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J2.00-3.20XM (J40-60XM 2) [A216]; N30XMH, N30XMH 2 [C210];
E1.50-1.75XM (E25-35XM 2) [D114]; E2.00XMS (E40XM 2S) [D114];
E2.00-3.20XM (E45-65XM 2) [F108]

PART NO. 1463732 2200 SRM 724

• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly
fastened, and that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and
chains have the capacity to support the weight of the load.

• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.

• Wear safety glasses.

• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair

on electric lift trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift

• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT
THE LIFT TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Mainte-
nance section.

• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.

• Use the correct tools for the job.

• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.

• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts
must meet or exceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.

• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before
using force to remove parts.

• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs,
or if the unit needs repairs.

• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.

• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel
are flammable. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these
fuels and when working on these fuel systems.

• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks
away from the area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a condition that can cause immediate death or injury!

Indicates a condition that can cause property damage!
SR/SP Transistor Motor Controllers Table of Contents


Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Model Number Data for SR/SP Transistor Motor Controllers .................................................................... 2
Motor Controller Checks and Adjustments ...................................................................................................... 5
Checks and Adjustments Using Handset ......................................................................................................... 5
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Connect Handset ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Start Sequence ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Check or Delete Stored Status Codes ........................................................................................................... 7
Returning Lift Truck to Normal Operation.................................................................................................. 10
Workbench Checks and Adjustments ........................................................................................................... 10
How to Check and Adjust Registers ............................................................................................................. 10
Function Parameters Adjustments ................................................................................................................... 12
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 12
Function Numbers ......................................................................................................................................... 13
When Handset is Connected to Motor Controller in Lift Truck.................................................................. 13
Function Numbers 1 through 15 .............................................................................................................. 13
Function Numbers 16 through 30 ............................................................................................................ 13
Function Numbers 48 through 63 ............................................................................................................ 14
Function Number Descriptions ......................................................................................................................... 15
Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR) ................................................................................................. 15
Function Number 01 AUTO REGEN ENABLE SPEED......................................................................... 15
Function Number 02 CREEP SPEED...................................................................................................... 15
Function Number 03 CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ....................................................................... 15
Function Number 04 ARMATURE CURRENT LIMIT ........................................................................... 16
Function Number 05 REGEN RAMP RATE............................................................................................ 16
Function Number 06 FIELD WEAKENING (FW) RATIO ..................................................................... 16
Function Number 07 MINIMUM FIELD CURRENT ............................................................................. 16
Function Number 08 MAXIMUM FIELD CURRENT ............................................................................ 16
Function Number 09 REGENERATIVE BRAKING CURRENT LIMIT (C/L) ...................................... 16
Function Number 10 FIELD CURRENT FOR REGENERATIVE BRAKING ...................................... 17
Function Number 12 MAXIMUM ARMATURE % ON TIME (Travel Speed Limit) ............................. 17
Function Number 13 SPEED LIMIT 3 .................................................................................................... 17
Function Number 14 INTERNAL RESISTANCE COMPENSATION ................................................... 17
Function Number 15 BATTERY VOLTAGE SELECTION ..................................................................... 18
Function Number 16 STALL TRIP POINT % ON TIME ........................................................................ 18
Function Number 17 CONTROL TYPE SELECTION............................................................................ 18
Function Number 18 STEERING PUMP TIME DELAY ........................................................................ 19
Function Number 19 MAINTENANCE CODE TENS AND UNITS ...................................................... 19
Function Number 20 MAINTENANCE CODE THOUSANDS AND HUNDREDS .............................. 19
Function Number 21 AUTO REGEN BRAKING CURRENT LIMIT .................................................... 19
Function Number 23 FOR SPECIAL FUNCTIONS ............................................................................... 19
Function Number 24 FIELD WEAKENING START .............................................................................. 19
Function Number 25 MONITOR.............................................................................................................. 19
Function Number 26 BASE RATIO.......................................................................................................... 20
Function Number 28 STORED STATUS CODE COUNT POINTER..................................................... 20
Functions with Premium Display Panel Only ............................................................................................. 20
Function Number 48 MODE 1 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 20
Function Number 49 MODE 1 FIELD WEAKENING (FW) START ..................................................... 21
Function Number 50 MODE 1 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) RATIO.................................................... 21


Table of Contents SR/SP Transistor Motor Controllers


LIMIT)........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Function 52 MODE 2 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION .................................................................... 21
Function Number 53 MODE 2 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) START ................................................... 21
Function Number 54 MODE 2 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) RATIO.................................................... 21
SPEED LIMIT) .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Function Number 56 MODE 3 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 22
Function Number 57 MODE 3 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) START ................................................... 22
Function Number 58 MODE 3 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) RATIO.................................................... 22
SPEED LIMIT) .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Function Number 60 MODE 4 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 22
Function Number 61 MODE 4 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) START ................................................... 22
Function Number 62 MODE 4 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) RATIO.................................................... 23
SPEED LIMIT) .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP)...................................................................................................... 23
Function Number 01 STORED STATUS CODE...................................................................................... 23
Function Number 02 INTERNAL RESISTANCE COMPENSATION START ...................................... 23
Function Number 03 CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ....................................................................... 23
Function Number 04 CURRENT LIMIT ................................................................................................. 24
Function Number 07 INTERNAL RESISTANCE COMPENSATION RATE ........................................ 24
Function Number 11 SPEED LIMIT 1 (SL1) (Slow Speed) - Tilt and Slow Auxiliary (Auxiliary
and Slow Rotate for N30XMH 2) ............................................................................................................... 24
Function Number 12 SPEED LIMIT 2 (SL2) (Medium Speed) - Slow Lift and Medium
Auxiliary (Slow Lift And Fast Rotate for N30XMH 2) ............................................................................. 24
Function Number 13 SPEED LIMIT 3 (SL3) Fast Lift........................................................................... 24
Function Number 16 SPEED/TORQUE COMPENSATION .................................................................. 24
Function Number 17 CONTROL TYPE SELECTION............................................................................ 25
Function Numbers 18 through 27 TEMPORARY DATA REGISTERS .................................................. 25
Function Number 28 STORED STATUS CODE COUNT POINTER..................................................... 25
Functions with Premium Display Panel Only ............................................................................................. 25
Function Number 48 MODE 1 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 25
Function Number 49 MODE 1 - SPEED LIMIT 2................................................................................... 26
Function Number 50 MODE 1 - SPEED LIMIT 3................................................................................... 26
Function Number 52 MODE 2 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 26
Function Number 53 MODE 2 - SPEED LIMIT 2................................................................................... 26
Function Number 54 MODE 2 - SPEED LIMIT 3................................................................................... 26
Function Number 56 MODE 3 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 26
Function Number 57 MODE 3 - SPEED LIMIT 2................................................................................... 26
Function Number 58 MODE 3 - SPEED LIMIT 3................................................................................... 26
Function Number 60 MODE 4 - CONTROLLED ACCELERATION ..................................................... 27
Function Number 61 MODE 4 - SPEED LIMIT 2................................................................................... 27
Function Number 62 MODE 4 - SPEED LIMIT 3................................................................................... 27
Troubleshooting.................................................................................................................................................. 31
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 31
Status Codes .................................................................................................................................................. 32
SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts ............................................................................................................. 35
SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair....................................................................................................... 70
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 70

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controllers Table of Contents


General Maintenance Instructions............................................................................................................... 72
Special Precautions ................................................................................................................................... 72
Fuses .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
Contactors ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
Repair......................................................................................................................................................... 73
Contactor Driver Module............................................................................................................................... 75
Contactor Driver, Replace ......................................................................................................................... 75
Motor Controller Plug ................................................................................................................................... 76
Brush Wear Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 80
Thermal Sensors ............................................................................................................................................ 80
Motor Controller, Replace ............................................................................................................................. 80
Theory of Operation ........................................................................................................................................... 81
General ........................................................................................................................................................... 81
SEM System Description .............................................................................................................................. 82
SEM System Operation (SR Motor Controller)............................................................................................ 83
Reverse Circuit .......................................................................................................................................... 83
Performance and Efficiency ...................................................................................................................... 84
Field Weakening........................................................................................................................................ 84
Regenerative Braking ............................................................................................................................... 85
SEM System Operation (SP Motor Controller)............................................................................................ 85
Creep Speed ............................................................................................................................................... 85
Controlled Acceleration............................................................................................................................. 85
Current Limit (CL) .................................................................................................................................... 85
Braking........................................................................................................................................................... 85
Regenerative Braking to Zero Speed........................................................................................................ 85
Pedal Position Braking ............................................................................................................................. 86
Auto Braking ............................................................................................................................................. 86
Auxiliary Speed Control ................................................................................................................................ 86
Field Weakening........................................................................................................................................ 86
Speed Limits .............................................................................................................................................. 86
Ramp Operation............................................................................................................................................. 86
Ramp Start ................................................................................................................................................ 86
Anti-rollback .............................................................................................................................................. 86
Steer Pump Contactor Time Delay ............................................................................................................... 86
Coil Drivers and Internal Coil Suppression................................................................................................. 86
System Protective Override .......................................................................................................................... 87
Static Return to Off (SRO) ........................................................................................................................ 87
Accelerator Volts Hold Off......................................................................................................................... 87
Pulse Monitor Trip (PMT)......................................................................................................................... 87
Thermal Protector (TP) ............................................................................................................................. 87
Low Voltage................................................................................................................................................ 87
SP Pump Motor Controllers .......................................................................................................................... 87
Contactor Driver Module............................................................................................................................... 88
Diagnostics ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Systems Diagnostics.................................................................................................................................. 88
Standard Status Codes ............................................................................................................................. 88
Stored Status Codes .................................................................................................................................. 88
Hourmeter Readings ................................................................................................................................. 88
Maintenance Management Capability ..................................................................................................... 89

Table of Contents SR/SP Transistor Motor Controllers


This section is for the following models:

J2.00-3.20XM (J40-60XM 2) [A216];

N30XMH, N30XMH 2 [C210];
E1.50-1.75XM (E25-35XM 2) [D114];
E2.00XMS (E40XM 2S) [D114];
E2.00-3.20XM (E45-65XM 2) [F108]

2200 SRM 724 Description

GENERAL These motor controllers have logic circuits and func-
tions that control and keep a record of the operations
Five Service Manual sections are required for the of the motor controller. The registers also store a
complete Description, Checks, Adjustments, Trou- record of potential malfunctions or operations that
bleshooting, Repairs, and Theory of these motor are not correct. for the motor controller. These mal-
controllers: functions or incorrect operations can indicate possi-
• SR/SP Transistor Motor Controllers, Descrip- ble causes of a problem during troubleshooting.
tion, Checks and Adjustments, Troubleshoot-
ing, Repairs, and Theory of Operation 2200 This SRM section has the following components:
SRM 724 (this section) • A Description of the Transistor Motor Controller
• Troubleshooting and Adjustments With a (this section).
Computer, For EV-100ZX, EV-T100, SR (SEM) • A series of SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts
and SP Motor Controllers (Windows Version) that describe an indication of a malfunction or op-
2200 SRM 947 eration that is not correct and its possible causes.
• Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) These status codes can be shown on the LCD screen
Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® of the display panel.
Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 • Checks and replacement of the motor controller are
• Electrical System, Replacement, Checks, and described in SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Re-
Adjustments Trucks with EV-100/200ZX or SR pair.
(SEM) and SP Motor Controllers 2200 SRM 560 • A basic Theory of Operation on how a transistor
• Display Panel for SEM Controls, (Windows motor controller operates using the SEM technol-
Version) 2200 SRM 942 ogy.

This section describes the operation and the func- An electronic diagnostic and adjustment device can
tions of the Transistor Motor Controllers (SR and also be used to check and adjust the motor con-
SP). The SR letters are used to identify the transis- trollers. This electronic diagnostic and adjustment
tor motor controller that uses the SEM (Separately device is called a Handset and is described later
Excited Motor) technology. This motor controller is in this section. A PC with the control software in-
used to control the operation of the shunt traction stalled has access to function registers of the motor
motor. The SP motor controller is a transistor mo- controllers through the SEM display panel. The
tor controller that controls the series lift pump motor Handset has access to fewer function registers of
and does not use the SEM technology. These motor each motor controller and can only make changes to
controllers are made by General Electric Company. a limited number of the registers of these SR and
SP motor controllers. The Handset can only be con-
The motor controllers are similar, but control differ- nected to a motor controller at the motor controller
ent types of motors and have some different compo- 12-pin connector.
nents. Both motor controllers are connected to the
display panel on the instrument panel (dash) of the A short description and the replacement of the dis-
lift truck. This display panel provides access to both play panel is in the section Display Panel for SEM
motor controllers for adjustments and data display Controls, (Windows Version) 2200 SRM 942.
on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen.
These transistor motor controllers are covered units
The display panel has a connector for a serial ca- with no serviceable components. This section de-
ble that will connect to a serial port of a personal scribes the procedures for using the electronic diag-
computer (PC) for checks, adjustments, and trou- nostic and adjustment devices for checking and ad-
bleshooting. justing the operation of the motor controller.
• A Cable Kit, Display Panel to Computer, is re-
quired (Hyster Part No. 1361412). See your dealer Authorized technicians can adjust the controllers
for Hyster lift trucks. for different units or types of operations. Self diag-
• The HYTECH™ software for a personal computer nostics are provided to monitor internal components
is available on a 3.5 inch diskette. See your dealer as well as detect problems with certain inputs and
for Hyster lift trucks. outputs. Adjustable register values and status codes

Description 2200 SRM 724

are accessed using a Handset or a personal com- 2 = 24 Volts

puter (PC). See the section Troubleshooting and 3 = 24 to 36 Volts
Adjustments With a Computer, For EV-100ZX, 4 = 24 to 48 Volts
EV-T100, SR (SEM) and SP Motor Controllers 7 = 72/80 Volts
(Windows Version) 2200 SRM 947 for information
on the use of a PC. (04) This letter indicates the housing size.

There are electrical components that are not part of (05) These numbers indicate the armature current.
the motor controllers, but give input signals to them. 22 = 220 Amps
These components include the following: 33 = 330 Amps
• Key switch 40 = 400 Amps
• Start switch
(06) This number indicates the field current.
• Seat switch
• Direction (FORWARD and REVERSE) switches (07) This letter/number set indicates the revision.
• Accelerator potentiometer
• Lift, Tilt, Auxiliary, and Hydraulic speed switches These motor controllers have signal outputs for the
• Motor Brush Wear and Temperature sensor display panel on the dash. The display panel has a
switches serial port connector for a serial cable that will con-
nect to a serial port of a personal computer for checks,
The brake fluid switch and the park brake switch are adjustments, and troubleshooting. All of the con-
inputs to the display panel for the attention of the trol settings for the motor controllers and the display
operator. panel can be set using a PC through this connector.
Fuses are also located outside the case of the motor A Handset with a digital display is also available.
controllers. Checks and replacement of these electri- The Handset can be directly connected to a motor
cal components are described in Electrical System, controller to set or check some of the functions and
Replacement, Checks, and Adjustments Trucks check the status codes. This connection uses a differ-
with EV-100/200ZX or SR (SEM) and SP Motor ent cable than the computer or display panel cable.
Controllers 2200 SRM 560.
All of the electronic components of each motor con-
MODEL NUMBER DATA FOR SR/SP troller are inside the case of the motor controllers
TRANSISTOR MOTOR CONTROLLERS and are fastened directly to the lift truck frame. The
line contactor, fuses, and steering contactor mount
The model numbers for the Transistor Motor Con- to a plate that is also fastened to the frame of the lift
trollers indicate the following information: truck. See Figure 1. If there is no motor controller
for the lift pump, the lift pump contactor and contac-
Example: tor driver are also on a mount plate. See Figure 2.
IC3645 SR 4 W 40 6 N6 The motor controller has a 12-pin connector, a 23-pin
(01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) connector, and four or six power terminals. The
12-pin connector is used for Handset connection.
(01) The first series of letters and numbers indicate Jumper wires in the plug cover of this connector
the basic catalog number of the controller. make connections to the 23-pin connector. The
23-pin connector is for control signal inputs and
(02) The second set of letters indicate the control outputs. The functions of each terminal pin are
type. described in Table 6. The power terminals are for
SP = Series Control (Pump) battery positive, battery negative, and the armature
SR = Separately Excited Control (Regen to Zero) and field terminals of the motor.

(03) The next number indicates the operating volt-


2200 SRM 724 Description


4. FUSE 3 (15A) 10. FUSE 1 (TRACTION MOTOR) (500A)

Figure 1. Traction and Pump Motor Controllers

Description 2200 SRM 724


3. FUSE 5 (15A) 10. FUSE 1 (TRACTION MOTOR) (500A)

Figure 2. Traction Motor Controller and Contactor Control for Lift Pump Motor

2200 SRM 724 Checks and Adjustments Using Handset

Motor Controller Checks and Adjustments

NOTE: All checks and adjustments to both the trac- • Check the system status codes history for both trac-
tion and pump motor controllers can be done with tion and hydraulic pump systems
a PC through the display panel on the instrument • Check the state of charge of the battery
panel (dash). A connector on the bottom (back side) • Check the hourmeter readings on the traction cir-
of the display panel can connect the PC to the panel cuit and hydraulic pump controllers
memory and the motor controllers. Many checks can • Monitor or adjust the register values for each func-
also be done at the display panel without connections tion as shown in the Parameter Tables of the sec-
to the PC. tion Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Parame-
ter Tables Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR
A personal computer (PC) or a Handset is used to per- and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit
mit Authorized Personnel to make the following Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739.
checks and adjustments:

Checks and Adjustments Using Handset

NOTE: See the section Troubleshooting and Ad-
justments With a Computer, For EV-100ZX,
EV-T100, SR (SEM) and SP Motor Controllers
(Windows Version) 2200 SRM 947 for information
on the use of a PC to troubleshoot and adjust the
motor controllers.

