Notebook 2a 1

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Notebook Week 2- 2a

I have a lot of personal experience with my social issue of anxiety. I have dealt with

anxiety throughout my entire life. I didn’t realize until a couple years ago that what I was dealing

with was anxiety. It started as excessive fear and worry over simple things then grew to overtake

my life. Anxiety has impacted my schooling, my relationships with others, and my future goals

and dreams. I think that because of my experience, I have less assumptions about people that

have anxiety. I know that many people think that anxiety is very common and that it is not that

big of an issue. I believe that my experience will help me to understand different types of anxiety

and their struggles.

My research will be mostly focused on how anxiety affects teens. I want to research how

anxiety affects people physically and mentally. I also want to research the various ways to help

anxiety and what has been proven to work. I know that there are a variety of different

perspectives and opinions on anxiety treatments. There are various different ways to help anxiety

such as medication and therapy. However, there are strong opinions on what is better. There are

also different opinions on how to classify anxiety. Many people have different perspectives on

the difference between anxiety or stress. I want to explore these different opinions throughout

my research this semester.

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