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1.Define HRM Properly bgad bgad 2?

- HRM is a management function concerned with hiring, motivating and

maintaining people in an organization.
- Functions include : Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, and
- Objectives include :
a) Societal Objectives: fulfilling society’s needs by using the
resources of an organization in ethical ways.
b) Organizational Objectives: ensure that the HR department is
contributing effectively to the whole organization, and not
being a standalone department.
c) Functional Objectives: the HR department’s value should not
become too expensive at the cost of the organization it serves.
d) Personnel Objectives: assist employees in achieving their
personal goals.

2. Explain the role of HR?

- HR activities include:
1) HR planning
2) Job analysis
3) Selection and staffing
4) Training and development
5) Organizational development
6) Compensation and benefits
7) Employee assistance
8) Labor relations
9) Personnel and research and information system
3. In your own words, Explain the role of HR manager in HRM.

Training and development, recruitment, staffing, conducting

performance appraisal, compensation and benefits, staff welfare,
hiring and firing.

4. What is planning? And what planning concerned with?

- Plans are methods for achieving a desired result. Planning is thus “ the
process of establishing objectives and courses of action prior to taking
- Planning is concerned with “what is to be done” as well as with “how it
is to be done”.

5. Define Strategic planning, and Human Resources planning?

- Strategic Planning is the process by which top management

determines overall organizational purposes and objectives and how
they are to be achieved.
- Human Resources Planning is the process of forecasting an
organization’s future demands for and supply of the right type of
people in the right number.

6. Explain the steps in HRP process. And what are the requirements
for effective HR planning?

- Steps in HRP process:

1. Determine the impact of organizational objectives on specific
organizational unit.
2. Define the skills required to meet objectives (demand for Human
3. Determine additional human resource requirements in light of
current HR (net HR requirements).
4. Develop action plan to meet the anticipated HR needs.

- Requirements for effective HR planning:

1. HR personnel understand the HR planning process
2. Top management is supportive
3. The communications between HR staff and line management are
4. The HR plan is integrated with the organization’s strategic business

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