FICA Related

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Here is the list of major FICA tables

DFK006B Note to Payee - Texts

DFK006E Note to Payee - Accounts

DFKCRPO Clarification Worklist Credit

DFKK1099 1099 Statutory Reporting Data

DFKKARREPCONTST ARGENTINA: Legal report sales tax control

DFKKAVK Payment Advice: Header Data

DFKKAVP Payment Advice: Items

DFKKAVST Control Table for Payment Advice Note Tran

DFKKAWM Foreign Trade Reporting: Report File

DFKKBIC Obsolete

DFKKBICL FI-CA Batch Input - Error Change Logs

DFKKBLTO Boleto (help table for lock object EFKKNR_

DFKKBOH Boleto: Header data

DFKKBOL Bollo: Italy

DFKKBOL_BANKID Boleto: Bank ID Determination Results

DFKKBOLXT Boleto (Help table for lock object EFKKNR_

DFKKBOP Boleto: Item Data

DFKKBPTAXNUM Tax Numbers for Business Partner

DFKKBRPAYORD_REV Records payment order reversals

DFKKBRSEQ Brazil : Control of DME file Sequence Numb

DFKKCASEITEMS Item List in Cases, Lines

DFKKCASEITEMSH Item List in Cases, Header Data

DFKKCASHFC Interim Table for Cash Management and Fore

DFKKCCUPDATE Item Lists to Which Changes Were Made

DFKKCDLOTS Lot Management for Cash Desk (Data only Te

DFKKCDREF Cash Desk Document References


DFKKCFCVS Clarification Cases from Payment Transfer

DFKKCFDUNTEL Telephone List for Dunning

DFKKCFNR Clarification Cases from NOC Returns Lot

DFKKCFPAYRUN Clarif. Worklist: Payt Program

DFKKCFPAYRUN2 Calrification Worklist: Payment Program (

DFKKCFRLS Clarification Cases: Returns Lots

DFKKCFZST Clarification Cases from Payment Lot

DFKKCIBW FICA: Extraction of Cleared Items

DFKKCIBW_STAT CIBW Extraction - Status Table

DFKKCJC Cash Desk Closing Data

DFKKCJF Transfer Accepted Payments

DFKKCJK Data for Change Amounts at Cash Desk - Di

DFKKCJM Cash Journal Master Data

DFKKCJMT Text Table for Cash Journal Master Data

DFKKCJT Transaction Data for Cash Journal

DFKKCLMEM Management Table for Buffered Open Item P

DFKKCMF Manually Entered Checks Lot: Reconciliati

DFKKCMK Manually Issued Checks Lot: Header Data

DFKKCMP Manually Issued Checks Lot: Item Data

DFKKCMP2P Manually Issued Checks Lot: Two Party Che

DFKKCMPE Manually Entered Checks Lot: Error Messag

DFKKCMS Credit Management: Master Data Replicatio

DFKKCOD Correspondence - Correspondence Data

DFKKCODCLUST Correspondence - Correspondence Cluster D

DFKKCOH Correspondence - Correspondence Header

DFKKCOH_ARC FI-CA Correspondence - Correspondence Head

DFKKCOHARC Correspondence - Archive Identification

DFKKCOHI Correspondence - Correspondence History

DFKKCOHINCORR Correspondence - Data for Inbound Correspo

DFKKCOL_LOG Collections Agency File: Settlement Log (P

DFKKCOLFILE_H_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Header

DFKKCOLFILE_P_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Item B

DFKKCOLFILE_T_W Subm. of Receivable for Collection: Traile

DFKKCOLI_LOG Collection Agency Information File: Commun

DFKKCOLL Admin. Data for Sumbission of Receivables

DFKKCOLL_CH Collection: Changes to Business Partner Ma

DFKKCOLLH Management Data for Submission to Coll. Ag

DFKKCOLLH_I_W Buffer: Collection Agency Information File

DFKKCOLLHBW_ST Collection Agency Extraction - Status Tabl

DFKKCOLLHBW_TMP Collection Agency Extraction - Blocked Int

DFKKCOLLP_IM_W Buffer: Coll. Agency Info File (Item Maste

DFKKCOLLP_IP_W Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item

DFKKCOLLP_IR_W Buffer: Collection Agency Info File (Item

DFKKCOLLT_I_W Buffer: Collection Agency Information File

DFKKCOMA Correspondence Dunning

DFKKCOMAKT Correspondence Dunning Activities

DFKKCOPA Log Table for COPA Transfer

DFKKCORRLOG Log Table for Correction Reports

DFKKCORRRFDT Cluster Table for Correspondence Data

DFKKCR Repository For Checks

DFKKCR2P Check Repository: Additional Payees

DFKKCRADD CR: Additional Information for Payment Med

DFKKCRCASH CR: Cashed Checks Not Yet Entered in Regis

DFKKCRCL Table for Checks To Be Clarified

DFKKCRCL_DOCS Table for Checks To Be Clarified

DFKKCRDEL CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Basic Data

DFKKCRDEL2P CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Payee Data

DFKKCRDELADD CR: Deleted Payment Medium / Additional Da

DFKKCRDELD2 Check Register: Deleted Payment Media/Part

DFKKCRDOC2 Check Management: Partial Encashments

DFKKCRF Record of Creditworthiness: Fixed Interest

DFKKCRH Creditworthiness Record: Total of one Year

DFKKCROWN CR: Information on Issued Check Forms

DFKKCRP Creditworthiness Record: Generating Action

DFKKCRST Control Table for Check Register Transfer

DFKKCUST_SHORT Data Extract: Customizing

DFKKCVS Convenience Stores: Data for Convenience S

DFKKDDA Debit Memo Notification (England)

DFKKDISPA FICA-DM: Amounts Changes to Dispute Cases

DFKKDISPP FICA-DM: Key for Assigned Payments (Always

DFKKDOUBTD_RET_W Buffer: Printout for Ind.Val.Ad - Return V

DFKKDOUBTD_W Buffer: Create Printout for Receivables Ad

DFKKDT Accounting Data (INDX Structure)

