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ORAL ANGLAIS : American Dream

Laura- Hi !

Anaëlle- Hi !

L- How are you ?

A- Fine ! I just went back from America and the only thing I can tell you is that it was AMAZING !

L- Yuuurk…

A-No horestly I lived the perfect American Dream, I recommand you to go there once in your life !

L- Well...I think London is enough for me…

A- But I’m convinced you’ll like it !

L- No, I’m not pretty sure about dat !

A- Well and do you like shopping ?

L- Yes of course I love it !

A- That’s exactly what I mean ! Did you know that USA is the home of shopping ! Yes ! There are
shops, of all sorts at each street corner !

L- Even if what you’re saying is true, life is way too expensive there.

A- Okay, okay… And if I tell you that the american food is so delicious ? Really ! Eating burgers,
pizzas, nuggetd everyday is the dream !

L- Contrary to what you’re thinking, food is America is T.O.X.I.C ! Indeed ! Did you know that
America has the highest rate of obesity in the world and that’s not all, 38 % of childhood obesity,
it’s more than the global rate.

A- Ohlala stop being persimistic ! America is a melting pot with people coming from all over the
world. And if you’re looking for a mix of beautiful landscapes that’s the perfect place, you’ll juste
have to jump in the bus and you’ll have the feeling you are traveling the world !

L- Very different from what you’re saying nowadays with this disgusting president who wants to
build a wall, so I don’t think that America will still have this label of the perfect and extraordinary
« melting pot ».

A- What we have to realize is that New York is the city that never sleeps. Even if it’s 5 am or 2 pm
there is always something to do. And if you don’t really know what to do you can just sit and
contemplate the beautiful skyscrapers with all their lights during the night.

L- Unlike what you’re saying, it’s just a waste of electricity.

A- Okay so let’s talk about the education in America. There are so many good universities as
Harvard, Brown, Yale and so many others…

L- Yes and if I tell you that a study shows America is very badly ranked concerning their level in
litteratury and writing.

A- And did you know that Netflix in America is totally different from Netflix in Europe. You’ll see
your favourite episodes before anyoneelse !

L- Okay, okay that’s a good point… But what we have to realize is that America has so many
defaults with the highest rate of drug consumption, the highest incarceration rate

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