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01- Top partners with trips on app (current month):

. Created view VW_PARTNERS_ON_APP_01_DEC

02- Top partners with payment request on app (current month):

. Created view vw_partners_payment_req_on_app_01_dec

03- Sample test code for understanding Multi threading/processing:

. Test file

04- Testing performance of all calls to S3 using Threadpool/Processpool in CRON:

. Test files &
. ProcessPool was selected as it increased the performance by 3 min

05- Adding charts to App Adoption Dashboard:

. Mock-up quicksight dashboard

06- Kopay analytics dashboard on Invoice:

. Mock-up quicksight dashboard

07- Create Invoice ageing view:

. Created view vw_customer_invoice_ageing_colwise

08- create a dashboard on quicksight for staging:

. Mock-up quicksight dashboard

09- Create Invoice ageing summary view:

. Created view vw_customer_invoice_ageing_summ

10- Analysing trip data for errors and invalid data:

. Files included are Price_estimate_analysis.ipynb &

11- Create a dashboard for invoice exception:

. Created a Exception dashboard and view vw_invoice_exceptions

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