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3rd STEP

I make a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of god, as I understand

Please read the introduction to this series, in Step One.

In this meditation, you’ll have the opportunity to examine the difference between
your will and God’s will, and begin to make a major shift in attitude. Turning your
will and your life over to God is something that you do not do once and for all, but
must happen many times, as your life unfolds and each new situation present itself.
Step Three, and this meditation, represent the beginning of what can become an
increasingly wholesome and fulfilling life.

Make yourself comfortable, and close your eyes. Take a slow deep breath, and let go
of any tension in your body, as you feel yourself sinking into the surface you’re
resting on, becoming still more comfortable and relaxed. Take another slow, deep
breath, and feel a sense of calm and peace begin to fill you, as you relax further. And
take another slow, deep breath, and let your thinking begin wind down and smooth
out, as you become still comfortable, and relaxed.

Imagine you’ve been sleeping a deep, sound sleep for many hours, and you’re just
beginning to stir awake. And the first thing you notice, is that you’re waking up on a
soft bed of pine needles, on the ground, surrounded by ancient fir trees. It’s just
before dawn, and the air is quite cool, the light is dim, and there’s a foggy mist in the
air. You can smell the scent of pine, and the damp coolness of the earth. It’s quiet,
and any sound is blanketed by the mist. Everything is a palette of soft greens,
browns, and grays.

Standing up, you begin to walk along a path through the trees, and you can feel the
spongy ground beneath your feet. Perhaps you still feel a bit foggy from your sleep,

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.
but soon you come to a little spring, cup your hands to get a drink, and splash some
of the cool, clear water on your face. Now you’re beginning to wake up a bit, and see
the trees and plants that surround you more clearly.

Walking along further, you find that the ground gradually becomes more sandy, and
the air more humid, and soon you can smell the sea, and hear the sound of seagulls,
and ocean waves breaking along a shoreline. Before long, you emerge from the forest
upon a deserted sandy beach.

There are some boulders nearby, and you easily find a comfortable spot to sit and
rest. You can feel the mist and the sea breeze on your face, and the warmth of the
sun, as you contemplate the beach, the sea, and the sky before you.

Watching a pair of seagulls arguing over a scrap of food, you begin to consider your
own desires, the stress in your life, and your need to control. Based upon fear,
insecurity, and a host of turbulent emotions, what has your own will brought to you?

Certainly there were many times you decided you wanted something, and found you
could get it if you tried hard enough. But often what you wanted was out of reach, or
ultimately proved unsatisfying. And in some cases your decisions had a negative
impact on those around you. Take in the ocean before you. Thousands of miles wide,
a vast, intelligent system, supporting countless forms of life, all interrelated and
interdependent. And yet this ocean is just one small part of a much greater system of
creation, reaching in all directions farther than the mind can comprehend.

You have a choice, to continue to live your life from your own will, from one desire
to the next; or to open up to a much greater influence, one that oversees all creation,
and knows how to help bring you true fulfillment. The opportunity is here, the
means are available, and you’ve already decided that what you’ve been doing so far
isn’t working.

Direct your focus toward your spiritual heart, in the center of your chest. Take a
deep breath, and begin to breathe in the word God, and breathe out the word Love.
Here, in your own heart is where you may find your own connection to all of

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.
creation, all of life; and where you may find God. Not a strange man in the sky, or an
angry force of nature, but a part of you, at your deepest level. God is all loving, all
knowing, all powerful. God is in your heart, and you are in God’s heart. In your own
heart you can begin to listen and know God’s will, and begin to follow it.

Continue to focus in your heart, and breathe in the word God, and breathe out the
word Love. Make a decision, now, to turn your will and your life over to the care of
God, in whatever way you understand God. If you wish, go down to the water’s edge,
where the sea meets the land. Listen, look, and feel within your heart, to decide
whether you’d like to get your feet wet, wade in gradually, or dive into the waves
with full abandon. Whatever choice you make is just fine, as long as it comes from
your heart. Take some time, relax, and be with God.

It’s almost time to bring this inner journey to a close. So gather together anything
you have learned, that you’d like to bring with you. Gradually bring your awareness
back into your body, and your physical surroundings. Take your time, and when
you’re ready, open your eyes, and feel awake, alert, and refreshed. Pick up your pen
and paper, and write about your experience now, while it’s still fresh in your mind.
Later on, revisit this meditation and learn more.

Copyright 2016, Max Highstein, all rights reserved.

It is illegal to duplicate and distribute this work in any form without the express permission of the author.

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