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Russians in Ukraine

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Russians in Ukraine

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Russians in Ukraine. Prior to the 14th and

15th centuries an insignificant number of
Russians (or more precisely, peoples of the
principality of Moscow and other Muscovite

[Russian] territories) lived in Ukraine. For the

most part individual Russian governmental
officials or clergymen and itinerant merchants
who lived for a few months at a time in the
trading districts of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Lutsk,

and other larger cities constituted the only Russian presence. In time there was
also a movement of boyar families and their servants between Muscovy and
Ukraine (in both directions). During the reign of Ivan IV (1533–84) the princes
Pronsky, Kurbsky, and others moved into the Ukrainian territories of

Lithuania, where they offered their services to the grand duke and received
estates in return. Others fled to Ukraine and Belarus to escape religious or
other persecution. A number of figures opposed to the official dogmas of the
Russian Orthodox church, including F. Kosoi and the monks Vasiian and
Artemii (a former student of Maximos the Greek), were regarded as heretics
and compelled to flee from Muscovy to Ukraine. Another refugee was the
printer Ivan Fedorov. Persecuted by Russian scribes and religious hierarchs, he
left Moscow in 1566, moved to Lithuania, and then went on to Lviv and Ostrih, where he
changed his name to Ivan Fedorovych (Fedorov) and became the founder of Ukrainian

The first sustained Russian presence in Ukrainian lands was in the northeastern borderland
regions. In the 16th century Muscovy began developing a string of fortified frontier posts in
Slobidska Ukraine as a line of defense against the Tatars. The area was then opened up to
colonists, most of whom were Ukrainians, but some of whom were Russians. Muscovy’s
control of the Chernihiv-Novhorod-Siverskyi region in the 16th and early 17th centuries
enabled Russian landowners and other Muscovite settlers to establish themselves in the
region. Most of them remained there even after those territories passed under the control of[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1618–48) and then the Cossack Hetman state. After
the Time of Troubles they were joined by various Muscovite émigrés (including the Klimov,
Lovshin, Griaznoi, and Saltykov families), who were granted estates by the Polish kings
Sigismund III Vasa and Władysław IV Vasa. Some of them kept their holdings throughout
the Bohdan Khmelnytsky period and thereafter; others intermarried with the Ukrainian
nobility and Cossack starshyna officers and became assimilated.

Some Muscovites, mostly refugees, lived among the Cossacks and fought in the Cossack
armies in the 16th and 17th centuries. Others (writers, artists, tradesmen, and the like) lived
in Ukrainian monasteries, particularly in Kyiv. Yoakim Savelov, the Patriarch of Moscow
after 1674, had been a monk in the Mezhyhiria Transfiguration Monastery.

Starting in the 1640s Russians studied at the Kyivan Mohyla Academy, among them I.
Ozerov and P. Zerkalnikov. Zerkalnikov was a merchant who subsequently brought
Yepifanii Slavynetsky, Arsenii Koretsky-Satanovsky, and other scholars to Moscow. In the
1680s the students of the academy included K. Istomin, subsequently a printer in Moscow,
and K. Zotov, a naval explorer. The children of Muscovite noblemen, such as those of Prince
Grigorii Romodanovsky and the boyar P. Sheremetev, also studied in Kyiv.

Mid-17th to 18th centuries. The Russian presence in Ukraine increased dramatically following
the Pereiaslav Treaty of 1654. It consisted initially of garrisons in Kyiv and other Ukrainian
cities and the presence of Muscovite voivodes. In Kyiv the 2,000-man infantry force was
increased to 5,000 in 1661. A fortress was built in the old quarter of the city, and cavalrymen
and fusiliers (with their families) were accommodated next to it. Kyiv’s Russian population
also included various administrative personnel as well as tradesmen, merchants, and traders
whose extensive dealings with the troops allowed them to begin competing strongly with
their local Ukrainian counterparts. The Moscow Articles of 1665, drawn up during the tenure
of Hetman Ivan Briukhovetsky, allowed the Muscovite force in Ukraine to increase to 11,600,
with garrisons in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Pereiaslav, Nizhyn, Novhorod-Siverskyi, Pryluky,
Poltava, and other cities. Under Ivan Mazepa a riflemen’s regiment was stationed in the
hetman’s capital, Baturyn, ostensibly for his defense; the force was soon expanded to three

Wars with Turkey (until 1700) and Sweden (1700–21) and the development of the Kyivan
Cave Fortress (1706–23) as a military and administrative center increased the Russian
presence in Ukraine. After the Battle of Poltava in 1709, up to 10 Russian regiments occupied
the Hetman state. Officials of the military and governmental bureaucracy, particularly of the
first Little Russian Collegium, intruded increasingly into internal Ukrainian affairs. Russian
governors and military commanders were assigned to Kyiv, soldiers were billeted in
Hlukhiv (the new capital of the Hetman state), and commandants were installed in all
regimental cities and towns.

