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1.1 Environmental Pollution

Environment involves the animate and inanimate surroundings and their interaction
making them to coexist, the balance between interaction and coexistence leads to ecological
balance. Natural or human activities influence the balance which is manifested through changes
occurring in air, water and land. Any disturbance in air, water and land is reflected in the
deviation from natural balance in living beings. This undesirable change in the composition of
air, water and land and the disturbed inter-relation (ecology) is called Environmental Pollution.

1.1.1. Atmospheric Pollution

As defined by Seinfeld [1] air pollution is any atmospheric condition in which substances
are present at concentrations high enough above their normal ambient levels to produce a
measurable effect on man, animals, vegetations or materials. The causes of air pollution are both
natural as well as man made. The pollution generated by natural processes is more or less
controlled by natural cycles themselves. Human activities such as thermal generation of power,
metallurgy, automobiles, nuclear activities, modem life style etc. pollute the atmosphere. Exhaust
emissions of various oxides, hydrocarbons and various compounds further generate pollutants
through different reactions in the atmosphere.

1.1.2 Water Pollution

The different human activities not only pollute the atmosphere but water sources are also
polluted. The development of different industries have added so many toxics into water, soil and
atmosphere that every aspect of life is threatened. The water, whether on surface or under ground
is polluted to an extent that procurement of safe drinking water becomes the substantial part of
budget. Most of the important rivers have been turned into dirty water drains. The air pollution
also pollute water via acid rains

Invariably the industrial and domestic wastes (sewage) are flushed into water bodies. The
surface deposition of wastes also pollute the underground water through sepage. The pesticides
and insecticides, industrial wastes, radioactive chemicals find some way to water bodies and
pollute the water. Treatment of waste water is complicated by the presence of wide varieties of
synthetic organic pollutants, many of which are not bio-degradeable. Studies by National
Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI-1995) has found water contaminated even
in Rajasthan. In Bombay 400 million gallons of sewage pollutes the ocean (1991-92) daily. The
proper use of city sewage in agriculture will cost more than Rs. 200 crores a year [3].

Report from many parts of India portend a coming water crises as surface waters are
contaminated, ground water tables drop, faecal coliferm turns up in wells and in leaky delivery
pipes, salt water intrudes into depleted coastal aquifers. 10 million people die each year from
water borne diseases. 900 million people suffer from diarrhea and other water borne diseases.
2/3rd of all diseases in India are water borne.

1.1.3 Land Pollution

The ultimate sink of all types of pollutants is land. The heavier air pollutants (dust, heavy
metals, fly ash etc.) settle on earth surface due to gravitational effect while lighter gaseous
pollutants come down through acid rain, smog or via direct reactions with plants, materials and

The land is directly polluted by solid waste disposal (annually more than 1000 million
tones of solid waste is thrown on earth surface all over the world) [3]. The non-bio-degradable
pollutants pose real danger in the long run. In order to have the quantitative idea of solid waste,
we take a look at the following account. It has been estimated [3] that a man of an industrialised
country will need.
1200 barrels of petroleum
26.2 million gallon of water
50 ton of food
28 ton of iron and steel
1300 pounds of paper

Fertilisers (kg/hectare)

Pesticides (tonne)
H 67 71 76 81 86 91 93 94 95
'^///A Fertilisers Pesticides
Fig. 1.1 Fertilisers and Pesticides Consumption trends in Haryana
Rice/wheat (kg/hectare)

Potato (tonne/hectare)
1161 1697 2063 2606 2797 2775 2831 2659 2730 2760
1425 2074 1980 2360 3094 3479 3597 3621 3619 3622
14.9713.5820.08 16 13.9315.7218.1516.6916.7216.74
2m Rice Wheat Potato
Fig. 1.2 Per hectare yield trend in Haryana for Rice, Wheat and Potato
He will pollute the land by throwing out
17500 cans
27000 bottle caps
2.3 automobiles
35 rubber tyres
126 tons of garbage
9.8 tons of particulates

The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and the use of pesticides also pollute the
agricultural land. The land pollution due to fertilizers manifests in the declined fertility of land
as shown in Table-1.1 [4] and Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2.
Table 1.1

