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CPH 2711 Community and Public Health 1

Health Education and Behavior

Written Assignment Unit 1

The most cited definition of health is that of the WHO (1948). Based on this, and the

accompanying readings, describe which definition of the concept of health most applies to your

experiences of health and health care in your home country. Does the provision of health services

meet the definition? How or how does it not? Can you identify 1-2 limitations? Please describe

them and provide 2-3 key arguments to support your stance.

The concept of health is basically staying free from any kind of sicknesses or diseases, in whichit

is also by means of maintaining good situation or conditions for all organs and the system of the

body. In addition, health is also defined as having a complete mental, physical, and social

lifewith no health problems or any kind of diseases or illnesses. Of course, it is impossible to be

free from any disease all the time, but it means there is the ability for the body to recover from

any kinds of sicknesses or problems. There are some elements associated with havinggood

health, likethe environment that individual lives in, the social, family and romantic relationship

that individual has or had, his or her education background, also any genetic disease carried for

that person. Inevitably, good healthy diet, regular exercise and body checkup for screening

diseases can help to maintain person’s health. On the other hand, mental health is a critical health

issue that we have to deal with.

Mental health can be includingan individual social life, emotion and psychological welfare.

Mental health has a huge part in our health in general to have a full and active lifestyle. It is not

easy to define or diagnose mental health because mental illness can be hidden or ignored by

oneself. Also, there are many different diagnostics that depends on a person’s perception based
on personal experiences. Some of the mental health problems can be detected nowadays with a

CT scan, other testing and symptoms diagnosed by professionals.

Mental illnessmay include depression, schizophrenia, illusion, anxiety or any other disorders.

People can suffer from different levels of mental disability to have a normal life. In worse

scenario, they don’t even say to enjoy life, come back from bad experiences, adjust to hardship

situations, feel secure, and have any kind of achievement.

Mental health and physical health are closely connected together. Individual can’t function well

without either one. Therefore, if losing of one these health conditions, then the other will get

worse as well. i.e. if one gets a chronic illness over takes the ability to do something, then this

may lead to depression and stress, this also may lead to other health problems as weight loss/gain

depending on the person’s ability to either eat unhealthy food or eat unhealthy food as a result of

their depression. According to Nordqvist, C. (2017) Physical and mental health are linked. If

chronic illness affects a person's ability to complete their regular tasks, this may lead to

depression and stress, e.g. financial problems.

Health service system takes the key role of responsible for providing health services to patients,

families, communities and all populations in general and not only care for the patients on both

mental and physical health. I believe patient and family need a way out of stress in the process of

healing, it comes in a package for both physical and mental healing.

Some of the limitations that we should consider are providing the care that the person need on a

daily basis and not denying anyone the care they need. In order to have a healthy life, it always

begins with healthy exercises, meaning, that if a person is dealing with depression, they need to

get the diagnostics they need and get the treatments they need as well. Medications are the most
common treatment for depression, rehabilitations and prevention care should also be considered.

Some other care that may be considered is home care if needed, primary care, hospital care,

long/short term care, or community care may be provided as well.

Mental health is a big thing that we are dealing with worldwide, and it needs to be taking care of.

People go through a lot of health issues throughout their lives and mental health is something no

one wants to deal with. Some people who have mental health issues deal with other health

problems such as depression, social lifestyle, and other issues. We need to care for those who

needs to be cared for and get them the treatments that they need so they can have a good and

healthy lifestyle they need and desereve.


Nordqvist, C. (2017, July 31). "Health: What does good health really mean?." Medical News

Today. Retrieved from

Who Int. (N.D.) World Health Organization. Health Topics. Health Services. Retrieved from


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