Beginning in the time of Peter I Russian landowners acquired increasingly larger holdings in
the Hetman state and Slobidska Ukraine. The estates of Ivan Mazepa’s loyal Cossack
starshyna and of ‘Mazepist’ émigrés were given to Russian aristocrats after the defeat at the
Battle of Poltava, most notably to Peter’s favorite, Aleksandr Menshikov. The Russian nobles[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

often brought Russian serfs along with them to work, particularly in small-scale
manufacturing enterprises. The Authoritative Ordinances imposed by the Russian
government on Hetman Danylo Apostol in 1728 gave Russians permission to purchase land
in Ukraine. The tsarist authorities also forbade the Hetman state to trade with Western
Europe as foreign commerce came to be controlled either by the government directly or by
Russian merchants. The privileges thus accorded the Russians resulted in a further influx of
Russian merchants or their agents into Ukraine, particularly to Kyiv and other larger centers.
By 1742 there were 120 major Russian merchants in Kyiv, and Russians controlled much of
the large-scale commerce in Left-Bank Ukraine.

Among the Russians who studied in Kyiv in the early 18th century was K. Shchepin of
Viatka. In 1734 Mikhail Lomonosov began his studies at the Kyivan Mohyla Academy.

There was a significant influx of Russian Old Believers into Ukraine. Having fled persecution
at the hands of the Russian Orthodox church and the government, they established a number
of settlements in Starodub regiment and in Chernihiv regiment. The movement began
during the tenure of Hetman Demian Mnohohrishny and intensified under Ivan Mazepa
and Ivan Skoropadsky. Despite protests from Ukrainian landowners and government
officials the Russian government not only permitted the Old Believers to continue to leave
Russia, but even gave them title to land on which the local Ukrainian landowners and
administrators had temporarily allowed them to settle. A similarly arbitrary granting of land
occurred in the northern Chernihiv region, where the ongoing settlement of Russians in the
borderland reaches (in the Klintsy district) changed the region’s ethnic composition. This
eventually served as the rationale for excluding those lands from the Ukrainian Soviet
Socialist Republic when it was being formed. (See also Russian language in Ukraine.)

Other refugees who came to Ukraine from Russia in the 18th century included serfs and
military deserters, who expected to find at least temporary shelter or freedom in the Hetman
state, the territory of the Zaporozhian Sich, Slobidska Ukraine, and even Right-Bank
Ukraine. Some of them were forced to return, but a substantial number remained,
particularly in the south, where the Zaporozhian officials and (later) the Russian
administration and landowners were keen to see the area settled. They often sheltered
refugees and preferred not to return them to their places of origin. In addition a number of
Russian nobles to whom Catherine II granted large estates in Southern Ukraine brought
their serfs with them in order to populate the region.

The exact number of Russians living in Ukrainian territories in the 18th century is unknown,
but fragmentary data suggest that it was relatively small and mostly concentrated in New
Russia. In 1763–4, for instance, there were 4,273 Russians and 20,505 Ukrainians in
Yelysavethrad province (subsequently Kherson gubernia); the number rose to 5,851 and
57,302 respectively in 1782. In the Bakhmut province there were 3,891 Russians and 12,177
Ukrainians in 1763–4, and 12,837 and 57,302 respectively in 1782.

19th and early 20th centuries. Russians were virtually absent from Right-Bank Ukraine
(other than in or near Kyiv) prior to the second and third partitions of Poland in 1793 and
1795. Even then only a small number of civil servants and military personnel and a still[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

smaller number of merchants, craftsmen, and itinerant workers moved into the region. Few
peasants were among the migrants. That trend continued after the unsuccessful Polish
Insurrection of 1830–1 and particularly after the Polish Insurrection of 1863–4, when some of
the estates confiscated from Poles were given to Russian landowners. The imperial authorities
sought to de-Polonize and Russify the Right-Bank regions to the greatest extent possible, but
they could not manage to dislodge the substantial Polish (and Ukrainian) presence there.