Year No. of Fertilizer Pesticides Per Hectare Yield

Auto­ Consum­ Consum­ Rice Wheat Potato Sugarcane
mobiles ption ption Kg/Hect Kg/Hect Ton/Hect Ton/Hect
Kg/Hectare Kg/Hectare

1966-67 10.4 273 1161 1425 14.97 39.5

1970-71 - 45.7 412 1697 2074 13.58 45.04

1975-76 51,525 55.0 1400 2063 1980 20.08 43.2

1980-81 1,22,782 108.4 2150 2606 2360 16.00 40.5

1985-86 2,38,474 165.4 3608 2797 3094 13.93 48.6

1990-91 5,32,966 225.4 5164.5 2775 3479 15.72 52.7

1991-92 7,00,238 239.0 5625.9 2831 3597 18.15 55.8

1992-93 7,37,537 231.5 5203 2659 3621 16.64 48.6

1993-94 8,36,706 252.3 5198.3 2730 3619 16.72 57.6

1994-95 9,50,875 265.8 5297.8 2760 3622 16.74 58.2

Moreover, the excessive use of pesticides and insecticides together with the fertilizers kill
billions of useful microbes in soil. In a study of pasture soils in Denmark, as many as 45000

small origochaete worms, 10 million nematodes and 48000 small arthropods were found in each
square meter. More than a million bacteria of one type may be found in 1 gm of forest soil along
with 100,000 yeast cells; 50,000 bits of fungus mycelium etc. [5]. Pesticides along with soil
poisoning, cause so many accidental deaths. According to an WHO estimate about 750,000
people all over the world are poisoned by pesticides every year.

The micro-organisms of the soil are absolutely essential for its fertility. Environmental
biologists are opposed to the continuing treatment of soils with heavy dosages of deadly and
persistent poisons [6] Industrial toxics injected to depths into soil pollute both land and water [7]
Toxic metallic pollutants, radioactive wastes pose considerable problem [8]

1.1.4 Noise Pollution

Noise is unpleasant sound disturbing every body at work or at rest. Increased
industrialisation and mechanised vehicles have increased the noise level to disturbing level which
leads to adverse health effects on living beings. The noise can cause physical and mental diseases
[9], The measurement of sound intensity is done with the help of a unit deciBel. For any given
frequency, the energy of a sound must be increased about 100 times to make sound 2 times as
loud, and must be increased 1000 times to have 3 times loud. For testing purposes zero deciBel
is threshold of hearing. A deciBel (dB) is the amount of sound wave pressure that equals 0.0002
dyne/cm2. The loudest sound that a person can stand without discomfort is about 80 deciBels.
Typically, the level of sound produced by jet take off (150 dB), pressure hom (13 dB) heavy
trucks, train etc (90 dB), factories (110 dB ), high way traffic (70 dB) are all above the
comfortable limit (60 dB) [10].

A survey by the U.S. Federal Council of Science and Technology has revealed that noise
is a technology generated problem and the overall loudness of environmental noise doubles every
ten years. According to Robert Koch, a Nobel laureate, German Bacteriologist, "A day will come
when man will have to fight merciless noise as the worst enemy of health. Noise like smog, is
a slow agent of death".

The noise pollution status in Indian cities is shown in Table 1.2

Table 1.2 Noise Pollution Status

SI. No. Max. Allowed Sound Level Present Situation in India

in Decibels (dB)
Place Level City Level

1. Resindential 50 Delhi 100-160

2. Living Room 40 Bombay 100-180

3. Discussion 35 Calcutta 80-190

4. Broadcasting 20
5. Concentration 10
/Study Place
6. General Office 60

The noise level of 90 dB level has been et as the last noise level for industrial workers.
Prolonged exposure to even low dB sounds may be equally damaging. Noise has adverse effects
on our nervous system, blood circulation, mental efficiency, hearing and so many other health

The increasing number of industries and vehicles (all types of road vehicles in India
number to 2,72,27,173 on March, 1994) [4] have added much to the noise level. The noise level
of all the metropolitan cities of India is above 100 dB.

After the general background on environmental pollution we shall consider only air
pollution in the subsequent sections of the thesis.

