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Leadership and Management

NCM 210


Submitted by:

Ibanez, Mel Bryle

Pudadera, Arsenio
Yusay, Argie
Benban, Xenia
Decipulo, Arlin
Dela Pena, Jasmine
Dy Guaso, Christine Joy
Loreno, Marvilyn
Roce, Cristine Joy
Salcedo, Cindy
Tipsay, Mige
Tubesa, Anne Marie

Group 3

Submitted to:

Mr. Paolo Hilado

Clinical Instructor
Setting: Oriflame Company (The leading cosmetic company in Asia and Europe)

Monday, start of hectic week for the employees, they are all busy arranging documents, closing
transactions with the dealers and making it sure that products had been delivered to
designated branches. Things should be organized and perfect before their manager will arrive.

Then at exactly 9 in the morning, Ms. Cindy Salcedo, their manager had arrived.
(Upon her arrival, the employees had been alerted. They all keep quiet, clear the hallway,
return to their desk and see to it that everybody is working)

Employees: Goodmorning ma’am.

Cindy: (nods) Goodmorning!

(Her secretary, Ms. Arlin Decipulo, gave her the coffee)

Arlin: Goodmorning ma’am! How’s your weekend? (smiles)

Cindy: Just fine. (Answers without looking at Arlin and scan her desk)

Cindy: (Sits in her chair) What is my schedule for today?

Arlin: Uhm, for a while ma’am.

Cindy: Make it fast! I’m paying you to work for me efficiently!

Arlin: (Grin then smile) Of course ma’am. Well, for today you have a meeting with Belo Group
of companies at 11 am then with Mr. David Reyes at 1pm, and then you have to meet our
chemists to check on new products and lastly, go to our ware house to check the products for
the exportation.

Cindy: Okay thanks. You may now leave.

Arlin: Ok ma’am.

Cindy: By the way Arlin, please call Mr. Yusay.

(Mr. Yusay entered the office)

Argee: Madam! What’s the problem? Why did you summon me here?

Cindy: Mr. Yusay pls act professionally when you are inside my office.

Argee: ‘ka KJ ah’.

Cindy: What did you say?

Argee: Nothing. So, tell me, what’s the problem?’

Cindy: I want you to prepare a proposal to the Reyes Group of Companies. I want them to
patronize our products and distribute it to the market.

Argee: If you said so. When will that be?

Cindy: The day after tomorrow. (Then smile)

Argee: What??|!!! But that’s too soon! Why did you tell me just now?

Cindy: It slipped my mind. (Then just shrugged) But just do what I tell you. I expect you proposal
on Wednesday.

Argee: But..

Cindy: No more buts. Just do it! Good day Mr. Yusay! Tell your team to have overtime. You’re
now dismissed.

(Mr. Yusay leaves the room without further questions)

(Argee meet with his team and conduct a brainstorming)

Argee: That ugly witch!!! I should have strangled her neck till she can’t breathe anymore!

Mige: She’s just an ugly mongrel with no heart!

Marv: She keeps on torturing us! If only it’s not hard to look for a job nowadays, I have resigned
a long time ago.

Argee: Well, that witch will have her own share someday! But for now, let’s get back to
business. Let’s show her what we can do and we can’t afford to fail or the witch will curse us
and make our lives more miserable. So, let’s start and finish this! Right guys?

All: Of course!

(Office of Ms. Cindy)

Cindy’s boyfriend, Bryle Ibanez, has arrived to visit her.

Bryle: Hi. Can I talk with Cindy now?
Arlin: Wait Sir, I’ll ask her first.

Bryle: Okay.

(Arlin entered the office)

Arlin: Ma’am you’re boyfriend is outside and he wants to see you.

Cindy: Gosh, why don’t you just let him in.

Arlin: You told me not to disturb you.

Cindy: Yeah right. And Arlin, this time you shouldn’t really disturb us. If you need something,
we’ll discuss that later.

Arlin: Your wish is my command, ma’am.

Bryle: (Stepped inside the office) Hello sweetie. I miss you.

Cindy: oh, I miss you too.

Cute: Did you know that the witch’s boyfriend is in her office now?

Anne: Really? That heartless woman! She’s having good time with her boyfriend now while
we’re here cracking our brain to have a good proposal.

Argee: We can’t even have a decent sleep because of the deadline. Gee, I don’t want to be
distracted. Let’s keep going.

(Suddenly, Cindy entered the staff room)

Cindy: Mr. Yusay may I hear your plans for the proposal.