A steady stream of Russians continued to settle in the sparsely populated regions of Southern
Ukraine, in both its cities and its villages. The migrants included serfs, state peasants,
military personnel, and free settlers. Some of them were subsequently assimilated by the
Ukrainian population, which had grown in the region owing to migrations from Left-Bank
Ukraine and Right-Bank Ukraine as well as from Slobidska Ukraine. In areas where they
constituted a large percentage or a majority of the population Russians tended to maintain
their national identity. After the abolition of serfdom this became more common as
emancipated Russian peasants also settled in Southern Ukraine.

The political and administrative changes that dismantled the Hetman state and the
Zaporizhia and imposed Russian imperial rule had cleared a wide path for Russian
immigration to Left-Bank Ukraine. By the early 19th century Russian civil servants, military
men of various rank, landowners (particularly from the regions of Russia bordering on
Ukraine), merchants, peddlers, craftsmen, and laborers had established themselves in
Ukraine. The cities in Left-Bank Ukraine lost their right of Magdeburg law, and their
economies, community life, and municipal governments increasingly fell under the control of
recently arrived Russians. Except in the larger port cities, such as Odesa, Russian merchants
secured a firm hold on the commercial life of the Left Bank and Southern Ukraine.
According to statistics for 1832, Russians controlled the most capital-intensive industries (44.6
percent; Ukrainians controlled 28.7 percent). In the commercial sector they enjoyed an
absolute majority (52.6 percent; Ukrainians, 22.2 percent), particularly in the higher guilds. In
1832, Russians constituted 35.5 percent of the landed gentry in Ukraine (31.4 percent were
Ukrainian). Except in Right-Bank Ukraine, where Poles and Jews maintained substantial
economic strength, Russians dominated the capitalist development of Ukraine. As a result the
major cities of Ukraine developed an increasingly Russian character.

Another wave of Russian immigration to Ukraine came in the 1880s, when the surplus
population from the central chernozem gubernias (Voronezh, Kursk, Orel, and others) began
flooding into the newly established industrial centers of the Donbas and the Dnieper
Industrial Region as well as (to a lesser extent) Kharkiv. In 1897, Russians made up 68
percent of the workers in heavy industry of Katerynoslav gubernia. A substantial number of
them were seasonal laborers.

According to the census of 1897 there were 3.8 million Russians living in Ukraine. That figure
suggests that they formed 11.7 percent of the total population of 27.8 million. There were
virtually no Russians in Ukrainian territories under Austria-Hungary (apart from a settlement
of 3,000 Old Believers, known as Lipovany, in Bukovyna). Russians thus made up 13.1
percent of the population in Ukrainian territories in the Russian Empire. There were 2.4[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

million Russians in the nine Ukrainian gubernias (10.4 percent of the local total population),
2.1 million (10 percent) within the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic’s 1938 boundaries,
and 2.8 million (10.5 percent) within Ukraine’s current boundaries.

A high proportion (42.3 percent) of the Russians in Ukraine lived in cities, particularly in
comparison to the proportion (5.4 percent) of Ukrainians who lived in cities. The urban
population of Ukraine made up 12.6 percent of the total population of the country (within the
1938 borders of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic). Of the urban population, Russians
constituted 33.7 percent (Ukrainians, 32.5 percent). In cities of over 100,000 inhabitants they
represented 53.4 percent (Ukrainians, 12.6 percent). Only 6.7 percent of the rural population
in Ukraine was Russian (83 percent, Ukrainian). The largest urban concentrations of Russians
in Ukraine (1897) were in Odesa, 198,200 (48.2 percent of the city’s total population); Kyiv,
134,300 (54.4 percent); Kharkiv, 109,000 (63 percent); Mykolaiv, 61,000 (66.3 percent);
Katerynoslav, 47,100 (41.8 percent); and Kherson, 27,900 (47.9 percent).

The Russian inhabitants of Ukraine were not evenly distributed geographically. There were
few of them (approximately 600,000, or 3 percent of the local total) in the long-settled forested
steppe regions (with the exception of Slobidska Ukraine) and northern Ukraine, and of that
number 134,000 were residents of Kyiv. A larger number (1.2 million) lived in Southern
Ukraine and Slobidska Ukraine (approximately 1 million). Another 340,000 lived in the
Kuban (not including the eastern section), where they constituted about 34 percent of the

The Russian element in rural Ukraine tended to live either in separate villages or in separate
sections of villages and only rarely with Ukrainians. Russian villages commonly differed
from Ukrainian ones in appearance. They had fewer garden plots, and the structure of the
farm buildings and houses was different. Their inhabitants tended to go about their daily
affairs apart from Ukrainians, and there was infrequent contact between the two groups.
Relations were restrained, and mixed marriages were uncommon. Russian Old Believers
made up one-third of the Russian peasant population in Ukraine, but they lived completely
apart from everyone else (even other Russians).

