Computer 55

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Test I. Multiple Choice.

Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is a kind of data consisting of numbers only.

A. Numeric data b. Software c. Sounds d. Peopleware

2. These are the mechanical, magnetic, and electronic devices

A. Hardware b. Dataware c. Graphics d. Computer system

3. It is a kind of data that consist of letter, numbers and etc.

A. Text b. Graphics c. Data d. Memos

4. It refers to the people who use computet.

A. Computer b. Peopleware c. Graphics d. Teachers

5. It is a general term used to describe a collection of computer programs.

A. Software b. Sound device c. Hard disk d. USB

6. It is a collection of unprocessed figures, which can include text, numbers and etc.

A. Data b. Peopleware c. Files d. Figures

7. It is a kind of data which refers to images and pictures.

A. Images b. Graphics c. Photos d. Real images

8. It is the typicalprogram developers, graphics artists and etc.

A. Medicine b. Peopleware c. Doctors d. Users

9. It is a kind of datathat refers to any muaic or tunes

A. Sounds b. Music c. Itunes d. Mp3

10. It includes not only the physical aspect of a computer.

A. Program b. Computer system c. Hard drive d. Data

Test II. Enumeration. Enumerate the following. Write the answers on the spaces provided.

A. Kinds of Data handled by the computer





B. Elements of a Computer Sytem





C. Image and Video Output Devices




D. Audio Output Devices




E. Pointing Devices





F. Gaming Devices


Test III. JUMBLED LETTERS : Arrange the jumbled letters baaed on the given clues on the right.

1. NPTIU/PTOUTU DCESIVE - ___________________________________

Hardware devices that have tje capability to accept data and information.

2. TCALOP USEOM - ______________________________

Uses laser, or more commonly called LED (Light Emitting Diode)

3. LBALRTACK - _________________________

A stationary pointing device with a ball on its top or side.

4. RWYQTE - _________________________

The most common English - language keyboard layout

5. OMIBLE DCEIVE - _________________________

A computing device small enough fora user to hold i his/her hand



Test I. Answer the following questions with YES or No.

______1. Are lashes painful?

______2. Do you ask for directions if you are familiar with a place?

______3. Is there confusion when everything is in its proper order?

______4. Is it an odd thing to see a spaceship in the sky?

______5. Is it right to throw your rubbish into the river?

______6. Do you often see puddle on the streets during summer?

______7. Are galoshes usually worn when the streets are flooded?

______8. Can you see outlandish clothes worn by people now?

______9. Do ypu sometimes giggle when you hear a joke?

______10. It is unusual to sleep during the day?

Test II. Write the plural form of the given noun on the blank.

1. Glass - _______________

2. House - _______________

3. Dish - _______________

4. Loaf - _______________

5. Kitten - _______________

6. Story - _______________

7. Fox - _______________

8. Potato - _______________

9. Knife - _______________

10. Hero - _______________

Test III. Change tge following singular nouns to plural nouns. Then use each word in a sentence. 2points

1. Tomato -______________________________________________________________________

6. House -______________________________________________________________________

7. Mosquito -______________________________________________________________________

8. Cockroach -______________________________________________________________________

9. Dragonfly -______________________________________________________________________

10. Wolf -______________________________________________________________________


Test I. Multiple Choice.

Direction: Encircle the correct answer.

1. The first tool used for counting were man's own ____.

A. Hair b. Feet c. Fingers d. Mouth

2. It was derived from th Latin word 'calculus' which means.

A. Peebles b. Abacus c. Abax d. Abakos

3. In what year does the Napier's bone developed?

A. 1614 b. 1642 c. 1641 d. 1600

4. In what year does the Pascaline invented?

A. 1642 b. 1641 c. 1387 d. 1671

5. It was a punch card to program designs of fabrics and carpets

A. Jacquards Loom b. Charles babbage c. Colossus d. Time

6. In what year that the minicomputers evolved?

A. 1970 b. 1951 c. 1960 d. 1946

7. Who invented the Colossus?

A. Alan Turing b. John Presper c. Clifford Berry d. John Atanasoff

8. In what year is Jacquards Loom invented?

A. 1801 b. 1890 c. 1891 d. 1800

9. When is supercomputers were introduced?

A. 1960 b. 1970 c. 1951 d. 1946

10. Who invented the tabulating machine?

A. Herman Hollerith b. Charles babbage c. Steph Reckoner d. Manchester Mark

Test II. Enumeration: Give examples for the following types of computer. Write your answer on the space

1. Mechanical computers

A. ____________________________________

B. ____________________________________

C. ____________________________________

D. ____________________________________

E. ____________________________________

2. Electrical computers

A. ____________________________________

B. ____________________________________

C. ____________________________________

D. ____________________________________

E. ____________________________________

Test III. TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the statement is correct, otherwise write F on the space provided.

_______1. System unit is also known as a base unit.

_______2. A com

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