DFKKENQ Temporary Lock Entries for Mass Activities

DFKKESR POR Payment Supplement

DFKKEWUDOCCRIT Euro: Critical Documents in Conversion

DFKKEXTCON Control Table: Official Number Parallel Pr

DFKKEXTDOC Official Document Number with Attributes

DFKKEXTTMP Temporary Entries for Official Document Nu

DFKKFMBGAINFO Tax Information for Public-Owned Commercia

DFKKFWBEW Management Data for Foreign Currency Valua

DFKKFWKORR Cumulation Table for Adjustment and Invers

DFKKFWTRIG Trigger Table for Inverse Postings

DFKKGLPOST Lock Table for General Ledger Postings

DFKKGP_SHORT Data Extract: BP Data

DFKKIA FI-CA: Database table for FKKIA - intrst s

DFKKIAPT Interest Calculation: Log for Interest Run

DFKKIH FI-CA: Table with Interest History

DFKKINV_BWTRIG BW: Group Extraction Order for Invoicing D

DFKKINV_BWTRIGH BI: History Record for Extraction of Invoi

DFKKINV_BWTRIGS BW: Individual Extraction Order for Invoic

DFKKINV_TRIG Invoicing Order

DFKKINVBILL_A Additional Items of Billing Document

DFKKINVBILL_H Billing Document Header

DFKKINVBILL_I Billing Document Items

DFKKINVBILL_T Tax Items of Billing Document

DFKKINVDOC_C Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts

DFKKINVDOC_CH Invoicing Document: Charges and Discounts

DFKKINVDOC_H Invoicing Document Header

DFKKINVDOC_I Items of Invoicing Document

DFKKINVDOC_P Invoicing: Posting Document Reference Tabl

DFKKINVDOC_S Source Document for Invoicing/Reversal His

DFKKIP_GRP Payment Specification: Header Data

DFKKIP_GRPH Payment Specification: Payment Data (Hist

DFKKIP_ITM Payment Specification: Related Items

DFKKIP_ITMH Payment Specification: Deletions Not Yet

DFKKIP_ITMV Payment Specification: Preselected Items

DFKKIP_NUM Payment Specification (for Lock Object EF

DFKKIPBW_HEAD Installment Plan Header Data for Business

DFKKIPBW_ITEM Installment Plan Items for Business Wareh

DFKKIPBW_ORIG Installment Plan Original Items for Busin

DFKKITVATM VAT monthly report for Italy: hystory tab

DFKKITVATQ VAT quarterly report for Italy: hystory t

DFKKKO Header Data in Open Item Accounting Docum

DFKKKO_SHORT Header Data for Contract Accounting Docum

DFKKKO_WF Header Data for Contract Accting Doc. (Wo

DFKKKOAR Reversal Data for Reversal after Archivin

DFKKLOCKS FI-CA: Business Locks

DFKKLOCKSH Business Lock Histories

DFKKMACFCSMK FICA Dunning - Blocked Accounts

DFKKMDC_BP Request for Business Partner Changes

DFKKMDUGP Master Data Lot: Items of the Groups of a

DFKKMDUGPP Master Data Lot: Subitems of Group Item

DFKKMDUK Master Data Lot: Header Data

DFKKMKO Header data for sample contract accountin