In general Russians in Ukraine considered Ukraine and Ukrainians to be an organically

constituent element of the Russian state, and they assisted the imperial government in
effecting its policies of centralization and Russification. They believed that Ukrainians were a
Russian tribe, that their language was merely a dialect of Russian, and that their culture was
a lesser variant of Russian culture, although some expressed their liking for Ukrainian nature,
folklore, literature, and language and respected Ukraine’s (Cossack) past.

Even those Russians in Ukraine who espoused revolutionary and internationalist ideas sought
to have them realized on an ‘all-Russian’ scale, and believed that Ukrainian strivings for the
preservation of national identity and the development of the Ukrainian language were
narrow concerns that detracted from the universality of their own cause. Russian participants
in the Decembrist movement in Ukraine supported the view that all nationalities within the
Russian Empire should fuse into a single (Russian) nation. The majority of the supporters of
Narodnaia Volia and liberal constitutional movements in Ukraine were either indifferent or[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

hostile to the local national movement. The members of Russian parties active in Ukraine—
the Constitutional Democratic (kadet) party, the Russian Social Democratic Workers' party,
and the Russian Party of Socialist Revolutionaries—supported centralist policies. Russian
right-wing elements, such as the Union of the Russian People and the Kyiv Club of Russian
Nationalists, were openly hostile to Ukraine and Ukrainians.

The general tendency of Russians in Ukraine to subsume all features of Ukrainian identity
into an overriding imperial Russian one was buttressed by Russian state policies, a
thoroughly Russified educational system, the Russian Orthodox church, and the Russian
press (both official and private).

As the number of Russians in Ukraine grew, so did their influence, not only in the political,
administrative, and socioeconomic spheres but also in the development of Ukrainian
scholarship and culture, particularly academic life. Russian professors occupied leading
positions in Ukraine’s institutions of higher education, and many of them contributed
significantly to the field of Ukrainian studies. Among them were the historians Vladimir
Ikonnikov and Stepan Golubev, the literary historians Mykola I. Petrov and Volodymyr
Peretts, the philosopher A. Giliarov, the archeologist Mikhail Rostovtsev, the chemist Sergei
Reformatorsky, the physicist Yosyf Kosonohov, the mathematician Mykola Krylov, the
botanists Oleksander Fomin and S. Navashin, the zoologist Aleksei Severtsov, the surgeon
Oleksii Krymov, and the ophthalmologist Vladimir Filatov.

The following Russian writers wrote about and/or lived in Ukraine: M. Artsybashev, I. Bunin,
Anton Chekhov, V. Garshin, Nikolai Leskov, S. Nadson, N. Nekrasov, Kondratii Ryleev, A.
Tolstoi, K. Trenev, and A. Zhemchuzhnikov. Russian artists active in Ukraine included G.
Miasoedov, M. Nesterov, V. Vasnetsov, Mikhail Vrubel, Ilia Repin, Ivan Kramskoi, and Lev

1917–20. The general Russian population and the revolutionary parties they supported during
the period (the Kadets, the Mensheviks, the Socialist Revolutionaries [SRS], and the
Bolsheviks) were largely hostile to the organization of Ukrainian national forces following
the February Revolution of 1917 and to Ukrainian strivings for autonomy. They also
pressured the Provisional Government in Saint Petersburg to institute measures inimical to
Ukrainian autonomy. Shortly before the Ukrainian National Congress of April 1917 the head
of the Kyiv Soviet of Russian Deputies declared that demands for an autonomous Ukraine
were ‘a stab in the back of the revolution,’ and that ‘democratic forces’ would reply to such
demands ‘with bayonets.’ The Russian intelligentsia, civil servants, and influential
publications, such as the newspaper Kievlianin and Kievskaia mysl’, were also hostile.