The GE Handset is a tool that can be used with the
LX, ZX, SR, and SP GE solid-state controllers. The
Handset has a Light Emitting Diode (LED) display, a
keypad for data entry, an adjustment knob for chang-
ing function values and for access to stored status
codes. See Figure 3. The Handset can ONLY be con-
nected directly to a motor controller. The following
pages describe the correct procedures.

Legend for Figure 3

5. PLUG (12-PIN)

Figure 3. Handset

Checks and Adjustments Using Handset 2200 SRM 724

The Handset can be used with the LX, ZX, SR, and 1. Raise the drive wheels. as described in the
SP motor controllers. The Handset is used for the Operating Manual or the section Periodic
following: (1) access the registers for the traction or Maintenance for this lift truck.
pump motor functions, (2) indicate status codes (pos- 2. Turn the key to the OFF position, discon-
sible malfunctions), and (3) make adjustments to the nect the battery and discharge the capaci-
operating limits set in the motor controllers. Some of tor by operating horn for several seconds.
the registers in these motor controllers cannot be ac- Do NOT make a short circuit at any of the
cessed with the Handset. The Handset can access the motor controller terminals.
registers that control the operation of the lift truck.
The values for the limits on these motor controller CAUTION
functions can also be set with the Handset.
Prevent damage to the motor controllers. The
NOTE: The Handset is the same for all GE motor con- motor controllers can be damaged if power is
trollers, however, the cables can be different for some not correctly connected or disconnected. Al-
types of motor controllers. ways disconnect the battery connector before
connecting or disconnecting connectors at the
NOTE: Controllers can also be programmed before in- motor controllers.
stallation using a 24-volt DC power supply as shown
in Figure 6. For instructions refer to Workbench The plug cover on the small connector of the
Checks and Adjustments. motor controller must be installed for correct
operation. Make sure to disconnect the power
This section has the checks and adjustments that can and replace the plug cover each time the Hand-
be made using the Handset. The checks and adjust- set is disconnected.
ments are usually made with the motor controller in-
stalled in the lift truck. Bench checks and adjust- Connect the Handset to the small (12-pin) connector
ments can also be made with the motor controller on the motor controller. DO NOT LOSE CONNEC-
connected as shown in Figure 6. The checks show TOR COVER. See Figure 6. Connect the Handset
the stored register values that have been stored for using the necessary cables and adapter(s). See Fig-
the different functions. This section also includes a ure 3.
description of each of the different functions. Use the
NOTE: The lift truck can be operated with the Hand-
adjustment knob on the Handset to adjust the func-
set connected.
tion settings as described.


NOTE: The term Push CONT. Key means to depress
WARNING the control key of the Handset for approximately 1
Prevent movement of the lift truck and pos- second.
sible injury when making checks and adjust-
Connect the Handset. Connect the battery and turn
ments. Before the Handset is connected or dis-
the key to the ON position. The display sequence is
connected to the display panel of the lift truck,
shown in Figure 4.
do the following steps:

2200 SRM 724 Checks and Adjustments Using Handset


To check or delete stored status codes with the Hand-
set, follow sequence in Figure 5.

Status codes for these functions are stored together

with the battery charge at the time the malfunction
or symptom occurred. The first of the 16 status codes
will be overwritten each time a malfunction or symp-
tom occurs to enter a new status code. See Table 1.
The stored status codes can be cleared from the reg-
ister by using the Handset. To access and clear the
status code registers with the Handset, use the pro-
cedure shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4. Start Sequence for Handset

Figure 5. Sequence for Access and Clearing of

Status Codes

Checks and Adjustments Using Handset 2200 SRM 724

Table 1. List of Status Codes

Status Description Status Description

Code Code
BLANK No input voltage to controller or display 76 C1 voltage too high during REGEN.
01 No input from seat switch. 77 Motor current during REGEN.
02 FWD switch closed on initial start.
03 REV switch closed on initial start.
05 Start switch did not close.
06 Accelerator depressed, no direction 82 Traction motor stalled for more than 3.5
selected. seconds.
07 Accelerator input voltage too high.
08 Accelerator input voltage too low.
09 Both FWD and REV switches closed at
same time.
11 The START switch is closed before the 90 Temperature too high, traction motor*
key switch is closed.
15 Battery volts too low. 91 Temperature too high, hydraulic pump
16 Battery volts too high. 93 Brush wear, steering pump motor*
17 Wrong control type selected. 93
23 Motor field current too high on initial Brush wear, traction motor*
start - REV.
24 Motor field current too high on initial 94
start - FWD.
27 Voltage to logic circuit less than 10 95 Brush wear, hydraulic pump motor*
28 Motor field current too high for too long 99 Maintenance Required Code.
during operation.

Traction Motor Controller

41 Open thermal protector or motor Pump Motor Controller
controller temperature too high.
42 Motor sensor voltage too high with no 117 Wrong control type selected.
armature current.
43 Motor sensor voltage too low with no 127 Voltage to logic circuit less than 10 volts.
armature current.
*Not used on all models of lift trucks. Status Codes in this group will flash on the LCD screen of display panel.
NOTE: Motor speed is decreased when a status code 99 is indicated.

2200 SRM 724 Checks and Adjustments Using Handset

Table 1. List of Status Codes (Continued)

Status Description Status Description

Code Code
44 Armature transistor did not go OFF 128 Motor current too high for too long.
45 Armature transistor did not go ON 141 Open thermal protector or motor controller
correctly. temperature too high.
46 A2 voltage too low. 142 Motor sensor voltage too high with no
armature current.
49 Motor field current too low during 143 Motor sensor voltage too low with no
operation. armature current.
51 C1 voltage too low before line contactor 144 Power transistor (Q1) did not go OFF
closed. correctly.
57 Motor current sensor too low during 145 Power transistor (Q1) did not go ON correctly.
64 Line driver voltage input too low. 146 T2 voltage too low.
65 Contactor coil current of line contactor 151 C1 voltage too low before line contactor
too high. closes.
66 Field current above transistor for 157 Motor current sensor polarity check.
current limit.
67 Armature current above transistor 180 C1 voltage less than 14 volts.
current limit.
69 Contactor coil current of power steering 181 Battery voltage less than 14 volts.
contactor too high.
*Not used on all models of lift trucks. Status Codes in this group will flash on the LCD screen of display panel.
NOTE: Motor speed is decreased when a status code 99 is indicated.

Stored status codes can be cleared one at a time by 3. Hold the CONT and ESC keys depressed while
pushing the ESC key after the hourmeter reading is the display scrolls through the 16 stored status
displayed. See Figure 5. code registers.

To exit this Check mode, hold the CONT key de- 4. When the display goes blank, release the ESC
pressed. The display will scroll through the 16 stored key (continue to hold down the CONT key).
status codes, battery state-of-charge, and hourmeter
readings and then go blank. 5. The display will scroll through the 16 stored sta-
tus code registers again and then go blank.
All stored status codes can also be cleared by using
the following procedure. NOTE: Change function 28 to 0 to make sure that the
next status code that is stored will be stored in the
1. Access the first stored status code. See Figure 5. first register. Refer to How to Check and Adjust Reg-
isters of this section. Make sure to install connector
2. While the first stored status code is being dis- cover at motor controller each time Handset cable is
played, push and hold the CONT and ESC keys. removed.

Checks and Adjustments Using Handset 2200 SRM 724

RETURNING LIFT TRUCK TO NORMAL used. A DC power supply to a maximum of 84 volts

OPERATION can be used.

NOTE: The bench supply voltage does not need to

CAUTION be the same as the voltage of the lift truck.
The plug cover on the small connector of the
motor controller must be installed for correct • An adaptor cable to connect between the small
operation. Make sure to disconnect the power 12-pin connector of the motor controller and the
and replace the plug cover each time the Hand- Handset is necessary. See Figure 3.
set is disconnected. • Approximately 45 cm (18 in.) of 18-gage wire is
used for connecting the power source to the motor
If the lift truck does not operate after the Handset is controller
disconnected, the program in use was not closed cor-
rectly. To correct this, disconnect the battery and dis- NOTE: A PC can also be used to check and adjust a
charge the capacitors by operating the horn for sev- motor controller on the bench.
eral seconds. After discharging the capacitors, con-
If batteries are NOT used, the power supply must
nect the battery and start the truck using the normal
have a full bridge rectifier with a filter to give a good
quality DC voltage. Make the connections for the
bench checks and adjustments as shown in Figure 6.
ADJUSTMENTS NOTE: The bench checks and adjustments are done
using the same procedures described for the Handset
CAUTION earlier.
Prevent damage to the motor controller. The
motor controller can be damaged if power is
not correctly connected or disconnected. Al- REGISTERS
ways disconnect the power supply before con-
The Handset can be used to access many registers
necting or disconnecting the display panel or
that control the operation of the lift truck. The values
motor controller plugs.
for the limits on these motor controller functions can
To exit the setup mode, turn the key to the OFF posi- also be set with the Handset.
tion and push the ESC key for at least 1 second. The
hourmeter reading is normally displayed and then CAUTION
after a few seconds, the display goes blank. Make Prevent damage to the motor controllers. The
sure to install the connector cover at the motor con- motor controllers can be damaged if power is
troller each time the Handset cable is removed. not correctly connected or disconnected. Al-
ways disconnect the battery connector before
The Handset can also be used to check and adjust the
connecting or disconnecting connectors at the
functions of the motor controller when it is connected
motor controllers.
to a bench power supply. The following parts are re-
quired: NOTE: To check the value of a function, push key(s)
• A power source to supply a minimum of 24 DC volts for the function number and wait 1 second. The value
at 0.5 amps. Also a 12-volt battery that can sup- for that function appears.
ply 50 milliamperes can be used if a PC is used
for checks and adjustments. A Handset requires Connect the Handset as previously described. Use
more power for its operation and a power supply or the Handset to check or adjust the functions by fol-
two 12-volt automotive batteries in series must be lowing the procedure as shown in Figure 7.

2200 SRM 724 Checks and Adjustments Using Handset


Figure 6. Bench Checks and Adjustments

operation. Make sure to disconnect the power
WARNING and replace the plug cover each time the Hand-
NEVER attempt to adjust any of the function set is disconnected.
values without using the procedures and val-
ues given in this section. Failure to follow Disconnect the Handset and return the lift truck
these instructions can cause personal injury to normal operation as described in Returning Lift
or property damage. Truck to Normal Operation of this section.

The plug cover on the small connector of the
motor controller must be installed for correct

Function Parameters Adjustments 2200 SRM 724

Figure 7. Set Sequence for Handset

Function Parameters Adjustments

GENERAL truck model can cause the truck to operate dif-
ferently than normal. This different operation
Memory elements of the motor controller are called of the truck can cause an injury.
registers. These registers can have electronic data
stored in them to control an operation. The range Do NOT adjust any of the function registers
of data that can be stored in the registers is called a without using the section Transistor Motor
parameter. A parameter is a measurement number Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
that works with other measurement numbers (pa- for Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks
rameters) to define a system. There are 128 regis- Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP)
ters. Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive®
Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739.
WARNING NOTE: The Parameter Tables show the permit-
The register value for each function has a value ted ranges and the default setting for each con-
range so that the motor controller can be used trol function. See the section Transistor Motor
on different models of lift trucks. This varia- Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
tion is needed for lift trucks of different sizes for Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks
and operating voltages. Adjustment of a func- Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP)
tion to the wrong number value for your lift Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive®

2200 SRM 724 Function Parameters Adjustments

Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739. The Factory WHEN HANDSET IS CONNECTED TO
Set Parameters are the recommended settings for MOTOR CONTROLLER IN LIFT TRUCK
new units. These settings give satisfactory perfor-
mance for most applications.
Some functions can be adjusted within the permit- Prevent movement and possible injury of the
ted range to change the lift truck operation for a spe- lift truck when making checks and adjust-
cific application. Adjustment of a register to a num- ments. Before the Handset is connected or
ber that is different than the factory setting is al- disconnected to the display panel that is in-
lowed, but follow the instructions carefully and stay stalled in a lift truck, raise the drive wheels.
within the minimum and maximum limits. Adjust- Then turn the key to the OFF position, discon-
ments other than the factory settings cause the lift nect the battery and discharge the capacitor
truck to operate differently and can cause increased by operating horn for several seconds.
wear of parts.
Make sure the power is off as described in the
FUNCTION NUMBERS WARNING. Remove the cover and connect the
Handset cable to the small connector of the motor
controller. Connect the battery, sit on the operators’
NEVER adjust any of the function registers
without using the procedures and settings The registers can be set when the operator is on the
given in this section. seat or when off the lift truck. Push and hold the
CONT button of the Handset so that it is depressed
The Function Numbers are code numbers for the dif- when power is applied. Turn the key to the ON po-
ferent parameters that can be set for these motor con- sition. After the Handset screen shows all 8s, (dis-
trollers. The personal computer (PC) or the Handset play working check), the register parameters can be
must be used to adjust the parameters for the motor checked or changed. The Handset must be connected
controller. There is a description of the code num- to each motor controller in turn to check or set the
bers for the different motor controllers in the Param- register values.
eter Tables. These Parameter Tables have the
correct setting numbers for the parameters of each Function Numbers 1 through 15
motor controller. See the section Transistor Motor
Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables for Push the keypad numbers for the desired register.
Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Tran- The register and Handset numbers are shown in the
sistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Param- Parameter Tables. See the section Transistor Mo-
eter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric tor Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739. for Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks
Functions 1-15 are selected by pushing keys 1-15. Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP)
Functions 16-30 are selected by pushing the Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive®
CONT key and keys 1-15 (seat switch open). Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739.
Functions 48-62 are selected by closing the seat
switch and pushing the CONT key and keys 1-15. Function Numbers 16 through 30
NOTE: For these functions (48-62), the operator The seat switch must be open.
must also sit on the seat and, if enabled, enter
the password on lift trucks that have the Premium 1. Push the keypad numbers for the desired func-
Display Panel. Refer to the Operating Manual tion. Think of the CONT key equaling 15.
for the correct password procedure. Push and hold the CONT key plus the ad-
ditional key number above 15 to total the
Function Number 63 is selected by closing the seat required Handset number. Example: for
switch and pushing the CONT and ESC keys. Function Number 18, push the CONT and key
3 (15+3=18). The display shows the selected
function. After 1 second, the display shows the
register value for this function.

Function Parameters Adjustments 2200 SRM 724

2. Push and hold the CONT key for 1 second. The Function Numbers 48 through 63
register value number on the display blinks.
The key switch must be turn to the OFF position.
3. To change the register value number, check for The password must also be entered - if enabled.
the correct value for that function register in the
Parameter Tables. See the section Transistor NOTE: These functions (48 through 63) are the func-
Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter tions that are enabled when a Performance Mode
Tables for Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift (1, 2, 3, or 4) is selected at the Premium Display
Trucks Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR Panel. Each function must be set within the register
and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel parameters shown in the Parameter Tables. See
Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM the section Transistor Motor Controllers (SR
739. Change the register value by turning the and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit-
Adjustment Knob on the Handset. The display Drive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor
continues to blink as the number value changes. Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks
4. Push and hold the STORE key for 1 second. 2200 SRM 739.
When the new value is set (stored), the display
stops blinking. 1. Turn the key to the ON position after the Hand-
set is connected to the display panel.
NOTE: Make sure the motor controller is in the run
mode before disconnecting the Handset. If the motor 2. Push the Handset keypad numbers for the de-
controller is not in the run mode, the battery must sired function. Think of the CONT key equal-
be disconnected and connected again to reset the sys- ing 47. Push and hold the CONT key plus
tem. It may also be necessary to discharge the capac- the additional key number above 47 to to-
itors by operating the horn for several seconds with tal the required Handset number. Close the
the battery disconnected. seat switch and the key switch.

5. Push and hold the ESC key for 1 second. The Example: for Function Number 48, push the
display shows 8888. To check or set another reg- CONT and key 1 (47+1=48, 47+2=49, 47+3=50,
ister value number, do Step 1 through Step 3. To 47+5=52, etc.). The display shows the selected
return to normal operation (run mode), push and function. After 1 second, the display shows the
hold ESC again for 1 second or longer. The dis- register value for this function.
play returns to the status code mode or displays
3. Push and hold the CONT key for 1 second. The
the state of battery charge if the operator is in
register value number on the display will blink.
the seat. The display can also be blank (if there
are no status codes or there is no BDI signal). 4. To change the register value number, check for
the correct value for that function regis-
CAUTION ter in the Parameter Tables. See the section
Transistor Motor Controllers (SR and SP)
The plug cover on the small connector of the
Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel SitDrive
motor controller must be installed for correct
Electric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor Con-
operation. Make sure to disconnect the power
trollers, (SR and SP) Parameter Tables for
and replace the plug cover each time the Hand-
Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks
set is disconnected.
2200 SRM 739. Change the register value by
The vehicle can now be operated with the Handset turning the Adjustment Knob on the Handset.
connected or disconnected. Disconnect the Handset The display continues to blink as the number
cable at the small connector on the motor controller value changes.
when the battery is disconnected. This disconnects
5. Push and hold the STORE key for 1 second.
the Handset. Make sure to install the plug cover on
When the new value is set (stored), the display
the connector of the motor controller each time the
stops blinking.
Handset cable is removed.

