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CE Article #1

Acute Liver Failure

Illustration by Felecia Paras

Johanna Cooper, DVM

Cynthia R. L. Webster, DVM, DACVIM
Tufts University

ABSTRACT: Few medical conditions are more devastating than acute liver failure (ALF), in which a
previously healthy patient can undergo rapid deterioration in liver function and be near death within
5 to 7 days after the onset of clinical signs. In veterinary medicine, ALF has been associated with
adverse drug reactions, alternative medicines, environmental toxins, food additives, infectious agents,
ischemic injury, neoplasia, and metabolic disease. Secondary complications of ALF, such as
encephalopathy, renal failure, and sepsis, often result in clinical deterioration and death. Rapid
recognition of ALF, early initiation of intensive supportive care, vigilant monitoring, and treatment of
secondary complications are required to improve patient outcome.

clinical distinction must be made be- of ALF. This review summarizes information
tween acute liver disease (ALD) and from veterinary case reports and integrates this
acute liver failure (ALF). ALD is information with what is known about ALF in
defined as liver dysfunction occurring in the humans and/or animal models to better acquaint
absence of known preexisting liver disease, veterinarians with this syndrome.
whereas ALF includes these parameters plus ALF occurs when over 70% of hepatocellular
the presence of encephalopathy and coagulopa- mass is lost so that insufficient hepatic paren-
thy.1–3 ALF is a rare syndrome associated with chyma remains to maintain synthetic and excre-
high morbidity and mortality. In veterinary tory homeostasis.2,3 This compromise of hepatic
medicine, isolated case reports4–18 of ALF have function results in many of the clinical manifes-
mortality rates of 25% to 100%. In humans, the tations of ALF, including icterus, hypoglycemia,
survival rate is only approximately 65%, even bleeding tendencies, hepatic encephalopathy,
with the option of liver transplantation.1 cerebral edema, and increased susceptibility to
In veterinary medicine, ALD has been asso- infection.2,3,26–31
ciated with adverse drug reactions, food addi-
tives, alternative medicines, environmental DIAGNOSIS
toxins, infectious diseases, ischemic injury, neo- In ALF, there is typically a history of acute
plasia, and metabolic diseases (see box on page onset of clinical signs (fewer than 8 weeks) in a
499).2–25 Although veterinary reports often con- previously healthy animal. Pertinent historical
tain information on individual information includes administration of any drugs,
Send comments/questions via email patients with ALF, no com- supplements, or nutraceuticals; exposure to any prehensive reviews of ALF environmental toxins, infectious agents, or recent
or fax 800-556-3288.
exist in the veterinary litera- anesthetic events; and details on housing, outdoor
Visit for ture. This lack of information supervision, travel, and vaccination status.
full-text articles, CE testing, and CE complicates the recognition Clinical signs are typically nonspecific and may
test answers. and appropriate management include weakness, depression, anorexia, polyuria,

COMPENDIUM 498 July 2006

Acute Liver Failure CE 499

polydipsia, vomiting, abdominal pain, and/or Causes of Acute Liver Disease

diarrhea.2–18 On occasion, more specific signs of Chemicals2,3,19 Infectious agents
liver failure, such as icterus or hepatomegaly, are • Arsenic Viral 2,3
present. An abnormal fundic examination may • Carbon tetrachloride • FIP
signal the presence of a systemic infectious dis- • Chlorinated hydrocarbon • Herpesvirus
ease.16 In some cases, predominant findings are • Dimethylnitrosamine • Infectious canine hepatitis
related to secondary complications of ALF, • Heavy metals
• Pine oil Bacterial 2,3
including diffuse cerebral signs from hepatic • Leptospirosis
• Selenium
encephalopathy, weakness or seizures secondary • Salmonellosis
• Tannic acid
to hypoglycemia, or bleeding tendencies due to • Suppurative hepatitis
coagulopathy.1–3,6,26–30 Clinicians should be alert Neoplasia2 • Tyzzer’s disease
to physical examination findings suggestive of • Carcinoma
— Biliary Protozoal 2,3,16
chronicity, including poor body condition and • Neospora spp
ascites, because chronic liver disease may be — Pancreatic
• Lymphoma • Toxoplasma spp
occult with vague clinical signs that are unrecog- • Malignant histiocytosis
nized until the final phase of decompensation. Fungal 2,3
• Histoplasma spp
Alternative medicines18,25
Clinicopathologic Findings • Chaparral leaf Parasitic 2,3
Clinicopathologic evaluation helps verify • Comfrey • Dirofilariasis
the existence of liver disease and determine • Germander • Trematodes
• Jin Bu Huan
the degree to which other organ systems are • Kava Metabolic2,3,23
affected. The initial database should include a • Pennyroyal oil • Idiopathic hepatic lipidosis
biochemical profile, complete blood count, • Inborn errors of copper
and urinalysis. Drugs2–10,19–22 metabolism
In ALF, serum aminotransferases are moder- • Acetaminophen
ately to markedly increased.2,3,26,27 Increases in • Amiodarone Ischemic2,3
• Asparaginase • Immune-mediated hemolytic
serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate • Carprofen anemia
transaminase occur secondary to leakage from • Diazepam • Shock
damaged hepatocytes.3 The magnitude of their • Griseofulvin
increase is roughly proportional to the degree • Halothane Environmental agents2,3,11–15
of damage but is not prognostic because the • Ketoconazole • Aflatoxins
liver has a large functional reserve and strong • Mebendazole • Amanita mushrooms
regenerative capacity. Serum alkaline phos- • Methotrexate • Blue–green algae toxins
• Oxibendazole– • Cycad seeds
phatase (ALP) and γ-glutamyl transferase are
also frequently elevated in patients with ALF. • Phenobarbital Food additives24
Because alkaline phosphatase is present on • Potentiated sulfonamides • Xylitol
both the hepatocyte biliary membrane and bile • Stanozolol
duct cells and γ-glutamyl transferase is found • Tetracyclines Miscellaneous
primarily on the latter, larger increases in these • Thiacetarsamide • Immune mediated
enzymes occur in ALF syndromes associated
with cholestasis.3
Clues to hepatic functional status can be found via clinicians to a more chronic condition. However,
routine serum biochemical profile by looking at the con- hypoalbuminemia may occur in ALF secondary to con-
centrations of substances that rely on the liver for syn- current vasculitis or blood loss.
thesis and/or excretion.2,3,31 Serum hyperbilirubinemia, Assessment of the coagulation profile provides further
hypoglycemia (see the section on this, p. 508), and information about the functional status of the liver.1–3
hypoalbuminemia may be present with compromised The presence of coagulopathy is required for a diagnosis
hepatic function. Given the long serum half-life of of ALF. Prolongation of the prothrombin time (PT)
albumin, the presence of hypoalbuminemia should alert and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)


