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Uncountable nouns in the singular

A tuft/ blade of grass (un fir de iarba)
A piece/ strip/ acre of land (o bucata/ o fasie/ un acru de pamant)
A stretch of road (o intindere de drum)
A piece/ stick of chalk (o bucata de creta)
A pile of rubbish (o gramada de gunoi)
A block of concrete (un bloc de beton)
A scrap/ sheet/ piece/ pad of paper (o bucatica/ o foaie/ o bucata/ un top de
A piece of luggage/baggage (un bagaj)
An article of clothing (un articol de imbracaminte)
A tube of toothpaste (un tub de pasta de dinti)
A piece/ set/ an article of furniture (o bucata/ un set/ un articol de mobila)
A piece of equipment (un echipament)
A grain of sand (un bob de nisip)
A stack of hay (o capita de fan)
A ball of string (un ghem de ata)
A lump/ piece of coal (o bucata de carbune)
A bar of soap (o bucata de sapun)
A set of cutlery (un set de tacamuri)

A speck of dust (un fir de praf)

An ounce of gold/ silver (o uncie/ un gram de aur/ argint)
A head/ strand/ lock of hair (un cap/ o fasie/ o bucla de par)
A piece of jewellery (o bijuterie)
Substantive abstracte:
A(n) piece/ item of news (o stire)
A piece/ word/ bit of advice (un sfat)
A piece/ stroke/ spell of work (o munca)
A burst/ peal/ roar of laughter (o izbucnire de ras)
An attack of nerves (un atac de nervi)
A hint of trouble (o problema)
An attack of fever (un atac de febra)
A course of treatment (un curs de tratament)
An item of business (o afacere)
An ounce of energy (un strop de energie)
A(n) piece/ item of information (o informatie)
A word of abuse (o injuratura)
A piece of evidence (o dovada)
A stroke/ piece of luck (un noroc)
A state of emergency (o stare de urgenta)
A piece/ spot of music (o bucata de muzica)
A wink of sleep (un somn)
A feat of endurance (o rezistenta)
A feat of passion (o pasiune)
A term of imprisonment (un termen de inchisoare

!!! gallows (spanzuratoare) – se foloseste cu verbul la singular -> The gallows

looks menacing. (Spanzuratoarea arata amentintator.)

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