2200 SRM 724 Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR)

6. Push and hold the ESC key for 1 second. The dis- operation (run mode), do Step 5 of the previous
play shows 8888. To check or set another register, procedure.
do Step 1 through Step 3. To return to normal

Function Number Descriptions

NOTE: The term regen is the term used in the follow-
CAUTION ing procedures for Regenerative Braking.
Make sure the Handset is connected to the cor-
rect motor controller. See Figure 1 or Figure 2. The following has descriptions for the different Func-
The motor controller will not operate correctly tion Numbers. The register setting for each function
if the wrong values are set into the registers. is specific for each motor controller.

Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR)

multiplied by 0.375 to enable auto regen when the
WARNING motor voltage is above 6 volts (16 × 0.375 = 6).
If any of the register values are changed, the
operators must be told that the lift truck will For a setting value of more than 25, first subtract
operate differently. 25 from the setting value. Then calculate the motor
voltage to enable regen, by multiplying the resulting
Do not adjust the register values outside of the number by 0.375. For example, a setting of 33 (33
range of numbers shown in the Parameter Ta- 25 = 8) is multiplied by 0.375. In this example, regen
bles. Register values outside the Parameters is enabled when the motor voltage is above 3 volts (8
can cause damage to the components of the × 0.375 = 3).
traction system and can cause the lift truck
to operate differently than normal. This dif- Function Number 02 CREEP SPEED
ferent operation of the lift truck can result in
personal injury. See the section Transistor Mo- (Push 2)
tor Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
For Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks This function adjusts the creep speed of the lift truck.
Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) The range of adjustment is from 0 (2%) to 255 (15%)
Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® On Time. The percent values are the On Time for
Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739. the transistors that control the traction motor. A
constant creep speed frequency is maintained when
This motor controller controls the speed of the trac- the accelerator input voltage is between 3.9 and 3.3
tion motor. volts (a potentiometer resistance value between 6K
and 4.0K ohms).
NOTE: The following function numbers are not used:
11, 22, and 27. Function Number 03 CONTROLLED
Function Number 01 AUTO REGEN

(Push 1) This function adjusts the maximum initial rate of ac-

celeration. The register value determines the time
This function sets the motor volts or lift truck speed allowed to reach 100% of battery voltage to the mo-
to enable Automatic Regeneration (Auto Regen) op- tor after the accelerator is set for maximum speed
eration. from stop. The control stays in controlled accelera-
tion for between 0.025 second (setting 0) and 6.3 sec-
A setting of less than 25 results in a soft release of onds (setting 255). The numbers in () are the regis-
auto regen and normal regen. Calculate the motor ter values for the times shown. Do NOT adjust the
voltage to enable regen, by multiplying the value of register value for this function to LESS THAN the
the setting by 0.375. For example, a setting of 16 is

Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR) 2200 SRM 724

minimum value. See the section Transistor Motor This function sets the connection between field and
Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables For armature currents when operating below the Field
Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Tran- Weakening Start Point. The actual FW Ratio is the
sistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Param- register value without the last digit.
eter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric
Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739. EXAMPLE: Register value of 45 = FW Ratio of 4

Field current equals the FW Ratio times the result of

Function Number 04 ARMATURE
armature current times 0.024:
(Push 4)
Function Number 07 MINIMUM FIELD
This function adjusts the current limit of the motor CURRENT
controller. The current rating of a specific motor
AND the motor controller determine the range of (Push 7)
adjustment for this function. See the Parameter
Tables for the different motors and lift truck models WARNING
to find the correct setting. Do not adjust the function Function Number 07 is not normally adjusted
to any number other than the factory setting. See in the field.
the section Transistor Motor Controllers (SR
and SP) Parameter Tables For Four-Wheel This function makes minor adjustments between FW
SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor Ratio numbers.
Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks Function Number 08 MAXIMUM FIELD
2200 SRM 739. CURRENT
Function Number 05 REGEN RAMP RATE (Push 8)

(Push 5)
This function adjusts the RATE that regen is applied, Function Number 08 is not normally adjusted
but does not affect stopping distance. The adjust- in the field. Adjusting Function Number 08 be-
ment sets how smooth regen occurs. Do not change tween the minimum and maximum values does
the setting value unless regen is not smooth. not change lift truck performance.
0 - 42 Faster rate of change
43 - 84 Medium rate of change This function adjusts the maximum field current
85 - 126 Slower rate of change that the motor controller delivers in normal opera-
Function Number 06 FIELD WEAKENING
(FW) RATIO Function Number 09 REGENERATIVE
(Push 6)
(Push 9)
WARNING This function adjusts the maximum armature cur-
Function Number 06 is not normally adjusted rent that can be used during regen braking. The
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 06 be- higher the value and current, the shorter the stop-
tween the minimum and maximum values does ping distance.
not change lift truck performance.

2200 SRM 724 Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR)

Function Number 10 FIELD CURRENT allow the battery to discharge below the minimum
FOR REGENERATIVE BRAKING specific gravity value. This minimum specific grav-
ity is the specification given by the battery manufac-
(Push 10) turer to prevent battery damage.

NOTE: It may be necessary to do this procedure again

WARNING as a battery gets older.
Function Number 10 is not normally adjusted
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 10 be- Use the following procedure to adjust the function for
tween the minimum and maximum values does the correct register value:
not change lift truck performance. 1. Operate the lift truck on a normal work cycle.
2. When lift interrupt occurs or the bar graph shows
This function adjusts the motor field current that can empty, stop the lift truck and wait for approxi-
be used during regen braking. This function does not mately 10 minutes.
affect stopping distance. 3. Check the specific gravity of several battery cells.
If the specific gravity is between 1.140 and 1.150,
Function Number 12 MAXIMUM the setting is correct for that battery. If the spe-
ARMATURE % ON TIME (Travel Speed cific gravity reading is high, adjust the register
Limit) value to a lower number. If the specific grav-
ity reading is low, adjust the register value to a
(Push 12) higher number.
This function adjusts the maximum lift truck speed NOTE: It may be necessary to charge the battery and
(maximum battery volts to the motor). This function do step 1 through step 3 again to get an accurate
is always active to limit battery voltage to the motor. number for your battery.

Function Number 13 SPEED LIMIT 3

(Push 13) NEVER discharge a battery below a specific
gravity of 1.130. The battery can have perma-
This function adjusts the maximum lift truck speed nent damage if discharged below 1.130.
(maximum battery volts to the motor) available when
Speed Limit 3 (SL3) is enabled. SL3 is activated by CHANGE THE REGISTER VALUE USING THE
status codes 90, 91, or 99. PUSH BUTTONS OF THE PREMIUM DISPLAY
Function Number 14 INTERNAL
RESISTANCE COMPENSATION NOTE: The adjustment can only be made with the
key in the OFF position.
(Push 14)
1. Push the STAR pushbutton. The first item in the
Menu is shown on the LCD screen.
Adjusting this function setting to the wrong 2. Now push 1 as many times as necessary for a
number can cause battery damage. display of: BATTERY ADJUSTMENTS NOT AL-
This function improves the accuracy of the BDI. The 5 NXT 1/4. When ADJUST BATT. COMPNS DE-
register value for this function can also be changed PRESS 5 NXT 1/4 is shown on the screen, this
using the number push buttons on the Premium Dis- feature is enabled.
play Panel. Refer to the procedure following the Cau-
tion. The Tables for the Parameter Registers show 3. Push 5 for a display of: CYCLE KEY OFF/ON
the parameters for a battery in average condition. BDI NOT RECEIVED or XX % ADJUST BDI
YY=SETTING <1/4> 5 ST. The XX number is the
For the best use of your battery energy, the function actual bar graph value for better resolution. The
can be adjusted using the following procedure. How- YY number is the register value stored in the mo-
ever, setting the value too low for your battery can tor controller for Function Number 14

Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR) 2200 SRM 724

4. Find the correct register value using the proce- display shows the setting number that is set for that
dure in steps 1 through 3. function.

5. Use buttons1 or 4 to increase or decrease the YY NOTE: The Seat Switch must be OPEN for Func-
number on the LCD screen to the new register tion Numbers 16 through 30.
value. Push button 5 to store this new number
in the register. Function Number 16 STALL TRIP POINT
Function Number 15 BATTERY VOLTAGE

(Push 15) This function sets the percent of On Time for the
Field Effect Transistors (FETs) that the motor con-
NOTE: If the register value is set to a number other troller uses to determine a motor stall condition.
than the number shown for your lift truck in Tables
Transistor Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Pa- CAUTION
rameter Tables For Four-Wheel SitDrive Elec-
This function value sets electrical limits to
tric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor Controllers,
protect the motor from damage if stall occurs.
(SR and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel
Increasing the setting value may cause motor
Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 for
damage if a stall does occur.
the Register Parameters, a status code of 15 or 16
occurs. Make sure the battery is fully charged and Percent On Time = (163 - Set Point Value) × 0.892
battery connector has good connections before mak-
ing this adjustment. This check is especially impor- If the Set Point Value is 163 or more, the % On Time
tant when adjusting for 36/48 volt operation (num- is zero. If the Set Point Value is 51 or less, the % On
bers 184 to 250). Time is 100%.

This function permits adjustment for the operating Function Number 17 CONTROL TYPE
voltage of the lift truck. The adjustment also permits
correct operation of the Battery Discharge Indicator
function. For the controller and BDI to operate cor- (Push CONT and 2)
rectly, the register value shown in the Tables for the
Register Parameters must be entered.
Battery Volts Parameter Wrong register values entered in Function
Number 17 may cause the truck to operate dif-
72 volts Between 70 and 80 ferently than normal. This different operation
80 volts Between 81 and 183 of the truck can cause an injury. NEVER set
Function Number to a parameter that is not
36/48 volts Between 184 and 250
shown for your lift truck.

NOTE: The following functions have function num- This function selects the card type used for your
bers larger than the numbers on the Handset key- lift truck application. Refer to the Tables Transis-
board. To access these functions, push the CONT tor Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter
key and the number shown in () with the function Tables For Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift
title. Think of the CONT key equaling 15. Push Trucks Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR
and hold the CONT key plus the additional key and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit
number 1 through 15 to total the required func- Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739, for
tion number. Example: for Function Number 18, the Register Parameters for your lift truck model
push the CONT key and key 3 (15+3=18). The dis- and motor used.
play shows the selected function. After 1 second, the

2200 SRM 724 Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR)

Function Number 18 STEERING PUMP Function Number 21 AUTO REGEN

(Push CONT and 3) (Push CONT and 6)

This function sets the level of auto regen current,

WARNING which can never be greater than the regen level set
A register value set lower than the number by function number 9. The auto regen and regen cur-
shown in the Tables for the Register Parame- rent levels are the same for settings of 51 or less. The
ters may cause the steering pump to stop if the auto regen level gradually decreases for settings be-
seat switch opens momentarily during normal tween 51 and 143 and is completely disabled with a
operation. There is no power steering if the setting greater than 143.
steering pump stops. The sudden and difficult
steering effort that is not expected can cause Function Number 23 FOR SPECIAL
injury or property damage. FUNCTIONS
NOTE: There is no delay time for the contactor to (Push CONT and 8)
close after receiving the input signal from the seat
switch. NOTE: Set Function Number 23 at 0.
This function permits adjustment of the time delay This function is used for special applications.
for the steering pump contactor to open after the seat
switch opens. Parameters in the 0-128 range adjust Function Number 24 FIELD WEAKENING
the delay after the seat switch opens. The time pa- START
rameters are 1.5 to 65 seconds. Adjust the setting to
the number shown in Tables for the Register Param- (Push CONT and 9)
eters in the section Transistor Motor Controllers
(SR and SP) Parameter Tables For Four-Wheel WARNING
SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor
Function Number 24 is not normally adjusted
Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter Tables for
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 24 be-
Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200
tween the minimum and maximum values does
SRM 739.
not change lift truck performance.
Function Number 19 MAINTENANCE This function sets the change point between the Field
CODE TENS AND UNITS Weakening ratio (Function Number 6) and the Base
Ratio (Function Number 26). This point is deter-
(Push CONT and 4) mined by the amount of armature current when this
This function can be set to give a Status Code 99 change of ratios occurs.
when scheduled maintenance is required. Register Setting parameter is 0 to 255. Armature current
value range is 0 to 99 hours. A setting of 42 gives a range is 0 to 414 amps. Multiply the register value by
Status Code of 99 when the hourmeter reads XXX42. 1.625 for the armature current (90 × 1.4 = 126 Amps).
Function Number 20 MAINTENANCE Function Number 25 MONITOR
(Push CONT and 10)
(Push CONT and 5)

This function can be set to give a Status Code 99 WARNING

when scheduled maintenance is required. Register Function Number 25 is not normally adjusted
value range is 0 to 240. The range for this function in the field. Adjusting Function Number 25 be-
is 100 to 24000 hours. A setting of 240 gives a Status tween the minimum and maximum values does
Code of 99 when the hourmeter reads 240XX. The not change lift truck performance.
hourmeter returns to 00000 after it reaches 24099
hours. Set this function register value at 0.

Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR) 2200 SRM 724

Function Number 26 BASE RATIO used ONLY with units that have the Premium Dis-
play Panel.
(Push CONT and 11)
Function Number 26 is not normally adjusted
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 26 be- NOTE: The seat switch must be CLOSED to ad-
tween the minimum and maximum values does just Function Numbers 48 through 63.
not change lift truck performance. NOTE: These functions (48 through 63) are enabled
This function sets the connection between field and when a Performance Mode (1, 2, 3, or 4) is selected at
armature currents when operating below the maxi- the Premium Display Panel. Each function must be
mum field current and above the Field Weakening set within the register parameters shown in the Pa-
Start point (Function Number 24). The actual Base rameter Tables. See the section Transistor Motor
Ratio is the register value without the last digit. Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables For
Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Tran-
EXAMPLE: Register value of 45 = Base Ratio of 4 sistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Param-
eter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric
Field current equals the Base Ratio times armature Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739.
current times 0.024:
I FIELD = Base Ratio (I ARMATURE × 0.024). NOTE: The following functions have function num-
bers larger than the numbers on the Handset key-
Function Number 28 STORED STATUS board. Make sure seat switch is CLOSED. To ac-
CODE COUNT POINTER cess these functions, push the CONT key and the
number shown in () with the function title. Think
(Push CONT and 13) of the CONT key equaling 47. Push and hold
the CONT key plus the additional key number 1
This function contains a coded number that indicates through 15 to total the required function num-
the location of the last stored status code. These ber 48 through 62. For function number 63,
stored status codes have caused a Pulse Monitor Trip push the CONT key and the ESC key.
(PMT) controller shutdown and/or caused a change
from the normal lift truck operation. Function Number 48 MODE 1 -
Set the register value of Function Number 28 to 0 if CONTROLLED ACCELERATION
the stored status codes are cleared (erased) using a (Push CONT and 1)
Handset. If a PC is used to access Function Number
28, the software program asks if the stored status NOTE: This Controlled Acceleration is in effect when
codes will be cleared (erased). Setting the register mode 1 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.
value of Function Number 28 to 0 erases the stored
status codes. This function adjusts the maximum initial rate of ac-
celeration. The register value determines the time
Refer to HANDSET INSTRUCTIONS, CLEARING allowed to reach 100% of battery voltage to the motor
THE STORED STATUS CODES for instructions on after the accelerator is set for maximum speed from
clearing the stored status codes and resetting Func- stop. The control stays in controlled acceleration for
tion Number 28 to 0 and for additional information. 0.025 (setting 0) to 6.3 seconds (setting 255). The
The numbers always start at status code 1 and scroll numbers in () are the register values for the times
to status code 16. shown. Do NOT adjust the register value for this
function to LESS THAN the minimum value.
NOTE: Function Numbers 29 through 47 ARE
NOT USED. Function Numbers 48 through 63 are

2200 SRM 724 Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR)

Function Number 49 MODE 1 FIELD Function 51 MODE 1 - MAXIMUM

(Push CONT and 2)
(Push CONT and 4)
NOTE: This Travel Speed Limit is in effect when
Function Number 49 is not normally adjusted
mode 1 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 49 be-
tween the minimum and maximum values does This function adjusts the maximum lift truck speed
not change lift truck performance. (maximum battery volts to the motor). This function
is always active to limit battery voltage to the motor.
NOTE: This FW Start is in effect when mode 1 is se-
lected on the Premium Display Panel. Function 52 MODE 2 - CONTROLLED
This function sets the change point between the Field ACCELERATION
Weakening ratio (Function Number 6) and the Base
(Push CONT and 5)
Ratio (Function Number 26). This point is deter-
mined by the amount of armature current when this NOTE: This Controlled Acceleration is in effect when
change of ratios occurs. mode 2 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.
Setting parameter is 0 to 255. Armature current Same as Function Number 48.
range is 0 to 414 amps. Multiply the register value by
1.625 for the armature current (90 × 1.4 = 126 Amps). Function Number 53 MODE 2 - FIELD
Function Number 50 MODE 1 - FIELD WEAKENING (FW) START

(Push CONT and 3)

Function Number 53 is not normally adjusted
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 53 be-
Function Number 50 is not normally adjusted tween the minimum and maximum values does
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 50 be- not change lift truck performance.
tween the minimum and maximum values does
not change lift truck performance. NOTE: This FW Start is in effect when mode 2 is se-
lected on the Premium Display Panel.
This function sets the connection between field and
armature currents when operating below the Field Same as Function Number 49.
Weakening Start Point. The actual FW Ratio is the
register value without the last digit. Function Number 54 MODE 2 - FIELD
EXAMPLE: Register value of 45 = FW Ratio of 4
(Push CONT and 7)
Field current equals the FW Ratio times the result of
armature current times 0.024:
Function Number 54 is not normally adjusted
NOTE: This FW ratio is in effect when mode 1 is se- in the field. Adjusting Function Number 54 be-
lected on the Premium Display Panel. tween the minimum and maximum values does
not change lift truck performance.