DFKKMOP Items in contract account document

DFKKMOPK Items in contract account document

DFKKMOPW Items in contract account document

DFKKNRK NOC Returns Lot: Header Data

DFKKNRP NOC Returns Lot: Item Data

DFKKNRPE NOC Returns Lot: Error Messages for Items

DFKKOBJRL Object Relations between FI-CA Documents

DFKKOBL Liab. for Credit Segment of Business Partn

DFKKOBLC Control Data for Credit Liability in DFKKO

DFKKOBLID Partner Messages for SAP Credit Management

DFKKOP Items in contract account document

DFKKOP_SHORT Partner Items for FI-CA Document - Extract

DFKKOPBEW FI-CA Foreign Currency Valuation

DFKKOPBW OI Extraction

DFKKOPBW_STAT OIBW Extraction - Status Table

DFKKOPC Card Data Supplement for Business Partner

DFKKOPCOLL Collection: Log of Receivables Submitted

DFKKOPEW Business Partner Items: Amounts Before Eur

DFKKOPK Items in contract account document

DFKKOPK_SHORT Offsetting Items for FI-CA Document - Extr


DFKKOPKC Card Data Appendix for FICA Document

DFKKOPKEW G/L Account Items: Amounts Before Euro Con

DFKKOPKX Items for Contract Accounting Document (En

DFKKOPL Locks for Open Items (Change Document Inte

DFKKOPVZ Agreed Payment Amounts

DFKKOPW Items in contract account document

DFKKORDER Requests: Header Data

DFKKORDER_S Request Templates: Header Data

DFKKORDERAPPROVE Requests to be Approved

DFKKORDERASSIGN Assignment of ORDNR for General Requests (


DFKKORDERCLST Names of Request Classes

DFKKORDERDUE Requests: Due Dates

DFKKORDERHIST Requests: Document History

DFKKORDERLOCKS Requests: Processing Locks

DFKKORDERLOCKS_S Request Templates: Processing Locks

DFKKORDERPOS Requests: Items

DFKKORDERPOS_S Request Templates: Items

DFKKORDERRANGE Assigning Number Ranges to Request Categor

DFKKORDERRANGE_S Assign Number Ranges to Request Templates

DFKKORDERTYP Request Category

DFKKORDERTYPT Names of Request Types

DFKKORDERVTREF Assign VTREF to ORDNR for General Requests

DFKKORDOPHIST Standing Requests: Document History

DFKKORDTYP Request Category

DFKKORDTYPT Names of Request Types

DFKKPAE Payment Notification (Aux. Table EFKKNUMKR

TFK000 Application Area in Contract Accounts Rece

TFK000C Central settings in contract accounts rece

TFK000D Central Settings for Contract Accounts Rec

TFK000K Account Assignment Categories

TFK000KT Description of account assignment categori

TFK000P Active Subapplications

TFK000S Posting Locks

TFK000ST Name of Posting Locks

TFK000U Central settings (user specific) for FI-CA

TFK001 Origin key

TFK001A Clearing Reasons

TFK001AT Clearing reasons (text table)

