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Positive And Negative Impacts of Globalization in Indonesia

Globalization is the process of integration or integration of various

information ,trade , culture , and others.In today’s era of globalization , there
are many influences coming from the outside world to Indonesia , especially
from the western countries.Globalization allows the exchange of information ,
cultures , commerce and others.Many positive things that we can take from
the influence of globalization , but also many negative thing that we should not

The positive things of globalization are numerous.With globalization ,

tourism industry will grow , many tourists coming from overseas to Indonesia
so that this will increase the national income of Indonesia.The more advanced
technologies make people’s lives easier and faster.It also affects companies
that utilize sophisticated machines to be more productive and efficient so that
level of comunity life is getting better.Globalization also makes the market of
domestic products extend to all corners of the world.With globalization, society
becomes more advanced and more intelligent because of the flow of
information and knowledge flowing into the life and education of the
Indonesian nation.Globalization leads to advances in technology, information,
communications, and transportation that facilitate human life.

However, apart from the positive, globalization also has many negative
impacts :

1. The easier te western values into Indonesia either trough the internet,
television media, and print media that many imitated by the comunity.

2. Increasingly the spirit of mutual assistance, solidarity , care, and social

solidarity so that in certain circumstances / emergency, such as illness,
accident, or accident only handled by a handful of people.

3. The rise of smuggling of goods to Indonesia.

4. Domestic firms are more interested in cooperating with outside

companies, resulting in difficult domestic industrial conditions.

5. There is the environmental damage and pollution of industrial waste.

6. Inhibits the growth of industrial sector.

7 The occurrence of selfishness ( individualism )

8. The existence of secularism that is more concerned with worldly life and
ignore religious values.

9. The emergence of a luxurious lifestyle attitude and wasteful because

the status of a person in society is measured by wealth.

10. Easily influenced by things that are not in accordance with the habits or
culture of a country

The above impacts will slowly affect the life of the Indonesia nation, but
in whole aspects can cause a sense of nationalism to the nation to be reduced
or fadded.Because globalization is able to open the horizon of Indonesian
society globally.What is abroad is considered good gives aspirations to our
society to be applied in our country.If implemented not necessarily appropriate
in Indonesia.If not implemented will be considered not aspirational and can act
anarchist so that disturb the national stability, national resilience and even the
unity of the Indonesian nation.

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