1.2 Air Pollution
12.1 Earth Atmosphere
The gaseous blanket surrounding the earth with effective thickness of about 85 km is
earth's atmosphere. Without this cover the earth temperature during day time would have reached
82° C and at night might have fallen to -140°C. The air cover protects the earth from the
bombardment of meteors, cosmic rays and regulates the sun heat reaching earth. Major regions
of atmosphere are approximately as follows [11J as given in Table 1.3

Table 1.3 Different Atmospheric Region

Region Height Temperature Significant Chemical Species

Troposphere 0-16 km 15 to -56° C N2,02, Co2, H2o Argon
Stratosphere 16-50km -56° C to -2°C 03 (peak cone. 25-30 km)

Mesophere 50-85 km -2 to -92° C (V , No+

Thermosphere 85-500km -92°C-1200°C 02+, 0\ No+

Composition of the pure and respiratory air in the atmosphere is given in Table 1.4

Table 1.4 Composition of Pure Air

Components %age by Volume Component %age by Volume

n2 78.08 He .000524
02 20.94 Kr .000114
Ar 00.934 h2 000005
C02 0.0314 Xe .0000087
ch4 .00015 03 .00005

Some of the gases are not considered as pollutants but their concentration in atmosphere
reflects back the heat radiations emitted by earth surface and hence change the amospheric temp.

This effect is caled green house effect. The accumulative effect of these species can upset the
global climatic conditions leading to disasterous effects. The CFCs are destructive to ozone

The annual growth rate of various green house gases is given in table 1.5

Table 1.5
Green House Gases Annual Growth Rate

Name Formula Global Annual Effectiveness as

Concentration Growth Rate green house gas

as in 1990 of as compared to

Concentartion co2

Carbon dioxide C02 350 ppm 0.5 % 1



Methane 1.7 ppm 0.9 %

CFC-11 CC13F 0.28 ppb 4.0 % 12,000
CFC-12 CC12F2 0.48 ppb 4.0 % 16,000
Nitrous Oxide n2o 0.31 ppb 0.25 % 200

More than 40,000 people in India die prematurelly and 7,500 in Delhi alone due to air
pollution. Indians spent Rs.4,500 croe per annum to cure diseases related to air pollution. Out
of 10, six persons in Delhi suffer from breathing problems. The level of all type of pullutants
in Delhi is much above the allowed limit.

The concentration of various pollution in pure and pollouted air are shown in table 1.6

Table 1.6 [14,15]
The concenteration of various pollutants in clean and polluted air

Component Clean Air Polluted Air

so2 0.001-0.01 ppm 0.02 - 0.2 ppm

co2 310-330 ppm 330 - 700 ppm

CO < Ippm 5 - 200 ppm

NO, 0.001-0.01 ppm 0.01 - 0.5 ppm

HC 1 ppm 1 - 20 ppm

H2S 0.0002 ppm 20 ppm max. limit

SPM 10-20 /ig/m3 70 - 700 /ig/m3

Pb Nil 1 /ig/m3 max. limit

Table 1.7 shows the ambient air quality standards as regarding maximum allowed quantity
of different pollutants [44].
Table 1.7 [44]

Maximum Allowed Limit

Pollutant Industrial Area Residential Sensitive
so2 Annual Average 80 /ig/m3 60 15
24 Hr Average 120 /ig/m3 80 30
NO, Annual Average 80 /ig/m3 60 15
24 Hr Average 120 /ig/m3 80 30
CO 8 Hrs Average 5 mg/m3 2 1
24 Hr Average 10 mg/m3 4 2
SPM Annual Average 360 /ig/m3 140 70
24 Hr Average 500 /ig/m3 200 100
SPM < 10 iim Annual Average 120 /ig/m3 60 50
24 Hr Average 100 /ig/m3 100 75
Lead Annual Average 1.0 /ig/m3 0.75 0.50
24 Hr Average 1.5 /ig/m3 1.00 0.75

Air in troposphere is in constant motion - horizontal as well as vertical. It is the
turbulence in the troposphere that makes the air pollutants spread over large areas. The stagnate
condition in tropeshpere particularly in winter gave rise to very high local concentrations of
pollutants resulting in smog and smoke heze formation near the generating sopt. These types of
stagnation are very detrimental to health.

