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2nd STEP

I came to believe that a power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.

Please read the introduction to this series, in Step One.

In this meditation, you’ll have the opportunity to address some of the issues you
may have with authority figures, spirituality, religion, and other related topics. In
order to be successful with this step, you’re asked to be open to the idea that a
power greater than yourself could help you, and to allow for the possibility that
there’s more to life than you might currently perceive. If you can say, “maybe there’s
something or someone out there who’s more powerful than myself, and I’m open to
experiencing that,” then you posses the attitude necessary to do the work of Step

Make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Take a slow deep breath, and let go
of any tension in your body, as you feel yourself sinking into the surface you’re resting
on, becoming still more comfortable and relaxed.

Take another slow, deep breath, and feel a sense of calm and peace begin to fill you,
as you relax further. And take another slow, deep breath, and let your thinking
begin wind down and smooth out, as you become still comfortable, and relaxed.

Imagine you’ve been sleeping a deep, sound sleep for many hours, and you’re just
beginning to stir awake. And the first thing you notice, is that you’re waking up on a
soft bed of pine needles, on the ground, surrounded by ancient fir trees. It’s just
before dawn, and the air is quite cool, the light is dim, and there’s a foggy mist in the
air. You can smell the scent of pine, and the damp coolness of the earth. It’s quiet,
and any sound is blanketed by the mist. Everything is a palette of soft greens,
browns, and grays.

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.
Standing up, you begin to walk along a path through the trees, and you can feel the
spongy ground beneath your feet. Perhaps you still feel a bit foggy from your sleep,
but soon you come to a little spring, cup your hands to get a drink, and splash some
of the cool, clear water on your face. Now you’re beginning to wake up a bit, and see
the trees and plants that surround you more clearly.

Walking along further, you come to the natural amphitheater you discovered not
long ago; a small stage formed by rocks surrounded by trees, with places to sit and
watch the stage, rest, and contemplate. Find a place to sit, and make yourself
comfortable. Nature has prepared this place just for you, so settle in, and feel the
peace and tranquility that seems to embrace you here.

Imagine a hologram is appearing before you on the stage, and as it becomes

clearer, you see it’s you, as a child, in a time when you were happy, and were
learning something new. Watch as a positive scene from your young life begins to
unfold, where you were engaged in learning, and someone was there to teach or
guide you whom you liked, respected, and perhaps admired. Maybe it was a parent
showing you how to play a game, or ride a bike, or a teacher helping you learn how
to read or write. Find the most positive memory you can, and watch it unfold. If
you’re unable to remember a positive learning experience, use your imagination to
make one up. Take a few moments for this now.

Now imagine that same scene, and this time tap into the feeling of wanting to learn,
of how it felt to listen and follow directions, and the good feeling of having someone
you could depend on to help you. Take a few minutes to experience this.

The hologram changes, and you now see yourself in a positive learning situation when
you were a bit older. Perhaps you were in a class in middle or high school, studying a
subject you enjoyed, or learning about a sport, art or music, or even how to drive a
car. And someone was there with you as a teacher, whom you liked and respected,
perhaps even admired. If you don’t remember a positive learning experience like
this, then imagine one. Take a few moments for this now.

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.
Now imagine that same scene, and this time tap into the feeling of being open to
someone’s help, wanting to learn, and feeling that you could rely on them to help
you. Take a few minutes to experience this.

As the hologram changes again, this time you see a positive learning experience as
an adult. Here, you’re learning either a skill you now use in your work, or something
to enrich or improve your adult life. Again, someone is there to help you whom you
like, appreciate and respect. Remember such a situation, or imagine one. Take a few
moments for this now.

Be in touch with the feeling of openness, of wanting to learn, and of gratitude

toward another person for helping you. Take a few minutes to experience this.

The positive feelings you’ve associated with receiving support, help, and instruction
from someone who knew more than you did, form the attitude you need to move
forward. So as you continue to sit in this amphitheater, get in touch with those
feelings right now, inside yourself, in the clearest and deepest way you can, and
allow them to grow stronger, and more real. As you do this, in place of the hologram
a doorway begins to materialize before you, on the amphitheater stage, surrounded
with light.

Get up from your seat, and approach the door, and as you come closer you’ll see it
opens onto a little stairway, with five steps leading up to a landing with another
door, from which a great deal more light seems to be pouring out. This stairway
represents an opportunity for you gain perspective, receive support, and release

As you step upon the first stair, feel the light surround you, as you begin to let go of
any notion that you know everything there is to know about yourself, and there’s
nothing more to learn. Feel that idea falling away from your body as if it were an old
skin, and open to possibility, as you become lighter.

As you step upon the second stair, feel more of the light surround you, as you begin
to let go of any notion that no one can help you. Feel it dropping away from your

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.
body like a heavy cloak, and open to possibility, as you become lighter.

As you step upon the third stair, feel more of the light surround you, and set aside of
any prejudice you may hold about God, religion, or spirituality. For now, simply be
willing to let it go, feel it melt away, and release.

As you step upon the forth stair, feel more of the light surround you, and let go of
any doubt, skepticism, or cynicism about any existence beyond the physical level.
Simply release, open, and feel a wave of possibility sweep over you.

As you step upon the fifth stair, feel more of the light surround you, and set aside the
obsessive, oppressive need to control your life. Embrace the possibility of letting go
and floating freely, and feel lighter.

As you come up to the landing, you’ll see a basket in front of the door at the top. This
basket represents an opportunity to make a symbolic offering of peace and humility
toward your own higher power. So, go into your heart, and find something within
you to leave in this basket. This might be as simple as a flower, or it might be
something that only you would know about that has particular meaning to you.
Perhaps it’s something you would really like to be free of. Leave whatever feels most
appropriate for you.

Step through the doorway, and feel embraced by light, love, and compassion.
Simply be open to receive, and do your best to let go, and allow. Whatever you’re
experiencing at this point, positive, negative, or in between, is just fine. Ask within
you, in deepest sincerity, that if a higher power does exist, to please help you
become restored to sanity. Take some time to relax, receive, and be at peace.

It’s almost time to bring this inner journey to a close. So gather together anything
you have learned, that you’d like to bring with you. Gradually bring your awareness
back into your body, and your physical surroundings. Take your time, and when
you’re ready, open your eyes, and feel awake, alert, and refreshed. Pick up your pen
and paper, and write about your experience now, while it’s still fresh in your mind.
Later on, revisit this meditation and learn more.

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.

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