Maharishi Bhrigu Was One of The Seven Great Sages

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Maharishi Bhrigu was one of the seven great sages, one of the Saptarshis in ancient

India, one of many Prajapatis (the facilitators of Creation) created by Brahma.

and also the author of Bhrigu Samhita, the astrological (Jyotish) classic written
during the Vedic period, Treta yuga. Maharshi Bhrigu was a manas putar( born
from a wish). It so happened that when Lord Brahama was thinking of making
this universe he faced some problems for which he requested Maharishi Bhrigu
Ji to help him out. Maharishi Bhrigu is also called Prajapati (creator) as he was
created by Lord Brahma to help him in the process of creation of the universe.
Maharishi Bhrigu Ji was married to Khyati, the daughter of Daksha. He had two
sons, Dhata and Vidhata and a daughter Shri also known as Lakshmi. He had a
student called Shukar (sometimes referred to as his son). Shukar Ji was very
dear to him and was always treated more than his real sons.

How did Bhrigu Samhita came to existence is also a very interesting story. It so
happened that when thousand’s of year ago this world was created then after
four years all the supreme powers saw that the human kind was in deep pain
and problems so they decided to perform a yagya( a religious ceremony) for
the wellbeing of the humanity. Just then Maha rishi Narad Ji raised a question
asking that who will be the head of this yagya. All the rishi munie’s were
astonished at the question raised by Narad Ji and thought that he had a very
valid question to be answered. Bhrigu Ji told him that the creator of this world
can only lead us but then again Narad Ji replied that out of the three Bhrama,
Vishnu and Mahesh only one can lead and not all and he very cleverly gave the
duty to Bhrigu Ji to find it out by himself. Bhrigu Ji accepted the task and asked
the munie’s to give him some time to resolve this matter.

Many great sages gathered at the bank of river Saraswati to participate in Maha
yagya organized at that time. Maharishi Bhriguji was also present there. All the
great saints and sages could not decide that out of the Trinity Lord Vishnu, Brahma
and Shiv who is pre-eminent and to whom should they offer Pradhanta (Master) of
that yagya. With the consent of all the great saints present there, it was decided
that Maharishi Bhrigu will test and decide who was pre-eminent .

Upon being entrusted with the task Maharishi Bhrigu decided to test Brahmaji first.
He went on to see Brahmaji in Brahmalok. On reaching Brahmalok Maharishi
displayed utter disrespect to Lord Brahma on purpose. Lord Brahma got angry and
wanted to punish Maharishi but Mata Saraswati, wife of Lord Brahma saved
Maharishi from his anger. Angry with disrespect, Bhrigu cursed Brahmaji that no one
will worship Brahma in Kaliyug.To this day, there are very few temples devoted to
Lord Brahma(the notable exception being the Brahma Temple at Pushkar).

Maharishi Bhrigu then decided to visit Lord Shiva at Kailash Parvat. On reaching
Kailash Parvat, Nandi stopped him from going inside because at that time, Shiva
and Parvati were sporting fun. Then, Maharishi Bhrigu cursed Shiva that he would
be worshipped in the form of a Linga.

Then in order to test Lord Vishnu, Maharishi reached Vaikunth Dham. He entered
the Dham without Lord Vishnu's permission and saw that the Lord was resting at
that time. Maharishi asked him to wakeup, but Lord was in deep sleep. On seeing no
reaction from Lord, Maharishi hit Lord Vishnu on his chest (that strike by Maharishi
Bhrigu left a foot print on Lord's chest and that foot print is known as "Shri Vats" till

Lord Vishnu got up after the strike and realized what has happened. On realizing
that Maharishi had hit him with his foot, Lord asked him, “Maharishi, are you hurt in
your foot? My chest is strong but your foot is not so strong". Seeing the decorum of
Lord Vishnu, Bhrigu was pleased and declared him superior amongst the Tridev.

According to Hindu mythology, goddess of prosperity and wife of Lord Vishnu, Mata
Laxmi also witnessed the whole incident, as she was also present in the Dham at
that time. She could not tolerate disrespect displayed by Maharishi Bhrigu towards
Lord Vishnu and cursed him that henceforth she would never visit Brahmins and
they will all live in absence of wealth.

On hearing this curse from Mata Laxmi, Maharishi told her, his very purpose of
visiting the Vaikunth Dham and his mission. On hearing this, Mata Laxmi told
Maharishi, that her curse will definitely haunt Brahmins but whenever any Brahmin
will worship Lord Vishnu, he will be liberated from her curse.

It is after this incident that Maharishi Bhrigu decided to write famous book of
astrology , the Bhrigu Samhita, with the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Mata
Saraswati, to help Brahmins earn their living.

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