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AP Calculus

Rectilinear Motion

1. A particle is moving along a horizontal line according to s = t3 − 12t2 + 36t − 24, t ≥0. Determine the
intervals of time when the particle is moving to the right and when it is moving to the left. Also
determine the instant when the particle reverses its direction.

ds Particle moving to the

= 3t2 − 24t + 36 v(t)
dt right on [0,2) U (6,∞).
\ v(t) = 3t2 − 24t + 36 t=0 +
v exists for all t ≥ 0 0<t<2 + Particle moving to the
v(t) = 0 when 3t2 − 24t + 36 = 0 t=2 0 left on (2,6).
t2 − 8t + 12 = 0 2<t<6 −
(t − 6)(t − 2) = 0 t=6 0 Particle changes
t = 6 or t = 2 t>6 + direction at t = 2 and
t = 6.

2. The position of an object dropped from the Arch is given by s(t) = −16t2 + 638. If the Arch is 638
feet tall, how long will it take the object to reach the ground? How fast will the object be going at

Time to ground Velocity at impact

Object will hit ground when s(t) = 0. v(t) = −32t

−16t2 + 638 = 0 when t ≈ 6.315 v(6.315) ≈ − 202.069 (Use “2nd ans”)

\ object will hit ground at t ≈ 6.315 seconds \ velocity at impact is about 202.069
feet per second downward.

3. An object is thrown upward from the ground with an initial velocity of 30 feet per second. Its
position is given by s(t) = − 16t2 + 30t. How high will the object go? With what velocity will it stike
the ground?

Maximum height Velocity at impact

Max height occurs when v(t) = 0 At impact, s(t) = 0 and s(t) = 0 when
Since v(t) = −32t + 30, v(t) = 0 when t ≈ .938 −16t2 + 30 = 0 ⇒ t = 0 or t ≈ 1.865

Now, s(.938) ≈ 14.063 Now, v(1.865) ≈ −30.000 \ velocity

at impact is −30.000 feet per second
\ object will reach a maximum height of or 30.000 feet per second downward.
14.063 feet

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4. The position of a stone thrown upward from the ground is given by x(t) = −16t2 + 32t, where s is
measured in feet and t in seconds. Find (a) the average velocity on the interval (.5,.75), (b)
instantaneous velocity at .5 seconds and .75 seconds, (c) the speed at .5 seconds and .75 seconds, (d)
how many seconds it will take the stone to reach the highest point, (e) how high the stone will go, (f)
how many seconds it will take to reach the ground, (g) the instantaneous velocity of the stone when it
hits the ground.

Average vel on (.5,.75) Time to max height Time to ground

x(.75) − x(.5) At max height, v=0. Stone at ground when x(t) =
= 12 \ average is 12 fps
.75 − .5 v(t) = 0 when t=1 so 0 and x(t) = 0 when t = 0 and
stone reaches max t = 2 so stone reaches ground
Inst. vel at .5 and .75 height at t = 1 sec. at t = 2 seconds.
x’(t) = v(t) = −32t + 32
v(.5) = 16 ⇒ inst. vel at t=.5 is 16 fps Max height Velocity at impact
v(.75) = 8 ⇒ inst. vel at t=.75 is 8 fps x(1) = 16 so max height v(2) = −32 so velocity at
is 16 feet. impact is −32 fps or 32 fps
Speed at .5 and .75 downward.
Speed = |v| so speed is same as

5. A billiard ball is hit and travels in a straight line. If s centimeters is the distance of the ball from its
initial position at t seconds, then s = 100t2 + 100t. If the ball hits a cushion that is 39 cm from its
initial position, at what velocity does it hit the cushion?

We need to know when the ball hits the Now, v(t) = 200t + 100 so
cushion, then calculate its velocity. v(.300) = 160 \ velocity when
ball hits cushion is 160 c/s.
100t2 + 100t = 39
t = .3000 or t = −1.300
so t = .300
\ ball hits cushion at .300 seconds

6. A ball is thrown vertically upward from the top of a building 112 feet high. Its position above ground
level is given by s = −16t2 + 96t + 112. How high will the ball go? How long will it take to reach its
maximum height? How long will it take the ball to hit the ground? How fast will the ball be going
when it hits the ground?
Time to impact
s(t) = −16t2 + 96t + 112 Time to max height At impact s(t) = 0 \ ball impacts
s(t) = 0 when t = −1 or t = 7 At max height, v(t) = 0. at 7 seconds.
\ max height at 3 seconds
ds Velocity at impact
= v(t) = −32t + 96
dt Max height v(7) = −128 \ velocity at impact
v(t) = 0 when t = 3 s(3) = 256 \ max height is 256 is −128 fps or 128 fps downward.

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