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Personal Effectiveness 2 - A51

Dr. Benzon Aruta


Top 3 Career Personality Types (Holland's Six Personality Types)

Based on Holland’s Six Personality Types, my top three career personality types are the
following: ​Enterprising, Social, and Conventional. I feel satisfied and convinced that these
personality types are appropriate and in line with my current career course which is
International Studies Major in European Studies​. My career goal is to work as a Foreign Service
Officer or a diplomat in the Department of Foreign Affairs. I can definitely say that I am
passionate about diplomacy. My career personality choices reflect that I am currently on the
right path of achieving my goals.

When it comes to the consistencies and inconsistencies, Enterprising​, is the most fitting
because the criteria includes: success in politics, leadership, or business; and sees self as
energetic, ambitious, and sociable. I can definitely apply these values in my current course
because Intl. Studies is about examining and analyzing negotiations so that each country has a
win-win situation. My strengths include oral and written communication, therefore, I can say that
I am a good communicator and a persuader as well. On the other hand, I can say that my current
course is also aligned with ​Social. ​I am also passionate in serving my fellow Filipinos,
especially the Overseas Filipino Worker. As an Intl Studies Major, it is my duty to always serve
and prioritize the interest of my fellow Filipinos. However, I do not see myself in doing this
everyday because I would want to pursue a career that works directly with European embassies.
Lastly, ​Conventional is the least fitting among my top three career personality types. However,
it also gives me the opportunity to work in financial institutions such as Asian Development
Bank, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund which require background in International
Studies and Finance. It also requires accuracy and practicality, which I can say are my

The success of achieving my career goals depends on the steps that I would undertake. I
will achieve my goals by doing the following: firstly, knowing my career personality is
important because from there I would know my strengths and weaknesses which I can improve
on. It is also important because from there I would know the kind of environment where I can
maximize my potential. Secondly, I will improve on these strengths and weaknesses by pursuing
opportunities that would allow me to get out of my comfort zone and explore my talents. I will
be able to do that by being active in org activities of my course and also by participating in
external opportunities which are in line with my career. Lastly, I will push myself to be better
everyday and to not lose track of goals in life. These include doing my school work diligently,
prioritising my responsibilities and lastly, by learning outside the classroom and immersing
myself in work environments that can help my career building.

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