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Senior High School Department

Camansi, Badas, Mati City


For Grade 12 students

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 Identify the various literary devices in poetry. (HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6)

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Writing Poetry: Identifying Figures of Speech
Reference/s: Creative Writing A Journey pages
Instructional Materials:
 Multimedia Equipment
 Powerpoint Presentation
 Vocabulary Worksheet
 Pictures
 Handouts
 Visual Aids

III. Procedure

A. Preparation

1. Opening Prayer (AVP)

2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Classroom Reminders
5. Review

B. Motivation

1. The teacher will show a sample picture to the class.

2. The teacher will then ask the students’ descriptions of the picture they have seen.
3. The teacher will also ask some students to share their experiences to draw or paint.

C. Motive Questions

1. Who among you here can draw or paint?

2. What tools do you use when you draw or paint?
3. Without these tools, do you think you can create the best drawing or painting?

D. Presentation

1. Presentation of learning objective.

2. The teacher will distribute handouts on Figures of Speech.
2. The teacher will ask the class to work in pairs to read together the different given figures of

E. Unlocking of Difficult Words

1. The teacher will instruct the class to use the same handout given to them to unlock the meaning
of the words that will be flashed in the Powerpoint Presentation.
F. Discussion

A. Group Tasks
 The teacher will divide the class into six groups.
 Each group should select their leader who will lead their activity.
 The distribution of the activity to be done will be made using the fishbowl technique and whatever
they have selected, that is what they are going to perform.
 Each group will be tasked to discuss and present to the class the assigned Figures of Speech in
response to the lesson discussed. They will be given a maximum of 5-8 minutes to finish the task.
A rubric will be presented for the evaluation of their performance.

G. Application

1. The teacher will show some sentences picked in songs in the Powerpoint presentation and ask
students to identify what type of figure of speech is used in the examples.

H. Generalization

1. The teacher will ask the following questions:

a. What are the figurative languages we discussed in the lesson?

b. How important are figures of speech to help create a beautiful poetry?

I. Evaluation
Direction: Identify the figure of speech used in the given sentences.
_________1. The girl's heart skipped down the street when she got nervous.
_________2. Linda liked laughing and licking lollipops.
_________3. There was a boom when the box fell off the desk onto the floor.
_________4. His dad could lift over two tons because he exercised every single day.
_________5. The lemons she used in the dessert tasted like sour grapes.
_________6. Stella sold sixty-six silly salamanders Sunday.
_________7. The car died on the side of the road when it ran out of gas.
_________8. The students in this class are all brains.
_________9. She was so hungry she could eat a horse.
_________10. The girl looked as cozy as a soft kitten when she fell asleep on her blanket.

J. Assignment

1. The teacher will assign the class to identify figures of speech used in songs and present it to
the class on the next meeting.





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