500 CE Acute Liver Failure

occurs as a result of decreased synthesis and activation of idiopathic hepatic lipidosis, lymphosarcoma), the
clotting factors and may be further compromised by parenchyma may be hyperechoic.32
vitamin K depletion and/or increased factor consump- Thoracic radiography is indicated to evaluate for pul-
tion. ALF may also be accompanied by increased monary metastases and, in patients with concurrent vas-
fibrinogen-degradation products, decreased fibrinogen, culitis or hypoproteinemia, may help identify pleural
and prolongation of PT and APTT and may be clini- effusion or pulmonary edema.
cally indistinguishable from disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC).2,3 Histopathology
Complete blood count results are often nonspecific.2,3 Once the presence of ALF has been confirmed but no
Anemia may be present because of hemorrhage or fail- cause has been identified, the next step in defining a cause
ure of erythropoiesis and must be distinguished from is to obtain a hepatic biopsy. Histopathology provides a
hemolysis in icteric patients. Changes in leukocyte definitive diagnosis in cases of ALF secondary to meta-
counts are variable. Mature neutrophilia may suggest the bolic (feline hepatic lipidosis), infectious, and neoplastic
presence of an inflammatory or infectious disease. Neu- disease.2,3 It also allows assessment of the duration of ill-
tropenia may be noted in patients with concurrent ness, which has prognostic significance, because end-stage
sepsis. Platelet counts may be low secondary to con- liver disease marked by prominent fibrosis has a poor
sumption due to ongoing hemorrhage, active thrombo- prognosis.31 In addition, biopsy provides tissue for special
sis, or DIC or decreased production due to drug toxicity stains and cultures that aid in evaluating both metabolic
or neoplastic infiltration of the bone marrow.2 (copper storage diseases) and infectious causes of ALF.3,31
Urinalysis in combination with serum creatinine per- Although the classic histologic picture of ALF involves
mits evaluation of renal function. The findings of exces- hepatic necrosis, several different histopathologic patterns
sive cellular or granular casts, glucosuria, proteinuria, or may be seen. ALF can result from parenchymal infiltra-
isosthenuria are suggestive of concurrent renal disease. tion by lipid, inflammatory, or neoplastic cells without
Renal disease may occur in cases of ALF due to acute marked necrosis. Some causes of ALF result in severe
tubular necrosis from ischemic or toxic injury or second- cholestasis secondary to bile duct and canalicular injury.
ary to infectious or immune-mediated disease.1–3 Although biopsy provides valuable information that
Ancillary clinicopathologic testing that may be indi- might influence treatment strategies, acquisition of
cated includes serology for infectious disease (lep- hepatic tissue is often contraindicated because of the
tospirosis, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, presence of coagulopathy and encephalopathy. In cases
toxoplasmosis, neosporosis, histoplasmosis, dirofilaria- in which infiltrative disease (e.g., hepatic lipidosis, lym-
sis), assessment of serum lipase levels, and autoantibody phosarcoma) is suspected, fine-needle aspiration may be
testing (Coombs’ or antinuclear antibody).2,3,16 In addi- diagnostic and involves less risk. Because the clinical
tion, if abdominal effusion is present, fluid analysis may management of ALF may be similar regardless of the
provide etiologic clues. The presence of neutrophils and underlying cause, biopsy should be delayed until the
bacteria is indicative of septic peritonitis, free bile is patient has been stabilized.
consistent with bile duct or gallbladder rupture, and
abnormal cells may indicate neoplasia. Identification of CAUSES
a pure transudate would be more suggestive of portal Adverse Drug Reactions
hypertension secondary to chronic liver disease. Hepatotoxic drugs are either intrinsic or idiosyncratic
toxins. Intrinsic hepatotoxins, such as acetaminophen,
Diagnostic Imaging are characterized by a predictable, dose-dependent toxi-
Diagnostic imaging is indicated in most patients with city.5,26 Idiosyncratic hepatotoxins, usually due to meta-
suspected liver disease. Plain abdominal radiography bolic aberrations in susceptible individuals, have a
may reveal visible hepatomegaly, choleliths, or the pres- random, largely dose-independent toxicity. Most hepa-
ence of abdominal effusion or free gas. Microhepatica is totoxicities reported in veterinary medicine are idiosyn-
more consistent with chronic liver disease.2 Ultrasono- cratic4,6–10,19–22,24 (see box on page 499).
graphic findings may be variable in cases of ALF. Typi- Acetaminophen is rarely prescribed in veterinary
cally, the liver is enlarged with normal to hypoechoic medicine but has been associated with life-threatening
parenchyma.32 However, in some conditions (e.g., feline toxicities secondary to accidental ingestion or inten-