NOTE: This FW ratio is in effect when mode 2 is se-

lected on the Premium Display Panel.

Same as Function Number 50.

Traction Motor Controller (Label Letter - SR) 2200 SRM 724

Function Number 55 MODE 2 - MAXIMUM NOTE: This FW ratio is in effect when mode 3 is se-
ARMATURE % ON TIME (MODE 2 - TRAVEL lected on the Premium Display Panel.
SPEED LIMIT) Same as Function Number 50.
(Push CONT and 8)
Function Number 59 MODE 3 - MAXIMUM
NOTE: This travel speed limit is in effect when mode ARMATURE % ON TIME (MODE 3 - TRAVEL
2 is selected on the Premium Display Panel. SPEED LIMIT)
Same as Function Number 51. (Push CONT and 12)

Function Number 56 MODE 3 - NOTE: This travel speed limit is in effect when mode
CONTROLLED ACCELERATION 3 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.

(Push CONT and 9) Same as Function Number 51.

NOTE: This controlled acceleration is in effect when Function Number 60 MODE 4 -

mode 3 is selected on the Premium Display Panel. CONTROLLED ACCELERATION
Same as Function Number 48. (Push CONT and 13)

Function Number 57 MODE 3 - FIELD NOTE: This controlled acceleration is in effect when
WEAKENING (FW) START mode 4 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.

(Push CONT and 10) Same as Function Number 48.

Function Number 61 MODE 4 - FIELD

Function Number 57 is not normally adjusted
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 57 be- (Push CONT and 14)
tween the minimum and maximum values does
not change lift truck performance.
NOTE: This FW start is in effect when mode 3 is se- Function Number 61 is not normally adjusted
lected on the Premium Display Panel. in the field. Adjusting Function Number 61 be-
tween the minimum and maximum values does
Same as Function Number 49. not change lift truck performance.

Function Number 58 MODE 3 - FIELD NOTE: This FW start is in effect when mode 4 is se-
WEAKENING (FW) RATIO lected on the Premium Display Panel.

(Push CONT and 11) Same as Function Number 49.

Function Number 58 is not normally adjusted
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 58 be-
tween the minimum and maximum values does
not change lift truck performance.

2200 SRM 724 Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP)

Function Number 62 MODE 4 - FIELD NOTE: For function number 63, push the CONT
WEAKENING (FW) RATIO key and the ESC key with the seat switch still
(Push CONT and 15)
Function Number 63 MODE 4 - MAXIMUM
Function Number 62 is not normally adjusted SPEED LIMIT)
in the field. Adjusting Function Number 62 be-
tween the minimum and maximum values does (Push CONT and ESC)
not change lift truck performance. NOTE: This travel speed limit is in effect when mode
NOTE: This FW ratio is in effect when mode 4 is se- 4 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.
lected on the Premium Display Panel. Same as Function Number 51.
Same as Function Number 50.

Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP)

code is replaced with the same status code when an-
WARNING other malfunction occurs. The status code can be
If any of the register values are changed, the cleared from memory by adjusting the setting num-
operators must be told that the lift truck will ber to zero. Any new number (including zero) must
operate differently. be stored by pushing the STORE key for 1 second.
Adjustment of this function does not change opera-
Do not adjust the register values outside of the tion of the hydraulic system.
range of numbers shown in the Parameter Ta-
bles. Register values outside the Parameters Function Number 02 INTERNAL
can cause damage to the components of the hy-
draulic system and can cause the lift truck to
operate differently than normal. This differ- (Push 2)
ent operation of the lift truck can result in per-
sonal injury. See the section Transistor Motor This function adjusts the current level required to
Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables For start the internal resistance compensation of Func-
Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Tran- tion Number 16. Multiply the register value by 6.5
sistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Param- for the current level (72 × 6.5 = 130 Amps).
eter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric
Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739. Function Number 03 CONTROLLED
NOTE: The following function numbers are not used:
5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, and 15. (Push 3)
This motor controller controls the speed of the motor This function adjusts the maximum rate of accelera-
for the hydraulic lift pump. See Figure 2. tion of the pump motor. The parameter determines
the time allowed for the motor controller to apply
Function Number 01 STORED STATUS 100% of battery voltage after a switch for a hydraulic
CODE function closes. This parameter determines when
the hydraulic functions will begin to operate. The
(Push 1) time can be changed between 0.1 and 5.5 seconds.
Multiply the register value by 0.021 then add 0.1 to
This function displays the last status code of a possi-
determine the time of controlled acceleration (50 ×
ble malfunction that caused the pump motor to run
0.021 + 0.1 = 1.15 seconds).
continuously. The battery must be disconnected to
stop the motor if it runs continuously. This status

Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP) 2200 SRM 724

Function Number 04 CURRENT LIMIT Function Number 13 SPEED LIMIT 3 (SL3)

Fast Lift
(Push 4)
(Push 13)
This function adjusts the current limit of the control.
The current limit is normally set at the maximum Same as Function Number 11, except switch SL-3 is
(255). the input to the pump motor controller.

Function Number 07 INTERNAL NOTE: For functions greater than 15, push and
RESISTANCE COMPENSATION RATE HOLD the CONT key and the additional key num-
ber above 15 to total the required function number.
(Push 7) Example: for Function Number 18, push CONT
key and key 3 (15+3=18). The display shows the
This function adjusts the time it takes for the con- selected function. After 1 second, the display shows
troller to add the internal resistance compensation the register value that is set in that function.
voltage to the motor. This function adds 0.375 volts to
the motor at the rate of time adjusted until the total Table 2. Speed/Torque Compensation
internal resistance compensation voltage is added.
There is 0.0015 sec/unit starting from a 0.0015 sec- Setting Voltage Setting Voltage
ond minimum. Drop Drop
NOTE: The internal resistance compensation voltage 2 11.44 17 1.34
is set by Function Number 16, Speed/Torque Com- 3 7.60 18 1.27
4 5.72 19 1.20
EXAMPLE: a setting of 20 (20 units) = 0.032 seconds
5 4.57 20 1.14
Voltage added in X time is 0.375 volts. If you select
2.08 volts from Function Number 16 to be added to 6 3.81 21 1.09
the motor, it would take 0.18 seconds to add a total 7 3.27 22 1.04
of 2.08 volts.
(20 units X 0.0015 sec) + 0.0015 sec. (min.) = 0.0315 8 2.86 23 0.99
sec (2.08 V/ 0.375 V) X 0.0315 sec = 0.175 or 0.18 sec 9 2.54 24 0.95

Function Number 11 SPEED LIMIT 1 (SL1) 10 2.28 25 0.91

(Slow Speed) - Tilt and Slow Auxiliary 11 2.08 26 0.88
(Auxiliary and Slow Rotate for N30XMH 2) 12 1.90 27 0.85
(Push 11) 13 1.76 28 0.82

This function adjusts the speed limit (maximum bat- 14 1.63 29 0.79
tery voltage applied to the motor). When switch SL-1 15 1.52 30 0.76
is closed, the signal to the pump motor controller ap-
plies the limit on battery voltage to the pump motor. 16 1.43 31 0.74
Multiply the register value by 0.375 to determine the
speed limit voltage (50 × 0.375 = 18.75 volts). NOTE: The Seat Switch must be OPEN for Func-
tion Numbers 16 through 30.
Function Number 12 SPEED LIMIT 2 (SL2)
(Medium Speed) - Slow Lift and Medium Function Number 16 SPEED/TORQUE
Auxiliary (Slow Lift And Fast Rotate for COMPENSATION
N30XMH 2) (Push CONT and 1)
(Push 12) This function gives the pump speed better stability
by increasing the pump motor voltage during heavy
Same as Function Number 11, except switch SL-2 is
loads. See Table 2. This register value adds 0.375
the input to the pump motor controller.
volts to the motor for each 100 amps increase in pump

2200 SRM 724 Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP)

motor current. The voltage is added starting at the Handset. If stored status codes are cleared using a
current value for Function Number 02. For example, PC, Function Number 28 is automatically set to 0.
a register value of 10 adds 2.28 volts in six steps of
0.375 volts each. Refer to Checks and Adjustments Using Handset,
Check or Delete Stored Status Codes on clearing the
Function Number 17 CONTROL TYPE stored status codes and resetting Function Number
SELECTION 28 to "0" and for additional information. The num-
bers always start at status code 1 and scroll to status
(Push CONT and 2) code 16.

NOTE: Function Numbers 29 through 47 ARE

WARNING NOT USED. Function Numbers 48 through 63 are
Wrong register values entered for Function used ONLY with units that have the Premium Dis-
Number 17 may cause the truck to operate play Panel.
differently than normal or cause damage to
the controller or motor. This different opera- FUNCTIONS WITH PREMIUM DISPLAY
tion of the truck can result in personal injury. PANEL ONLY
NEVER set Function Number 17 to a register
value outside the register parameters shown NOTE: The seat switch must be CLOSED to ad-
for your lift truck. just Function Numbers 48 through 63.

The motor controller for the traction system controls NOTE: These functions (48 through 63) are enabled
the BDI and Lift Interrupt functions. The BDI signal when a Performance Mode (1, 2, 3, or 4) is selected
from the traction motor controller must be present at the Premium Display Panel. Each function must
at the pump motor controller before it can operate. be set within the register parameters shown in the
Refer to Function Number 17 CONTROL TYPE SE- Parameter Tables. See the section See the section
LECTION of the Traction functions for more infor- Transistor Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Pa-
mation. rameter Tables For Four-Wheel SitDrive Elec-
tric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor Controllers,
Function Numbers 18 through 27 (SR and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel
TEMPORARY DATA REGISTERS Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739.

NOTE: The following functions have function num-

CAUTION bers larger than the numbers on the Handset key-
Register 25 must NOT be changed by the user board. To access these functions, push the CONT
to any number above zero. key and the number shown in () with the function
title. Think of the CONT key equaling 47. Push
These register values can be read with the Handset, and hold the CONT key plus the additional key
but the data in them changes during lift truck op- number 1 through 15 to total the required func-
eration. Do not change the values in registers 21 tion number.
through 27.
Function Number 48 MODE 1 -
Function Number 28 STORED STATUS
(Push CONT and 1)
(Push CONT and 13)
NOTE: This Controlled Acceleration is in effect when
This function displays a coded number that indicates mode 1 is selected on the Premium Display Panel.
the location of the last stored status code. These
stored status codes have caused a PMT controller This function adjusts the time it takes for the con-
shutdown and/or caused a change from the normal troller to accelerate to 96% applied battery voltage
lift truck operation. to the motor on hard acceleration. Multiply the reg-
ister value by 0.084 seconds to determine the time of
Set the register value of Function Number 28 to 0 if Controlled Acceleration (120 × 0.084 = 10 seconds).
the stored status codes are cleared (erased) using a

Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP) 2200 SRM 724

Function Number 49 MODE 1 - SPEED Function Number 54 MODE 2 - SPEED

(Push CONT and 2 while the key switch and (Push CONT and 7 while the key switch and
seat switch are closed) seat switch are closed)

This function adjusts the speed limit for the hy- This function adjusts the speed limit (maximum bat-
draulic pump in MODE 1. The minimum register tery voltage to the motor). The range is 0% to 96%.
value is zero. Do not set the number in the function There is no speed limit switch for this function. This
greater than the number in Function Number 53. function is disabled if the value is set to zero. Do not
set the number to less than the value for Function
Function Number 50 MODE 1 - SPEED Number 58. Do not set the number greater than the
LIMIT 3 number in Function Number 50.

(Push CONT and 3 while the key switch and Function Number 56 MODE 3 -
seat switch are closed) CONTROLLED ACCELERATION
This function adjusts the speed limit (maximum bat- (Push CONT and 9 while the key switch and
tery voltage to the motor). The range is 0% to 96%. seat switch are closed)
There is no speed limit switch for this function. This
function is disabled if the register value is set to zero. This function adjusts the maximum rate of accelera-
Do not set the number to less than the value for Func- tion in MODE 3. The register value determines the
tion Number 54. The maximum number in the func- time to reach maximum SCR speed from stop. Do
tion is 255. not set the number to less than the value for Func-
tion Number 60. Do not set the number greater than
Function Number 52 MODE 2 - the number in Function Number 52.
Function Number 57 MODE 3 - SPEED
(Push CONT and 5 while the key switch and LIMIT 2
seat switch are closed)
(Push CONT and 10 while the key switch and
This function adjusts the maximum rate of accelera- seat switch are closed)
tion in MODE 2. The register value determines the
time to reach maximum Silicone Controlled Rectifier This function adjusts the speed limit for the hy-
(SCR) speed from stop. Do not set the number to draulic pump in MODE 3. Do not set the number
less than the value for Function Number 56. Do not to less than the value for Function Number 53. Do
set the number greater than the number in Function not set the number greater than the number for
Number 48. Function Number 61.

Function Number 53 MODE 2 - SPEED Function Number 58 MODE 3 - SPEED

(Push CONT and 6 while the key switch and (Push CONT and 11 while the key switch and
seat switch are closed) seat switch are closed)

This function adjusts the speed limit for the hy- This function adjusts the speed limit (maximum bat-
draulic pump in MODE 2. Do not set the number to tery voltage to the motor). The range is 0% to 96%.
less than the value for Function Number 49. Do not There is no speed limit switch for this function. This
set the number greater than the number in Function function is disabled if the value is set to zero. The
Number 57. maximum number in the function is 255.

2200 SRM 724 Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP)

Function Number 60 MODE 4 - Function Number 62 MODE 4 - SPEED

(Push CONT and 13 while the key switch and (Push CONT and 14 while the key switch and
seat switch are closed) seat switch are closed)

This function adjusts the maximum rate of accelera- This function permits adjustment of the speed limit
tion in MODE 4 (Rabbit). The register value deter- (maximum battery voltage to the motor). The range
mines the time to reach maximum SCR speed from is 0% to 96%. There is no speed limit switch for this
stop. Do not set the number to less than 8. Do not function. This function is disabled if the value is set
set the number greater than the number in Function to zero. The maximum number is 255.
Number 56.
The following tables have the location of each Func-
Function Number 61 MODE 4 - SPEED tion Number in the EEPROM of the motor controllers
LIMIT 2 and the PC and Handset (HS) Function Numbers.
The tables also show which functions can be accessed
(Push CONT and 14 while the key switch and by the PC and HS as well as any restrictions that
seat switch are closed) apply. See Table 3 and Table 4. See the section
Transistor Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Pa-
This function adjusts the speed limit for the hy- rameter Tables For Four-Wheel SitDrive Elec-
draulic pump in MODE 4. Do not set the number to tric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor Controllers,
less than the value for Function Number 57. Do not (SR and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel
set the number greater than 70. Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 for
the register values and register parameters for each
Function Number.

