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The Cambridge School, Doha

Academic Year 2017-18

Year 8 Q.H Revision Prepared by: Mr. Hani

Term 2 Revision &H.W Date : 4 to 14 March 2018 Unit 2 L1&2 and Unit3 L1
Name of the student: Class: 8
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Conditions of the Arabian Gulf region in the 18 th
and 19th
. Arabian Gulf region witnessed eventful stage due to its location.
Political conditions:
• It was based on Tribal system and people lived in Small villages
• They used to build forts to protect themselves.
Economic Conditions:
• The main activities were Fishing – Pearl diving
• Primitive agriculture & Pastoral activities
• Trade was exporting Pearl to India.
• Simple industries (shipbuilding – gold jewellery)
• Local industries (embroidery - Al sadu waving )
Ottomans were interested in Arabian Gulf due to:
1. Rescuing Muslim world in general and Muslim Sanctuaries from Crusade greed
& confronting the Portuguese.
2. Politics of Safavids in Persia and their interest in Iraq and Arabian Gulf.
. Ottomans were fighting against Portuguese in Arabian Gulf and against Safavids in

Unit 2 Lesson 2: Qatar under Ottomans rule.
The Arrival of Ottomans.
• They came in the era of Sheikh Mohamed(1850 - 1878)
• Sheikh Jassim Invited Ottomans and they came in 1871.
• Second expedition of ottomans came in 1872.
Sheikh Jassim welcomed the ottomans in Qatar:
1. TO PROTECT his country from foreign powers.
2. TO GET RID of Indian traders.
3. TO EXTEND Qatari sovereignty to Area British want to extract from Qatar
• Sheikh Jassim raised the Ottomans Flag TO announce dependency of Ottomans
The items of the agreement between Ottomans and sheikh Jassim.
1. Sheikh Jassim becomes the ruler of Qatar.
2. Ottomans exempt Qatar from Taxes.
3. An ottomans force stays at the fort of AL-Bidaa.
4. Sheikh Jassim accepted the position of Surrogate in 1871.

• Medhat pasha (Baghdad ruler) REPORTED In early 1872.

Location of land & nature of citizen life.
• Qatar lived in peace and stability at the beginning of ottomans rule.
• Pearl trade boomed in Doha.
Al-wajbah battle was in 1893.

Al-wajbah Battle Reasons:
• 1- Increasing of Ottomans protection in Doha.
• 2- Increasing of taxes.
• 3- Increasing of post offices.
• 4- Assigning a Turkish Administration in Qatar.
• 5- Assigning ottoman administrator at customs department.
• 6- Assigning deputy commissioner Al-Mutasref Akif Pasha Wali of Al-ihsaa for the
absence of Sheikh Jassim.

Al-wajbah Battle Events:

• Ottomans requested to build custom office in Doha and squad of Knights to be under
its command.
• Sheikh Jassim refused and considered it as Conspiracy against Qatar.
• Mohamed Hafiz (Wali of Basra ) arrived Doha on 14 Feb 1893.
• With 300 Knights (Infantry brigade + Maritime).
• CLAIMED to reassure Security to Qatar.
• His Ships docked at Doha in the opposite of the fort of Al-Bidda.
• He ASKED sheikh Jassim to meet him but Sheikh Ahmed did + 16 eminent from
• Hafiz kept them captives that Sheikh Jassim turn himself in.
• Sheikh Jassim HEADED to al-Wajbah fort (15 km to the west of Doha).
• To evade cannons and drag Ottomans to distant area.
• Qatari tribes joined Sheikh Jassim and his force.
• Ottomans force met Qataris Who ensured victory and Ottomans fled to
Wadi al-Shaghab where they surrendered.
• Qatari also defeated Ottomans again in Musheireb Battle.
• Only Al-Bidda fort remains for Ottomans.
• Hafiz offered to exchange Ottomans soldiers VS sheikh Ahmed &16.
• Sheikh Jassim accepted.
• Sheikh Jassim raised the complaint to Sultan Abdul Hamid.
• Putting responsibility to Hafiz Pasha.

Al-wajbah Battle Results.

1- Ottomans left Qatar land & sea siege.
2- The release of Sheikh Ahmed and 16 Qatari.
3- Sultan of Ottomans dismissed Mohamed Hafiz from his position.
4- Sultan of Ottomans sent delegation to fix things with Qatari.
5- Sheikh Jassim fixed things with Ottomans and remained loyal to them.
6- Sheikh Jassim maintained internal independence till his death 1913.
7- Sheikh Jassim refused to cooperate with British against Ottomans.

Unit 3 Lesson 1: Qatar and Human Rights.
Government institutions dealing with Human rights in Qatar.
1- Human right department in Ministry of interior.
2-The National Human Rights Committee.
• The National Human Rights Committee was created under decree -law (38) in 2002.
• Its system has been reorganized in 2010.
• As a public organization.

