Wikileaks Hype Fails The Synthesis Test

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Washington, D.C. 703.268.





By: Jerry Brewer

The “leaked government documents” callously thrust into an open world audience of
information hunger, does not necessarily live up to accuracy or relevance. Although
the identified topic of the information/cable/document gets one’s attention, the

relevance of the information itself can be fundamentally flawed on the basis of being
preliminary and incomplete.
Such is the case with many government cables that cannot always be seen as having
standing on their own or as representing U.S. policy. The synthesis test, or the
composition or combination of parts or elements so as to form a whole cannot be
accurately judged. A key factor is source reliability and content validity.

The terms test, as well as synthesis are vague terms in and of themselves. When you
combine both terms they result in additional vagueness. This is especially true with
these documents that respond to times and certain events without adequate narrative.
The proper authentication of the documents and information is virtually unconfirmed,
and thus could fail the truth scrutiny as well. Within this regard, these documents
deserve little weight, and much less attention.

What were the intentions of the author in each specific instance? Were these ideas,
theories, or perhaps someone with idle chatter or simply with intent to enhance one’s
own work reputation? The missing or simply never written explanatory annotation
also fails the documentary nature of the information or intelligence.

Warnings of looming crises and threats, as well as daily publications, briefs, and
bulletins generally are beyond the raw information/intelligence stage, having been
cycled through the intelligence process rinse for dissemination. From that cycle
estimative intelligence allows policy makers the latitude of looking at alternative
options and additional strategies. The logical and analytical intelligence product that
emerges once free of mere opinion, potential bias, or inaccuracy, allows the decision
maker(s) to construct a hypothesis and devise a methodology to act or perform


The Wikileaks debacle did succeed in giving enough gossip, innuendo, and vague espionage fodder for
conspiracy theorists and many leftist leaders to point the finger and accuse. Many of those leaders are
more than likely ecstatic that their rogue espionage services were not exposed for many of their
atrocities, criminal activities, and covert insurgencies into neighboring democracies.

Raw intelligence and related information that is not properly processed as to authentication and released
haphazardly to any audience prematurely, is exploitative and generally designed to serve as scare tactics
and to influence forceful emphasis or even an emotional appeal to act against it.

When the information discloses or suggests sources and methods or endangers national security and/or
human lives, it is clearly criminal in nature, as well as potentially treasonous as to source. These acts
can result in compromising a nation’s homeland security by potentially destroying its own
counterintelligence efforts to prevent sabotage, assassinations, and hostile espionage by those wishing to
harm a homeland. In addition, covert action and lives could be compromised in
a situation in which the President has issued a finding that an intelligence operational act is important to
national security.

The Wikileak incident was not an innocent act, nor was it an act of a whistle blower exposing crime,
atrocities, or inhumanities. There would have been a highly legitimate rationale to expose those world
regimes that inflict such death and mayhem. There is and must be a place for intelligence gathering and
the proper cycle of analysis within a democracy for leader(s) elected to make decisions on behalf of a
populace, as well as for diplomats on foreign soil to communicate and perform according to a nation’s
legal mandate.


United States of America
Jerry Brewer is C.E.O. of Criminal Justice International Associates, a global threat mitigation firm located in
northern Virginia. Website is located at . TWITTER: cjiausa

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