Acute Liver Failure CE 501

Table 1. Treatment of Acute Liver Failure and Its Complications

Manifestations Treatment Dosage
Acetaminophen toxicosis N-Acetylcysteine 140 mg/kg IV (first dose), then 70 mg/kg q6h IV for
seven treatments
Amanita mushroom Penicillin G (potassium 20,000 IU/kg IV q4h
toxicosis or sodium)
Silibinin dihemisuccinate 5 mg/kg IV over 1 hr, then 70 mg/kg IV q12h
Copper toxicosis Penicillamine 10–15 mg/kg PO q12h
Zinc acetate 100 mg PO q12h for 2 to 3 mo, then 50 mg PO q12h;
monitor zinc levels
Trientine 10–15 mg/kg PO q12h
Coagulopathy Vitamin K 0.5–1 mg/kg SC q24h for 3 days
Fresh-frozen plasma 10–20 ml/kg IV over 4 hr
Whole blood 5–10 ml/kg IV over 4 hr
GI ulceration Famotidine 0.5 mg/kg IV q12–24h
Lansoprazole 0.7 mg/kg IV q24h
Hemodynamics/ Dopamine 10 µg/kg/min (pressor effect)
microcirculatory disturbance N-Acetylcysteine 140 mg/kg IV initially, then 70 mg/kg IV q4h (17 doses)
Encephalopathy/ Lactulose 0.25–0.5 ml/kg PO q8h or 20 ml/kg of a 30% solution
cerebral edema given as a retention enema
Neomycin 22 mg/kg PO q8h
Mannitol 0.5 g/kg over 10–15 min as needed
Pentobarbital (plus 2 mg/kg IV initially, followed by 2 mg/kg/hr for 1 hr,
mechanical ventilation) then 0.1 mg/kg q2h
Infections Enrofloxacin 10 mg/kg IV q24h (dogs) or 5 mg/kg IV q24h (cats)
Ampicillin 22 mg/kg IV q8h
Ticarcillin/clavulanate 40 mg/kg IV q6–8h
Acute oliguric renal failure Furosemide 2–4 mg/kg (dogs) or 2 mg/kg (cats) IV bolus, followed
by 1 mg/kg/hr CRI for 4 hr
Dopamine 2.5–5 µg/kg/min CRI
Metabolic disturbances
Hypophosphatemia Sodium phosphate or 0.03–0.06 mmol/kg/hr for 6–24 hr
potassium phosphate
Hypokalemia Potassium chloride Maximum rate: 0.5 mEq/kg/hr
Hypoglycemia 50% dextrose 1–2 ml/kg of 50% dextrose (diluted to 25%) given as a
slow bolus, followed by CRI of 2.5%–10%
CRI = constant-rate infusion

tional administration by owners. Under normal circum- potentially hepatotoxic compound called N-acetyl-p-
stances, acetaminophen is metabolized in the liver by benzoquinoneimine, which can covalently bind to cell
phase II enzymes to nontoxic glucuronic or sulfate con- proteins, resulting in hepatocellular necrosis.5 In the
jugates and is then excreted in the urine. If the amount presence of adequate hepatocyte glutathione stores, N-
ingested exceeds the capacity of the phase II enzymes, acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine can be conjugated to a
acetaminophen is biotransformed by phase I enzymes harmless mercapturic acid derivative that undergoes
(cytochrome P-450 enzymes) into an electrophilic, renal elimination. When glutathione reserves are