Table 3. Function Map for Motor Controllers SR (Traction)

PC Handset
Function (HS) Description Access By Restrictions
Number Number
0 1 1 Auto Regen Enable Speed HS or PC None
1 2 2 Creep Speed HS or PC None
2 3 3 Controlled Acceleration HS or PC None
3 4 4 Armature Current Limit HS or PC None
4 5 5 Regen Ramp Rate HS or PC None
5 6 6 Field Weakening (FW) Ratio HS or PC None
6 7 7 Minimum Field Current HS or PC None
7 8 8 Maximum Field Current HS or PC None
8 9 9 Regenerative Braking Current HS or PC None
9 10 10 Field Current for Regen Braking HS or PC None
10 11 11 NOT USED HS or PC None
11 12 12 Maximum Armature % On Time HS or PC None
12 13 13 Speed Limit 3 HS or PC None

Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP) 2200 SRM 724

Table 3. Function Map for Motor Controllers SR (Traction) (Continued)

PC Handset
Function (HS) Description Access By Restrictions
Number Number
13 14 14 Internal Resistance HS or PC None
14 15 15 Battery Voltage Selection HS or PC None
15 16 16 Stall Trip Point % On Time HS or PC None
16 17 17 Control Type Selection HS or PC None
17 18 18 Steering Pump Time Delay HS or PC None
18 19 19 Maintenance Code Tens and HS or PC None
19 20 20 Maintenance Code Thousands HS or PC None
and Hundreds
20 21 21 Auto Regen Braking Current HS or PC None
21 22 22 NOT USED HS or PC None
22 23 23 For Special Programs HS or PC None
23 24 24 Field Weakening Start HS or PC None
24 25 25 Monitor HS or PC GE Temporary
25 26 26 Base Ration HS or PC GE Temporary
26 27 27 NOT USED HS or PC GE Temporary
27 28 28 Stored Status Code Count HS or PC None (Location of
Pointer last status code
28-46 29-47 29-30 NOT USED HS or PC None
47 48 Mode 1 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
48 49 Mode 1 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Start Only
49 50 Mode 1 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Ratio Only

2200 SRM 724 Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP)

Table 3. Function Map for Motor Controllers SR (Traction) (Continued)

PC Handset
Function (HS) Description Access By Restrictions
Number Number
50 51 Mode 1 Maximum Armature % PC Only Reset to Zero
On Time Only
51 52 Mode 2 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
52 53 Mode 2 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Start Only
53 54 Mode 2 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Ratio Only
54 55 Mode 2 Maximum Armature % PC Only Reset to Zero
On Time Only
55 56 Mode 3 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
56 57 Mode 3 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Start Only
57 58 Mode 3 Maximum (FW) Ratio PC Only Reset to Zero
58 59 Mode 3 Maximum Armature % PC Only Reset to Zero
On Time Only
59 60 Mode 4 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
60 61 Mode 4 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Start Only
61 62 Mode 4 Field Weakening (FW) PC Only Reset to Zero
Ratio Only
62 63 Mode 4 Maximum Armature % PC Only Reset to Zero
On Time Only
63-127 64-128 NOT USED PC Only Reset to Zero

Pump Motor Controller (Label Letter - SP) 2200 SRM 724

Table 4. Function Map for Motor Controller SP (Lift Pump Motor)

EEP- Handset
Function Function Access By Restrictions
Register Function
Number Number
0 1 1 Stored Status Code HS or PC Erases when
battery is
1 2 2 Internal Resistance HS or PC None
Compensation Start
2 3 3 Controlled Acceleration HS or PC None
3 4 4 Current Limit HS or PC None
4 5 5 NOT USED
5 6 6 NOT USED
6 7 7 Internal Resistance HS or PC None
Compensation Rate
7 8 8 NOT USED
8 9 9 NOT USED
9 10 10 NOT USED
10 11 11 Speed Limit 1 (SL1) HS or PC None
11 12 12 Speed Limit 2 (SL2) HS or PC None
12 13 13 Speed Limit 3 (SL3) HS or PC None
13 14 14 NOT USED
14 15 15 NOT USED
15 16 16 Speed Torque Compensation HS or PC None
16 17 17 Control Type Selection HS or PC None
17-26 18-27 18-27 Temporary Data Registers
27 28 28 Stored Status Code Count HS or PC None (Locations
Pointer of last status
code recorded)
28-46 29-47 29-47 NOT USED HS or PC None
47 48 Mode 1 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
48 49 Mode 1 Speed Limit 2 PC Only Reset to Zero
49 50 Mode 1 Speed Limit 3 PC Only Reset to Zero
50 51 NOT USED
51 52 Mode 2 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero

2200 SRM 724 Troubleshooting

Table 4. Function Map for Motor Controller SP (Lift Pump Motor) (Continued)

EEP- Handset
Function Function Access By Restrictions
Register Function
Number Number
52 53 Mode 2 Speed Limit 2 PC Only Reset to Zero
53 54 Mode 2 Speed Limit 3 PC Only Reset to Zero
54 55 NOT USED
55 56 Mode 3 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
56 57 Mode 3 Speed Limit 2 PC Only Reset to Zero
57 58 Mode 3 Speed Limit 3 PC Only Reset to Zero
58 59 NOT USED
59 60 Mode 4 Controlled Acceleration PC Only Reset to Zero
60 61 Mode 4 Speed Limit 2 PC Only Reset to Zero
61 62 Mode 4 Speed Limit 3 PC Only Reset to Zero
62-127 63-128 NOT USED

GENERAL for voltage, check for voltage at an amp type
plug, a switch, or a component. If a circuit is
The SR and SP controllers are sealed units with no suspect, check the circuit for continuity by dis-
serviceable components. Troubleshooting is usually connecting the P plug and testing continuity
limited to accessing status codes and following the from the front (pin end) of the plug.
diagnostic procedures listed in the SR (SEM) and SP
Status Code Charts. Standard probes are too large to be inserted
into the center of the female pins (sockets) of
Use standard testing procedures to verify inputs and the special sealed plugs and can expand the
outputs when necessary. pins. Expanded pins will not provide good con-
nections once the plug is reconnected. To pre-
CAUTION vent pin damage, only use probes with a diam-
eter of 1.57 mm (0.062 in.) or less.
Never attempt to probe through the back of
the connector plugs of the motor controller Refer to Table 6 for the SR traction controller connec-
or contactor driver module. These plugs are tions. Refer to SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller
special sealed plugs. Probing through the back Repair for the SR lift pump controller connections.
of the plugs will destroy the seal and can cause Also refer to SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller
a short circuit. If a circuit must be tested

Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 724

Repair for the transistor controller plug pin connec- Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter Tables
tions. for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks
2200 SRM 739 to set the parameters for the correct
See the section Diagrams for your lift truck model values. If there is no status code display and the lift
for additional wiring details. truck does not operate correctly, there can be a fault
in the motor controller.
If the lift truck does not operate correctly, a status
code is displayed on the display panel. The status codes are code numbers for malfunctions
of lift truck operation that are not correct. The mo-
Once the status code number is obtained, follow the
tor controller indicates this code number on the LCD
procedures outlined in the SR (SEM) and SP Status
screen of the display panel or the display on a Hand-
Code Charts of this manual to determine the prob-
set. The motor controller illuminates the numbers of
the status code on the LCD screen. The status codes
NOTE: Due to the interaction of the controller with are twice illuminated (flash) on the LCD screen ap-
all lift truck functions, almost any status code or con- proximately every 2 seconds. Every third flash of the
troller fault could be caused by an internal failure of LCD screen indicates the battery charge instead of the
the controller. After all other status code procedures status code.
have been followed and no problem is found, the con-
The control card senses the following types of mal-
troller should then be replaced as the last option to
correct the problem.
• Input voltages that are too high or too low
Check resistance on R 1000 scale from frame to • Input voltages that have the wrong polarity
power and controller terminals. A resistance of less • Input voltages in the wrong sequence or
than 20,000 ohms can cause misleading symptoms. • Correct input voltages that occur at the wrong time
Resistance less than 1000 ohms should be corrected
NOTE: A status code indication does not always mean
that there is a malfunction. A temporary operating
Before proceeding, visually check for loose wiring, condition can cause a status code display.
misaligned linkage to the accelerator switch, signs
If a status code number is indicated on the LCD
of overheating of components, etc.
screen of the display panel, checks and adjustments
Tools and test equipment required are: clip leads, cannot be done. See Table 5 and the following SR
volt ohmmeter (20,000 ohms per volt), and basic hand (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts to find and correct
tools. the malfunction. There are no checks or adjustments
for the status codes. These code numbers are only
STATUS CODES codes to help identify a possible malfunction. A short
description of each status code is shown in Table 5.
NOTE: Make sure the register value is correct for
each Function Number of your lift truck to make The Status Code Charts in this section have a more
sure the trouble is not just a wrong setting. See complete description of the status code, the circuit
the section Transistor Motor Controllers (SR that has generated the input for the status code, the
and SP) Parameter Tables For Four-Wheel symptom, and the possible causes.
SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor Motor

2200 SRM 724 Troubleshooting

Table 5. List of Status Codes

Status Description Status Description

Code Code
Traction Motor Controller (Input Regenerative Braking
BLANK No input voltage to controller or display 76 C1 voltage too high during REGEN.
01 No input from seat switch. 77 Motor current during REGEN.
02 FWD switch closed on initial start.
03 REV switch closed on initial start.
05 Start switch did not close. Motor Stall
06 Accelerator depressed, no direction 82 Traction motor stalled for more than 3.5
selected. seconds.
07 Accelerator input voltage too high.
08 Accelerator input voltage too low.
09 Both FWD and REV switches closed at Motor Conditions and User Defined*
same time.
11 The START switch is closed before the 90 Temperature too high, traction motor*
key switch is closed.
15 Battery voltage too low. 91 Temperature too high, hydraulic pump
16 Battery volts too high. 93 Brush wear, steering pump motor*
17 Wrong control type selected. 93 Brush wear, power steering motor*
23 Motor field current too high on initial 94 Brush wear, traction motor*
start - REV.
24 Motor field current too high on initial
start - FWD.
27 Voltage to logic circuit less than 10 volts. 95 Brush wear, lift pump motor*
28 Motor field current too high for too long 99 Maintenance Required
during operation.
41 Open thermal protector or motor Traction Motor Controller
controller temperature too high.
42 Motor sensor voltage too high with no 117 Wrong control type selected.
armature current.
43 Motor sensor voltage too low with no 127 Voltage to logic circuit less than 10 volts.
armature current.
44 Armature transistor did not go OFF 128 Motor current too high for too long.
*Not used on all models of lift trucks. Status Codes in this group flash on the LCD screen of the display panel.
NOTE: Motor speed is decreased when a status code 99 is indicated.

Troubleshooting 2200 SRM 724

Table 5. List of Status Codes (Continued)

Status Description Status Description

Code Code
45 Armature transistor did not go ON 141 Open thermal protector or motor controller
correctly. temperature too high.
46 A2 voltage too low. 142 Motor sensor voltage too high with no
armature current.
49 Motor field current too low during 143 Motor sensor voltage too low with no
operation. armature current.
51 C1 voltage too low before line contactor 144 Power transistor (Q1) does not go OFF
closed. correctly.
57 Motor current sensor too low during 145 Power transistor (Q1) does not go ON
operation. correctly.
64 Line driver voltage input too low. 146 A2 voltage too low.
65 Contactor coil current of line contactor 151 C1 voltage too low before line contactor
too high. closed.
66 Field current above transistor current 157 Motor current sensor polarity check.
67 Armature current above transistor 180 C1 voltage less than 14 volts.
current limit.
69 Contactor coil current of power steering 181 Battery voltage less than 14 volts.
contactor too high.
*Not used on all models of lift trucks. Status Codes in this group flash on the LCD screen of the display panel.
NOTE: Motor speed is decreased when a status code 99 is indicated.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit
There is no display on the display panel No Traction and Pump
NONE and the Handset.
LCD screen of display panel and Handset is blank.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Positive or negative motor controller voltage is not
Make sure that the key is in the ON position and
voltage is present between P1 and battery nega-
tive (Power Terminal NEG). Also check for voltage
between P2 and motor controller negative (B ).
• Open circuit between motor controller PY plug and
the Handset or connector cover is missing (no con-
nection to display panel).
Check for an open circuit or loose connection going
from the PY plug to the Handset or check that
connector cover is installed (no Handset). Cause of Status Indication
• Open circuit between motor controller P plug and the No input voltage to the motor controller
display panel. or the display unit.
Check for an open circuit or loose connection going
from the P plug to the display panel.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

No seat switch input. No Traction
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Seat switch malfunction.
Check to see that the seat switch operates prop-
Replace a failed switch.
• Open circuit between battery positive and P6.
Check for loose connections or broken wires:
Between the seat switch and P6.
Between the key switch and the battery posi-
tive side of the seat switch.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when P6 is less
than 50% of battery volts.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Forward directional switch is closed No Traction
02 before key switch closed.
Motor controller does not operate because of
Static Return to Off (SRO) circuit.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Forward directional switch is closed before key
switch closes.
Example: Forward directional switch is closed be-
fore battery is connected or before key and seat
switches close.
Move direction control lever (if installed) to
NEUTRAL and key to OFF position; then
operate switches in correct sequence.
• Forward directional switch is failed closed or out of
adjustment (adjusted to be held closed).
Cause of Status Indication
Replace or adjust directional switch to make sure
This status code is displayed when P4 is greater than
that it opens when the direction control lever is
60% of battery voltage at initial key to the ON position.
returned to NEUTRAL or MONOTROL® is re-
• Short circuit between P3 and P4.
Disconnect the wire from P4 and check for a short
circuit between P3 and the wire that was con-
nected to P4.
• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Reverse directional switch is closed before No Traction
03 key switch closed.
Motor controller does not operate because of
Static Return to Off (SRO) circuit.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Reverse directional switch is closed before key switch
Example: Reverse directional switch is closed be-
fore battery is connected or before key and seat
switches close.
Move direction control lever (if installed) to
NEUTRAL and key to OFF position then op-
erate switches in correct sequence.
• Reverse directional switch is failed closed or out of
adjustment (adjusted to be held closed).
Cause of Status Indication
Replace or adjust direction control lever is re-
This status code is displayed when P5 is greater than
turned to NEUTRAL or MONOTROL is released.
60% of battery voltage at initial key to the ON position.
• Short circuit between P3 and P5.
Disconnect the wire from P5 and check for a short
circuit between P3 and the wire that was con-
nected to P5.
• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Start switch fails to close. No Traction
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of start switch circuit.
Check for open circuit or loose connections in
wiring from key switch to start switch and from
P3 to start switch.
• Malfunction of start switch.
Check start switch for correct operation and out-
Check adjustment of the accelerator potentiome-

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when P7 is less than 2.5
volts and P3 is less than 60% of battery volts.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Accelerator depressed with no direc- No Traction
06 tion selected.
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Accelerator pedal is depressed before moving direc-
tion control lever.
Status code disappears when directional switch is
closed or when accelerator pedal is released.
• Malfunction of directional switch.
Check forward or reverse switch to make sure that
there is continuity when direction is selected.
• Open circuit between directional switch and battery
positive or between directional switch and P4 or P5.
Check all wires and connections shown in trou-
bleshooting diagram.
Cause of Status Indication
This status code is displayed when P4 and P5 are less
than 60% of battery volts and P7 is less than 2.5 volts.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Accelerator input voltage too high when key No Traction
07 is first moved to the ON position.
Motor controller does not operate when accelerator
pedal is depressed, or status code 07 is displayed then
disappears when the lift truck starts to accelerate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Start switch has a malfunction or is out of adjust-
Input voltage at P7 must be less than 4.2 volts.
Adjust or replace start switch to make sure that
the voltage at P7 varies from 3.5 volts (pedal up)
to less than 0.5 volts (pedal fully depressed).
• Open circuit between battery negative and P7 in the
accelerator input circuit.
Check for broken wires or loose connections or
open potentiometer/voltage supply. Cause of Status Indication
• Short circuit from battery positive to wiring in the This status code is displayed when the accelerator
accelerator input circuit input voltage at P7 is higher than 4.2 volts and
Disconnect wire from P7 and measure voltage at a directional switch is closed.
wire to negative. Should be zero volts for poten-
tiometer type and less than 3.7 volts for solid state
type accelerator input.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Accelerator input voltage too low when key No Traction
08 is first moved to the ON position.
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Accelerator unit has a malfunction or is out of ad-
Input voltage at P7 must be more than 3.0 volts.
Adjust or replace accelerator unit to make sure
that the voltage at P7 is more than 3.0 volts before
depressing pedal.
• Short circuit between battery negative and P7 in ac-
celerator input circuit.
Disconnect wire from P7 and measure voltage at
wire to negative. Voltage must be greater than 3.0
volts for solid state start switch.
• Malfunction of motor controller. Cause of Status Indication
Disconnect wire from P7. Measure voltage from This status code is displayed when the accelerator
P7 to negative. Voltage must be greater than 4.5 input voltage at P7 is less than 3.0 volts and any
volts; if not, replace the traction motor controller. of the following connections are opened and closed:
battery plug, seat switch, or key switch.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Both the forward and reverse directional No Traction
09 switches are closed at the same time.
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Forward or reverse directional switch is failed closed
or out of adjustment (adjusted to be held closed).
Replace or adjust directional switches to make
sure that they open when directional switch is
returned to neutral.
• Short circuit between battery positive and P4 and/or
Disconnect wires from P4 and P5 and check wire
for short circuit to positive side of directional Cause of Status Indication
switch. This status code is displayed when P4 and P5 are
• Malfunction of motor controller. greater than 60% of battery volts at the same time.
Disconnect wires and measure voltage at P4 and
P5. Voltage must be less than 60% of battery volts.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Start switch closed on power up after key No Traction
11 first moved to the ON position.
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Start switch out of adjustment or has a malfunction.
Input voltage at P3 must be less than 60% of bat-
tery voltage at key switch closing. Adjust or re-
place accelerator unit to make sure that the volt-
age at P3 is less than 60% of battery voltage before
closing the start switch.
• Short circuit between battery positive and P3 in start
switch input circuit.
Disconnect wires at start switch. Disconnect wire Cause of Status Indication
from P3 and check for short circuit from wire to This status code is displayed when P3 is
battery positive. greater than 60% of battery voltage when the
• Malfunction of motor controller. key is in the ON position.
Disconnect wire from P3. Measure voltage from
P3 to negative. Voltage must be zero; if not, re-
place the traction motor controller.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Battery voltage is too low or motor controller No Traction
15 is adjusted to the wrong battery voltage.
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Discharged battery.
Check battery for correct open circuit voltage.
Correct voltages are listed on right. Charge bat-
tery, if required.
• Battery is damaged.
Check each battery cell for correct voltage (greater
than 1.95 volts for each cell). Replace or repair
• Incorrect motor controller adjustment.
Check Function Number 15 for correct adjust-
ment for the battery being used. Adjust to correct
settings. Refer to HANDSET instructions of this Cause of Status Indication
manual. See the section Transistor Motor Con- This status code is displayed when the battery
trollers (SR and SP) Parameter Tables For volts are less than 1.95 volts per cell when the
Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks key is first moved to the ON position.
Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR and SP)
Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive®
Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 for the
correct register value for Function Number 15 of
your lift truck.
• Minimum battery volts not present between P1 and
Check for battery volts between P1 and negative
standoff. If battery volts is not present, check for
a voltage drop between battery (+) and P1 and/or
between battery ( ) and negative standoff.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Battery voltage is too high or motor controller No Traction
16 is adjusted to the wrong battery voltage.
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Incorrect motor controller adjustment.
Check Function Number 16 for correct adjustment
for the battery being used. Adjust to correct set-
the section Transistor Motor Controllers (SR
and SP) Parameter Tables For Four-Wheel
SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor
Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter
Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric
Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 for the correct reg-
ister value for Function Number 16 of your lift
truck. Cause of Status Indication
• Battery over charged or incorrect battery used. This status code is displayed if the battery volts
Check battery for correct open circuit voltage. are greater than 2.4 volts per cell when the key
Correct voltages are listed on right. If voltage is is first moved to the ON position.
too high, check battery charger for correct output