Argee: We’re still doing some changes ma’am.

Cindy: That’s fine. Let me just hear the over view.

Argee: Well, okay. So this is what we are planning to do.

Cindy: Okay, I’ve heard enough. The idea was brilliant, you just have to polish it more. Prepare
for the proposal tomorrow. Don’t sleep tonight if you have to just to finish that today.

Argee: Yes ma’am.

Argee: That’s all thank you.

Jasmine: I’m impressed. So I think we’ll just gonna sign the paper and close the deal.

Argee: Thank you very much ma’am.

Cindy: Good job Mr. Yusay and the rest of the team!

(The employees of the company are having conversation regarding the closed deal. They are
congratulating Argee and the others)

Xenia: Congratulations Argee, I know you can make it.

Argee: Oh, that was a team effort. We wouldn’t make it if we haven’t worked hard.

Cristine: The witch must have been very happy.

Mige: Of course. If only you’ve seen her a while ago. It was like a devil smile.haha

Cristine: Wait, Arsenio, what’s wrong with you?

Arsenio: Why?

Marv: You’ve been so quiet from the start.

Arsenio: I’m just worrying about my wife. She’s in the ICU now and I don’t have any money.

Xenia: Why you didn’t tell us? We could have helped you.

Arsenio: I don’t want to disturb you guys. I know you are all busy for the proposal.

Marv: Wait, why don’t you use our health benefits? You could have some loan.

Arsenio: Right. I forgot about that. Wait, I think I need to talk with Ms. Cindy now.
Arsenio: Arlin, can I see Ms. Cindy? It’s very urgent.

Arlin: Yeah, just go inside.

Arsenio: Good afternoon ma’am.

Cindy: Yes Mr. Pudadera? What do you need?

Arsenio: I’m just wondering if I could use my health benefits and have a loan?

Cindy: Well, are you sick?

Arsenio: No but my wife is.

Cindy: Then sorry you can’t.

Arsenio: But why?

Cindy: It’s in the policies. It only covers the employees. Sorry but I’m only following what’s
written there.

Arsenio: How about my wife?

Cindy: I can’t do anything about it. Now, you may leave.

Cristine: What happened? Is she granting your request?

Arsenio: No! I really hate her. She said that the loan only covers the employees and she said she
can’t do anything about it!

Xenia: She’s so mean! We have to do something about it. I mean, she’s getting too much!

Anne: Right! We have to make some moves now.

Cute: Wait, I heard she’s not also paying for our over time fee.

Argee: What? Why?

Cute: Because she said that it’s part of our job to work hard.

Mige: But that’s not fair! I can’t take this anymore!

Cristine: What are we going to do now?

Argee: We’ll have a rally! Are you up to it guys?

All: Yes!

(The next day)

Arlin: Good morning ma’am!

Cindy: Where are the employees?

Arlin: I don’t know ma’am.

(Then suddenly the employees arrived rallying)

Cindy: Wait, we can all talk about this.

Mige: But you won’t listen to us. If we talk, are you going to hear our pleas?

Cindy: Yes. Just stop this and let’s all get inside the office.

Argee: Let’s give it a shot guys.

(Inside the staff room)

Cindy: Honestly, I was surprised of what you have just done. May I know why?

Xenia: Because we’re not happy anymore with you management.

Cute: You’re unfair.

Arsenio: And inconsiderate.

Cindy: Perhaps, I’ve been too harsh on all of you but I thought that was the best thing to do to
make you all work hard and be disciplined.

Mige: I know you only want the best for the company but we’re not robots ma’am. We’re
humans and we need to be treated humane.

Cindy: I know. I’m sorry. So what can I do to make it right?

Marv: You should pay us with our over time fees. We’re working too hard and I guess we all
deserved to be pay well.
Arsenio: And also the health benefits, it should not only be used when we get sick but it would
be better if we could also use it whenever one of our family member is sick. I mean you’re
getting that from our wages and it is only proper if we could use it during emergency.

Cindy: I understand all you concerns now. You have been good employees to me. You’re
working too hard for this company and you’re right, you all deserve to be treated well. So, this
is what I assure you, I’ll grant all you requests now…with that over time fees and health

Argee: Thank you ma’am for listening. That’s what we’re only asking for.

Cindy: Lesson learned. At least I know now my flaws. So I think we’re settled now, can you all go
back to your work?

All: of course ma’am.

Cindy: I’m glad. (smiles)


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