WAT Evaluation Template

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WAT-1 (On a scale of 10)

Name Total Remarks s

10 10%

Starting 2 paragraphs were good, to set the context. Could

have been merged to a single para, though.
Third para onwards, the writing became very generic
reflecting on lack of data points. And then, there was a
Aarushi agarwal 6.2 7
direct jump to the 124th constitution Bill.
Overall: More inclined towards the known facts, should
include more of the "solutioning" of the problem, What
should be the way forward ?

Incorrect usage of tense and grammar at a few places (a

Good arguments on the need and the flaws in the current
reservation system. However, a scope of improvement in the
"recommendations" on how should the new reservation
system be ? Why has the policy not yet amended if everyone
knew the loopholes ?
More facts & quotes backed arguments can make the
writeup better.
Writeup looked more a story and less of an opinion,
emphasing on What is reservation, it's need, and the latest

Starting was good, the quotes of Ambedkar and the

rationale to start Reservation. Could have also talked on
equity vs Equality concept.
Grammar needs some improvement. 5
Akanksha Priyaraj 6.9 E.g. The pronoun: They has no initial context, and some
incorrect usage of verbs
More depth on the "solutioning" part could have made it

Nicely argued, but could have included more facts to backup

those arguments.
ANMOL GUPTA 7.25 Could have also focussed more on "a few modifications" 8
mentioned in the last para.
Also, try to frame shorter sentences.

Nice starting and usage of facts in 2nd para.

However the writeup was only singly opinionated. Was
JESWIN JOY 6.9 lacking thourgh thoughts. Could have talked about income 7
based reservation, and the recent 10% reservation.Opinions
also need some improvement.
Poor hand-writing, No opinion at all in the write-up. No
Nihar Sherwal 3.95 5
connection between two different paragraphs.

Nice usage of facts to drive an argument. Just try to cut

down on the length of your sentences (2nd para, 1st
Except the last para where you have talked about the need
Prativa Das 8.1 10
to create more jobs by govt., the rest of the paras did not
state much on the "Opinions" front. Try to draw more
inferences from the facts and provide some
recommendations at the end.

Good point of profession based casteism & Mandal

But, the write-up was completely against the
Reservation.Try to think from both the angles of the story.
Parameters for the reservations could have also been
suggested by the end of the write-up.

Grammar & Spelling mistakes, Lack of opnions and facts.

S V JYOTHIR AD 4.05 Points mentioned were very generic. Need a lot of 3

Starting 2 paragraphs were good in setting the context.

However, by the end of the writing, I was waiting for you to
mention something on how to correct the reservation policy
in short and the long term ?
More emphasis has been laid on the new 10% reservation
Shubham Patil 6.8 9
scheme than required which covered a lot of space. The
ending was on an extreme level: The reservation is more
politically motivated and less intended at upliftment.
Some suggestions, on the revised policy could have made it
Incorrect grammar: "did not had" at the end of the first para
Good usage of underlined questions at the beginning of
each para.
Some facts, figures and quotes from the authoritarian could
have made the write-up better.
Current arguments were good but naive, Solutions could
Sonali Agrawal 7.05 have been more broader. You have only discussed income 6
based reservation, but even that has certain loopholes:
Individual income or family ? Can't this be misused by
businessman, who may find a way to hide their income (Not
all the people of India pay income tax), Other params like:
property, family education, etc can cover a wider range of
targetted set.

Nice usage of mixed facts to draw your arguments. The idea

to bring gender based was good too. But, the concluding
Siddharth Das 8.05 5
point could have been clearer.
Usage of grammar is incorrect at a few places.

Try to cut down on the length of the article. It shuld be 1-

1.25 pages.
The idea to start the writing with Lord Rama came out to be
pleasantly different :) Nice usage of different kinds of
Shreya Shukla 8.15 reservation, and facts on the same. 8
However, by the end of the writing, it looked like an
overdose of facts and less of opinions. Try to balance out on
both the aspects. For instance: Could have gone into more
details of solutioning.

Try not to start by definition of the topic in an opinionated

writeup. Para 2 talks about "a policy for 10 years", details of
policy is not mentioned ?
Too many wtrikes in the write-up
All the paragraphs talked about the same thing, just in
4.25 different language 6
The last paragraph takes a clear side against the
reservation, try avoiding taking extreme sides and blamig
any particular stakeholder.
Writing needs improvement: Include opinion,
recommendations on how should the revise Reservation
policy be ? Talk about 10% reservation to the general caste,
Aditya Sharma Use facts based arguments.

Nice arguments, Liked the way you talked about both the
sides of the topic backed up with data points.
Conclusion about economic based reservations can be
8.05 detailed out by some examples like: the recent 10%
reservation introducted for general caste. Can also widen the
opinion by bringing on other kinds of reservation: Gender
Samarth Ladia based, etc.
Content Perspectives/ Hand-writing ,
(Relevance + Thoughts Clarity & Word
Data backing) /Opinions limit
35% 50% 5%

6 6 8

7 7 9

7 7 9

7 8 -

8 6 8
5 3 4

9 7 9

10 6 10

4 4 7

7 6 9
7 7 10

9 8 8

10 7 7

4 4 5

8 8 9

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