504 CE Acute Liver Failure

depleted by oxidant stress and/or starvation, acetamino- An idiosyncratic acute hepatotoxic reaction to carpro-
phen hepatotoxicity occurs.5 fen has been reported9 in dogs. Clinical signs typically
Any dose of acetaminophen is contraindicated in cats develop within the first 3 weeks of treatment and
because of their reduced ability to metabolize the drug include inappetence and vomiting. Mortality was 20%.9
by phase I conjugation.3 In cats, respiratory distress sec- Histopathologic changes are variable, including balloon-
ondary to methemoglobinemia due to oxidant damage ing degeneration, vacuolar change, lymphoplasmacytic
to erythrocytes is most common.3 Treatment of aceta- inflammation, multifocal hepatocellular necrosis, and
minophen toxicity involves parenteral administration of apoptosis. A breed predisposition in Labrador retrievers
N-acetylcysteine, which acts as an antidote by supplying has been noted.9 Several NSAIDs have been reported1
cysteine, which is the rate-limiting step in hepatic pro- to cause ALF in humans. Thus all NSAIDs should be
duction of glutathione5 (Table 1). considered potential hepatotoxins. The mechanism of
Potentiated sulfonamides were implicated in 20% of NSAID-induced hepatotoxicity is not fully understood;
adverse drug reactions in dogs reported to the Center however, interaction between reactive glucuronide
for Veterinary Medicine from 1988 to 1990.19 In addi- metabolites of acidic NSAIDs with plasma and hepato-
tion to hepatotoxicity, dogs may have fever, arthropathy, cellular proteins may result in formation of antigenic-
blood dyscrasias, proteinuria, skin eruptions, uveitis, altered proteins, causing immune-mediated toxicosis.9
and/or keratoconjunctivitis sicca.20–22 A recent retrospec- Hepatotoxicity developed in cats during a prospective
tive study21 showed that dogs with hepatotoxicity have a study10 evaluating the use of stanozolol in patients with
significantly worse prognosis (only 46% of patients with renal failure and stomatitis. Clinical signs, including
hepatopathy recover versus 89% of patients without anorexia and lethargy, developed within 7 to 10 days.
hepatopathy). The typical histopathologic lesion in dogs Histopathologic changes included diffuse hepatic lipi-
involves massive hepatic necrosis; however, cholestatic dosis and cholestasis.10 ALF developed in four of 21 cats
hepatopathy has also been reported.21 Time to onset of treated; within this subset, the mortality rate was 25%.10
clinical signs is usually 5 to 36 days.20,21 Pathogenesis
may involve a T cell–mediated response to proteins hap- Environmental Toxins
tenated by oxidative sulfonamide metabolites, resulting A number of environmental toxins, including aflatox-
in immune-mediated hepatocyte destruction.21 Sulfon- ins, Amanita mushrooms, cycad seeds, and blue–green
amide hypersensitivity has also been reported in cats, algae, cause ALF in veterinary patients. Aflatoxins are
but reported cases involve ulcerative dermatitis without toxic compounds produced by Aspergillus flavus, a sapro-
liver involvement.22 phytic fungus. Hepatotoxicosis commonly occurs after
Oral diazepam therapy causes idiosyncratic ALF in ingestion of food containing moldy corn. Clinical signs
cats. Clinical signs, including anorexia and lethargy, are include anorexia, depression, and icterus followed by
typically noted within 5 to 10 days after treatment, and hemorrhagic diathesis and death. Histopathology
mortality rates may be as high as 90%.6 Histopathology reveals hepatocellular fatty degeneration, bile duct pro-
is consistent with a mixed pattern of injury, including liferation, and centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis.13–15
hepatocellular necrosis, cholestasis, and mild hepatic Recent reports33 of ALF secondary to ingestion of afla-
lipidosis.6 Diazepam is metabolized in the liver to sev- toxin-contaminated pet food illustrate the continuing
eral pharmacologically active metabolites that are even- importance of this toxin as a cause of ALF. Amanita
tually conjugated with glucuronide and eliminated mushroom ingestion results in severe gastrointestinal
primarily in the urine. It has been hypothesized that the (GI) signs within 8 to 36 hours, followed by hepatic
inability of cats to glucuronidate some metabolites may failure in 1 to 3 days. In most cases, ingestion is uni-
predispose them to diazepam toxicity. formly fatal. Accepted antidotes include the use of peni-
A 100% mortality rate has been reported in dogs expe- cillin G or silibinin1–3 (Table 1). Cycad seed ingestion
riencing ALF due to repeated anesthesia using halothane results in gastroenteritis followed by hepatic failure.
or methoxyflurane.2,7,8,19 Histopathology reveals subacute Histopathology is consistent with marked centrilobular
centrilobular necrosis. In susceptible patients, initial expo- necrosis, with mild infiltration of lymphocytes and
sure to halothane results in formation of a hapten that plugging of bile duct canaliculi.11 Blue–green algae toxi-
serves as an antigenic stimulus that with repeat exposure city is secondary to microcystin, a toxic cyclic heptapep-
triggers immune-mediated hepatocyte destruction. tide produced during an algal bloom.12 Ingestion results


506 CE Acute Liver Failure

in vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and icterus. Histopathol- cases.3 ALF has also been reported in Tyzzer’s disease
ogy is generally consistent with massive centrilobular (Bacillus piliformis infection) and leptospirosis.3 Suppura-
and midzonal hemorrhagic necrosis.12 tive hepatitis of bacterial origin may also cause ALF.3 Sup-
purative hepatitis is associated with ascension of bacteria
Infectious Causes via the biliary tree or hematogenous spread of bacteria
Infectious causes of acute liver disease include viral, pro- from another infectious foci or penetrating abdominal
tozoal, bacterial, and fungal agents as well as heartworm wound. Although all systemic fungal infections can
infection.2,3 Viral diseases implicated in ALF include include the liver, Histoplasma spp are most likely to result
infectious canine hepatitis and FIP.2,3 ALF resulting from in severe liver disease.2,3 Caval syndrome due to dirofilaria-

In acute liver failure, rapid deterioration of liver function results in

encephalopathy and coagulopathy in a previously healthy animal.

