Digital Devices Igcse Ict

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Definition of Computer
A computer is a programmable electronic device that converts data into
Computer Terminology
The following are commonly used terms in ICT:
1) Data -These are the raw facts that are meaningless to the user and can not
be used to make decisions e.g. Numbers, alphabets and symbols
2) Processing- is the way data is manipulated to turn it into information.
3) Information – Is the finished product of data processing that is accurate and
summarized in a manner the user requires for decision making, planning and
4) Hardware – These are the physical components of the computer. e.g.
keyboards, mouse, printer and scanner.
5) Software - Is a set of programs that instruct a computer to perform a task and
how to perform the task.
Uses of a computer
A computer can be used to perform many tasks such as: retail, banking,
administration, manufacturing, education, entertainment, communication, number
crunching, simulations, modeling, stock control, logistics.
1) Communication – a computer can be used to communicate e.g. through e-
2) Education – it can be used by students to carry out their assignment tasks
3) Entertainment – it can be used to play games, watch movies, and listen to
4) In retail shops –
5) In Banks –
6) In administration or offices –
7) Manufacturing or industries –
Advantages of using Computers
1) They are fast - Computers are very fast in processing of data and accessing of
2) They are accurate - Computers are very accurate in processing of data. A
computer never makes errors but errors may occur due to wrong data that
fed to the computer.
3) They can store large amount of data - A computer is capable of storing large
amounts of data, and it can produce this data again and again on demand.
A human being can never do that.
4) They can work for long without getting tired - Computers can do millions of
calculations with the same speed and accuracy for a long time without
getting tired.
5) Automation - Once the instructions have been given, a computer can carry
on its job automatically till it is complete.
6) They are Versatile - A computer is capable of performing a large number of
different jobs depending on the instructions fed to it and the hardware
characteristics of the computer.
7) Complexity - A computer is able to perform very complex tasks such as
complex calculations that a human being cannot do.
8) Safety - A computer can be used to perform dangerous tasks or in
environments that can be harmful to human beings.
Disadvantages of using Computers
1) They are expensive - computers are very costly to buy and maintain.
2) Require electricity - computers require electricity to function thus cannot be
used where there is no electricity.
3) Require Training - they are complex to operate thus one requires training to
4) They may be health hazards - Use of the computer may lead to health
problems such eye strain, backaches e.t.c.
5) May lead to unemployment - use of computers may lead to some people
losing their jobs.
Digital Devices
Digital devices are physical equipment that contain a microprocessor or

Types of Digital Devices

Today, most devices that we use are digital including desktop computers, laptops,
smartphone, tablets and smartwatch, digital cameras, media players, e.t.c. In
contrast, there are numerous non-digital (analog) devices, such as a thermometer,
electric fan and bicycle. Common examples of digital devices include;
1) Personal Computers (Desktop and laptop Computers)
2) Mainframe Computers
3) Mobile phones (smart phones and specialist phones)
4) Tablets
5) Cameras and camcorders
6) Game Consoles
7) Home entertainments systems
8) Media Players
9) Navigation aids (Satnav)

1) Mainframe Computer

A mainframe computer is a large and powerful computer, often used by large

businesses or organizations, in government offices, or by universities. They are the
fastest and largest computers. They are used to perform very complex tasks and
handle large amounts of information.

Features of Mainframe computers are:

1) Powerful - they can process large amounts of data, very quickly

2) Large in size - they are often kept in special, air-conditioned rooms
3) Multi-user - they allow several users (sometimes hundreds) to use the computer at
the same time, connected via remote terminals (screens and keyboards).
4) They are multi-processor – they can have several CPUs thus can carry out many
processes at the same time.
5) Have huge amounts of storage capacity.
6) They have huge internal memory.

Advantages of Mainframe computers are:

1) They are able to perform very complex tasks that would require a lot of time if
done on a PC.
2) They are very fast in processing data

Disadvantages of Mainframe computers are:

1) They are very expensive to buy, operate and maintain.

2) They occupy a lot of space, often a whole room.
3) They need to be permanently placed in a large room so cannot be moved

2) Super Computers

These are very powerful computers with very fast processing speeds.
They contain several processors.
They can be used to perform very complex tasks.
Are used in major projects, such as the design of aircraft and the study of weather

Advantages of Super computers

They are very fast in processing data

Can perform very complex tasks.

Allows many users to use at the same time.

Can perform many tasks at the same time

Disadvantages of Super computers

i). They are very expensive

ii). They are not portable
3) Personal Computers

Personal computers are computers that can be owned and used by individuals.
There are two types of personal computers, Desktop and laptop computers.

Desktop computers

This is a type of personal computer that is made up of separate monitor, keyboard,

mouse and system unit.

Advantages of Desktop personal computers compared to laptops

i). Spare parts are standardized.

ii). They are relatively cheap.
iii). They are less prone to overheating due to large size


i). Is not portable.

ii). Occupies a lot of desk space because of the trailing wires.

Laptop computer

This is a type of a personal computer where the monitor, keyboard, pointing device
(touch pad or tracker ball) and system unit are all together in a single unit.

Advantages of laptops compared to Desktop Computers.

i). Is portable, it can easily be carried around.

ii). It uses a rechargeable battery, hence can work even where there is no
iii). There are no trailing wires.
iv). Can take full advantage of WI-FI (wireless fidelity).
v). Since they are portable they can be linked into multimedia system.
vi). Occupies less room space.

Disadvantages of laptops

i). Since they are portable they are easy to steal.

ii). They have limited battery life, so the user may need to carry a heavy adapter.
iii). Heat dissipation is more difficult due to the structure of laptop computer.
4) Embedded computers

They are also called microcontroller computers. They are small computers that are
installed into other electronic devices such as microwave ovens, fridges, washing
machines etc.

Advantages of Embedded Computers

1. They control tasks automatically so they don’t need human interference again
and again.
2. They are small in size which makes it easy to be installed in the devices.

Disadvantages of Embedded Computers

1. They are programmed to perform te task made for thus can’t be used for any
other task.
2. In case of any technical problems with the device even the microcontroller will
have to be replaced since most parts can’t be repaired.

5) Games consoles.

A game console is an interactive entertainment computer or modified computer

system that produces a video display signal which can be used with a television or
monitor to display a video game. The term "game consoles" is used to distinguish
them from a machine designed for consumers to buy and use solely for playing
video games from a personal computer, which has many other functions. They are
also others which are designed for businesses that people buy them and then
charge others to play

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