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Rajan-Iqbal Aur

Challenege Maa Ke Doodh Ka

By: Tarun Sharma

I am a gambler. A professional
gambler. Gamblers from all over the
word come to play with me.
But I’ve been losing.
This rascal does not know gambling.
Still he is winning every game. I
don’t know how?
I can’t be so unlucky. That son of
a bitch is cheating. I know that.
I am putting everything I have on
this bet.I want you to make sure
that this rascal does not win this
Can you do that for me detectives?

The client speaks to two detectives, and the detectives nod

in affirmation.
Title appears on-screen.
Rajan-Iqbal (Private Detectives)

Title Card #2 appears on-screen.

Case #1: Challenge Maa ke Doodh ka.


Rajan and Iqbal, dressed in suits are standing out of Moulin

Rose, by a paan shop. A Narendra Modi speech is playing on
the television. Faint sound of music playing inside is
leaking out. Rajan and Iqbal see a man coming on a donkey
which is dressed extravagantly. Two sacs full of currency
notes are tied on either sides of the donkey. They enter
Moulin Rose. Rajan and Iqbal follow them.
Inside Rajan and Iqbal are bemused. On the stage are fours
singers: three women and a mam all dressed in funky attire.
A girl dressed bizzarely in feathers is doing a striptease.
They are dazzled by the sight.
An the gambling table, on one side are seated the client and
his two associates, and opposite them are seated the cheat
and two of his associates.One of the associates is carrying
a snake and other one a parrot.


The gambling starts. Cards are distributed between them. The

cheater wins this one easily. He and his associates
celebrate the victory, trying to provoke the calm gambler
Rajan and Iqbal are trying to figure out how is it that he
is cheating. Rajan tries to look into the mirror, if there’s
some reflection. He looks at Iqbal and moves his head to
say No.
Round 2 begins. The gambler looks at his cards, maintaing
his confident demeanor, but looks from the side of his
glasses at Rajan and Iqbal. His skepticism about the
detetectives rising.
Rajan and Iqbal then suspect a waiter who comes near the
gambling table. They follow the waiter but he enters the
kitchen straight away. Rajan and Iqbal do not have any
leads. The gambler loses another round.

The singers are jubilantly singing. The stripper diligiently

dancing. Rajan keeps staring at the dancer, as if he has
lost all purpose of coming here, and Iqbal is looking at one
of the dancers with mad fascination.

Another game played, and the gambler loses it again. His

skepticism rising and raging. The cheater tries to provoke
him again. The cheater looks around, and his eyes fall on
Rajan and Iqbal, he realises that these two men are not from
around, and might be upto something sinister. He whispers to
one of his aasitants. The assistant gets up and directs the
waiter to send drinks to Rajan and Iqbal. He also gives two
capsules to the waiter, to spike their drinks with.
Rajan and Iqbal both are offered a drink. Being the kind of
detectives they are, they are over pleased at being offerd
free drinks. The finish the drink in one gulp.
Another game starts. But something is happening to Rajan and
Iqbal. They are losing their balance, and the pub feels
revolving around them. Strobes of color come from all sides.
Iqbal falls down. When he is down on the ground he looks at
the donkey on which the cheater had come. He is nodding his
head. The donkey seems to be nodding his at something. This
looks a little starnge to him. He then looks at the table.
The donkey can see the gambler’s cards, and he is nodding at
his master who is playing his bet after the donkey gives him

Iqbal figures out that the donkey is involved in the

cheating. He signals Rajan that it’s the donkey. Rajan is
puzzled and confused. But he goes out and gets a female
donkey, and parks her bang opposite the male donkey. The
donkey looks at the female donkey. He can’t get his eyes of
the female donkey. The donkey looses his concentration and


starts nodding at everything. His master, the cheater is

confused and looks in deep trouble. He looks at the donkey
again, after he nods, he makes his bet.
The cards are revealed. The cheater loses, and the Gambler
has won everything. The cheter thorws off his cards in
The donkey, meanwhile, gets a hard-on. Rajan and Iqbal go
upto him and free him from the pole. He runs off for the
female donkey. Rajan and Iqbal shake hands with the gambler.

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