The proclamation of the First Universal of the Central Rada on 23 June 1917 and the creation
of the General Secretariat of the Central Rada were considered by most Russians in Ukraine
a wrongful seizure of power. When the Ukrainian government began to exercise its legal
authority, they changed their minds and urged the Provisional Government to arrive at an
agreement with the Central Rada. The two governments did agree in July. After the Second
Universal (16 July 1917) and the opening of the Central Rada and General Secretariat to
representatives of national minorities, 54 Russian deputies (20 Socialist Revolutionaries, 20[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

Mensheviks, 10 Kadets, and 4 Popular Socialists) joined the two bodies. There were 8
deputies from Russian parties in the Little Rada: 3 Mensheviks (M. Balabanov and 2
Ukrainians, Konstantyn Kononenko and Dmytro Chyzhevsky), 4 Socialist Revolutionaries
(S. Saradzhiev, I. Sklovsky, K. Sukhovykh, and Aleksandr Zarubin), and 1 Kadet (S.
Krupnov). Bolshevik representatives (Georgii Piatakov and Volodymyr Zatonsky) also sat
briefly in the Central Rada, but they walked out on 8 November 1917. There were two
representatives of Russian parties in the General Secretariat, A. Zarubin (postal and telegraph
services) and D. Odinets (secretary of Russian affairs).

Those who remained to vote on the Third Universal (20 November 1917) and the declaration
of the establishment of the Ukrainian National Republic in the Little Rada included one
Menshevik and two Socialist Revolutionaries, but the lone remaining Kadet walked out. The
Mensheviks opposed the Fourth Universal of the Central Rada (22 January 1918), but the
Socialist Revolutionaries supported it. Odinets continued to serve as secretary of Russian
affairs in the new cabinet.

The Hetman government (April–December 1918) enjoyed the support of the majority of
Russians, particularly right-wing and centrist elements. They were included in Hetman Pavlo
Skoropadsky’s cabinets (they formed the majority in the administration led by Serhii Gerbel)
and had considerable influence in the state apparatus and the army. Right-wing and
extremist Russian organizations became active once again. In May 1918 the Russian Union
was established, ostensibly to unite all Russians in Ukraine in order to further Russian culture
and education in the country, but in fact as an anti-Ukrainian grouping. The number of
Russian refugees in Ukraine increased after the Bolshevik consolidation of power in Russia,
and Russian officers used Ukraine as a base in establishing Anton Denikin’s loyalist
Volunteer Army. Those elements left Ukraine after the seizure of power by the Directory of
the Ukrainian National Republic, which included no Russians in its administration.

During the course of Ukraine’s struggle for independence (1917–20) most Russians sided
either with Anton Denikin’s forces (the majority of the bourgeoisie and the intelligentsia) or
with the Bolsheviks (primarily the Russian proletariat). The Russian peasantry remained
largely neutral.

1920–33. The establishment of Soviet power in Ukraine initially brought no change in the
relations between nationalities in the country. Most Russians who held posts in the Ukrainian
state, administrative, and Party apparatus believed that only the form of political system had
changed, and that the ‘country’ (the Russian Empire and now the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics) should remain undivided and largely under central (Russian) control. The ruling
party, the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of Ukraine (CP[B]U), was Ukrainian in name only.
Its membership consisted primarily of Russians (53.6 percent in 1922) and other non-
Ukrainian peoples (such as the Jews and Balts, and others) and was either indifferent or
hostile to Ukrainian national concerns. Russian elements in the CP(B)U even attempted to
separate the Donbas and the Kryvyi Rih region to form the Donets–Kryvyi Rih Soviet
Republic within the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic. They largely ignored the
development of a separate state structure for the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic; they[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

considered it and the party they belonged to as inconsequential short-term arrangements.

Change in the number of Russians in Ukraine during the first years of Soviet rule cannot be
measured accurately. A substantial number of (Russian or Russified) nobles and
functionaries of the tsarist regime fled from Ukraine (in fact from the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics altogether). In Ukraine they were replaced to a certain extent by an influx
of Bolsheviks from Russia. The decline of cities and industries, where Russians constituted a
high percentage of the inhabitants or workers, during the revolutionary period probably
caused an out-migration to other parts of the former empire. Nevertheless the influx of
Russians into the Donets Basin continued (16,000 in 1921–3, 64,000 in 1924–5).

A more detailed picture of the Russian presence in Ukraine is provided by the Soviet census
of 1926. Its figures show that there were 4.2 million Russians living in Ukrainian
ethnographic territories within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (12.1 percent of the
total population of those regions), 2.7 million of them in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist
Republic (9.2 percent). A smaller number of Russians lived in Western Ukraine
(approximately 60,000) and Bessarabia (also 60,000).

A high proportion (50.4 percent) of the Russians who lived in the Ukrainian SSR lived in
cities, although the figures drop if all Ukrainian ethnographic territory within the USSR (40.5
percent) is included. Russians made up 25.1 percent of the urban population of the Ukrainian
SSR (Ukrainians, 47.4 percent) and 5.6 percent of its rural population (Ukrainians, 87.6
percent). Relative to the 1897 census the percentage of Russians in the Ukrainian SSR seemed
to drop from 10 to 9.2, although the actual decline was probably much smaller since the
earlier census contained somewhat inflated figures.