infectious canine hepatitis is rare but may occur in areas sis may result in hepatic necrosis secondary to hepatic
where vaccination for canine adenovirus-1 is not routine. congestion and ischemia.2
FIP may cause ALF as a result of massive pyogranuloma-
tous infiltration. The protozoal agents Toxoplasma and Ischemic Causes
Neospora spp may cause ALF.16 Clinical signs associated Arterial or venous occlusion, severe hypotension, or
with FIP as well as Toxoplasma and Neospora infections are hemolytic anemia may cause hepatocellular necrosis suf-
typically not limited to the hepatobiliary system, with ocu- ficient enough to result in liver failure.2,3,23
lar and/or neuromuscular involvement occurring in most
Malignant Infiltration
Although hematopoietic cell neoplasms (lymphoma,
malignant histiocytosis) have the greatest potential for
massive hepatic infiltration, any primary or metastatic
tumor (carcinoma) can cause liver failure if sufficient
hepatic parenchyma is replaced by neoplastic cells.2,3 Neo-
plastic conditions may also lead to hepatocellular necrosis
secondary to ischemia because diffuse intrasinusoidal
infiltration by tumor cells may obstruct hepatic vessels.

Metabolic Disease
Feline idiopathic hepatic lipidosis syndrome is one of
the most common causes of ALF in veterinary medi-
cine. In this syndrome, accumulation of intracellular
lipid results in progressive hepatic dysfunction.2,3 Inborn
errors of copper metabolism (e.g., in Bedlington terriers,
West Highland white terriers, and dalmatians) resulting
in accumulation of copper within hepatocytes may also
result in ALF.3,17,23

Food additives and alternative medicines have been
implicated in hepatotoxicity.18,24,25 Ingestion of xylitol, a
sugar alcohol used in sugar-free products, has been
related to liver dysfunction and failure in some dogs.24


Acute Liver Failure CE 507

Dermal application of pennyroyal oil, an herbal remedy, Correction of the hemodynamic abnormalities noted
resulted in ALF and death in a dog.18 Other alternative in ALF begins with fluid replacement. Sodium chloride
medicines, including germander, chaparral leaf, comfrey, (0.9%) can initially be administered while waiting for
Jin Bu Huan, and kava, have been associated with ALF blood work results. Lactated Ringer’s solution is gener-
in humans and may also become an important differen- ally avoided because liver function is required to metab-
tial in veterinary patients.25 Immune-mediated ALF has olize lactate and unmetabolized lactate may exacerbate
been identified in humans, and a similar autoimmune acidemia. A sufficient fluid volume should be adminis-
process may be involved in some cases of canine and tered to restore intravascular volume using systemic
feline ALD.1,2 blood pressure as a guide for resuscitative efforts. If
crystalloid fluid therapy alone does not correct hypoten-
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT sion, vasopressors such as dopamine may be required,
Medical management of ALF involves: along with colloid therapy.1,28
Symptomatic anemic patients (packed cell volume:
• Identification and removal of the inciting cause or <20%; tachycardic or tachypneic) should receive fresh
administration of a specific antidote packed erythrocytes or whole blood. Stored blood compo-
• Provision of supportive care to promote hepatic nents should be avoided because of their ammonia con-
regeneration tent, which may exacerbate existing encephalopathy.2,34
• Anticipation, control, and prevention of complications Prolonged use of isotonic crystalloids may result in
fluid overload and further dilution of factors involved in
All potentially hepatotoxic agents should be discontin- coagulation and maintenance of oncotic pressure. Peri-
ued. If recent ingestion (i.e., 1 to 2 hours) of a potentially odic reassessment of colloid osmotic pressure is warranted
hepatotoxic substance is suspected, emesis or gastric lavage to prevent third-space fluid losses. If colloid osmotic
followed by administration of activated charcoal should be pressure is decreased (<15 mm Hg) and the patient is not
considered. In rare cases in which specific antidotes are anemic or spontaneously bleeding, administration of a
available, they should be promptly administered (Table 1). colloid (e.g., pentastarch, hetastarch, human serum albu-
Infectious causes should be treated appropriately and min, fresh-frozen plasma) should be considered in addi-
chemotherapy initiated in cases of infiltrative neoplasia. tion to or instead of crystalloid administration.

Secondary complications in acute liver failure include hypoglycemia, encephalopathy,

coagulopathy, infection, acute renal failure, and acute respiratory distress.

ALF is characterized by hypotension secondary to Although achievement of normotension helps correct

hypovolemia and low systemic vascular resistance with a microcirculatory changes associated with ALF by
compensatory increase in cardiac output.2,26–29 Decreased increasing peripheral perfusion, impaired tissue oxygen
systemic vascular resistance is postulated to be the result extraction may continue. Intravenous infusion of N-
of abnormal vasomotor tone secondary to the effects of acetylcysteine has been shown to improve microcircula-
cytokines or factors released by a necrotic liver.29 ALF tory blood flow in both a porcine and feline model of
also causes impaired extraction of oxygen at the tissue ALF28,29 (Table 1). In these models, improvement was
capillary beds.28,29 The exact mechanism by which this also noted in the mean arterial pressure, which may
microcirculatory dysfunction occurs is incompletely decrease the need for inotrope support in ALF cases.29
understood but may involve plugging of vessels by N-acetylcysteine may work by restoring normal vascular
platelets, interstitial edema, and/or abnormal vasomotor responsiveness to nitric oxide and has also been found to
tone.3 The net effect of this microcirculatory disturbance be cytoprotective to endothelial cells.1,29
is increased dependence on anaerobic metabolism for Electrolyte derangements are common in ALF; thus
energy, resulting in lactate production and acidosis in frequent assessment of electrolyte status is indicated.2,3,34
peripheral tissues.3 Hypophosphatemia may occur due to increased excre-


