With An Ability To Upload Existing Memories and Intellectual Abilities Into New Bodies, Humans Will, in A Sense, Become Immortal

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With an ability to upload existing

memories and intellectual abilities
into new bodies, humans will, in
a sense, become immortal

 I firmly agree with the statement that with an ability to upload existing memories and intellectual
abilities into new bodies, humans will, in a sense, become immortal.
 I´d say we all agree that our memory is our main way of knowledge, since is the responsible to store
all type of information which has been perceived with any of our senses in any past event.
 Memory later is helpful to help recognize people, learn, remember information, and any type of
intellectual abilities such as;
o Writing and adding. Is even responsible for remembering how to do unconscious movements
as breathing, running, walking and eating
 There are many evidences that show that memory is vital to survive, the main one would be
o Alzheimer: Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly
destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest
 Here we can observe how without the help of our memory we are not able even to breath which
ends in an awful death.
 In addition I want to say that memory by her own is useless since it needs some emitters like the
senses in order to send the information that has to be memorized.
o i.e. without the eyes the brain could not memorize a picture cuz has never been processed
into our brain.
 Once we’ve stablished that memory is vital for humans to live I can continue to explain why with the
ability to upload existing memories and intellectual abilities into new bodies humans will make us in
a sense immortal.
 As I understand it, our body is just a sheath in which we live, but the personality and memories are
just abstract (means not physical), therefore if we could transfer our feelings, memories, personality
etc… into a new bodies/sheaths, we would be the same person in a different body.
 Which means our “soul”/personality, knowledge and memories will never disappear or die, this
means we would be immortal
o i.e. if someone has a memory of their childhood, and they lose an arm or an extremity in a
car accident, they will still have that memory although their physical state has changed.
 Not much ago a new Netflix serie came out, and is a coincidence that it’s based on this same topic
o This serie is set in the future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns
to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom.
o consciousness is digitized and stored in cortical stacks implanted in the spine, allowing
humans to survive physical death by having their memories and consciousness re installed in
a new sheath/new bodies.
 This shows how now a days people are already thinking on this type of technology, and proofs the
statement that with an ability to upload existing memories and intellectual abilities into new bodies,
humans will, in a sense, become immortal.

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