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Controller Type selection is not correct. No Traction
Lift truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Register value of Function Number 17 is not correct.
Check the setting of Function Number 17. See
the section Transistor Motor Controllers (SR
and SP) Parameter Tables For Four-Wheel
SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor
Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter
Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric
Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 for the correct reg-
ister value for Function Number 17 of your lift
Cause of Status Indication
This status code is displayed when the register value
of Function Number 17 is not correct.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor field current is high at start No Traction
23 of reverse travel.
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Confirm that the motor field stud is not shorted to
the hydraulic pump.
• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the current in the
motor field is too high at start of reverse travel.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor field current is high at start No Traction
24 of forward travel.
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Confirm that the motor field stud is not shorted to
the hydraulic pump.
• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the current draw
in the motor field is too high at start of forward travel.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Internal power supply is less than 10 volts DC. Yes Traction
Line contactor closes and opens; then it can
only be closed by moving the key switch to the
OFF and then ON positions.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Discharged battery.
Check battery to make sure it is charged. Voltage
can be dropping below 10 volts DC under load.
• Loose connection at P1.
Make sure that the wire connection at P1 is tight.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the motor
controller’s internal power supply is less than 10 volts.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Drive motor field current is too high for too long. Yes Traction
The motor controller sees that field current is
too high and stops operation.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Operation of lift truck in high motor current condi-
Verify that lift truck is being operated correctly.
Instruct operator to avoid stall conditions, push-
ing loads, excessive ramp grades, etc.
• Function Number 7 is not correctly adjusted and al-
lows higher than normal motor field current.
Adjust Function Number 7 to the value listed
for your lift truck. See the section Transistor
Motor Controllers (SR and SP) Parameter
Tables For Four-Wheel SitDrive Electric Lift
Trucks Transistor Motor Controllers, (SR
and SP) Parameter Tables for Four-Wheel Cause of Status Indication
Sit Drive® Electric Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 This status code is displayed during the run mode
for the correct register value for Function Number when the motor controller sees that motor field
7 of your lift truck. current is too high for too long.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Open thermal protector (TP) or transistor Yes Traction
41 over temperature.
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

NOTE: The controller will store code 41 on the 1st oc-

curance and then store at 20 hour intervals.

• Traction speed reduced because motor controller is

too hot.
Allow motor controller to cool; status code will dis-
Insufficient heat transfer may be occurring be-
tween control and mounting surface. See Motor
Controller, Replace.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
of the internal thermal protector of one or more
motor controllers is too high.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor armature offset voltage is too high. No Traction
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Motor controller has a malfunction.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage at the
internal current sensor input is MORE than 2.6 volts
with no current flowing in the motor circuit.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor armature offset voltage is too low. No Traction
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Motor controller has a malfunction.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage at
the current sensor input is LESS than 2.4 volts with
no current flowing in the motor circuit.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Armature transistor does not turn off correctly. Yes Traction
Lift truck does not move.

Line contactor can open, close, and then open again.

Line contactor can then only be closed by moving
the key to the OFF then ON positions.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when, during motor
controller operation, the armature transistor fails to
turn off. This will result in a PMT condition.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Armature transistor did not turn on correctly. Yes Traction
Lift truck does not move.

Line contactor can open, close, and then open again.

Line contactor can then only be closed by moving
the key to the OFF then ON positions.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when, during motor
controller operation, the armature transistor fails to
turn on correctly. This results in a PMT condition.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Look Ahead test for A2 voltage less than No Traction
46 12% of battery voltage.
Lift truck does not move.
Line contactor will not close.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Check for short circuit from the motor armature to
the frame of the lift truck.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage at
A2 is less than 12% of battery voltage.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor field current is too low during No Traction
49 the run mode.
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
truck does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• If the fault code is intermittent, verify that the accel-
erator potentiometer is adjusted correctly.
Adjust the accelerator potentiometer.
• Check for open motor field coils or loose or intermit-
tent field connections, or open F1 or F2 connections.
Repair loose or open connections.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the current draw
in the motor field is too low during the run mode.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Capacitor voltage is low before the line No Traction
51 contactor closes.
Lift truck does not move.
Line contactor does not close.
Motor controller capacitor does not pre-charge.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Control fuse open.
Check control fuse for open circuit; replace fuse if
• Faulty PTC.
Replace PTC.
• Verify that the hydraulic pump motor contactor tips
are not welded.
If the contactor tips are welded, replace the con-
tactor tips. See Contactors.
• Accessory or component other than motor controllers
connected to load side of line contactor.
Verify that the traction and pump motor con- Cause of Status Indication
trollers are the only components on the load side This status code is displayed when the key is
of the line contactor. in the ON position and the capacitor voltage is
less than 85% of battery voltage when the key
NOTE: Repeatedly charging/discharging the capaci- is first moved to the ON position.
tors during troubleshooting can cause a Status Code

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor controller motor current sensor input No Traction
57 too low during operation.
Maximum travel speed is reduced or lift
pump does not move.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
input from the motor current sensor is too
low during operation.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

The line driver input (at P17) is less than No Traction
64 12% of battery voltage.
Motor controller does not operate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Open or loose connection at P17.
Check for loose or broken wire at plug P17.
• Malfunction of driver transistor in motor controller.
Replace motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the motor
controller sees that the line driver input (at
P17) is less than 12% of battery voltage with
the key in the ON position.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

The current for the line contactor coil is Yes Traction
65 too high during operation.
Motor controller does not operate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Line contactor coil has a short circuit.
Disconnect the wires at the coil terminals of the
line contactor and check for the correct resistance
between the terminals.
• Short circuit of coil wires (10 and 24) of the line con-
Make sure power is off. Disconnect the wires at
the coil terminals of the line contactor and check
for a short circuit between the wires.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the current
limit for the coil of the line contactor is too high
during operation. The line contactor drops out
and the key must be moved to the OFF position
to reset the motor controller.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Field current is too high (greater than Yes Traction
66 current limit value).
Motor controller does not operate (line
contactor drops out).

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Short circuit in Field circuit of traction motor.
Disconnect power leads at traction motor F1 and
F2 terminals and check for a short circuit between
power leads.
Check for battery positive at both F1 and F2 ter-
Check for battery negative at both F1 and F2 ter-
Check for a short circuit between motor terminal
F1 and motor case.
Check for a short circuit between motor terminal
F2 and motor case.
Check Main Power Fuse. Cause of Status Indication
• Noise This status code is displayed when the field transistor
Missing or damaged horn suppressor. current is greater than its current limit setting.
Confirm that all inductive loads/accessories are The line contactor drops out and the key
suppressed. must be moved to the OFF position to reset
the motor controller.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

The armature current is too high (greater Yes Traction
67 than current limit value).
Control does not operate (line contactor drops out).

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Short circuit in armature (terminal A1 to A2).
Disconnect power cables from traction motor ter-
minals A1 and A2. Check for a short circuit be-
tween the terminals.
• Short circuit of armature terminal A1 or A2 to bat-
tery positive or battery negative.
Disconnect power cables from traction motor ter-
minals A1 and A2. Check for a short circuit be-
tween each terminal to battery positive and then
each terminal to battery negative.
• Short circuit between power cables to the armature
terminals (A1 and A2).
Disconnect power cables from traction motor ter-
minals A1 and A2. Check for a short circuit be- Cause of Status Indication
tween the power cables. This status code is displayed when the
• Noise armature transistor current is greater than
Missing or damaged horn suppressor. its current limit setting.
Confirm that all inductive loads/accessories are The line contactor drops out and the key
suppressed. must be moved to the OFF position to reset
the motor controller.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Coil current of power steering contactor Yes Traction
69 is too high.
Control does not operate (line and power
steering contactors drop out).

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Short circuit in coil of power steering contactor or
wires connected to coil.
Disconnect wires connected to coil of power steer-
ing contactor. Check for a short circuit between
coil terminals. Check for a short circuit between
coil wires 10 and 60.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the coil
current of the power steering contactor exceeds
the current limit during operation.
The line and power steering contactors drops out
and the key must be moved to the OFF position
to reset the motor controller.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Capacitor (C1) voltage too high. Yes Traction
Line contactor opens during operation and
can only be closed by moving the key to the
OFF and then ON positions.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Unplugging the battery connector during regenera-
tive braking.
Do not unplug the battery while the lift truck is in
• Line contactor bouncing open during regen.
Check line contactor for correct operation.
• Main power fuse opening during regen.
Check fuse and fuse connections.
• Intermittent battery plug connection.
Check connections from battery positive to motor
controller positive. Make sure battery connector
is fully connected. Cause of Status Indication
• Missing or damaged horn suppressor. This status code is displayed when the voltage
Replace horn. on the capacitor goes above limit voltage* during
* Limit and Battery Voltages: 50V limit using a 36V the regenerative braking cycle.
battery, 70V limit using a 48V battery, and 96V limit
using a 72/80V battery.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor current is detected during Yes Traction
77 regenerative braking.
Lift truck does not move.
Line contactor opens. Line contactor can then
only be closed by moving the key to the OFF
and then ON positions.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of motor controller.
Replace the traction motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when motor
operating current is detected during the
regenerative braking cycle.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Armature stall current has occurred for Yes Traction
82 more than 3.5 seconds.
The motor controller does not operate. Key must
be moved to the OFF and then ON positions
to allow operation again.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

If the truck is stalled with partial throttle, this
status code does not appear, and motor damage
can occur.

• Accelerator or MONOTROL pedal is fully depressed

without lift truck moving for over 3.5 seconds.
To prevent this status code, the operator must op-
erate the lift truck correctly. Do not attempt to use
the lift truck to push or tow objects beyond the lift
truck’s capabilities. Cause of Status Indication
This status code is displayed when the armature
NOTE: This status code does not appear if Function current is at or above maximum current limit for more
Number 16 is set too high. Motor damage can occur. than 3.5 seconds with the accelerator or MONOTROL
fully depressed. The key must be moved to the OFF
position to reset the motor controller.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Traction motor temperature too high. No Traction and Pump
Status code flashes on and off.
Maximum travel speed is reduced.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Traction motor is too hot.
Allow traction motor to cool.
If problem occurs several times, find reason trac-
tion motor is too hot and correct.
• P16 of pump motor controller or contactor module is
shorted to battery negative.
Locate and repair short.
• Traction motor temperature sensor is shorted or
Replace temperature sensor.
• Malfunction of pump motor controller (transistor Cause of Status Indication
controlled pump motor only). This status code is displayed when the voltage
Replace the pump motor controller. at terminal P16 of the pump motor controller or
• Malfunction of contactor module (contactor con- the contactor module is at zero volts.
trolled lift pump only).
Replace the contactor module.

NOTE: Function Number 13, speed limit 3 is enabled

by this status code.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Temperature of lift pump motor is too high. No Traction and Pump
Status code flashes on and off.
Maximum travel speed is reduced.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Lift pump motor is too hot.
Allow lift pump motor to cool.
If problem occurs several times, find reason lift
pump motor is too hot and correct.
• P11 of pump motor controller or contactor module is
shorted to battery negative.
Locate and repair short.
• Temperature sensor of lift pump motor is shorted or
Replace temperature sensor.
• Malfunction of pump motor controller (transistor Cause of Status Indication
controlled lift pump only). This status code is displayed when the voltage
Replace the pump motor controller. at terminal P11 of the pump motor controller or
• Malfunction of contactor module (contactor con- the contactor module is at zero volts.
trolled lift pump only).
Replace the contactor module.

NOTE: Function Number 13, speed limit 3 is enabled

by this status code.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Brushes of power steering motor are worn. No Traction and Pump
Status code flashes on and off.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Brushes of power steering motor are worn too short.
Sensor of Brush Wear Indicator (BWI) is closed to
battery positive.
Replace the power steering motor brushes.
• P3 and/or P4 of pump motor controller or contactor
module is shorted to battery positive.
Locate and repair the short.
• Brush wear sensor of power steering motor is shorted
or damaged.
Locate and repair the shorted sensor lead or re-
place the power steering motor brushes.
• Malfunction of pump motor controller (transistor
controlled lift pump only).
Replace the pump motor controller. Cause of Status Indication
• Malfunction of contactor module (contactor con- This status code is displayed when the voltage at
trolled lift pump only). terminal P3 and/or terminal P4 of the pump motor
Replace the contactor module. controller or the contactor module is at battery volts.
NOTE: Status code 93 is only checked when a neutral
signal is present (open start switch or open forward
and reverse switches). The status code is then dis-
played when the motor controller is returned to the run

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Brushes of traction motor are worn. No Traction and Pump
Status code flashes on and off.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Brushes in the traction motor are worn too short.
A sensor is closed to battery positive.
Replace the traction motor brushes.
• P5 and/or P6 of pump motor controller or contactor
module is shorted to battery positive.
Locate and repair the short.
• A brush wear sensor of the traction motor is shorted
or damaged.
Locate and repair the shorted sensor lead or re-
place the traction motor brushes.
• Malfunction of pump motor controller (transistor
controlled lift pump only).
Replace the pump motor controller.
• Malfunction of contactor module (contactor con- Cause of Status Indication
trolled lift pump only). This status code is displayed when the voltage at
Replace the contactor module. terminal P5 and/or terminal P6 of the pump motor
controller or the contactor module is at battery voltage.
NOTE: Status code 94 is only checked when a neutral
signal is present (open start switch or open forward
and reverse switches). The status code is then dis-
played when the motor controller is returned to the run

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Lift pump motor brushes are worn. No Traction and Pump
Status code flashes on and off.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Lift pump motor brushes are worn.
A sensor is closed to battery positive.
Replace the pump motor brushes.
• P8 and/or P9 of pump motor controller or contactor
module is shorted to battery positive.
Locate and repair the short.
• A brush wear sensor of the pump motor is shorted or
Locate and repair the shorted sensor lead or re-
place the pump motor brushes.
• Malfunction of pump motor controller (transistor
controlled lift pump only).
Replace the pump motor controller.
• Malfunction of contactor module (contactor con- Cause of Status Indication
trolled lift pump only). This status code is displayed when the voltage at
Replace the contactor module. terminal P8 and/or terminal P9 of the pump motor
controller or the contactor module is at battery voltage.
NOTE: Status code 95 is only checked when a neutral
signal is present (open start switch or open forward
and reverse switches). The status code is then dis-
played when the motor controller is returned to the run

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Maintenance Alert and Speed Limit. No Traction
Status code 99 is displayed for 4 seconds when the
key is first moved to the ON position.
Status code stays on and travel speed is
reduced after 19 hours.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Status code 99 is displayed when the normal
hourmeter reading exceeds the hour setting of
the Maintenance Codes (Function Numbers 19 and
Function Numbers 19 and 20 are adjusted using
the Handset or PC and command the display of
status code 99.
• Technician must perform desired maintenance func-
tion and reset maintenance alert hourmeter after
maintenance is performed. Cause of Status Indication
This status code is displayed when the hourmeter
NOTE: Set register value of Function Numbers 19 and reading exceeds the hour setting of the Maintenance
20 to a value above 250 to disable the maintenance Codes (Function Numbers 19 and 20).
alert and speed limit feature.

