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The registration of the real and the virtual worlds in indoor AR systems can be done in a relatively

simple way. It is possible to use static markers (attached to well-visible parts), relatively small
3Dmodels, a limited number of images or predict the path of the user. Outdoor AR systems have to
rely on markers that exist in the real world (often with low contrast) as the required 3D models are
usually much larger. One of the biggest problems in outdoor applications are weather changes, sun
shinning, shadows, etc. which do not exist in indoor environments The exact position of the user can
be determined in indoor AR by a variety of tracking devices providing accuracy of a few centimetres.
Outdoor AR needs to use absolute or relative positioning systems, in combination with vision
systems when the accuracy is not sufficient. The requirements for low power consumption are not
an issue in indoor AR systems Since, the data transmission is wearable, the latency can always be
compensated. Outdoor application usually need a special transmission channel, which either has to
be developed or existing communication services have to be used. Next chapters address the
problems mentioned above in details. Chapters 3 and 4 elaborate on outdoor systems by providing
further information on technology and commercial solutions currently available on the market.
Chapter 6 reviews projects aiming wireless applications. References Akkeson K. and K Simsarian,
1999, Reality Portals, VRST 1999, London Dec, 1999, available at: Göbel, M., 1993, The Virtual Reality Demonstration Center,
Computers and Graphics, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 627- 631 Isdale, J., 2002, Jerry Isdale’s Home page,
available at: Milgram, P., H. Takemura, A. Utsumi and F. Kishino,
1994, Augmented Reality: A class of displays on realityvirtuality continuum, in: Proceedings of SPIE
Vol. 2351, Telemanipulation an Telepresence technologies, 31 October 4 November, Boston, USA,
pp. 282-292 Milgram, P., Kishino, F., "A Taxonomy of Mixed Reality Visual Display", IEICE
Transactions on Information Systems special issue on Networked Reality, Dec, 94, Raskar, R., G. Welch, H. Fuchs,
1998, Spatially Augmented Reality, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Augmented
Reality, San Francisco, November 1 Simsarian, K.T, J. Karlgren, L. E. Fahlén, I. Bretan, E. Fréecon, T.
Axling, 1996, Achieving Virtual Presence with a Semi-Autonomous Robot Through a Multi-Reality and
Speech Control Interface, Eurographics workshop on VR, Monte Carlo, February, 1996. & Virtual
Environments and Scientific Visualization '96, M. Gobel, J. David, P. Slavik, J.J. van Wijk (eds),
SpringerComputerScience TargaSys, available at:
December, 2002 15 What is Augmented Reality? Augmented Reality Technology GIS Technology
Telecom Italia Group (TIM), available at What is Augmented Reality? 16
December, 2002 GIS Technology Augmented Reality Technology 2. AR principles This chapter focuses
on components of an AR system and particularly on “traditional” AR solutions. This is to say that
most of the technologies are originally developed for indoor, hardwire systems. New issues related
to outdoor, wireless AR systems and technologies are addressed in Chapter 3. As discussed in
Chapter 2, an AR system provides a mixture of real and virtual images in the user’s Field-ofView
(FOV). Figure 2-1, left gives a general idea of the way to obtain the augmented view. The objects of
the real world observed by the user (world reference frame) are sent to the computer, which
generates the virtual objects (in virtual reference frame). The real and the virtual objects (scenes)
are mixed and rendered in such a way to give the user the perception of observing one integrated
scene. Depending on what kind of equipment is used, different approaches can be followed, which
result in diverse type of systems architectures. However, four very general components (and
corresponding technologies) are always present in an AR system, i.e. displays, tracking systems,
devices for interaction and graphics systems (computer). This chapter concentrates on displays and
tracking systems, since the type of display and tracking system have the largest influence on
particular system architecture. The display is one of the critical components where the level of
immersion is concerned. The tracking system (which is responsible for accurate positioning and
orientation in the real world) is the most important component with respect to the correct
registration of virtual and real objects. Most commonly, the devices for interaction also have to be
tracked. The graphics system is responsible for generating the virtual objects and in most cases it is a
conventional one. The chapter is organised in three sections. The first section explains the principle
of AR system with respect to the displays used as they were presented in Chapter 1 (i.e. Monitor
Based, See-Through, SAR). The second section reviews systems and approaches for tracking. The last
section summarises the problems related to the display of mixed scenes and body tracking. 2.1.
Setups of AR systems The section presents and shortly describes the approach of

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