Online #4

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1. Why was the baptistery important?

- Where baptisms were performed, and an individual was welcomed into the Christian
community. Richly decorated places also because of their importance.

2. What is the purpose of the pulpit?

- Where the priest would stand to deliver sermons

3. The reliefs: what are the narratives?

- Historiated reliefs, showing narratives from the life of Christ and separated by columns

4. One of the virtues: fortitude: what allegorical figure is this?

- Representing the virtue of strength, of fortitude. The figure is Hercules.

5. What influenced Nicola?

- The classical sculpture by Polyclitus

6. Fortitude personifies what mythological figure?

- Hercules

7. How is this sculpture by Nicola advanced?

- Classical antiquity

8. Gothic sculpture: how is this sculpture different from Nicola? (3 POINTS)

- Carved earlier and further away. Different schools of sculpture. More stylized figured,
proportions are dictated by their structure, don’t seem to be standing or Interacting.
Nicola moves very strongly

9. Back to Nicola Pisano and the pulpit: Adoration of the Magi: summarize the description: (3

- Three kinds coming to visit the newborn Christ, moves away from Romanesque, fold of
drapery, and is definitely moving away from gothic sculpture.

10. How does an ancient sarcophagus get involved? (2 POINTS)

- It was incorporated into the Medieval walls and buildings of the city so there was a sense
of classical antiquity. It is now rediscovered, and it is important because it shows a
connection to the reliefs from earlier.
11. Giovanni Pisano – the son of Nicola: Pulpit created in 1301. The massacre of the innocent’s
panel: summarize lecture: (3 POINTS)

- The structure is essentially the same. There are colored marble columns with capitals,
allegorical figures on top of the capitals below reliefs that make up the low walls. One
difference is that the corners that separate the reliefs are no longer small columns, but
they are figures. The Massacre of the innocents shows when Herod orders that all newly
born male children in Bethlehem have to be executed.

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