NOTE: Function Number 13, speed limit 3 is enabled

by this status code.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Controller Type selection is not correct. No Pump
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled
or operate at a reduced rate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Register value of Function Number 117 is not cor-
Check the setting of Function Number 117. See
the section Transistor Motor Controllers (SR
and SP) Parameter Tables For Four-Wheel
SitDrive Electric Lift Trucks Transistor
Motor Controllers, (SR and SP) Parameter
Tables for Four-Wheel Sit Drive® Electric
Lift Trucks 2200 SRM 739 for the correct reg-
ister value for Function Number 117 of your lift
Cause of Status Indication
This status code is displayed when the register value
of Function Number 117 is not correct.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor controller internal power supply Yes Pump
127 is less than 10 volts.
Lift pump will not operate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Discharged Battery.
Check battery to make sure it is charged.
• Loose connection at P1 of pump motor controller.
Make sure that the wire connection at P1 is tight.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the internal
power supply of the pump motor controller
is less than 10 volts.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor current is too high during lift. Yes Pump
The pump motor controller sees that motor current
is too high for 70 seconds and stops operation.
Lift pump motor does not operate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Discharged Battery (high motor current due to low
Check battery to make sure it is charged.
• Operation of lift pump in high motor current condi-
tion for too long.
Verify that lift truck is being operated correctly.
Instruct operator to avoid lifting loads that are too

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed during the run mode
when the motor controller sees that pump motor
current is too high for too long.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Pump motor controller over temperature. No Pump
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled
or operate at a reduced rate.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Motor controller is too hot.
Allow motor controller to cool; status code disap-

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage at the
internal thermal protector is greater than 0.8 volts.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Pump motor controller motor current No Pump
142 sensor input is missing.
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
Replace pump motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
at the internal current sensor of pump motor
controller is greater than 0.1 volts with no current
flowing in the motor circuit.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Pump motor controller motor current No Pump
143 sensor input is too low.
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
Replace pump motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
at the internal current sensor of pump motor
controller is greater than 0.1 volts with no current
flowing in the motor circuit.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Power transistor (Q1) did not turn off correctly. Yes Pump
Lift pump motor runs continuously.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
Replace pump motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when, during
pump motor controller operation, the power
transistor (Q1) fails to turn off.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Power transistor (Q1) does not turn on properly. Yes Pump
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
Replace pump motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when, during
pump motor controller operation, the power
transistor (Q1) fails to turn on.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Look Ahead test for A2 (pump motor) voltage Yes Pump
146 less than 12% of battery voltage.
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Check for short circuit from the motor armature to
the frame of the lift truck.
• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
Replace pump motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
at power terminal A2 of pump motor controller
is less than 12% of battery voltage.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Capacitor voltage is low before the line No Pump
151 contactor closes. (Internal function of motor
controller during pre-charge).
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.
Motor controller capacitor does not pre-charge.
Line contactor cannot close.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Control fuse open.
Replace control fuse.
• Faulty PTC.
Replace PTC.
• Verify that the hydraulic pump motor contactor tips
are not welded.
If the contactor tips are welded, replace the tips.
See Contactors.
• Accessory or component other than motor controllers
connected to load side of line contactor.
Make sure that the traction and pump motor con-
Cause of Status Indication
trollers are the only components on the load side
This status code is displayed when the key is in
of the line contactor.
the ON position and the internal capacitor voltage
• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
is less than 85% of battery voltage when the key
Replace pump motor controller.
is first moved to the ON position.
NOTE: Charging and discharging the capacitors sev-
eral times during troubleshooting can cause a status
code 151.

SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts 2200 SRM 724

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Motor controller motor current sensor No Pump
157 input voltage polarity check.
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Malfunction of pump motor controller.
Replace pump motor controller.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
input to the internal sensor of the pump motor
controller is of the wrong polarity.

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Charge on capacitor of pump motor controller No Pump
180 is less than 14 volts.
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Line contactor opens during operation.
Check power connection from battery positive to
the line contactor.
Check for an open control fuse.
Check for dirty contactor tips.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage at P1
of the pump motor controller is less than 14 volts.
This normally occurs during operation.

2200 SRM 724 SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts

Status Code Description Memory Recall Circuit

Battery voltage is less than 14 volts. No Pump
Lift and auxiliary hydraulic functions are disabled.

Possible Causes and Test Procedures

• Line contactor opened up during the run mode.
Check power connection from battery positive to
the line contactor.
Check for an open fuse element.
Check for dirty contactor tips.
Verify that there are no traction motor controller
faults causing the line contactor to open during
the run mode.

Cause of Status Indication

This status code is displayed when the voltage
at P1 is less than 14 volts.

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair 2200 SRM 724

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair

GENERAL Figure 9. There are NO internal parts of these motor
controllers that can be repaired. Each of these motor
The traction motor controller (SR) is shown in Fig- controllers must be replaced if an internal malfunc-
ure 8. The pump motor controller (SP) is shown in tion occurs.


4. FUSE 3 (15A) 10. FUSE 1 (TRACTION MOTOR) (500A)

Figure 8. Traction and Pump Motor Controllers

2200 SRM 724 SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair


3. FUSE 5 (15A) 10. FUSE 1 (TRACTION MOTOR) (500A)

Figure 9. Traction Motor Controller and Contactor Control for Lift Pump Motor

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair 2200 SRM 724

GENERAL MAINTENANCE your lift truck. Other electrical components

INSTRUCTIONS can prevent operation and/or damage the mo-
tor controller.
The transistor motor controllers, like other electronic
devices, have temperature limits. These devices can NEVER USE STEAM TO CLEAN ELECTRONIC
be damaged if they get too hot. Normal maintenance COMPONENTS.
helps prevent high temperature conditions. Always
In dusty areas, blow low pressure air over the con-
make sure components are installed using the silicon
troller to remove dust. In oily or greasy areas, a
grease and insulating sheet (where applicable) and
mild solution of detergent or denatured alcohol can
that all heat sink surfaces are clean. Do not block
be used to wash off the controller, and then low pres-
cooling airflow.
sure air should be used to completely dry the con-
Special Precautions troller.

For the controller to be most effective, it must be

WARNING mounted against the frame of the lift truck. The
To avoid injury and prevent electrical shock, metal frame, acting as an additional heat sink, gives
perform the following steps before trou- improved lift truck performance by keeping the con-
bleshooting, adjustments, or repair: troller package cooler. Apply a thin layer of silicone
• Turn the key to the OFF position and discon- (heat transfer) grease Hyster Part Number 1198757
nect the battery connector. between the controller heat sink and the lift truck
• Discharge the capacitors in the controllers frame prior to controller installation.
using the horn. Move the key to the OFF
Controller wire plugs and other exposed transistor
position, disconnect the battery connector,
controller parts should be kept free of dirt and paint
and hold the horn button until the horn stops
that might change the effective resistance between
making a sound.

To help prevent controller damage:
Do NOT operate the traction system at high
• ALWAYS disconnect the battery when servic-
speed or rapidly change direction of operation
ing the controllers.
with the wheels raised. Motor controller dam-
• ALWAYS discharge the capacitors using the
age can occur.
horn before performing any service.
• NEVER connect power to the motor con- Do not subject the controller to any high voltage
trollers when any power cable is discon- (hipot or megger) testing.
• NEVER make a short circuit at any motor Use a lead acid battery with the voltage and ampere
controller terminal to battery (+), battery ( ) hour rating specified for the lift truck. Follow normal
or the frame. battery maintenance procedures, recharging before
80% discharged, with periodic equalizing charges.
Check with the dealer for your lift truck before oper-
ating in an area with normal temperatures over 40 C Other parts of these assemblies also cannot be re-
(100 F). The lift truck motor controllers can be dam- paired, and must be replaced if they malfunction.
aged. The contactors do have parts that can be replaced.

Never add any electrical component to the lift
truck without approval from the dealer for

2200 SRM 724 SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair

Legend for Figure 10

Some checks in this section must be done with 1. POWER TERMINALS
the battery connected and power applied to the 3. CURRENT LIMITER (LINE CONTACTOR ONLY)
controller. When making these checks, make 4. COIL TERMINALS
sure the drive wheels are raised from the floor. 5. MOUNT BRACKET
Make sure you disconnect the battery and
separate the connector before you remove any CONTACTORS
power cables from the power terminals of the
motor controller. The capacitor stores elec- There can be three contactors on these lift trucks. All
trical energy and can cause injury if a person lift trucks have a power steering contactor and a line
discharges a capacitor through parts of the contactor. See Figure 10. Also see Figure 12. Lift
body. AFTER the battery is disconnected and trucks that do NOT have a pump motor controller
the key in the OFF position, make sure you (SP) also have a contactor to energize the lift pump
also discharge the capacitor C1. Discharge the motor. See Figure 10.
capacitor C1 by pushing and holding the horn
button until the horn stops making a sound. Repair
The capacitor C1 discharges through the horn.
Make an identification and disconnect the wires and
NOTE: The bolts and screws connected to the elec- cables from the contactor assembly. Remove the
tronic components are normally metric sizes. mounting screws and remove the contactor assem-
bly. See Figure 11 or Figure 12.
Make sure that you use the correct fastener for the
part that is disassembled or removed. Contactor Contacts. The contacts in a contactor
are made of special silver alloy. The contacts look
FUSES black and rough from normal operation. This condi-
tion does not cause problems with the operation of
The fuses are found on the motor controller assem- the lift truck. Cleaning is not necessary. DO NOT
bly or contactor panels. See Figure 8 or Figure 9. USE A FILE ON THE CONTACTS. DO NOT LUBRI-
The condition of the fuses can normally be checked CATE THE CONTACTS.
by looking at them or can be checked with an ohm-
ALWAYS replace all of the contacts in a con-
tactor at the same time. Replace the contacts
in the contactor for the hydraulic pump after
1000 hours of operation. Replace the contacts
in the other contactors when the thickness of
any area of a contact is less than 30% of the
thickness of a new contact or if there is any
transfer of contact material.

Coil. Check the coil with an ohmmeter for an open

circuit or a short circuit. Coil resistance is very low.
Replace the coil if it is damaged. Make sure the coil
wires are connected again to the correct terminals.

Figure 10. Line or Pump Motor Contactor

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair 2200 SRM 724

Figure 11. Replacement Parts of Line or Pump Motor Contactor

2200 SRM 724 SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair

Legend for Figure 11


Legend for Figure 12



Lift trucks that do NOT have a pump motor con-
troller (SP) also have a contactor to energize the lift
pump motor. See Figure 9. The contactor driver
module energizes the pump contactor coil and is con-
trolled by switches at the hydraulic control levers.
This module also has internal connections for oper-
ation with the traction motor controller and input
sensors. This part of the contactor driver module re-
places the necessary interconnections that a pump
motor controller has.

Contactor Driver, Replace

Make sure the battery is disconnected and the capac-
itor is discharged using the horn as previously de-
scribed. Make an identification for correct connec-
tion of the wires for the replacement contactor driver
and disconnect the wires. Disconnect the plug con-
nector. See Figure 9. Remove the two screws that
fasten the contactor driver module. Install the re-
placement contactor driver module in the same posi-
tion and connect the wires to the correct terminals as
identified during removal. Connect the plug connec-
Figure 12. Replacement Parts of Power
Steering Contactor

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair 2200 SRM 724

MOTOR CONTROLLER PLUG in the 23-pin plug. See Table 6, Table 7, Figure 13,
and Figure 14.
All connections to the motor controller(s) are made at
the 23-pin connector. Do not attempt to replace pins

Table 6. Large (P) Plug (23-Pin) Connections/Descriptions for Motor Controllers

Pin Wire Color Traction Motor Controller Motor Controller for Lift Wire Color
No. OR = Wire # Pump Motor OR = Wire #
P1 BRN = 12B Battery Volts from Battery Positive (BAT) BRN = 12C
P2 RED/BLUE-LT Battery Volts at Key Switch RED/BLU-LT
= 10A = 10G
P3 GRN/15 = 6B Battery Volts from Start Switch Status Code 93 Input BLU/YEL =
P4 WHT-5 = 8B Battery Volts from Forward Status Code 93 Input BLU/YEL =
Switch 106
P5 BLU-LT = 7A Battery Volts from Reverse Status Code 94 Input BLU/PINK
Switch = 103
P6 WHT/PINK Battery Volts from Seat Switch Status Code 94 Input BLU/PINK
= 7A = 104
P7 YEL/PINK = 29 Accel. Potentiometer Input Not Used -
Voltage Signal
P8 - Not Used Status Code 95 Input BLU/GRY =
P9 GRN/WHT +5 Volts to Accelerator Status Code 95 Input BLU/GRY =
= 32 Potentiometer 107
P10 BLU-LT = 5050 BDI Lift Interrupt Output Pump Enable Signal Input BLU-LT = 50
P11 YEL/GRN-DK +12 Volts Regen Output Signal Status Code 91 Input ORN/YEL =
= 75A 100
P12 - Not Used Speed Limit #1 Input GRY = 53
P13 - Not Used Brush Wear Indicator Output GRN/YEL =
P14 GRN/YEL = Brush Wear Indicator Input Over Temperature Indicator Output GRN/PINK
110 = 109
P15 - Not Used Not Used -
P16 - Not Used Status Code 90 Input ORN/PINK
= 102
P17 BLK = 24 Line Contactor Driver Not Used -
P18 BLK = 60 Steering Contactor Driver Not Used -
P19 GRN/GRY = 71 +5 Volts Power Supply Output Speed Limit #2 Input BLU/WHT
= 52
P20 GRN/PINK Motor Over Temperature Speed Limit #3 Input BLU-DK = 51
= 109 Indicator Input

2200 SRM 724 SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair

Table 6. Large (P) Plug (23-Pin) Connections/Descriptions for Motor Controllers (Continued)

Pin Wire Color Traction Motor Controller Motor Controller for Lift Wire Color
No. OR = Wire # Pump Motor OR = Wire #
P21 - Not Used +5 Volt Input GRN/GRY = 71
P22 GRN-1 = 74 Serial Receive - Connects Serial Receive - Connects to GRN-2 = 76
to Display Panel Display Panel
P23 WHT-1 = 73 Serial Transmit - Connects Serial Transmit - Connects to WHT-2 = 75
to Display Panel Display Panel

Table 7. Small Plug (12-Pin) Connections/Descriptions for Motor Controllers

Description Small 12-Pin Connector

No. Traction Motor Controller Motor Controller For Lift Pump Motor

1 Clock (Out) (Display Panel - 4) Clock (Out) (Display Panel - 4)

2 Clock (Out) (Display Panel - 3) Clock (Out) (Display Panel - 3)
3 Enable (Out) (Display Panel - 1) Enable (Out) (Display Panel - 1)
4 Negative (Display Panel - 2) Negative (Display Panel - 2)
5 +5 Volt Supply (Display Panel - 5) +5 Volts Supply (Display Panel - 5)
6 Cont/Store (In) (Handset) Cont/Store (In) (Handset)
7 External Jumper to pin 12 External Jumper to pin 12
8 Value Value
9 Function Function
10 External Jumper to pin 11 External Jumper to pin 11
11 Serial Receive/Internal connection to P22 Serial Receive/Internal connection to P22
12 Serial Transmit/Internal connection to P23 Serial Transmit/Internal connection to P23

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair 2200 SRM 724

Figure 13. Traction Motor Controller Typical Schematic

2200 SRM 724 SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair

Figure 14. Pump Motor Controller Typical Schematic

SR/SP Transistor Motor Controller Repair 2200 SRM 724

BRUSH WEAR INDICATORS Legend for Figure 15

The brush wear indicators illuminate when the mo- NOTE: CONNECT THE BATTERY SO THAT THE
tor brushes must be replaced. When a brush wears MOTOR CAN BE OPERATED. THE BATTERY MUST
to the point where it needs to be replaced, the brush BE REMOVED FOR ACCESS TO THE MOTOR. USE
spring makes an electrical connection to illuminate A JUMPER CABLE TO CONNECT THE BATTERY TO
The operation of the brush wear indicators can be MAINTENANCE SECTION OR THE OPERATING
checked during periodic maintenance. The battery MANUAL.
must be removed from the lift truck for access to the
To help prevent damage or injury raise the THERMAL SENSORS
drive wheels before doing these checks. Raise
the drive wheels as described in the Operating The thermal sensors indicate to the motor controller
Manual or the section Periodic Maintenance that the motor is too hot. When a motor gets too hot,
of the Service Manual. the sensor makes an electrical connection to send a
signal to the motor controller.
Use a jumper cable so that the battery can be con-
nected for operation of the motors. See Figure 15.
Disconnect the sensor wires, one at a time, from out-
side of the motor case. Touch the end of the sensor To help prevent damage or injury raise the
wire to battery positive. The warning light illumi- drive wheels before doing these checks. Raise
nates if the circuit is operating correctly. The mo- the drive wheels as described in the Operating
tor brushes must be replaced when they are worn. If Manual or the section Periodic Maintenance.
equipped with brush wear indicators, the condition Use a jumper cable so that the battery can be con-
of the commutator and the motor brushes must still nected for operation of the motors. See Figure 15.
be checked during periodic maintenance. Disconnect the sensor wires from the outside of the
motor case. Touch the ends of the sensor wires to-
gether. The warning light illuminates if the circuit
is operating correctly. The thermal switch can be re-
placed if it is damaged. However, the motor must be
disassembled to replace the thermal switch.


Make sure the battery is disconnected and the capac-
itor is discharged using the horn as previously de-
scribed. Replace the motor controller as described in
the following procedure. See Figure 8 or Figure 9.

1. Make an identification for correct connection of

the power cables on the power terminals of the
motor controller. Disconnect the power cables
and the connector plug for the control wires.
Figure 15. Battery Connection for Motor

2200 SRM 724 Theory of Operation

2. Remove the eight (traction) or six (pump) mount- the plate of the motor controller. Make sure there
ing screws that fasten the plate of the motor con- are no air spaces between the plate and mount-
troller to the lift truck frame. Carefully remove ing surface of the lift truck frame. The plate of
the motor controller. the motor controller must make full contact with
the lift truck frame. Install the mounting screws
CAUTION that fasten the motor controller to the lift truck
Do not remove the small screws that fasten the
cover of the motor controller. 4. Install the power cables at the power termi-
nals of the motor controller as identified during
Make sure there is no dirt between the plate of
removal. Install the connector plug for the
the motor controller and the mounting surface
control wires on the connector of the motor con-
of the lift truck frame.
3. Put a thin even coat of the silicone compound INSTALLED ON THE SMALL CONNECTOR
Hyster Part Number 1198757 or equivalent on OF THE MOTOR CONTROLLER.