1.2.2 Air Pollutants

When natural and man made activities change the composition of pure air by adding so
many unwarranted gases and materials, air pollution occurs. Generally very small percentages of
trace components (about 1 ppm) CH4, NH3, S02, H2S, CO, C02, dust particles, hydrocarbons,
NO, aerosols and toxic metals make the air polluted. Addition of one type of pollutant may
generate pollutants of other types due to the participation in complex series of reactions taking
place into the atmosphere. The behavior of one type of pollutant is changed a lot due to the
presence of other pollutants. Various pollens, species and bacteria also polloute the air [12]. Other
air pollutants which are more dangerous but do not appear in great volumes are asbestos,
beryllium and mercury [13].

1.2.3 Types, Sources and Sinks of Air Pollutants

From the emission source point of view, pollutants are divided into two categories -
primary and seconday. Primary pollutants are the outcome of fuel burning and decay reactions
while the secondary pollutants are mainly due to chemical reactions in atmosphere among the
primary pollutants and with other atmospheric species. Some pollutants settle down under
gravitational effect. Some pollutants remain in air for longer times bringing important change in
atmospheric chemistry. Chlorofluoro carbon compounds, generally called CFCs have long life
time and mainfest their deleterious effect on air species through secondary reactions. More than
60 % air pollution is caused by automobiles. The automobile exhaust consists of more than 90%
of CO. Mainly in urban areas it is estimated that around 27,000 tons of pollutants are emitted
every year by about 45 million vehicles present in India. Around 30% air pollution is due to
industries. The ultimate sinks for air pollutants, are earth and plants.

1.2.4 Detrimental Effects of Air Pollutants
The different pollutants have different adverse effects on living beings, plants and
surroundings. A brief account of the effects of pollutants and their curtailments are given in table
1.8 [14-27],

Table 1.8 Pollutants and their effects

Pollutant Source Effects Curtailment

CO Automobi les,Thermal Form Caboxy Haemoglobin Conversion into Co2

Power, Natural decay, reducing Oxygen supply to Cells by complete combustion
Oxidation of CH4 in

so2 Burning of Fossil fuels, Causes respiratory illness at all Acid rain, dry
thermal power plants, concentrations, affects the deposition and scrubbing
smelters, refineries, volcanic sensitive plants, chlorosis,
eruptions bleaching, corrosive and
deteriorating effects to buildings,
textiles, papers, paints, Leather

NO, Auto exhaust, thermal Nasal irritation, breathing Wash out by rain,
power generation, industries, discomfort, pulmonary oedema, reduced emission by
lightening in atmosphere bleaching and bronzing of plants, modification in burning.
suppress the plant growth

HjS Volcanic discharge, gas Headache, nausea, lassitude, changes to other

wells, coal pits, sewers, passes through alveolar membrane compounds of sulphur
decaying vegetation, of lungs very soon in the
refineries, Kraft paper mills, atmosphere
tannery wastes, mining etc.

03 Atmospheric 02 changes Bleaching action reduces crop NO, and CFCs

into 03 due to action of UV yield, Green House effect consumes atmoshperic
rays and the reduction of O,
Noj in presence of light
Component of oxidant smog

COj All types of burning, Green House Effect uptake into vegetation
tropical land use etc. surface layer of the

CH„ Waste disposal, fossil fuels Green House effect Reaction with OH
burning, mines etc. radical

Pollutant Source Effects Curtailment

Particulates All types of factories, Increase effectiveness of other rain out, settling
and Aerosols thermal power generation, pollutants, invisibility, respiratory
adsorption of gases on dust illness
particles in atmosphere

Photo Reaction between 02, O, Poisonous and carcinogenic Atmospheric wash out
chemical and emission pollutants, compounds
smog Hydrocarbons from free
radicals giving rise to
toxicants peroxy acyle
nitrates (PAN)

Toxic Metals Some industries, Lead from Carcinogenic, harmful to lungs Check on emission

HF HF acid plants, factories Fluorosis, chromosoural changes The emission must be

using HF, refining, smelting, and effects on many body parts checked and neutralised
Brick and tile production by scrubbing

Aldehydes Auto-exhausts, waste eye and skin irritations, affect the curbing the exhausts
incineraters, Photo-chemical leaves of plants

Phosphorus Fertilizer and Phosphorus Skin irritation and effect on Limiting the exhaust and
extraction nervous system scrubbing

Radioactive Atomic explosions, reactors, Tissue damage,blood Check on emissions and

isotopes industrial and Agricultural abnormalities, skin changes, bone safety measurers in
use of isotopes, radiactive changes, genetic effects and using them
waste. cancer

Others Accidental release Harmful to animals and plants Careful handling

Cl, HC1,
nh3, hcn

Fig. 1.3 shows the adverse effects of pollution. (Source Pragati Tiwari 8-C IIT Delhi 1997).