508 CE Acute Liver Failure

tion, decreased absorption (steatorrhea), and internal Hypoglycemia

redistribution (e.g., refeeding syndrome, hyperventila- Hypoglycemia in patients with ALF results from
tion, or cellular regeneration).3 Hypokalemia may result decreased glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis combined
secondary to anorexia, vomiting, and/or prolonged use with hyperinsulinemia due to decreased hepatic metabo-
of potassium-deficient intravenous fluids. In addition, lism.2 Concurrent sepsis may also contribute to hypo-
many drugs (e.g., mannitol, furosemide) used in treating glycemia. Clinical signs of hypoglycemia include a
the secondary complications of ALF may promote depressed mentation, weakness, and, if severe, seizures.26
potassium loss.3 Hyponatremia may result from third- Hypoglycemia may develop rapidly in patients with
space loss or an inability to excrete free water.3 Hyper- ALF and may be difficult to distinguish from ongoing
natremia and hyperphosphatemia may be noted with encephalopathy or the onset of cerebral edema.1,26 Blood
the onset of renal insufficiency. glucose levels should be assessed every 4 hours; if hypo-
Although volume replacement, correction of electrolyte glycemia is noted, a bolus of 50% dextrose (diluted to
imbalances, and treatment of microcirculatory distur- 25%) should be given followed by the addition of dex-
bances may improve systemic acidosis, acidemia persists trose (2.5% to 5%) to ongoing fluids. In some patients,
in some cases. Persistent acidemia indicates continued hypoglycemia may be refractory and dextrose infusions
hypoxia at the level of the peripheral tissues and may may need to be increased to 10%.29

Multiorgan failure and brain herniation are the

most common causes of death in animals with acute liver failure.

result in multiorgan failure. Inability to correct acidosis in Encephalopathy

humans with ALF is a poor prognostic sign and a crite- In contrast to encephalopathy accompanying chronic
rion used to determine the need for liver transplantation.1 liver disease or congenital portovascular anomalies,
The early provision of nutrition is important in treating ALF-associated encephalopathy has a sudden onset,
ALF. Animals with ALF typically have a profoundly neg- is rapidly progressive, is more often accompanied by ini-
ative nitrogen balance, resulting in rapid depletion and tial excitatory manifestations, and frequently results
redistribution of protein stores.35 Protein depletion delays in the development of cerebral edema and intracranial
hepatic regeneration, compromises the immune system, hypertension.26–30,34
and worsens encephalopathy. In addition, in patients with Hyperammonemia has a central role in the develop-
idiopathic hepatic lipidosis, nutrition is essential to stop ment of ALF-associated encephalopathy. 34,36 In ALF,
mobilization of fatty acids to the liver and prevent further hepatic extraction and metabolism of ammonia are
disease progression. Although enteral nutrition is most severely impaired, resulting in systemic hyperammonemia.
beneficial, patients with ALF may not be able to tolerate As with encephalopathy associated with chronic liver dis-
oral feeding because of severe encephalopathy or in- ease, the resultant increase in brain ammonia alters astro-
tractable vomiting. In these cases, parenteral nutrition cyte function and brain metabolism. In ALF-associated
should be instituted with the guidance of a board-certified encephalopathy, however, evidence links increased plasma
veterinary nutritionist because its composition needs to be ammonia to the development of cerebral edema and
tailored to meet the individual needs of patients with pro- intracranial hypertension.26–29 In several animal models,36
found deficiencies in metabolism. ammonia infusion results in accumulation of glutamine in
the astrocytes, leading to astrocyte swelling, cerebral
COMPLICATIONS edema, and increased intracranial pressure (ICP). Cerebral
Caring for patients with ALF requires vigilant moni- edema may also develop due to increased cerebral blood
toring and prompt treatment of secondary complica- flow secondary to vasodilation of cerebrovascular beds,
tions, including hypoglycemia, encephalopathy, altered blood–brain transport, and the effects of cytokines
coagulopathy, infection, acute renal failure, and acute produced in the systemic inflammatory response syn-
respiratory distress2,3,26–29,34 (Table 1). drome.1,26–29 Hyperammonemia also leads to increased


510 CE Acute Liver Failure

extracellular concentration of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, which