As in 1897 the major concentrations of Russians in Ukraine (1926) were in Odesa (162,000, or
38.7 percent of the total population), Kharkiv (154,400, or 37 percent), Kyiv (125,500, or 24.4
percent), Dnipropetrovsk (73,400, or 31.5 percent), Donetsk (59,900, or 56.3 percent),
Mykolaiv (46,700, or 37 percent), Luhansk (31,300, or 43.5 percent), and Krasnodar in the
Kuban (83,400, or 51.3 percent). In general the proportion of Russians in a city increased with
its size: they constituted approximately 33.3 percent of the population in cities with over
100,000 inhabitants, 20.1 percent in those with between 50,000 and 100,000, and 12.2 percent
in smaller cities.

The geographical distribution of Russians in Ukraine was practically the same as in 1897.
There were very few in Western Ukraine (overall, 2 percent; in isolated areas, 5 percent of
the local total). The larger concentrations were in four areas: Slobidska Ukraine, with an
overall percentage of about 25 percent, concentrated in the Ukrainian sections of Kursk (46
percent) and Voronezh (30 percent) gubernias; Southern Ukraine, where Russians clustered
in and around seaside cities (their largest rural concentration [24 percent] was in Melitopol
okruha); the Donets Basin, particularly Luhansk okruha (42.7 percent) and the Ukrainian
sections of the Shakhty-Donets district (37 percent); and the Kuban (33.5 percent, particularly
in the eastern areas).

Russian as a native tongue was claimed (1926) by 98.1 percent (2,627,000) of the Russians in[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

Ukraine as well as by 5.5 percent (1,289,000) of Ukrainians, 22.6 percent (356,000) of Jews,
and 154,000 others. Linguistic Russification was particularly marked among the Ukrainian
population in the cities, where 24.4 percent listed Russian as their native tongue. Of their
rural counterparts only 3.2 percent did so. In contrast, barely 1.4 percent of Russians gave the
Ukrainian language as their mother tongue (1.8 percent in rural areas).

The age and gender profiles of the Russian and Ukrainian inhabitants of Ukraine in 1926 were
fairly different. The ratio of men to women among Ukrainians was 100:106.1, among
Russians, 100:100.2. A greater proportion of Russians (51.2 percent) than Ukrainians (43.1
percent) were aged 20 to 59 (that age-group formed 45.3 percent of the total population).
Likewise there were fewer teenagers or young children among Russians (43.4 percent) than
among Ukrainians (50.6 percent; that age-group represented 49 percent of the total
population) and fewer old people (5.4 percent of Russians and 6.3 percent of Ukrainians; that
age-group was 5.7 percent of the total).

The social/professional profile of Russians also differed from that of Ukrainians. The
Ukrainians were a largely undifferentiated peasant mass, in marked contrast to the Russian
community. Agriculture employed 50.6 percent of the Russians, compared to 90.7 percent of
the Ukrainians. The Russians were represented more in industry (20 percent, compared to 3.8
percent for Ukrainians), the civil service (12.2 percent, compared to 2.6 percent), trade (3.3
percent, compared to 0.8 percent), and other professions (12.7 percent, compared to 2.1
percent). Russians in Ukraine were better educated than Ukrainians. In 1926, 76.5 percent of
males and 51.2 percent of females over the age of five were literate, compared to figures of
66.5 percent and 32.5 percent for Ukrainians. Russian pupils made up 14.1 percent of all those
enrolled in elementary schools in Ukraine, although Russian children in that age-group made
up only 8.4 percent of the country’s total. Russian enrollment in Ukrainian vocational schools
stood at 16 percent, in technical schools, at 14.7 percent, and in workers' faculties, at 21.5
percent. That trend continued through 1936, when Russians constituted 15.4 percent of the
students in postsecondary institutions, 10.3 percent of those in technical schools, and 16.2
percent of those in workers' faculties.

A substantial number of Russians in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1926 had
been born outside of its borders; 779,200 originated from the Russian Soviet Federated
Socialist Republic (not including the Kazakh ASSR and Kirghiz ASSR), and 112,500, from
other republics. Seventy percent of the new arrivals settled in cities. Immigrants made up
about one-quarter of the Russian population in Ukraine (one-third of the urban Russian
population and approximately 15 percent of the rural). Some 271,000 Russians had settled in
the Donbas, where they constituted about one-third of the population. The constant influx of
Russians into Ukraine and an emigration of Ukrainians (particularly to Siberia) account for
the growing proportion of Russians in the country. That growth was not offset by the higher
natural growth rate among Ukrainians.