1.2.5 Remedial Measures to Curb Air Pollutants

Most of the air pollutants are produced during combustion. The basic approach for the
curtailment of such pollutants then should be to reduce the burning of fuels or improve the
process of combustion system. Some possible remedial measures to curb air pollutants are
classified as under :

a) Precombustion Controls: The emission potential of fuel is reduced by either treating the
fuel (coal purification) or changing the fuel (ethanol, methanol, natural gas) in place of
diesel, coal, wood.
b) Combustion Controls: The improved combustion process gives emissions less harmful,
such as CO changed to C02, reduced emission of NOx and SO, by improved burners or
changed engines to accept fuels with less pollutant emissions.
c) Post Combustion Controls: The emitted pollutants are captured before mixing with the
atmosphere. Particle collectors (cyclone, bag filters, electrostatic precipitator), flue gas
desulphurisation are used in case of emissions from industries while catalytic converters
are used mostly in case of auto-exhausts [28-37],
d) Recent Researches: Researches are going on to replace fossil fuels by other less polluting
fuels such as methanol and ethanol in place of diesel and petrol [35].

13 Industrial Air Pollutants

The problem of air pollution has aggravated after the industrialisation period (after 1850)
and particularly recently during last 20-30 years. The rapid industrialisation all over the world
mixed in air a large number of undesirable gases and compounds at undesirable rates. The range
of variety of air pollutants is very wide including the primary (source emitted) pollutants (SOx,
NOx, CO, C02, HF, H2S, metal fumes, hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds, particulates
etc.) and the secondary (air borne) pollutants (aerosols, acid mist, fog, large number of poisonous
compounds which the hydrocarbons form due to reactions with other pollutants in presence of
sun light and heat). Apart from gaseous and particulates pollutants, variety of biological
pollutants (pollen, bacteria, viruses etc) add to the air pollution load.

Many types of pollutants (CH4, CO, C02, S02, NOx, NH3 dust etc.) are continuously being
emitted and balanced by natural processes (volcano, decay, lightening, photo synthesis, rain,
settling etc.). In case of many pollutants the industry based man made activity surpasses the
natural pollution loading rate and many types of industrial activities increase the local pollution
level. The emission estimates of some of the pollutants is given in the table 1.9 [11]

ffq • '-3 E ffects Of P ollution
Table 1.9 Emission Estimates of Some Pollutants

Pollutant Man-made Natural Estimated Annual Atm Residence

sources Emission (Tonnes) Background time in
Man Nature Cone. Atmosphere

S02 Fossil Fuel Volcanoes 1.46xlo6 1.5xl06 .2ppm 4 days


H2S Chemical Volcanoes, 3xl06 lxlO6 ,2ppb 2 days

processes, biological
sewage action

CO Auto exhaust Forest fires 2.75x10" 7.5 xlO7 .lppm 3 days

and other

NOx Combustion Lightening 5.3 xlO7 4.3x10" ,l-2ppb 5 days

and No 6.6x10" .5-4ppb
action in
No2 soil

nh3 Sewage biological 1.16x109 4xl06 6-20ppb 7 days

treatment decay

Hydro­ Combustion biological 8.8 xlO7 4.8x10" CH4-1.5ppm 16 years

carbons exhaust and processes
other VOC

C02 Combustion Biological 1.4x10'° lxlO12 320 ppm 2-4 days


The study of air pollution has become a very vast field. Goodman, Director, MARC
(Monitoring and Assessment Research Center of USA) says that each year 10,000 new chemicals
are added in the chemicals list. The present study has been limited only to the air pollutants
generated by three specific industries including Thermal Power Plant, Panipat, Cement Factory,
Charkhi Dadri and Sugar Mill Rohtak. We shall, therefore, discuss the air pollutants generated
by these industries.