Theory of Operation
GENERAL minimum resistance of 50,000 ohms between the
electrical circuits and the frame of the lift truck.
This section is for lift trucks that have the Separately
Excited Motor (SEM) system. This SEM system con- These motor controllers have solid-state electronic
trols a single traction motor. The SEM system has circuits that control the operation of a DC motor.
a transistor motor controller (SR) that controls the They use Field Effect Transistors (FET) as power
shunt traction motor. Units with this system can transistors to control motor armature and field
have a transistor motor controller (SP) or a contac- voltages and currents The speed of DC motors is
tor motor controller to control the lift pump motor. primarily controlled by the average applied voltage.
The lift pump motor is a series motor. Generally, the higher the average applied voltage
to the armature, the faster the motor rotates. If
A display panel operates with these motor con- a switch is put in the armature and field circuits,
trollers. For more information on this display panel. the average voltage of each circuit can be changed.
See the section SEM Display Panel Display Panel The switches are changed to OFF and ON quickly
for SEM Controls, (Windows Version) 2200 SRM to change the average voltages. See Figure 16. By
942. controlling the average voltage, the current can
also be controlled. The average voltage increases as
NOTE: The description of the current flow in the
the time the switch is ON increases. The average
electrical circuits in this section uses the Conven-
voltage decreases if the switch is OFF for a longer
tional Theory of Current Flow. This theory describes
time than it is ON. The speed and characteristics of
the current as flowing from positive to negative. An
the motor can be controlled by separately changing
electric lift truck uses a two-wire electrical system.
the average voltages of both the armature and the
There is no common ground through the frame. Both
field of a shunt motor.
the positive supply and the negative return current
flow through wires and cables. There must be a

Theory of Operation 2200 SRM 724


Most electric lift trucks have used series motor de-
signs because of their ability to produce very high lev-
els of torque at low speeds. Higher efficiency shunt
motors are now often being considered over series
motors. By separately controlling the field and arma-
ture currents of the SEM system, the best attributes
of both the series and the shunt wound motors can
be combined.

Figure 16. Average Voltage

2200 SRM 724 Theory of Operation


Reverse Circuit
The direction of armature rotation on a shunt motor
is determined by the direction in which current flows
through the field windings. A shunt motor field usu-
ally requires about 10% of the armature current at
full torque. The lower current makes it possible to
replace the reversing contactors of a series motor sys-
tem with a transistor circuit. See Figure 17.

Figure 17. Current Flow through Power Circuit

for Direction Control

Theory of Operation 2200 SRM 724

Figure 18. Simplified Motor Circuit

Energizing transistors Q3 and Q4 or Q2 and Q5 can curve can be maximized through proper control ap-
make field current flow in either direction through plication.
the field as shown in Figure 17. The field control
circuit operates at 2kHz. The armature current is Field Weakening
controlled by transistor Q1. See Figure 18. The ar-
mature control circuit operates at 12kHz to 15kHz, a Field weakening of a series wound motor uses a re-
frequency range normally above human hearing. sistor in parallel with the field windings of the mo-
tor. Current through the resistor makes less cur-
The line contactor is the only contactor used for the rent through the field. Less field current makes the
SEM traction circuit. This contactor is used for both field weaker so motor speed increases. To change
pre-charge of the line capacitors and for shut down of the speed during field weakening, the resistor value
the motor circuit in the event of certain malfunctions. must change. A contactor and resistor are usually
The line contactor is energized and de-energized by used to change speed during field weakening with a
the key switch. series motor. In a separately excited motor, indepen-
dent control of the field current provides for an in-
Performance and Efficiency finite adjustment of field weakened speeds, between
motor base speed and maximum weak field. The con-
The SEM system has the ability to control both the tactor and resistor required for field weakening with
armature and field circuits independently. The sys- a series motor is not needed with the transistorized
tem can usually be adjusted for maximum efficiency. controller.
Generally speaking, with the ability of independent
field and armature control, the motor performance

2200 SRM 724 Theory of Operation

Regenerative Braking Number 4 and Function Number 8. The CL setting

is based on the maximum thermal rating of the con-
Regenerative braking uses the energy of lift truck troller. Because of the flyback current, the motor cur-
movement during slowing to drive the traction mo- rent is usually greater than battery current, except
tor and help slow the lift truck. The motor can then at 100% ON time.
become an electrical generator. The electrical energy
is returned to the battery. The main advantage of BRAKING
regenerative braking is increased motor life. Motor
current is reduced by 50% or more during braking Regenerative Braking to Zero Speed
while maintaining the same braking torque. Regen-
erative braking with a series motor uses a diode con- Slow down is accomplished by providing a small
nected in parallel with the armature. A power diode, amount of retarding torque for deceleration. If the
current sensor and contactor are used for regenera- lift truck is moving, and the directional lever or
tive braking with a series motor. The lower motor MONOTROL is moved from one direction to the
current increases brush life and reduces motor heat- other, the regenerative braking signal is initiated.
ing. This motor controller reduces the motor current Once the regenerative braking signal is initiated,
using the power transistors. the field current is increased. Armature current is
regulated to the regenerative braking current limit
SEM SYSTEM OPERATION (SP MOTOR as set by Function Number 9. As the lift truck slows
CONTROLLER) down, the field current continues to increase, and
transistor Q5 begins to turn on and off. See Fig-
The controller has an on-time range of approximately ure 19. The field current increases until it reaches
0 to 100%. The SR and SP controllers operate at a the value set by Function Number 10, and tran-
constant frequency and the percent on-time is con- sistor Q5 on time increases until it reaches 100%.
trolled by the pulse width of the voltage/current ap- Once both of the above conditions are met and the
plied to the motor circuits. regenerative braking current limit can no longer be
maintained, the braking function is canceled. The
Creep Speed fields then reverse, and the controller reverts back
to normal operation.
With the accelerator at maximum voltage (approxi-
mately 4.2 to 3.5 volts), creep speed can be adjusted
by Function Number 2. At creep speed, the ON time
can decrease to approximately 5%, with the OFF
time at approximately 95%. At full transistor opera-
tion, this condition is reversed (short OFF time, long
ON time). This variation of ON and OFF time of the
oscillator varies the average voltage applied to the
motor, to vary the speed of the motor for a given load.

Controlled Acceleration
This feature allows for adjustment of the time it
takes for the controller to accelerate to 100% applied
of battery voltage to the motor on hard acceleration.
Controlled acceleration is adjustable from 0.1 to 22

Current Limit (CL)

This circuit monitors motor current by utilizing sen-
sors in series with the armature and field windings.
The information is used to maintain maximum cur- Figure 19. Regenerative Braking Circuit
rents at a preset value. If heavy load currents are
detected, this circuit overrides the oscillator and lim-
its the average current to a value set by Function

Theory of Operation 2200 SRM 724

Part of the energy produced by the motor during re- Speed Limits
generative braking is returned to the battery, and
part is converted to heat in the drive motor. This feature provides a means to control speed by
limiting motor volts utilizing two adjustable speed
Function Number 9, Regen Current Limit is ad- limits. The lower motor volt limit always takes prior-
justable and changes the distance the lift truck ity when more than one speed limit is activated. This
requires to reach zero speed. Function Number 10, motor voltage limit regulates on time of the transis-
Regen Field Current, is not normally adjusted in the tor controller, but actual truck speed varies at any
field. set point depending on the loading of the lift truck.
Each speed limit can be adjusted with the Handset.
Pedal Position Braking
This feature allows control of the reversing distance
based on pedal position when there has been a di- Ramp Start
rectional switch change. Pedal position reduces the
regenerative braking current to the value set by this This feature provides maximum control torque to
function as the accelerator is returned to the creep restart a lift truck on an incline. The memory for this
speed position. Maximum current is obtained with function is the directional switch. When stopping on
the accelerator in the top speed position. This fea- an incline, the directional switch must be left in its
ture is adjustable by using Function Number 16 on original or neutral position to allow the controller to
the Handset. initiate full power when restarted. The accelerator
potentiometer input modulates ramp start current.
Auto Braking
This feature is enabled by initiating a neutral posi-
tion using either the directional switch or the acceler- This feature provides retarding torque to limit roll-
ator switch. Once activated, Auto Braking operates back speed in the non-travel direction when the
similar to Pedal Position Braking and is adjusted by accelerator or MONOTROL pedal is released when
using Function Number 21. stopping on a grade, or when the brake pedal is re-
leased when starting on a grade. This feature forces
AUXILIARY SPEED CONTROL the lift truck to roll slowly down the grade when
accelerator or brake is released. Because the lift
Field Weakening truck cannot gain significant speed during rollback,
the torque needed to restart on the ramp is lower
The Field Weakening (FW) ratio (Function Number than an unrestricted rollback speed.
6) adjusts the field weakening level to set the top
speed of the motor. The FW ratio is enabled when STEER PUMP CONTACTOR TIME DELAY
the armature current is less than the FW start cur-
rent (Function Number 24) and the accelerator input The steer pump contactor will open when the seat
voltage is less than 1 volt. Function Number 24 is switch opens after the programmed time delay.
used to optimize motor and controller performance. Function Number 18 allows adjustment of this time
delay from 0.5 second to 63 seconds.
NOTE: The FW ratio is determined by the factory.
Function Number 6 is not normally adjusted in the COIL DRIVERS AND INTERNAL COIL
NOTE: FW Start, Function Number 24, 49, 53, 57, The coil driver for the line contactor is internal to the
and 61 are not normally adjusted in the field. controller. The line contactor must have a coil rated
NOTE: Top speed can be reduced by increasing the for the lift truck battery voltage.
value of Maximum Armature % On Time. Maximum The coil driver for the lift pump contactor is internal
Armature % On Time is set using Function Number to the contactor driver module. The lift pump con-
12 (standard instrument panel) or Function Num- tactor must also have a coil rated for the lift truck
bers 41, 55, 59, and 63 (premium instrument panel). battery voltage.

2200 SRM 724 Theory of Operation

Suppressors for contactor coils are internal to the mo- Low Voltage
tor controller or contactor driver module.
Batteries under load, particularly if undersized or
SYSTEM PROTECTIVE OVERRIDE more than 80 percent discharged, produce low volt-
ages at the controller terminals. The SR and SP con-
Static Return to Off (SRO) trollers are designed for use down to 50 percent of a
nominal battery voltage of 36 to 84 volts and 75 per-
If the seat switch or key switch is opened, the con- cent of a nominal battery voltage of 24 volts. Lower
troller shuts off and cannot be restarted until the di- battery voltage can cause the controller to operate
rectional lever is returned to neutral. A time delay of improperly and the resulting PMT should open the
approximately 2 seconds is built into the seat switch line contactor, in the event of a failure.
input to allow momentary opening of the seat switch.
Accelerator Volts Hold Off
The SP controllers are sealed units with no service-
This feature checks the voltage level at the accelera- able components. User adjustable features allow
tor input whenever the key switch or seat switch is the controllers to be customized for different appli-
activated. If at start up, the voltage is less than 3.0 cations. Self diagnostics are provided to monitor
volts, the controller does not operate. This feature internal components as well as detect problems with
assures that the controller is calling for low speed op- certain inputs and outputs. Adjustable registers
eration at start up. and status codes are accessed using a Handset or a
personal computer.
Pulse Monitor Trip (PMT)
The SR controller is a transistorized lift pump
The PMT design disables controller operation if a controller capable of providing multiple lift pump
fault occurs that would cause a disruption of normal speeds. Many of the features of the SR traction con-
lift truck operation. troller are incorporated into the lift pump controller.
The PMT circuit checks for faults three ways: This lift pump motor controller features:
• Look ahead • Three speeds, adjustable from 0 to 100 percent of
• Look again motor voltage. The speeds are actuated by connect-
• Automatic look again and reset ing the appropriate P terminal to battery negative
• Adjustable current limit and controlled accelera-
Field or armature FET (field effect transistor) tion
failure, which would cause uncontrolled truck move- • Lift interrupt capability
ment, is considered a PMT type fault. The controller • Handset and PC programmability
monitors both field and armature FETs at start up • Thermal protection
and during operation. A PMT fault does not allow • Low voltage protection
the line contactor to close at start up, or PMT opens • System diagnostics
it during operation. • Premium instrument panel mode select capability
Thermal Protector (TP) The three speed limits are activated by the hydraulic
valve PC board connecting P12, P19, and/or P20 in-
This temperature sensitive device is internal to the
dependently to battery negative.
power transistor (Q1) module. If the transistor’s
temperature begins to exceed the design limits, the The first speed (Speed Limit 1) is activated by con-
thermal protector lowers the maximum current limit necting P12 to battery negative. SLl is set by Func-
and maintain the transistors within their temper- tion Number 11. The specified motor voltage is reg-
ature limits. As the controller cools, the thermal ulated, however, motor current varies depending on
protector automatically resets, returning the con- the loading of the lift truck.
troller to full power.
Tilt and auxiliary 1 provide the Speed Limit 1 input.

The second speed (Speed Limit 2) is activated by con-

necting P19 to battery negative. SL2 is set by Func-
tion Number 12. Operation of SL2 is similar to SL1.

Theory of Operation 2200 SRM 724

The third speed (Speed Limit 3) is activated by con- Standard Status Codes
necting P20 to battery negative. SL3 is set by Func-
tion Number 13. Operation of SL3 is similar to SL1. The traction motor controller (SR) has over 30 status
codes and the pump motor controller has over 20 sta-
Fast lift provides the Speed Limit 3 input. tus codes to assist the service technician and opera-
tor in troubleshooting the lift truck. If a controller or
If more than one speed limit is activated, the se- circuit malfunction occurs, a status code is displayed
lected speed with the highest motor volts overrides on the display panel.
the lower motor voltage speed.
Stored status codes can be retrieved on lift trucks
The lift pump controller current limit circuit and con- without a Premium Display Panel by using a stan-
trolled acceleration circuit are adjustable and oper- dard GE Handset or a PC connected through the
ate the same as the traction controller circuits. small plug of the controller. The Handset can only
connect to one motor controller at a time. A PC can
The lift interrupt feature disables the lift pump con-
connect to the display panel for access to checks
troller when the connection at P10 loses the 12 volt
and adjustments of each motor controller. To obtain
signal from the traction controller. The battery dis-
a complete list of all status codes present, EACH
charge feature of the traction controller provides the
controller (traction and pump) on the lift truck must
12-volt signal to the lift pump controller until the bat-
be checked, one at a time, using the Handset or with
tery is discharged to 10 percent. Lift interrupt can
a PC through the display panel.
be disabled by adjusting Function Number 17 of the
traction motor controller. NOTE: The SR (SEM) and SP Status Code Charts
of this manual do not cover all possible causes of a
CONTACTOR DRIVER MODULE display of a status code. They provide instructions
for checking the most direct inputs that can cause
The Contactor Driver Module is used with the con-
status codes to appear.
tactor controlled lift pump option and takes the
place of the SP lift pump controller. Inputs from the
Stored Status Codes
hydraulic valve PC board control internal drivers,
which energize the lift pump contactor. A 12-volt This feature records the last 16 Stored Status Codes
output from the traction controller to the contactor that have caused a controller PMT shutdown and/or
driver module enables the lift pump circuit. The disrupted normal lift truck operation. PMT type
12-volt signal is removed by the traction controller faults are reset by moving the key to the OFF and
during lift interrupt. Lift interrupt can be disabled ON positions. These stored status codes, along with
by adjusting Function Number 17 of the traction the corresponding BDI and hourmeter readings,
motor controller. can be accessed with the Handset, or by using the
RS 232 communications port and downloading the
DIAGNOSTICS information to a PC.
Systems Diagnostics Stored status codes can also be displayed on the
Premium Display Panel. Refer to the Operat-
The controller detects the system’s present operating ing Manual or the section SEM Display Panel
status and can display that information to either the Display Panel for SEM Controls, (Windows
Display Panel or the Handset. There are currently Version) 2200 SRM 942. A Handset or PC must be
over 70 status codes that are available with SR/SP used to clear the stored status codes.
systems using traction and lift pump controllers. The
SR controller is also able to reduce the current to the Hourmeter Readings
drive motor to alert the operator of a critical fault
condition. This feature displays the recorded hours of use of
the traction and pump motor controllers. The hours
NOTE: Lift trucks without the SP pump controller are shown on the display panel each time the key is
are equipped with a Contactor Driver Module. The turned to the OFF position.
contactor driver module does some of the same jobs of
the pump motor controller. The module also controls
the lift pump contactor.

2200 SRM 724 Theory of Operation

Maintenance Management Capability alert hourmeter reading is reached or if an optional

temperature sensor determines that a motor is over-
The traction motor controller (SR) has the capability heated.
of monitoring some maintenance items. The hourme-
ter reading is monitored and can be used to provide The traction controller sets a status code if an op-
a maintenance status code 99 when a set hourme- tional brush wear indicator detects a worn brush.
ter reading is reached. Brush wear and motor tem-
perature are also monitored. Temperature sensors The maintenance alert hourmeter reading is pro-
can be present on the traction and lift pump motors. grammed into the traction controller using Function
Brush wear sensors can be present on the traction, Number 19 and Function Number 20.
lift pump, and steer pump motors.
NOTE: The brush wear and motor temperature in-
The traction controller sets a status code and re- puts to the traction controller are received from the
duces maximum lift truck speed if the maintenance pump motor controller or contactor driver module.























2200 SRM 724 4/05 (9/03)(8/03)(4/01)(3/99) Printed in U.S.A.

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