The policy of Ukrainization instituted in 1923–32 diminished the influence of Russians in

Ukraine significantly. Some Russians returned to their country of origin, some assimilated
with the Ukrainian surroundings, and some Russified Ukrainians reverted to a Ukrainian[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

identity. The number of Russians in leading administrative and political posts was reduced as
they were replaced by Ukrainians. The proportion of Russians in Ukraine’s administrative
apparatus in 1928–9 (given in percentages, with figures for Ukrainians in parentheses) was as
follows: in rural soviets, 5.1 percent (87.9 percent); town soviets, 20.9 percent (50.9 percent);
city soviets, 23.9 percent (50.4 percent); raion party conferences, 7.9 percent (82.9 percent); and
okruha soviets, 14.5 percent (68.6 percent). They constituted 27.5 percent of the membership
of the CP(B)U (compared to 52 percent for Ukrainians) and 17.1 percent of that of the
Komsomol (compared to 64.1 percent).

After 1933. Ukrainization came to a full stop in 1933 with the tenure of Pavel Postyshev. The
17th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolshevik), held from 26 January to 10
February 1934, at which Joseph Stalin declared that Ukrainian nationalism was ‘a principal
threat,’ marked the formal end of the Ukrainization period. The Ukrainian position was also
eroded by the Famine-Genocide of 1932–3 (which killed millions of Ukrainian peasants), the
wholesale destruction of the Ukrainian intellectual elite and religious structure in 1929–33,
and the execution or deportation of between one and two million people. But the gains
within the state apparatus made by Ukrainians relative to Russians during the 1920s held
until the Second World War.

After 1945 the national composition of Ukraine changed dramatically as the proportion of
Russians living there more than doubled. Such a fundamental change in the population of
Ukraine did not occur spontaneously, but as part of an overall Soviet policy of Russification.
The formula used for implementing the policy was systematic and straightforward.
Ukrainians were moved out of their republic as often as possible on the pretext of an
‘organized distribution of labor’ to other parts of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
(particularly northern regions of the Union), where they would be bereft of Ukrainian
cultural amenities and presumably assimilate with the surrounding Russian or Russian-
speaking majority. Russians were brought into Ukraine on a continual basis and afforded a
privileged socioeconomic status and a wide range of cultural amenities.

By 1989 the Russian population of Ukraine had grown to 11,356,000 and constituted 22.1
percent of the total population of 51,452,000. It was most concentrated in the southeastern
industrial regions, in Luhansk oblast (44.8 percent of the total oblast population), Donetsk
oblast (43.6 percent), Kharkiv oblast (33.2 percent), and Zaporizhia oblast (32 percent). In
Crimea oblast Russians formed 67 percent of the population. They were least numerous in
the western (particularly Ternopil oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, and Transcarpathia oblast)
and northwestern (Volhynia oblast and Rivne oblast) regions of Ukraine. The table gives
their proportional increase in the population of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

The influence of the Russians in Ukraine during the period increased even more than their
increase in number would suggest, largely as a result of a concerted campaign of
Russification. Under the Russian Empire the efforts to Russify Ukraine were aimed largely at
the cities and the middle and upper classes. In Soviet times they were extended to the
countryside and to all levels of society. Consequently a Russian assigned to a rural posting in
Ukraine would commonly be not only a state functionary but also an agent of cultural[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

assimilation. Also contributing to the trend of broad Russification was the urbanization
characteristic of the 20th century, whereby millions of Ukrainians were brought to cities that
had been centers of Russian (and Jewish) cultural life for over a hundred years.

The Russians in Ukraine acted as a dominant minority group by virtue of the fact that their
nationality group was the controlling force in Soviet society. Their increased numbers
provided them with the demographic mass to make an impact at all levels of Ukrainian

Socially and economically the Russians occupied a privileged position within Ukraine. They
constituted a disproportionately high proportion of skilled blue-collar workers, white-collar
workers, and the intelligentsia. They could obtain a full range of services in the Russian
language and felt no compulsion to learn Ukrainian. Their children could be educated in
Russian-language schools in every region of the republic, and the entrance requirements for
institutions of higher education in Ukraine strongly favored Russians. The majority of public
signs and postings on public buildings in most districts of Ukraine were unilingually Russian,
as were most labels on consumer products. Official business was usually transacted in
Russian. So with cultural amenities: Ukrainian publishing houses produced a
disproportionately high number of Russian-language titles; translations of foreign-language
literature were far more likely to be available in Russian than in Ukrainian; the theater and
cinema were dominated (in quantity and often in quality) by Russian-language works; and
museum and gallery services were commonly provided in Russian rather than Ukrainian.