Objectives of the National Human Rights Committee:

1- Promoting and protecting HR in Qatar.
2- Ensuring respect to HR in Qatar.
3- Joining the international and Arab charters.

Qatar Foundation for Protection and Social Rehabilitation:

• Established by :
• Sheikha Moza bint Nasser in 2012.
• As public and private utility. Why?
• To achieve Human development
• Build self confidence
• Promote family ties.
• Study and solve social problems.

Targeted groups for the institution
• Children under 18 &women who suffer from violence.
• Victims of human trafficking.
• Individuals with social problems.
Objectives of QFPSR
1. Protecting the target group from violence.
2. Addressing the problems caused by this violence
3. Offering SR for people exposed to deviance.
4. Fighting against human trafficking.

A)Tick True or False :

1. The Arabian Gulf people exported pearls to India. ( T )

2. Ottomans went in strong wars against Safavids to control The Gulf

region. ( T )

3. Embroidery is one of the old local industries in the Gulf region. ( T )

4. The economic system in the Gulf was based on tribal system. ( F )

5. The Gulf population worked in oil industry in the 18th century. ( F )

6. Al -Wajbah Battle was in March 1993. ( F )

7. One of the old simple industries in the Gulf region is shipbuilding.( T )

8. The Arabian Gulf population lived in small villages. ( T )

9. Al-Wajba Battle was between Qataris and British. ( F )

10.The Arabian Gulf region witnessed eventful historical stages. ( T )

11. Al-Sadu weaving is one of the old Qatari local industries. ( T )

12. Sheik Jassim bin Mohammed invited British to come to Qatar. ( F )

13. At the beginning of the Ottomans rule, Qatar lost its pearl trade

importance. ( F )

14. The ottomans conquered the Qataris in Al Wajbah Battle. ( F )

15. Sheikh Jassim remained loyal to ottomans after Al Wajbah Battle. ( T )

B) Fill in the blanks using the words in the box:
Al Ahsaa – Portuguese – trade – 1871 - Mohamed bin Thani –
1913 – geographical – Basra – Baghdad - Abdulhamid – 15 –
1. Mohamed Hafiz pasha was the Wali of …… Basra ……
2. The Arabian Gulf region has cultural and … geographical
3. Doha became a … trade …hub at the beginning of the Ottomans
4. Sheikh Jassim bin Mohamed died in……1913...
5. … Fishing..was the main activity for Arabian Gulf people.
6. Akif Pasha was al Mutasref of … Al Ahsaa ……
7. Ottomans went in a strong wars against Safavids and ……
Portuguese …to control The Arabian Gulf region.
8. Al Wajbah Fort is allocated ……15….km to the west of Doha.
9. The Ottomans entered Qatar in ……1871….
10. Ottomans entered Qatar in the era of Sheikh … Mohamed bin Thani ….
11. Medhat Pasha was the governor of … Baghdad …
12. The sultan of Ottomans during Al Wajbah Battle was …

C) Answer the following questions.
1 –Why Ottomans were interested in The Arabian Gulf region?
1. Rescuing Muslim world in general and Muslim Sanctuaries from Crusade greed
& confronting the Portuguese.
2. Politics of Safavids in Persia and their interest in Iraq and Arabian Gulf.
2–Mention the reasons of Al Wajbah Battle.
1- Increasing of Ottomans protection in Doha.
2- Increasing of taxes.
3- Increasing of post offices.
4- Assigning a Turkish Administration in Qatar.
5- Assigning ottoman administrator at customs department.
6- Assigning deputy commissioner Al-Mutasref Akif Pasha Wali of Al-ihsaa for the absence
of Sheikh Jassim.
3- Mention the results of Al Wajbah Battle.
1- Ottomans left Qatar land & sea siege.
2- The release of Sheikh Ahmed and 16 Qatari.
3- Sultan of Ottomans dismissed Mohamed Hafiz from his position.
4- Sultan of Ottomans sent delegation to fix things with Qatari.
5- Sheikh Jassim fixed things with Ottomans and remained loyal to them.
6- Sheikh Jassim maintained internal independence till his death 1913.
Sheikh Jassim refused to cooperate with British against Ottomans.

4- Mention the Objectives of the National Human Rights
1- Promoting and protecting HR in Qatar.
2- Ensuring respect to HR in Qatar.
3- Joining the international and Arab charters.
5- Mention the Objectives of Qatar Foundation for Protection and
Social Rehabilitation.
1. Protecting the target group from violence.
2. Addressing the problems caused by this violence
3. Offering SR for people exposed to deviance.
4. Fighting against human trafficking.
6- Mention the targeted group of Qatar Foundation for Protection
and Social Rehabilitation.
• Children under 18 &women who suffer from violence.
• Victims of human trafficking.
Individuals with social problems.

Note: The Exam will be on 14th of March 2018

Topics: Unit 2 L 1& 2 and Unit 3 L1


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