1.3.1 Thermal Power Plant
World energy consumption increased almost 600% between 1900 and 1965 and estimated
further increase of 45% between 1965-2000 [38]. India's total installed electrical power generation
capacity is 87000 MW out of which about 70% is from thermal power plants, most of which are
coal based.

Flue gases coming out of the furnace of coal fired thermal power plant include
particulates, S02, NOx, CO, C02 and hydrocarbons as main air pollutants.

On an average 1 MW generation of electric power consumes 12-15 tones of coal. A

conventional 2100 MW plant, with no emission controls burning an average 3600 K cal/kg coal
having 0.6% sulphur and 42% ash will emit to atmosphere about 1,80,000 tones of pollutants
annually [39], 1000 ton of ash produced will consist of 20% bottom ash and the rest as fly ash.
The coal consumption per kWH is about 0.820-0.900 kg at Panipat Thermal Power Plant [44]
The most efficient pollution control device used in thermal power plants is the
electrostatic-precipitator (ESP). The flue gas is treated for the removal of acidic pollutants (NOx
and SOx).

1.3.2 Cement Industry

Cement demand has increased tremendously all over the world, since the advance of
technology has required construction of all types. In India the annual cement production capacity
has increased from 0.3 million ton in (1920 to 49.06 million ton upto to 1989 [41]. The proposed
target upto the end of 1996 has been expected to 100 million ton per annum[43].

Indian Cement Industry gets low grade coal, the coal consumption per kg of cement
produced varies from 0.25 kg to 0.30 kg (3600-4000 kcal/kg calorific value). The air pollutants
in case of cement production are mainly the dust particles. Dust is generated at many operational
stages in cement production (raw material grinding, clinker grinding, packing of cement, coal
pulverization etc). The particulates accompany the gaseous pollutants also emitted by the kiln
combustion (S02, NOx, C02).

A 300 TPD (Tonne per day) factory requires 400-450 TPD of lime stone, 20-22 TPD
gypsum 10-12 TPD iron ore. Hence nearly 2/5 of the raw mix is changed into dust polluting the

In India lime-surkhi has been used for a long time as cementing material. Recently, the
Central Building Research Institute, GB Pant Agriculture University and IIT Kanpur have
developed processes for making rice husk cement. Khadi Gramodyog, Aurangabad have
developed a lime-surkhi type of hydraulic cement and named it ' Lympo' Age Old plastic Clay
can also be used as cementatious material. [42] In case of cement industry, the main pollutants
are the particulates generated at various operational stages. Different particulate control devices
such as cyclone separator, bag fitter and ESP etc are used to control this pollution.

1.3.3 Sugar Mill

Sugar industry is the oldest industry in India . Before the advent of White sugar making
from sugar cane, the gur making cottage industry in India is the oldest industrial process in the

Sugar Industry is self sufficient regarding the fuel. Bagasse (remanant fibrous part of
sugar cane after juice extraction) is the main and sufficient fuel for all the processes involved in
sugar making. Bagasse consisting mainly of cellulose and pentosans can also be used as raw
material for making pulp, paper, particle boards and also in making furfural.

The bagasse contains about 50% moisture, 47% carbon, 6.5% Hydrogen, 44% Oxygen and
2.5% ash. The amount of bagasse is about 30% of the cane crushed. The country average of
bagasse saving is about 5% of sugar cane crushed after meeting all the mill needs.

The burning of bagasse leads to the emission of C02, CO and fly ash as the main air
pollutants. Some NO, are also formed. Some sulphur dioxide is also needed in juice purification,
the leakage of which adds to the pollution.

On the average 9-lo% sugar is obtained of the sugar cane crushed. About 29-31 % bagasse

is produced. Nearly 5% is saved. Hence 1 kg of sugar produced bums 2.85 kg of bagasses as
fuel. 1.3% fly ash is generated of the bagasse, so 2.85 kg bagasse generate about 37 gm of fly
ash as SPM pollution along with the gaseous pollution. Cyclone separator and wet scrubbing of
fly ash are the common methods to control fly ash pollution.

1.4 Technologies for Air Pollution Control

In general the following control options may be used for air pollution control.

Improve dispersion: The cost free and generally used method is to dilute the pollution by
improving the dispersion of pollutants. The method depends on the meteorological conditions of
the emission source, high stacks and choice of site. In densely populated areas, this method is
of no use.

