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CATAPAT, Allen Contemporary World

CHUA, Sophia 12/02/2020

GONZALES, Victoria

Philippines, China and the Threats of Globalization

Globalization is not a new concept that is being introduced to the world. For thousands of years, different
nations have been participating in several trades that mostly involved the exchange of goods. For nations
to connect, routes were established and one of the most famous pathways that connected Central Asia to
Europe is the Silk Road. The Silk Road is just one of the many examples of Globalization that began a long
time ago and has evolved due to ideas and vast discoveries in technology. But what exactly is Globalization?
Bill Clinton once said that, “No generation has had the opportunity, as we now have, to build a global
economy that leaves no-one behind. It is a wonderful opportunity, but also a profound responsibility.”
Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, governments and companies of
different countries that is continuously being fueled by international trade and investment, guided by
technology. This process has brought short- and long-term effects on a nation’s environment, culture,
political systems, economic development and prosperity, and on the wellness of a human being. However,
can the Philippines, being a developing country, afford to welcome and adapt the changes that Globalization
In the Philippines, Globalization has brought many job opportunities to Filipinos residing or not in the
country. One of its major impacts is that the Filipino people have become more aware of what is happening
to the society that it helps them formulate and gain more knowledge for the betterment of the nation. It is
proven that the Philippines is one of the countries with the greatest impacts of Globalization. Based on the
2018 Services Globalization Index, the Philippines holds second in the Top 50 Digital Nations and ranked
fourth in the Top 100 Super Cities in 2017. It is not a surprise that the country has reached number 1 when
it comes to the use of social media since there are Filipinos everywhere. This serves as proof that the
coverage of Globalization is directly proportional to the development of technology.
Globalization helps increase the employment rate in the Philippines. This is a big advantage to the
country since many foreign companies keep opening businesses that see the Philippines and its people as
assets. There is also an advantage to the millions of Filipinos working abroad. Because of the World Trade
Organization, everyone can work in a different country and have the opportunity to live there and be a
citizen in the country they live in. Globalization helps the education system of the Philippines. The most
famous product of globalization and education in the country is the K to 12 Program which was
implemented to enhance the students’ abilities even more in order to succeed in the global job market.
Globalization aids in the flow of information technology. This aids the Philippines in gaining a better
understanding of the advancements that all countries use. It helps people live a life that minimizes work
and labor. One example would be the latest technology that they use to monitor the condition of the Taal
Volcano so that the people could act on it right away. Globalization also improves the quality of our goods
and services because being connected to other countries means good to the country. Serving high quality
products brings dignity to the Filipino people.
There are also disadvantages that Globalization brings in some areas of the Philippines. The Philippines
is known to excel in agriculture and because of the continuous exportation of goods, Globalization can
become a threat to farmers. It is a known fact that people who work in the agricultural sector can produce
more and become more if and only if the government would support their machineries and projects like
other countries. If only there is enough support coming from the government, then the Philippines would
easily become the number 1 country in Asia. Another problem Globalization brings to the country is that
when Overseas Filipino Workers are in need of help, the government, instead of finding ways to get them
home, they would push them farther away to a different country. Lastly, there has been a loss of Nationalism
ever since the emergence of other cultures. The Department of Education has been considering putting
Korean and Mandarin languages in students’ curriculum. Because of Globalization, Filipino children today
have been greatly influenced by the cultures of other nations that made them forget about the practices of
where they truly belong.
Since time immemorial, the Philippines throughout its written history has been under a certain rule.
There were the Spaniards, then came the Japanese, and finally the Americans. We are aware of the fact that
we are being ruled by a certain power that is outside of our territory. Not long ago, we were given the
chance to be an independent nation, and that we did. However, are we truly an independent nation capable
of governing the territory amidst the superpowers present in the world? Being heavily influenced by both
superpowers, namely China and USA, the Philippines is in a dilemma that requires a decisive government
to maintain the characteristics of a ‘modern state’. It has been a blur whether the Philippines can maintain
her current status. With the current administration seated in the government, the nation’s future as a modern
state cannot be visibly seen. As a developing country, we struggle and try every means to keep up with the
nations who are more developed than us. Laws were implemented in order to somewhat compensate for the
lack of competence shown by the Philippines, but it seems like a futile effort, or it has yet to manifest its
results. Let’s use the K to 12 as an example. It’s an effort to boost the country’s education to be on equal
standing as the other countries. A lot of promises regarding the programs have been made, but so far it has
been for naught. This program was made as an effort to strengthen our independence as a nation, but it was
not properly executed. The Philippines is composed of everyone who currently has a Filipino nationality;
however, we cannot act as one and work towards the goal of sovereignty. This is where the government
should take the reins and lead our nation into a path that secures its current status. Once the administration
decides to not lick the behinds of the said superpower, only then can we experience the true meaning of a
modern state. This is not simply being anti-USA or anti-China, but rather this is about being pro-Philippines.
The government should be seated with individuals who would rather focus on their people, focus on the
economics of its nation, and focus on the possible solutions that would allow for a more productive society,
rather than be busy earning brownie points from other developed countries. The incline towards the
superpower in the world is fickle, and that means Philippines could one day be the superpower in the globe.
However, one thing is for sure. This could not be attained if the Philippines would ride the coattails of other
nations. This would be attained if the Philippines as one nation decides to produce its own results through
its own efforts.
As globalization continues to rise, the government should do what they can do to in order to be on par
with its trends and concepts. To get better from it, in terms of politics, they should provide what’s best for
the country first. Politicians must choose the right decisions at the right time. They should fix what can be
fixed and improve what they can improve. Having the country in a better state would make it much easier
when it comes to connecting and partnering with other nations. In economics, the government should focus
on the innovation of our technology as well as restoring voice to our labor and its need for jobs and stable
incomes. In culture, they should enrich the individuality and uniqueness our country already has, and in
that way, we make our culture known to the world. Knowing the ways on how to handle these affairs will
help us have this advantage that will surely make us all rise and be for the good of everybody.
Globalization is a double-edged sword, and it is up to us whether we would hurt ourselves more in the
process or find a way to maximize the opportunity given by it. Taking advantage of it must take priority,
however governing the nation and taking care of its people should not be neglected. It requires intricate
decision in order to bring out the greatness of globalization, and hopefully one day, the Philippines could
become a ‘superpower’ in the world.

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