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1. What are the objectives of studying ‘engineering ethics’?
2. Distinguish between ethics & morals?
3. What do you understand by ‘valuing time’?
4. How does self-confidence help an engineer?
5. ‘Engineers are social experimenters’, justify?
6. Explain work ethic?
7. What do you understand by Integrity & Honesty?
8. Discuss civic virtue?
9. Bring out the difference between cooperation and commitment?
10. What factors help in peaceful living?
Qn.1. The term “Ethics” in engineering refers to the ability as well as responsibility of an engineer
to judge his decisions from the context of the general wellbeing of the society.
Hence, Engineering ethics is the study of decisions, policies and values that are morally desirable
in engineering practice and research.
It consists of a set of responsibilities and rights that ought to be endorsed by those engaged in
engineering, and also of desirable ideas and personal commitments in the engineering field. The
ethical standards are the engineers’ obligations towards the public, employers and the profession.
The following are the pointed out objectives of studying engineering ethics.
Engineering ethics is studied to promote;
Moral awareness. This is the proficiency inrecognising moral problems and issues in engineering.
Cogent moral reasoning. This is required in comprehending, clarifying and assessing arguments
on opposing sides of moaral issues.
Moral coherence. This is required when forming consistent and comprehensive view points based
on consideration of relevant facts.
Moral imagination. This is concerned with discerning alternative responses to moral issues and
finding creative solutions for practical engineering difficulties.
Moral communication. This is the precisive use of a conmmon ethical language, a skill needed to
express and support one’s moral views adequately to others.
Respect for persons. This defines one’s genuine concern of the well-being of others as well as
Tolerance of diversity. This in a broad range, encourages respect for ethnic and religious
differences and acceptance of reasonable differences in moral perspectives.
Moral hope. This ensures enriched appreciation of the possibilities of using rational dialogue in
resolving moral conflicts.
Integrity. This helps in maintaining moral integrity and integrating one’s professional life and
personal convictions.

Qn.2. The term “Ethics” refers the ways in which actions, goals, principles, policies and laws are
morally justified. They are a set of standards for professional behavior, whereas
The term “Morals” to the practicing of actions that are generally acceptable as right to be done in
a community. They are thus a set of standards for personal behavior.
Qn.3. Valuing time refers to one’s decision of determining what actions are best to do in a given
period of time depending on their degree of importance

Qn.4. Self-confidence is the reliance that one has on their ability to achieve a desired result (Kernis
et al, 2006). It relates to self-assuredness in one's personal judgment, ability, power, and capacity.
Self-confidence is important to an engineer in the following ways
It improves one’s ability to complete the task.
It improves one’s creativity and ability to identify problems and find solutions to them.
It improves one’s inventive and innovative skills through increased self esteem.
It enhances one’s ability to express ideas and important information regarding engineering issues
to others.

Qn.5. Engineering as an education discipline is about transforming science into useful

products for human comfort. It is thus based on the improvement of the current life, whether in
terms of technology or efficiency or availability with less financial effort. The process of
engineering undergoes a series of experimental processes before it comes to practical use.
However every experiment may have unique outcomes which may have either a positive or
negative impact on the social environment. Thus as an experimenter an engineer ought to analyze
the all the possible outcomes of the experiments and the associated risks. The following are points
that an engineer should keep in mind as a social experimenter;
Maintaining the safety of human beings.
Procuring the consent of the human rights.
Guaranteeing public awareness regarding the experimental nature of the projects under
Warning the public about the probable safety hazards of the project
Accepting the accountability of the results of the experiments

Qn.6. Integrity is the practice of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising
adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. Ethically it is regarded as the honesty
and truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions, whereas
Honesty refers to a facet of moral character and signifies positive and virtuous attributes such as
integrity, truthfulness and straightforwardness including straightforwardness of conduct, along
with the absence of lying, cheating, theft among others. This involves being trustworthy, loyal
fair and sincere.

Qn.7. Work ethic is a set of values based on hard work and diligence. It is also a belief in the moral
of work and its ability to enhance character. A work ethic may include being reliable, having
initiative, or pursuing new skills

Qn8. Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed to be important for
the success of the community. It is therefore a standard of righteous behaviour in relation to a
citizens’ involvement in society. One can exhibit civic virtue by voting, volunteering and
organizing other community activities.
Qn.9. Cooperation refers to the active and voluntary involvement in working with, helping and
offering assistance to others in accomplishment of certain tasks, whereas
Commitment means acceptance of the responsibilities and duties that one is subjected to.

Qn.10. Peaceful living simply means living harmoniously with yourself, others, and all sentient
beings around you. A peaceful life may be achieved by the help of the following factors;
Seeking to love, instead of seeking to control others.
Moderating one’s convictions.
Being tolerant, peaceful, and reflective
Seeking forgiveness, not revenge.
Finding one’s inner peace
Living in joy
Seeking to be the change you wish to see in the world around oneself.
Broadening one’s understanding of peace.


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