the highest moduli. The unfilled resin (0)
the two phases might be expected to result and the dimethacrylate resin with a low filler
in a considerably higher absorption than content (I) have the lowest moduli. It is
this. Two factors may contribute to the low interesting to note that, although material I
absorption. First, filler-particle agglomera- contains 23% inorganic filler, by weight its
tion would result in fewer phase boundaries. modulus is only slightly higher than the
Second, scattering from discontinuities is unfilled methacrylate resin (0).
high only when the size of those discontinui- The value of Poisson's ratio for the un-
ties is equal to or larger than the wavelength filled resin is in approximate agreement with
of the ultrasound. Therefore, voids, filler published values.12'21 Generally, the values
particles, and particle agglomerations less for the composites are lower than the resin
than 100 Mm in diameter may not contribute value, probably because of the - low Pois-
significantly to the scattering loss. son's ratio of glass.21
The moduli of the three standard mater- Conditioning in water reduced the moduli.
ials were in good agreement with the litera- There are several mechanisms for water
ture values. The modulus of a viscoelastic absorption by composite materials, including
material such as PMMA is higher when diffusion-controlled absorption by the
measured at ultrasonic frequencies than the resin,21 capillary action (due to voids at the
value found using low frequencies or static matrix-filler interface), and general poros-
tests. This is because the modulus of this ity.22 The water absorbed by materials Co
type of material is both strain-rate- and and I has a small plasticizing effect (Table
strain-amplitude-dependent. The greater the 4). The slightly greater percentage reduction
rate of loading and the lower the total load, in modulus for material I is probably due to
the higher the material's stiffness. In ultra- the greater proportion of organic resin in
sonic tests, the rate of strain is high and the this composite.
strain amplitude is low. (This amplitude is The temperature trial indicated no transi-
approximately 10-5, compared with 10-2 tion, but a fairly rapid drop in modulus
induced by static tests.) with temperature did occur. This drop might
The moduli of the composites are also suggest a low transition temperature, al-
high compared to static values. For example, though a previous study at higher tempera-
values of 10.27 and 16.9 GNm-2 have tures showed no transition for the composites
been reported1,18 for the Young's modulus and indicated a highly crosslinked structure.6
of material A measured in static compres- In this study the more rapid decrease in
sion, and 10.8 GNm-2 for this modulus modulus may have been due to uptake of
measured in flexure.19 Barton et al.20 have water during the test, even though the time
compared static and ultrasonic tests of the of testing was short compared with the
Young's modulus of "an experimental water-absorption test (Table 4). Braden24
radiopaque material" (a composite based on has shown that the diffusion coefficient of
a modified dimethacrylate resin). They acrylic resins increases very rapidly with

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"Oral Immunogenetics and Tissue Transplantation"
March 12 and 13, 1981
to be held in
The Neuropsychiatric Institute Auditorium
Center for the Health Sciences

This Symposium will include review papers on the immunogenetics of mouse, rabbit,
rhesus monkey and man, as well as research papers on a wide variety of related subjects
given by distinguished scientists from the United States, Scandinavia, Scotland,
England, Australia, and New Zealand. The Proceedings will be published as a separate
monograph by Elsevier-North Holland.
Inquiries may be addressed to: Dr. George Riviere or Dr. William Hildemann
(Conference Co-chairmen), Dental Research Institute, UCLA School of Dentistry,
Los Angeles, CA 90024.

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