may be responsible for early hyperexcitability in patients with ALF.36
Clinically, ALF-associated encephalopathy manifests as a rapidly devel-
oping sequence of agitation, delirium, convulsions, and coma. Death may
result from brain herniation. The neurologic status of patients with ALF
should be assessed hourly for prompt recognition of alterations. As
encephalopathy progresses, sudden deterioration in mental status, increased
appendicular muscle tone, pupillary dilation with decreased pupillary light
response, and an altered respiratory pattern may be noted with the onset of
cerebral edema.26 Acute systemic hypertension and concurrent bradycardia
(Cushing reflex) may signify impending brain herniation.
One of the goals in treating ALF-associated encephalopathy is reduc-
tion of blood ammonia levels.2,34 This is accomplished by reducing produc-
tion and absorption of ammonia at the level of the GI tract through
dietary protein restriction, the use of lactulose, and administration of
antibiotics that selectively kill urease-producing bacteria. Lactulose, a
nonabsorbable disaccharide, is metabolized in the colon to fatty acids that
convert diffusible NH3 (ammonia) into nonpermeant NH4+ within the GI
lumen. Lactulose also alters bacterial metabolism so that less bacterial tox-
ins are produced.2,34 Antibiotics, including nonabsorbable aminoglycosides
or amoxicillin, can alter colonic bacteria and decrease ammonia produc-
tion.2,34 Metronidazole should not be used in patients with ALF because it
requires hepatic metabolism and elimination, possibly resulting in neuro-
toxicity. Although the combination of lactulose and antibiotics is highly
effective in treating veterinary patients with chronic hepatic encephalopa-
thy due to portosystemic shunts, the combination is much less effective in
managing ALF-associated encephalopathy, likely because of a divergent
Treatment of encephalopathy also involves controlling factors that may
worsen it. Alkalosis and hypokalemia both promote production of ammonia
and its subsequent diffusion across the blood–brain barrier.34 Thus it is
important to maintain a normal pH and provide potassium supplementa-
tion. GI bleeding, infections, and administration of stored blood, sedatives,
or diuretics can also potentiate encephalopathic severity.2,34
In cases of ALF in which encephalopathy manifests as agitation and
delirium and sedation is required, administration of a short-acting benzo-
diazepine may be necessary (Table 1). Although benzodiazepines can
potentiate encephalopathy, they act rapidly, can be given intravenously, and
can be reversed using flumazenil if necessary.1 Intravenous phenobarbital or
small doses of propofol can be used to treat protracted seizure activity.
Although several measures have been proposed to prevent and treat cere-
bral edema and intracranial hypertension, these are the most serious compli-
cations of ALF, are fairly refractory to therapy, and often result in death.1,2,30
Therapeutic measures to decrease ICP include administration of mannitol,
hypertonic saline, or barbiturates; controlled hypothermia; and ventilation to
achieve normocapnia.1,2,30 There is no benefit to corticosteroid administra-
tion.1 Interventions to prevent increases in ICP include head elevation to
10˚ to 20˚, strict rest, avoidance of stimulation, and control of events that
may increase ICP, including seizures, coughing, and vomiting. Stuporous,


Acute Liver Failure CE 511

comatose, or extremely agitated patients may require abnormal neutrophil function secondary to complement
constant-rate infusion of pentobarbital combined with deficiency, and disruption of physical barriers through
mechanical ventilation and muscle paralysis to lower the placement of endotracheal tubes as well as urinary
ICP.1,26,27 Because a significant side effect of barbiturate and intravenous catheters. Prospective human studies1
infusion is systemic hypotension, additional measures show that typical markers of infection, including fever
may be necessary to maintain adequate mean arterial and leukocytosis, are frequently absent, even in the pres-
pressure. ence of positive results from blood cultures. Infections
are commonly due to gram-negative bacteria from the
Coagulopathy GI tract and gram-positive bacteria from the respiratory
The liver is the production site for all coagulation fac- and urinary tracts.1
tors and related inhibitory compounds except for von Infection should be suspected in patients experiencing
Willebrand’s factor. Reduced hepatic synthesis results in sudden clinical deterioration. Appropriate samples for
a clinically significant hypocoagulable state.2,3 Patients culture should be obtained and current antibiotic cover-
with ALF may also have concurrent thrombocytopathy age evaluated. Broad-spectrum antibiotic coverage
characterized by decreased platelet numbers and func- should be considered at presentation in all patients with
tion. Vitamin-K deficiency may occur due to reduced ALF because of their high susceptibility to infection
bile salt–facilitated fat absorption. Massive liver tissue (Table 1).
destruction with the release of toxic factors into the cir-
culation may also trigger DIC.13 Acute Renal Failure
Treatment of coagulopathy may involve the use of Acute oliguric renal failure may result secondary to
vitamin K, fresh-frozen plasma, and fresh blood prod- circulatory disturbances, endotoxemia, sepsis, or DIC.
ucts. Vitamin-K supplementation (0.5 to 1 mg/kg SC) Renal function should be carefully monitored by placing
should always be instituted.2 It is not necessary to cor- an indwelling urinary catheter to quantify urine produc-

Intensive supportive care and vigilant monitoring for secondary

complications are required to allow time for the liver to regenerate.

rect clotting abnormalities with fresh-frozen plasma in tion. If inadequate urine production (<1 ml/kg/hr) is
the absence of bleeding. However, fresh-frozen plasma noted, a fluid bolus may be required while carefully
should be administered before invasive procedures. monitoring peripheral blood pressure (at least 50 to 60
Upper GI hemorrhage commonly occurs in humans mm Hg). If urine production continues to be inade-
with ALF; however, it is uncertain to what degree this quate, constant-rate infusion of furosemide or dopamine
occurs in animals.2,3 Hemorrhage may be secondary to may be required. Some form of renal replacement ther-
stress-induced ulceration, decreased gastrin clearance, apy (hemodialysis) is required if acidosis, fluid overload,
and thrombocytopathy. Gastroprotectants, including hyperkalemia, or rising creatinine develops.
H2-blockers and proton pump inhibitors, are recom-
mended. 1 Famotidine is the H 2 -blocker of choice Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
because it has no effect on hepatic blood flow and does Acute respiratory distress syndrome may result sec-
not decrease hepatic cytochrome P-450 enzyme sys- ondary to ALF. Other causes of lung injury in patients
tems. Proton pump inhibitors, such as lansoprazole, can with ALF include aspiration pneumonia, intrapul-
also be used with the realization that they do inhibit monary hemorrhage (secondary to DIC), and pul-
cytochrome P-450 enzymes (Table 1). monar y thromboembolism. Respirator y function
should be monitored by frequent auscultation and
Infection observation of respiratory patterns. Thoracic radiogra-
Patients with ALF have increased susceptibility to phy should be conducted as well as arterial blood gas
infection related to decreased Kupffer cell function, analysis or pulse oximetry in patients with a change in


