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It was the 1st quarter card day, I was walking around, loitering, waiting for my mom to take
my failing card. While I was waiting, I got a little bored so I decided to check on my brother
to pass time. I saw him talking with his friends in the corner. I noticed one of his friends
let’s call him Jacob for the meantime, acting all witty, walking with his head up high and
his hands on his hips, so I whispered to my brother in a joking manner “Gay ba siya?” My
brother being untrustworthy, told Jacob. He then looked at me with distressed eyes, his
mouth turning into a frown, his face saying he had no care for the world. As I was about
to tell him it was just a joke he suddenly ran away. To the school management, board of
judges, CLT facilitators, distinguished guests, fellow youth leaders, ladies and gentlemen
,good afternoon.

.People are like glass, fragile and see through. When you put too much force, it will break.
Although can be fixed, yes, but leaves a mark clearly showing the area where it broke.
The same goes for people, when we hear judgement and gossips about us we break.
Although can be fixed, yes, but leaves a scar in the heart, remembering every little detail
of the word used to break it. This is a mistake. A mistake that can even alter the most
positive and cheerful person in the world to be down and blue. This is a mistake we need
to fix. Humanity needs to fix. I made this mistake countless of times and let me tell you, I
regret it wholeheartedly ever since that day I told Jacob he was gay. I never expected him
to be so affected since we teens are in common of joking words like this and never get
affected a single bit because we know it is not true. As so I was shocked when he
unexpectedly ran away. He eventually forgave me after I gave him a nerf gun as a peace

That said, you should always be sensitive of others people’s feelings even though you
are so agitated and angry, even though you hate that person, even though that person
hates you and etc, remember to stay calm, breathe, and empathic. Understand, be aware
their feelings, put yourself in their shoes.

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