TFK001B Company Codes in Contract Accounts Receiva

TFK001C Use of User-Specific Reconciliation Keys

TFK001EW Local Currency Before Euro Conversion

TFK001F Reconciliation key per user

TFK001G Company Code Groups

TFK001GB Company Codes for Company Code Groups

TFK001GT Name of Company Code Groups

TFK001P Period key

TFK001PT Period key

TFK001R Rounding Rules for Company Code and Curren

TFK001REP Reporting Settings for Company Code

TFK001S Reasons for Processing Lock

TFK001ST Texts for reasons for processing block

TFK001T Origin key code

TFK001U User Reconciliation Groups

TFK001Z Alternative Posting Data for G/L Transfer

TFK002A Contract Account Categories

TFK002AT Texts on account categories

TFK002E Dummy

TFK002F Partner Account Relationships

TFK002FT Texts on partner account agreements

TFK002G Dummy

TFK002GT Dummy

TFK003 Document types

TFK003B Parallel number ranges for FI-CA documents

TFK003D Parallel Number Ranges for Individual Post

TFK003T Document types

TFK004 Selection categories for manual payment pr

TFK004A Manually changeable clearing restrictions

TFK004B Clearing Lock Reason

TFK004C Clearing Lock Reason Description

TFK004M Field name allocation in FI-CA -> FI field

TFK004T Selection categories for manual payment pr

TFK005 Term for Archiving Objects

TFK005_MDOC Lives for Sample Documents Dependent on Or

TFK005_MDOC_H Registered Origins for Sample Document Arc

TFK006A Object Types for Contract Acct Search

TFK006AT Object text

TFK006C Note to Payee - Key Words

TFK006D Note to Payee - Structure

TFK006DC Check Procedure for Account Statment Selec

TFK006DCT Check Procedure Name

TFK006F Assigned selection categories

TFK006X Exception Accounts for Clarification Propo

TFK006XS Exception Accounts for Clarification Propo

TFK006XT Exception Accounts for Clarification Propo

TFK007B Tax Code for Bollo (Italy)

TFK007E Tax Key with Possible Tax Exemption

TFK007F Other Tax Codes

TFK007FK Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Code

TFK007FKT Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Code

TFK007FT Other Tax Codes (Texts)

TFK007K Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Codes

TFK007KT Tax Item Categories for Other Tax Codes

TFK007M Maximum Tax

TFK007REP Conversion Table for Sales Journal Belgium

TFK007U New Tax Indicator Key Assignments for Writ

TFK007X External Tax Types

TFK007XT Name of External Tax Type

TFK008 Locking Reasons for Automatic Payment Tran

TFK008T Locking Reason Names in Automatic Payment

TFK009 Definition of Report Time / Type of Sales

TFK009_AR ARGENTINA: Legal reporting time / grouping

TFK009_REV Definition of Report Time / Type of Sales

TFK009S Definition of Report Time / Type for Other

TFK010 Interprtn of Set of Rules for Sales/Purcha

TFK010T Text Table for Set of Rules for Sales/Purc

TFK011 Definition of Report Time / Type for Other

TFK012 Bank clearing accounts

TFK012A Allocation pmnt methods -> Bank trans.

TFK012D Parameters for DMEs and Foreign Payment Tr

TFK012DCV Electronic Bank Statement: Payment Agreeme

TFK013 Find Payments via Search Engine

TFK015W Instruction Keys

TFK015W1 Boleto: Instruction

TFK015W1T Boleto: Instruction Keys - Description

TFK015WT Boleto: Instruction Code - Description

TFK019W FI-CA: Selection and Coordinates of Dialog

TFK020A Table of Reconciliation Accts (Value-Added

TFK020B Short Account Assignments for Transfer Pos

TFK020C Short Acct Assignments for Write-Offs from

TFK020K Short Account Assignments for Transfer Pos

TFK020KT Name for Short Account Assignments

TFK020M Mailing Addresses for Short Acct Assgmt fo

TFK020R Program Selections

TFK020RS Program Selections

TFK020U Regrouping Accounts

TFK020VB FS Preparation: Summarization Co. Codes fo

TFK020VK FS Preparation: Summarization Accounts for

TFK021 Line layout variants: Fields

TFK021_ROLES Account Balance Roles

TFK021_ROLEST Account Balance Role Description

TFK021_SNAP Account Balance: Current Snapshot

TFK021D Screen variants: Administration

TFK021F Screen variants: Number of lines

TFK021G Screen variants: Description of variants

TFK021I Fast entry line layout: Variant fields

TFK021K Subscreen Management (SAP)