512 CE Acute Liver Failure

respiratory depth, rate, or effort. Supplemental oxygen 10. Harkin KR, Cowan LA, Andrews GA, et al: Hepatotoxicity of stanozolol in
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gen saturation is less than 90%, partial pressure of oxy-
12. DeVries SE, Galey FD, Namikoshi M, Woo JC: Clinical and pathologic
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CONCLUSION 20. Trepanier LA: Idiosyncratic toxicity associated with potentiated sulfonamides
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treatments and antidotes directed toward the inciting 21. Trepanier LA, Danhof R, Toll J, Watrous D: Clinical findings in 40 dogs
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fication of affected patients and referral to a critical
22. Noli C, Koeman JP, Willemse T: A retrospective evaluation of adverse reac-
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1. Secondary complications of ALF do not include

a. hypoglycemia. d. renal failure.
b. coagulopathy. e. diabetes mellitus.
c. cerebral edema.

2. Which is the most common lesion found via histopathology in

canine ALF?
a. acute hepatic necrosis
b. lymphocytic–plasmacytic inflammation
c. hepatic lipidosis
d. vacuolar hepatopathy
e. centrilobular fibrosis

3. Hemodynamic changes in patients with ALF do not include

a. decreased systemic vascular resistance.
b. increased cardiac output.
c. increased tissue oxygen extraction.
d. abnormal vasomotor tone.
e. microcirculatory plugging.

4. Which parameters have been associated with a poor prognosis in

human ALF?
a. persistent acidosis, hypophosphatemia, hypernatremia, and hypokalemia
b. prolonged PT, persistent acidosis, presence of cerebral edema, and hyper-
c. hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, refractory hypoglycemia, and prolonged PT
d. prolonged APTT, hyperphosphatemia, hyponatremia, and persistent acidosis
e. prolonged PT, persistent alkalosis, hyperphosphatemia, and hypernatremia

5. Which statement regarding ALF in cats is true?

a. Potentiated sulfonamides are one of the most common hepatotoxic drugs
in cats.


Acute Liver Failure CE 515

b. In idiopathic hepatic lipidosis, enteral nutrition is the 9. Which statement regarding coagulopathy in
most important treatment in preventing progression patients with ALF is correct?
of hepatic dysfunction. a. Spontaneous bleeding is common and associated
c. ALF secondary to stanozolol toxicity is character- with a poor prognosis.
ized by acute hepatic necrosis via histopathology. b. Vitamin-K deficiency may contribute to coagulopathic
d. FIP and toxoplasmosis frequently cause acute hepa- tendencies and is secondary to decreased hepatic
titis in the absence of other organ involvement. synthesis of the vitamin.
e. Diazepam is a dose-dependent hepatotoxin that c. A PT of longer than 50 seconds has been associated
causes acute hepatocellular necrosis. with a poor prognosis in human ALF.
d. To correct coagulation deficiencies, fresh-frozen
6. Which statement regarding encephalopathy in plasma should always be administered to patients
patients with ALF is correct? with ALF and an abnormal PT or APTT.
a. The classic signs include depression, somnolence, and e. Vitamin K should be administered only in cases with
head pressing. an abnormal PT and APTT.
b. Normal blood ammonia levels rule out hepatic en-
cephalopathy as the cause of the neurologic abnor- 10. Which is not used to address the microcircula-
malities. tory disturbance in ALF?
c. A dramatic improvement in mentation occurs with a. N-acetylcysteine
lactulose administration. b. crystalloid fluid therapy
d. Encephalopathy is exacerbated by administration of c. dopamine
stored whole blood products and GI bleeding. d. prednisone
e. Cerebral edema is a rare complication in patients e. colloid fluid therapy
with ALF.

7. Which statement regarding infection in patients

with ALF is correct?
a. Infection is a rare complication in humans with ALF.
b. Frequent surveillance for infection should be con-
ducted in all cases.
c. Infection is often associated with pyrexia and accom-
panying leukocytosis.
d. Initiation of antimicrobial therapy should be delayed
until there is evidence of infection.
e. Infections are most commonly due to gram-positive
bacteria from the GI tract.

8. Which statement regarding the development of

cerebral edema in ALF is incorrect?
a. The onset of cerebral edema is heralded by increased
sedation, miotic pupils, and loss of muscle tone.
b. The development of cerebral edema is partly due to
increased astrocyte swelling secondary to accumula-
tion of glutamine from ammonia metabolism.
c. Cerebral edema results in increased ICP, which may
be clinically recognized by concomitant hypertension
and bradycardia.
d. With the onset of cerebral edema, clinicians should
attempt to control any event that may increase ICP,
such as agitation, seizures, coughing, or vomiting.
e. Treatment of cerebral edema includes administration
of mannitol or hypertonic saline, controlled hypo-
thermia, and ventilation to achieve normocapnia.


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