With social pressures to adhere to Russian norms and economic mobility often linked to
fluency in the Russian language, many Ukrainians became Russophones. Their number
included a substantial group who became totally Russified, or who retained only a minimal
ability in Ukrainian (4.5 percent in 1926, 6.5 percent in 1959, 8.5 percent in 1970, and 10.9
percent in 1979). Another linguistic phenomenon was the rise of a Ukrainian-Russian patois
known as surzhyk. One sign of the increased Russian influence in Ukraine was a substantial
rise in the number of mixed Ukrainian-Russian marriages, particularly among white-collar
workers and the intelligentsia. Subtly encouraged by Soviet officials, such matches were
sometimes viewed as a means of advancing one’s career.

Some Russians in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic supported the Ukrainian people
and defended their interests. In the 1920s Mykhailo Volobuiev demanded that Ukraine’s
economy be permitted to develop autonomously. In the 1960s and early 1970s the writer
Viktor Nekrasov came out in defense of Ukrainian dissidents. The majority of Russian
academics and writers in Ukraine, however, were simply purveyors of Russification who
considered Ukrainian scholarship and culture to be elements within a Russian context. The
Ukrainian dissident movement of the 1960s and 1970s gained some support among Russian
circles in Ukraine, but their expressions of support for Ukrainian aspirations were sporadic
and not very clear.

The sizable Russian minority in Ukraine became a significant factor in the campaign for
independence in 1990–1. Some Russians were among the most vocal opponents of Ukraine’s
political aspirations for separation from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Likewise,[2/10/2018 12:30:38 PM]

Russians in Ukraine

many Soviet and Russian political figures cited the need to ‘protect’ the Russian minority as
an excuse for Moscow’s potential intervention in Ukrainian affairs. Ultimately a substantial
majority of Ukraine’s Russians chose to vote for Ukrainian independence in the referendum
of 1 December 1991. Observers noted that the result reflected the Russians’ belief that the
Ukrainian SSR was being treated unfairly (economically and politically) within the USSR,
and that they and the country would benefit by independence. At the same time the result
reflected the degree to which the Russians were satisfied with the assurances of respect for
minority rights that had been given by Ukrainian political leaders.

Rittich, A. Ethnographie des russischen Reiches (Gotha 1878)
Lazarevskii, A. Opisanie Staroi Malorossii, 3 vols (Kyiv 1888, 1893, 1902)
Rudnyts'kyi, S. Ohliad natsional'noï terytoriï Ukraïny (Berlin 1923)
Andriiashev, O. ‘Narys istoriï kolonizatsiï Kyïvs'koï zemli,’ in Kyïv i ioho okolytsia v istoriï i
pam’iatkakh, ed Mykhailo Hrushevskyi (Kyiv 1926)
Kubiiovych, V. Terytoriia i liudnist' ukraïns'kykh zemel' (Lviv 1935)
Itogi vsesoiuznoi perepisi naseleniia 1959 goda: Ukrainskaia SSR (Moscow 1962)
Kubiiovych, V. ‘Natsional'nyi sklad naselennia Radians'koï Ukraïny v svitli soviets'kykh
perepysiv z 17.12.1926 i 15.1.1959,’ ZNTSh, 169 (1962)
Naulko, V. Etnichnyi sklad naselennia Ukraïns'koï RSR (Kyiv 1965)
Kubiiovych, V. ‘Natsional'nyi sklad naselennia URSR za perepysom 1970,’ Suchasnist’, 1971,
no. 9
Kulichenko, M. Natsional’nye otnosheniia v SSSR i tendentsii ikh razvitiia (Moscow 1972)
Levyts’kyi, V. ‘Rosiiany u soiuznykh respublikakh,’ Ukraïns’kyi samostiinyk, nos. 195–6 (1973)
Naulko, V. Razvitiie mezhetnicheskikh sviazei na Ukraine (Kyiv 1975)

  Bohdan Kravtsiv, Volodymyr Kubijovyč, Myroslav Prokop, Arkadii Zhukovsky

[This article originally appeared in the Encyclopedia of Ukraine, vol. 4 (1993).]

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1 History of Ukraine
2 Muscovites
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