TFK021KC Detail Screen Structure for Document Displ

TFK021L Account balance: List types

TFK021M Account balance: List types (description)

TFK021PC Screen Variants: Reference Screens (Custom

TFK021R Field selection for list processing functi

TFK021S Screen variants (standard): Management

TFK021SV Sort Variants

TFK021SVT Sorting variants (description)

TFK021T Line layout variants: Texts

TFK021U Default Values for Line Layout in Account

TFK021X Screen variants (standard): Meaning of var

TFK021Z Line layout variants: Header data

TFK022A Screen variants for document posting

TFK022B Screen variants for document posting (text

TFK022C Fields to be hidden

TFK022D Fields to be hidden per screen variant

TFK028G Allocate Ext.Trans.Code from Elec.Acct.Sta

TFK028G_B Brazil: Assign External Transactions to In

TFK033C Account determination: Control

TFK033C1 Account Determination: Control (F1/F4 Modu

TFK033C2 Account Determination: Control (Check Modu

TFK033C3 Account Determination: Control (Navigation

TFK033D Account determination: Data

TFK033E Account determination: Choice of key used

TFK033F Posting areas

TFK033G Posting Areas (Name)

TFK033R Account determination: Reading sequence

TFK033T Acct determination: function modules for r

TFK036S Planning Levels with Payment Locks

TFK036V Different Planning Levels By Transactions

TFK042A Payment Program: Bank Selection

TFK042AX Payment Program: Bank Selection - IDs

TFK042AXL Payment Program: Bank Selection - ID (Valu

TFK042AXT Payment Program: Bank Selection - IDs (Tex

TFK042B Payment Program: Specifications for Paying

TFK042C Payments/Dunning/Interest: Alternative Cur

TFK042E Payment program: company code payment meth

TFK042F Payment medium formats

TFK042FB Payment medium events

TFK042FE Payment program: company code format speci

TFK042FF Level of Detail When Creating Payment Medi

TFK042FG Level of Detail When Creating Payment Medi

TFK042FM Required Fields for Format Parameters

TFK042FT Payment medium formats (long text)

TFK042FV Customizing for Note to Payee: Content

TFK042FW Note to payee customizing: layout

TFK042FWT Type of note to payee: Description

TFK042FX Text Fields for Reference Details (Note to

TFK042FZ Supplements for payment medium formats

TFK042FZT Supplements for payment medium formats (lo

TFK042H Own Bank Details

TFK042HT Own Bank Details

TFK042M Payment Medium: User Numbers at Bank

TFK042Q Payment Medium: Note of First Direct Debit

TFK042U Payment Medium: Internal Note to Payee

TFK042V Payment Program: Determination of Value Da

TFK042W Payment Program: Valid Currencies for Paym

TFK042X Payment Program: Company Codes blocked by

TFK042Z Payment Program: Additional Specifications

TFK042ZA Payment Program: Additional Specifications

TFK042ZT Payment Program: Additional Specifications

TFK043 Tolerances for Payment Differences, Paymen

TFK043T FI-CA: Tolerances for cash discount and pa

TFK043U Assign clerk > tolerance group in contra

TFK043V Tolerance groups for contract A/R+A/P

TFK044 FI-CA Valuation Area

TFK044A Foreign Currency Valuation Methods

TFK044B Valuation Method Names

TFK044C FI-CA Valuation Variant

TFK044CT Name of Valuation Variant

TFK044D FI-CA Company Code Valuation

TFK044E Basic Setting for Foreign Currency Valuati

TFK044F Valuation Plan Variants

TFK044FD Periods of Valuation Plan Variants

TFK044FT Name of Valuation Plan Variants

TFK044T Name of Valuation Area

TFK045A Returns table

TFK045AT Returns texts

TFK045B Returns Charges

TFK045C Maximum Amount Differences

TFK045D Assign return reasons

TFK045E Returns Activities (Returns Lot)

TFK045ET Texts on returns activities

TFK045T User ID for Bank Transactions

TFK046A Creditworthiness Weighting by Month

TFK046B Origin of an Entry Relating to Creditwor

TFK046BT Origin of an Entry Relating to Creditwor

TFK047A Dunning procedure

TFK047AT Dunning procedure texts

TFK047B Dunning level control

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