Source control methods: The most desirable method is to reduce the emission of pollutants at
the source itself. The reduced emission is accomplished in two ways. In first place we improve
the fuel by selecting less polluting fuel or purifying the fuel. Replacement of fossil fuels by
methanol, ethanol and less polluting fuels as natural gas, biogas in place of diesel, wood,
kerosene and treated coal in place of raw coal. More volatile compounds are replaced by less
volatile compounds (Oil paints by water paints). Controlling leakage of volatile compounds,
burning volatile organic compounds (VOC) forming less harmful materials or condensing VOC

Process Change: The change or improvement in process leads to the reduction of pollutant
emissions. Change of furnace, open burning replaced by closed incinerators etc.

In order to control the emission of oxides of Nitrogen and Carbon, the burning of coal
or liquid fuel in furnaces and engines are modified.

Getting people to avoid vehicles as far as possible, doing simple jobs with hands as far
as possible or any approach which reduces the consumption of fuel or raw material is a process
change. The best approach of course, is to prevent pollution rather than control it [43].

End of Pipe Technology: In this technology we control the emitted pollutants. The technologies
used can be categorised as mechanical (cyclone, bag filter, gravity settler), electrical (electrostatic
precipitation, simultaneous removal of SO, and NO,) and chemical (flue gas desulphurisation,
dry and wet scrubbings, catalytic reduction etc.)

1.5 Significance of the Present work

The growing industrilisation deteriorated the environmental conditions in all respects. We
are forced to feel concern with the environmental conditions we are living in. Every nation and
territory has set the minimum levels of different pollutants and has made laws to enforce the
required standards. The necessity to understand and check the pollution is the significance of the
present study.

The pollution problem being multi-dimensional, we have confined ourselves to air

pollution and since air pollution has very vide spectrum so we limited the study to air pollutants
emitted by three industries only.

The present study takes into account the types and quantum of pollutants generated by
the concerned industries. The control devices required to control the respective pollutants have
also been studied, the study bears the significance that knowledge of the problem leads to the

The present work has been divided into seven chapters. Chapter first introduces different
aspects of the air pollution problem. The various control technologies in brief have been
described in second chapter, followed by some detailed description of some specific technologies
in third chapter. Coal combustion, the main cause of air pollution has been given in fourth

chapter. The pollution exhausted by concerned industries have been accounted for in fifth chapter.
Sixth chapter deals with the working of ESP used in cement and thermal power plants. Finally
some conclusions and suggestions have been given in seventh chapter.


1. John.H.Seinfeld, "Air Pollution - Physical and Chemical Fundamentals", California

Institute of Technology, Mc.Graw Hill Book Company, 1972.
2. Desck Elsom, "Atmospheric Pollution:, Basil Blackwell Ltd. Oxford U.K.,1987.
3. V.P.Kudesia, "Air Pollution", Pragati Prakashan (reprint), Meerut, 1992.
4. Statistical Abstract of Haryana, 1994-95.
5. Lofflier A., "Research on the Influence of Magnesite and Flourine pollution on the soil,
Report, Forest Research Institute Zvolen (CSSR), 1974.
6. Tejwani K.G., Land use Consultants International New Delhi, Private Communication,
"The State of India's Environment", 1982, New Delhi.
7. Varshney C.K. (Ed), "Water Pollution and Management", Wiley Eastern Limited, New
Delhi, 1985.
8. "A Basic Toxicity and Classification of Radio nuclides, technical reports series No. 15,
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1963.
9. Monk R.G., "Mechanical induced vibrations in buildings", Environmental Engineering,
Dec., 1971.
10. Draft British Standard, "Method of measurement of noise exposure", document no.
71/20534, March, 1971.
11. A.K.De, "Environmental Chemistry", Wiley Eastern Limited, Second Edition, 1989.
12. Sheldon, J.M.R.C. Lovell and R.P.Mathews, "A Maxual of Clinical Allergy 2nd Ed., W.B.
Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1967.
13. Lave L.B. and E.P.Seskin, "Air Pollution and Human Health Science, 169" pp 723-733,
14. Brimbcmbe P., "Air Composition and chemistry", Cambridge University Press Cambridge,
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